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PROSPECTUS FOR TH CONGSESSIOm 6LO3E AND APPENDIX. ihia sheet as a Specimen nu-nber ', i ;.,,; i in vi. Ci. ie to nppnze ihc public prrpnrnlKinsun uur pnrl to ÍF8U0 it Tor Seísi-iiT, and 10 inviie sul s-iip u . - cel ihii p oceedingi of ihe Senue Olüiani 26ili of ast February lor hi v ;, ■ tliey are on niportam sulyecte. n portion of the natter otand TJie t o Houses ha ving conuocted wiih .-.,!.. on sticli tnins as enables us u niake tMini.ietc Repnris. 10 mullip'y nnij rs n quicker eucCeisioJi ihan nnd wiihoul ncreosing iho price tu vv. uope lo moke a goud return for thé libi-rility ml liiah official sanction ihue be; lip M! ihe pubiicniion. We sliail increase ihe volume ai leasl onc ihird beynnA iheovdina . nul ! ndeavor lo add lo its usefulncss by extenlmgs ill lariher its l;irge circulalion. Thi.-. !ai ia nol i'ie lenst important pnint in ilif v;ew ol Congresa Fiiiiliil and durable report? oi ihe boíl) are of value in propor of il.eir ciiculatiufl amang ibe i i his way thai Congre i brpugbl l i ts reinóte constiiucnis - thni it ob lins easy ac rs? and hoMs eoininunicatlon wiili thein Ir.mi dny lo day. and rendtra the governnn nt eally repreaeniative. 11 ivin reeeived Irom all parties in Confiese theislrong. si marksofapprobation and confídenoi , iü thu liberal ineans. and permanent contract voled lo continue the work. weshell nol be found ng in the impartiulity and ndus'.ry neces saiy to the iluc liiiiiluient of the engneement on our piirt. 'I he nexl session will tcsk to the utmost the besi clTurts of th ose connectrd with the undertakiflg. It will be distinguished by disenssions of extraordinary inierest and resuhs of diiie coiieft 8. T'ie uar, its origin and conduet by o:Ti. ers in xUe cabinet and n the held, wil] furnUh subjecls of' proluund inquiry and considi ration. The lerms of peace, ihe dispcsilion to be made ol' con(]iiests, the eousequences [o I rlrawn trom all ihat has been done, as alluctin piiraed in th:s cüuiury, and especiilly üs bearin on the upproaeliing Presideniial eleeiion, wi open up nove1 and powerfullr operating discus ■iom, renJering the councilsa; Washington du ring liie nou yearas precr"'nt of good or evil this C'jntinciiias those of Rome were to the O World in the doys of her earlyenergy. Such .leid ibr (kliberation and action was never pre cente I tu nnjr previoua Cungress. All rfat ha iranspired or may hertaí'ter transpire beforJ th ■ tcbing sesíion ol Congress. i ■i Mexico, California, in the Capital ol' Mex ■lid ih Provinces still dependant on it, wi trie undtr tlie consideration of the next Con . lts debates will oontain the hiatory of il i . :.iul i's ;iction determine lts resulta, whethe :hey be Accidcd by arme or dlplomaey. Anc wjiatev'er is developed concerning :his vast ani inieresting; matter on ihe floor of Congress or in tne Cxecutive oiessagos, will be fuund recorded ia [Ut ('o.i.ukssiüisal Globe and Appendix. The Co.nghesio.val Ci.obe is made up uf the daily roceeding8 of tiie two Uousesof Congresi, and pfinted on Buperrine doublé royal pnper." wiih small type, (brevier and nohpaieil,) in quarto form, each number containing sixtcen royal qüart) pijes. The speeches of the members, in ■ bis fust f.rm, are condensed - ihe full report cf pared speeches being reserved for the Appknihx. All resolutions, motions, and other proceeHings, are given in the form of the Journals. witli the yeas and nays on every importan! questioti. Every member will have an opportnnity to re J hia remaik before they are put to presa,and alter our report if he shall tbink it incorrect. The Ai'PtjDix is made up of the Presidenl'ü tl Message, the Reports of the princip; 1 Offlcer3 of the Government that accompany it, and all Speeches of Members of Congress, written out or levistd by themselves. It is printed in the same form as the CoüGRE-BiotiAl Globe, nd ususlly nuikcs about the same nuntber ol i-inges duriiig a sts.-'ion. tigitie fi st montli or six weeks of a Bession, tliere is rarely more business done iban vviil niake iwo numbers a week - one of the Con-üsal Globk and one of the Appkmjix; ku during the remjindir of a sesaiorf, ihere „ usuully sufficient n nuer foi two or three numbers út' each every week. The next eersion wil! be unusually ntcresting ; therefore, we calcúlale thal the Cosgressioval Globe and Appi:.vmx toether wil! malte near SdOOlarge quarlo pages printed in smal! type - brevier and nonpareil. - We furnish complete indexes to boih at the end of a session. We will endeavor to print a suflícien: numbei of surplus copies to supply all may be miscarried, or lost in the mails; but subscribers should be very particular to file their paper? carefully, fear that we should not be able to supply all the lost numbers. We have a few surplus copies of the Coxgresmonat. Globk for the last session of Congress. which we will stil for the original subscription piice - $1 a copy. We have no surplus copies o! the Appendix lor that session. TER MS. For one copy of ihe Congressional Globe, $2.00 For one copy ot the Appendix, 2,0Ü For six copies of either, or pan oí both, 10,00 Proprie'ors of newspapers who copy ;his Prospectus before the first day of December, and eend us one copy of their paper containing it, marked around wiih a pen, to direct our attention to ii, shail have their names entered on our books for one copy of the Congressional Globe and Appen dix during the session. Our prices for these pipers are so low that we (amot ollard to credit them out; therfore, no person need consume time in wriling for them unless ihe money accompaniea the order. Subscriptions should be here by the 13th Oecember, at farthest, to ensure all the numbers. 1ÏLAIR & RIVES. Washington, October 4, 1847. )AA Kegs Albany and Troy Cui LlJJ NnilsSdto 6 ld. 20 Kes Wought Noil6dto 12d. 5') Boxea " BIlevemin " Giass from 7X9 to 10 X 14. 50 Kegs pure Lead in Oil. 500 Ibs. " ifry. 300 Gallons Linseed Oil 30,0110 Teel Pine Liimbi r. sensnned, olenr stuff. Togcthor with n ful! assortment of Locks. Latches. Butls. Screws. WinrJow Rlinil Faaten ings. &c. for snld at witnin n fraetion of Detroii prioeg. at i (i o BIG ANVIL STORE, UPPER TOWN. HF.NRY W. WELLS. Ai3 Vrtif, Mif.-h IS. 1.7. 30 NEW LEATH&E STOEE. j LA MIE & ELDRED, (Successors to Bldred. & Go.) N O. 8 4 WOODWASD AVENUE, Directie Opvosite tae Episcopal Clatirch, ARE hppy to inform i!ip lare customers of Eldred & Co. and the pibüc g# nar all, that they iiave now op hand, and are cunsian!y nianufayiuring, a superior inicie oí lieather5 AnJ are TA SfT a Findingsa AMONO THEIR ASSORTMENT MAV BE FOUND Spanish and Slnughter Solé LEATTIER, Deer, Goat nnd Lamb Binding, Hemlock and Oak Upper do. Morocco of all kinds, Harnessand Bridle do. Shoe Thread, Tacks, Sparables, Skii'ling and Russet Bridlo do. Shoe Knives, Pincers, Hammers, Be!t, Band and Welt do. Boot Coid and We'obing, Horse and Siring do. Awls and Brislles, Africsn and Slaughter KIP SKINS, Lasts, Boot Tres and Crimps, Oak and Hemloek CALF do. Lasting and Seal Skins, French Calf Skins, Bank, Shoro and SlraitS Oil, &c. &c. White, Russet and Colored Linings, All of whichtliey offer on very reasonable ternis. MERCHANTS&MANÜFACTÜRERS Will find it to their advanlage to caU anJ examine our stock befure purolinslng clsewhero. CASH PA1D FOR ISIUES AND SSSENS. DKTROIT, 1847. 3!7-!y NEW ARRIVAL ! WOULD respcctlnily inlörtn her old custora eis and tiie public at Inrire, ihnt slio bas reinrnefi !o Aun Arbor. al the oid stand, a litile above the depot, between Upper and J_,wer Town, where 6he fcus jusi rcccived from New York, a large assortment of Millincry and Fancy Bry Cïoods, Consisting in part of China Pearl Straw Bonnets, Tuscan, Velvct, Satin, and every oiher fasliion of Bonnet tliat the New York market eould afjbrd. We have on hand a larga assortment of all UinJs oí' MJLLÍNERY GÖODS. Wc will iupply tboge Miliinerswith Goods who wifh to buy, and we will sell as c'ieanas they can buy in town. We have SHka, Satina, Ribbons. Plumes, Flowers, Capes, Colars, Sillo niode for Mourniog Boonets, Borders, [ead-Dresses, Shoes, Gloves, Mitts, Lace Caps, Muslin de Laines, and other articles too nunieroua to mention We would say to the ladie?, married or single, f they wish to learn the art of CUTTING LADIES' DRESSES BY RULE, we are ready tq loarn iu from three to six hours o cut to a linir'ü dreadtd, or no pay. Theore'n nd instriKlions given for THREK DOLLAhS .MUS. C. BÜFFÍNGTíJrN. Ann Arbor, Oct. 12, 1847, 338ll STRAYED, jBfjWgatjg A BOUT the lOth of August, a HHf XjL'Jeep red cow inclined to brinKÊPHf i!e all over, but most so on the fegtfuaw head . Any person giving ;my hum mi ui. ui astothe where abouts of llie above oiv sball bc amjily retiiunerau'dby thes.ibscriber. 335-3w W. LAMBERT. WILLIAM A. RAYM0ND. OF THE OLD MANHATTAN STORE, CORNER OP JEFF'N AVE. AND BATES ST. DETROIT, HAS jast received a large and complete assortment of DRY GOODS Broadcloths, Sheetings, Caisimeres, Drillings, Satinets, Tickings, Full Clolhs, Bnggings, Tweed's Clolhs, Flannels, Kentucky Jeans, Linseys, nd other articles in the line cl' Heavy Goods, oo numerous (o mention. 'lain & Fancy d'Laines, Prints, Jashmeres, Ginghams, 'loin & Fancy Alpacas, Lyoneso Cloths, Oregon Plaids, Orleans Cloths, ndeed h's asaortment of Dress Goods comprises 11 the variety whicli business demanda. SHAWLS. yt every variety. from splendid Brochas and Cashmeres to heavy, comiürtable blank I Shawls. LIVE GEESE FEATHERS, !y the pound or hundred weight. Paper Hangings, f all qttalities nnd pricea. PAPER WINDOVV CURTAINS, Of the newcst patterns, at wholesr.le or retall. With a stock aa wellcalcnlatod Por the country s the city trade. it is confiJently expected that ie reputation of i.he "OU Manhattan" for good Gonds at cheap rntes will be fully sus-ained. As to that four and sixpknny TEA, th:it we inve sold so mnny years, it 9 har.lly necessary o sny a word ; but if tina should meet the eye of ny one who has not tried it, he shouM by all e;ins make the experiment, and seo how great snvinj inay be made by patror.izing the Manattan Store. Dc.roit. Sept. 52, 18-17. 317-Gm READYMADECIOTHÍNG WíWwtílt o?; Metsu, HPHE subscribirá have now on hant j _EL iie beet assortment of IScady WBadc CloíSaisig, ever o fíe red in this Sute. Tlioy bave roc:eiver and marfüfaetured a (árge addttidn tb ilieir Siocl wiihin iho pest six weels. and are íully prepare! vviih seaaonalila ;md íashionable gooJa for ilie fatl triido. Their aasdrhnent comprises every dt- scripnon of anrmcnt l'rom Uro OVER COA TS, C LO AKS, DRESS SUITS, S-c. Sfc. to ihe more substancial and economital garmrnt for the farmer and Laboring man. -ALSOA Iarg-! nssorlment of Furnishing Gocds, . BDCH AS Fine & Coarsc Shirts, Under-Garwcnls, Ilcsiery, Coltars, liocoms, Stocks, Suspenderá, &c. &c. Harjna Hie.nly ncrtascd their (acilitiea L r manuliiciuring. they are better preparod ihan beretofure fi r rtie WHOLESALE TRADE. Purclinsüig at wii los:i!e are nvited to examine their Stock, Their garmenti are v( good tnatena!s, well (nade, o f BÍlesbfe sizea and siylea, and will l.o ofljied at low ratea. Thnnklui lor past favors, thev soliiii n conlinuance of public patronage. " IIAIJ.OCX & RAYMOND, 318-tf Cor. Jeff'n & Vtíoo Avenues. rfflOOLS. - Carpenter'?, Coopci's and JB. Juiner's Tools for snle by :j íi. H. W ti. NOYF.S Jr. FiRE ! JFiRËÏT" fX'HE subscriber continaas to act as -I Agent fot the Hartford P'tre Insurance Company, of Hartfótd, Cónneeiicüt. ThisCominny has bcen in busine?3 for tho la.",t THIRTY SiX YEARS, oiul prompily paid ail losses durins; tliat timo, amoiinting to many Milliuns of Dollar?. Applier.tions by innil, (post paid) or to the eubsoriber ni :he Post Office, prompily itlende(1 to. F. J. B. CRANK, Agent. Ann Arbor, Inly ;ïO, 1847. :;:l-ly NEW TIN SHOP. TllKsubscribcr has conimenc-edthe monufacturo of Tiu, Síiect ZroH ano Ciopper, In all its vano'js branches, in cunnecuun evith the "Anvil Store," aad is preared lo lurnish Country Merchants and Farmers with every thing in tbatline. JOB WORK AND REPAIRING Mcatly and expediiiously done. HÈNRY W. WELLES. Upper Tflivn, ) Ann Albor, Ist June, '47. 2f2.1y Cali and Settlc ! rjnHIS irj tonotify all persons indebted JL to the late firma of Hanis, P.irtridsa & Co., and ÍI. 1!. Harru&Co., that their nolis are left in tho handso! Jamea 1. Gott, Bkq., Jusliceo! the Teaco. for cullection. As these firms are dissolveJ. it is absolulely nrcesatrv rhai their outstanding matters should be seiiled as soon aa practicable. II. C. HARRIS. Ann Arbor, July 12ih, 1S47. 335 3m "farFéM" ATTS37TIONTS)f DOZ. Blood's Oradlo Scvthes, miJ W -i Wadsworth's ' '" Sü " Blooil's Grasa " 15 Jvnk's " " lü1) Burnett's, Rogers' dtCunú' Cradles. I "O Lamson's Grasa Scythes, 10 doz. Tower's Hoee, 1001) Ida. Coil Chain from 3-IG to 5 8 in. 40 Loe Chaina, Hay Knives, [Jitsh Hooke. Hay, íiarlcy. and Manura Forka, ind all odier Farmin Utensils, just receivodand tor sale at Detroit prices at tlie Anvil Store, Upper Town. HENRY W. WELLES. July lst, 1817. 325 NEW COOKINO STOVE, AND STOVKS OP ALL KINDS!!!!!! T!IE Subscribí :r would ca!l the aüeiuion cf tilt; public W WOOr.SÓs's NEW II 'T MR COOKTNG 9T0VK, whiuli thsy can h'fi !. ntly récorhtfiend üs being decidtdly superior lOahy oèokfinjt ít ni usu. FT rppliciiy in operntUiOi ccunoiny 111 fuei.nrul lor lirfcquniled bakirig and routing qualhiea it ia unrivnled. The new iuid rmporlant m. provement uiroduced in its eunst.Hction being siich 8to iiK-iurr' greot advflntagea over alluilur i;in]á ol cp iking stu} es. Pfaose deeirous ol gètrlng a good cooking stovc i,,r , ly uge, nr a publw l)oue, wo#ld da well by calling iinH exnmininz the ubove stovc Uefore piirciiasni!' efsewhtre. B. B. & W.H. NOVIOS, Jr324 7(! Woodward Avunuo B Sar d war e TUE subsciibois have jiisl rece(vd a Inrce addition (O ihcir Btock of' l'oreign and Dniicstic Sheif Hardware, whicli makes iheir asloriment very complet. 1!. B. & W. R. NOYES JrJuly lOih, 1847. 4 NAILS.- 150 kegs Eastern Nails for fur sale by :)■ l 'n. B. & VV. 11 NOYES Jr. E. G. BURGER, Dentist, FIRST ROOM OVER C. 31. & T. W. ROOT's STORE, JRANI & JEWKTt's BLOCK, 261-tf ANN ARBOR. GESSS PBATHSaS ! PAPER HANGINGSj FIRST RATE YOUNG HYSON TEA AT ONLY FOUR AND SIXPENCK PER 'OUN'D! By the way no one buys ihls tea once hut buys qain. and Iecoinc3 a cus'omer. None belier ior lic price can he had in Detroit. W1LL0W W AG GONS, TravemngBaskets, and IBISO (8AI8S ib well as lots uf'otlier goods besides Dry Gnods may lie had very cheap nt the ; Old Mnhati'.n Store,' Dutiuit. 17 W. A.RAYMOND. . N.lï e". :á ii;s3 O f jlaD,l,,g I- BEaynards ARE IN TOWjYGAIN? HA.VING reiriove.l lo ihrir new slore. where ihey are receiving anexiRnsiveassorinieni of Drugs, Medicines, Pains, Oils and Groceries, With a srnnll. wcil-se!ccied assortment of BKlf CiOODtd, All of whicli ihev ofler lo Hieir old fiiends and new customers at utuisual low prices. Anyhing solcl at theiriore is warronled lo bü ol trst quality. Tliey intend hercafipr to kccpaluost cvery ariiclc wauied ior family uso. Ann Arbor, June 30, 1S-17. 323-tf riASIJMARETT AND TVVKDS. A L beautiful article for Gentlemen's stvrnmer ear. just received and Will bo r.ianurnctured in lie latest siyle and best possible manner, at the 1 Weolern Cloihing Emporiurn," IIALLOCK & RAYMOND. 318 tf D'-'.TROIT. Cor. JcfF. and Woot'ward nvenae. Stccü CulriraTOi TcctJï. TUK subscriber is ngent for the Palent Steel Cultivator Teeth. and hasjust ïeceivtd o re(hupplv, wl.icli ho wi II sell at tlio manufacurer's price. Tliia nriicle is coming inlo gene;il uso wherevor imrodnced, nnd lias received ie Bpprobation of the firai ogrieullurivta in the United Slates. Anvil S'ore. Upper T.iwn. HKNRY W. WiCLLKS. Am Arbor, 221 May, '47. ï93. 1 NOTICE. rglHE FIRM heretofoi-o exisiing un-- der the name of J. Gibson & Co. is this ay. by mutual, consent diesolved. nnd all perns indebted to the lato firm of J. Gibson & Co. re requestcd to c.-il! anil senle the same with J. Gibson, who is düly aiilliDtizaJ lo settle all com Kiny debts. belbro ih Isi day of November next, r they wül 6nd their accounte leíi wiih a Jus ce for collcction. The business hereafter wjll ecunducted by Gibson. JAMES GIBSON, E. BOTTSFORD. Ann Arbor, Sept. 4tli, 1847. :a3-3m THE FARMER-S COOK STOVE! Someïlüng KfewTIIE subscriber would respectfully cnl -L the atien'.ion of ihose about poxchning ook atoves to au enlirely new patten] - a supplv I whieh he is now receiving. They are AIR TIGHT, nd have a Summer Arrangement, by whioli lost of the ;ulinary operaiions can be perfurined with the srnallest amoum of fuel, and without tfte ecemtv of heating the room. The 'uiniiiiie jerfeet and complete, coiuprising netirly every iitehen utcnsil. The palent was procured the ast winier. and nlrendy it hns become the most opular stove in the Eostern States. A full assoriment of the Pieinimn Cook, Box. nd Air Tight Stoves, kept on sale. Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron VOKK, in allits branches, done to order, and upplies of ware constanily on hand. HENRY W. WELLS. Anvil Store. Upper Town, 'J4th July, '47. ( 326 WiW. S. BKOWN, Attorney fy Counselor at Late, ANN ARBOR, MICIl. OFFICE wilh Mi'kdv, Es(. 297-1 y THRESHÍNG MACHINES, CLOVER IMACmnES AND SEP ABATO J?S. THE subseiihcr would inform ibe pllWic iha he conuimc.-Mo manulacture tiie itbove mn chines i.t the old sla.,d ol Kimpp c, fiavdaiid. a liiiï Lovver yillugeo' Aiin A r b . . near ih,a Pa -■ Mili. '1 he Machines iro of nppHövtfd model have been thoroughly e:ed n ibia viciniiy an vvnrUed well. They are made ol' the hesl niaierials and by cxperienced Workrnon. 'icy wil be kept eonatantly on h.iml, find also be inada [i order ut ilic símiles: no irc. Tbey will be solí on vny rensonoMe icrms fop Cadh, or for note known 10 be absoltitcly guod, The abovu Machines con be uaed by four. six or ei;Jit horse?. ond ire uut liffble to be ensil hroken or damaged. 'Fhey ore well mlaptcd fo tl, e use of élilier Farmers or Jobbers. The Sep aratora can be atiached to nny gaartid or itrappec machine of any oihcr kind. The auhacr&e woold rcter 10 the lollovvni p ergon wbó havt purcliasi d and otad his Machine : JMiehnel Thompaon, Salem, AlexMiuIiT Dbone, " James I n i ker, " Alvn Pratt, PitlifWd, M. Ai Crnvntli. " Chirles lexander, " Wni. Polls. Mil.'ord, Hinkley fc Vinton, 'I'iififord. Martin Doly. Vpsilanii, M. P. A . D. Hadk-jr, Ssfine, Win. Sinitli, Cantón. Isaac líurlians, Northfield. ■ Hafticn'nr atféntion wil! be paid lo íkiairí. C'nsli will be potd !"r Old CastiBgs. PersnKi desiroua of purchaaing mnchjiKa ore rcqueSted to cali and examine these before pnrehns'ng elsewhere, T. A. HWTLA.ND. Mnv 17, IS47. 3l7tf EPISTLK"KÖ7"S7" THE SÜBSCRIBEK SEXDETH GREETING. PERftY'S I3ÖÖK STORE, Opcnocl iinew at No. 2 flawkins Block, 'next door lo Hilt, Whiie & Oo.'s Siure Aun Ai boj", Michigan. Let lilis be a suflicient noiice to all persons usinjr B')oks, Paper. Blank BooUs, School lïooks. SU tes, Quilla! Steel Pens. Penciis nnd sTATfONKKY, of nny kind, tliat at Perry's Bookstore is the placa tu buy. 1500 PIECES PAPER HANGINGS, Dürderiiig. Pire Boards, and Sand i';iper, wliich will be sold eheip f't eath, Standard and Miscellaneoua liou!i,suitable lor Distiict, Town ship and Family LZB&ARX2S. School Inspeel ora anti oiheis iniereaied, are requestèd lo cali ond examine his assortpnent. - Also, Union Saöbaih Sc1! ooi hooks. a láfge variety. and supeiior lo tle $10 Librniy boili in binding and maner. Also, lïibles, Testaments, Fiayer hiol;s and ifymn bookp. 70TJTHS' BOOSS, Moral, l.eliious. insirnciive and ftiBttWos.aoch as may safelv be put inio the hands of the young. GOLD PENS, wiib Gold ond Silver cases, n superior article. The subscriber has rn:i(!e arrangement! in New York which will etiüble him at all linies lo obtoin ony (hing in his line direct from New York at short noiice, bj EXPRESS. It will be scen thathisfacilities, or accomodating his cubiomers wiili arlicles not on hand is bevond precedent, and he is ready ond willing to do every thing rensonnb!e to nnke his estjblu.hnient such au one as au enlightened and discerning communiiy re 'ïui i e. and he hopes t- nuM'it a sh'ire ot'pntronage. Persons wisliina; any artiola in h 8 line will do well to oall before ptMchasing elsewhere. lf you forpei the [jiice, enrjuire for PLRÏIY'8 BOOK STORE, nr. Albor. Upper Village. It is desirable lliat it should be understood tba: persons in the Country, pending cH orders, niay c'epend iipun leceivin books or stalionery on as i'avorable tenns as thuugli present to malie the purchase. W. R. PERRY. June 2(5. 1817. 323 tf. Clicap Jewelry Store 157 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT. Wholesale and Z&etail. THE sufascriber has just relurned from New Yotk whh a large assortment ol Gold ond Silvcr Watche8, jenelry, tools, mate rtals. toyy, niu&ical instnuiients and faney íood. which he will sell at whol'sa'e or retail as ow as any establishment west uf New York. Country Watch Makers and others wanting any of liie above Gouds will find it to their intere.-t to cali,, as they wil! find the bett assortmetit in the city, and nt the loweat pricea. GOLD PEIÏS, with silver holdcr and penci! $2 00. Price Rédoiod. Gold Pens. Watthes and Jewelry RF.P Al RED 11. 8. MARSH. 157, Jefferson Avemtp. Detroit, } isisn of the Gold Pen. ( 324 C CLARK, Attorney and Counsellor, and.Jua:ice ft he l'eaci'. Couit se Anti rbóí Ü 'H)tf FURNÍTÜRE & ÜPHOLSTER1NG WAREJ100MS. STEVEIÏS & Zl'G, ÍN tbo lower end ol' the White lilock. directly oppnsite the Michigan Kmii n;i-;. have on land a large nssiirtnient ef PURNITlRE, of heirown inaiiti acune, which they will sell very ow for Cash They also keep esperienced Upholsterers, and are prepared lo do all kinds of Upiiolstering at he shoi trst notiee. Fnrtiituie of all kinds madfi to order of the est material, and warranted. STRVENS & ZVG. Detroit, January, ], 18-J7. 2i)7-ly FOR SALE CHEAP for CASH, or every kind ofcoun try Ptoduce, Saddles, BridIes,Harness, Trtinks, V alises, Trunk Valhes, Carpel Bags, c. Also a aooü assortment of VVnips ite Lashes. which will be sold verv low, and no miatake, at COOK & ROBINSON'S. Ann Arbor. Aufjnst 12. 1846. 277-tf New tstblishinent. clocks, WATCHES, AND THE subscriber would rcspectiully announce "i the cillzens of Dexter and vicinity that ie has opened a shop in the above place, in the corner siore, formerly known as ' Sheperd'a"; where be is prepared lo do ali. kihdi oi' repairdg Ui the line ol' clocks, watchea, jeweliy &c, m the shortest notiee. Having hadnbouttwelve ears experience in some of the best Eastern shops, he flatters himself that he can give entire mtifactton to all those who may favor him with lieir wolk. He has and isconstantly receivtng, clocks, watcbes. ond jewelry ot all descriptijns, which he will sell as cheap Ba the cheapest. W. W. DEXTER. ALSO GROCERIES of all kinds: such ns, Teas, Sugars, Molasses, lai?ins, Coflie, l'oppers, Spice, Fish, Candics. Tobacco, Cigars ifcc. &c. And in fact kvkryruiNG usnally keptin such an ' tiou ExciPTap) oon8tantly on hand and for sale jheap. I W. W. DE.VTER Co. t Dexter, March C, 1847 312 tf THUESHJÑG Machines, Tillh uiulersiyncd would infurtí) (he public that he manulactures ti o rae Powers a;d l'Breehing Mchlne at Sclo, of a superior kinJ 1 11 vi med by himoelf. Tlies.i Powers and Mnchines ore particular!) idapted lo ihe uso of )'iriners ho wisli id u tliein lor ihresbing iluir ..wn griMn. 'J'hc powar, thresW nnd fixtnree p.-.n ;iil b loailtd mío n jommon s;zeil wa:on be and drawn wiih on ,airol horses. 'J'liey are designad lo be Wdd iih four horses, and aro abundantl strong foi hai rtumber, ond rnay he snfely n#ed nilh tix Oí eighl norse. vhh proper eire. Tfity ork wiil, lesssirengili l hurtes according lo ilir anioint of business done iban any other power, and will ihresli ïenernlly ahout VdO bushels oheal peí day wiih (aui horses. Jn ot,c in?iance ]5íIjiisIipIs wheat were thrc-shed in three hourf with lour horses. Tliis I'ower nnd Machine contirin ull iheadvaniages neceís.iry lo ninke ihem prolilable to dio piircli iscr. They ore strong nnd durable. Thy are eastly moved ('rom bne plnee to anolhcr. Tha work of' Ihe jorses s easy on (lust nowers in eorupirisM to oidcrs. and ihe price i I LÜWKIÍ nny other powor and machine. have írer been sold in ihe Siaie. accordíng to ih( real valué. Tire tenns of pnymnnt will be liberal for noies that ur known lo be absolutely ond. I ha-ve a number of Powers nnd Machlnes now rentjy for sile and persons vfishing to buj :re invited to cali soon. SKPARATOR3. T aun prf.pared to inïke Separa'ors for Ihose who may want ihoni, The utility and sdvaniagea of Ihia Power and Machine wül aipenr cvidi nt to all 00 examiuint 'he rcconjmendations helow. Afl per?ons are cautioped against makint' ihese Powers nnd Machine; ihe undersigntr íaving adopted the necegsary nieaeures for secu ring leners patent for ihe same wiihin the tinif ■equired by law. S. W. FOSTKR. Scio, Wastitonaw Co., Mich.. June 18, 134C KEC0M.MENDAT10N8. Durinc 'he yenr lí'45, eachof ;he undersignei' lurchased and used eilher individually or jointlj vith others, one of S. VV. Fosier's DBwly in vented Hoise LJuers ond thresliing njachinei. nd helieve they are betler adnpted to ihe use o' 'arniers who want Power and Machines foi lieir own use than any other power and ifarethr withiii our knowledgo. They are calcnlmeci o be used wilh four horses and are ol ampli trengih (or tiiat number. They appear to h( onsiructed in such a niamxr as. to ren der tben ory durable wilh liltle liabiliiy of getling out ol : rder. They are ejsily moved from one plací o anoiher. They crin be worked wiib any num j erof hands from four to tight, and will ihresl boi't 200 bushels whaai per day. J. A. POIJIEMUS, Scio, Washt3naw co. ' G. BI.OOD. " " T. RICHAP.DSON, " SAMUEL H.EALY, " " 3. P. FOSTER, " " N. A. PIIKLPS, ' " ADAM SMITII, " 'i J. M. BOWF.X. :ma? WH. VVALKF.R, Webxier, " THOS VV.ARREN, " .. i D. SMALLEY, J.odi. " I threslied last fall and winter w.'tl, one of P V. Foslor's borae powers. mora than filteei bousnnd bushels grain. The rcpnirs hrstowei' pon the power amounted to only 3 cents, it t was in oood order when I had done threshing I invariably used six horses. AARON YOUNGLOVE. rrlarion, June G, J S 10. I puTchfiaed one of S. W. Foster's hors , lowers last fall and have used it for jobbing. 1 lave used many difieren! kinds of puwert an elieve itiij ís ihe best running power I hav D. S. BKN.NET. Hamburg. Jone, 18 IC. We purcliased one of S. W. Foster's ííorfe Powers last rtill, and have used tand [hink it if hrst rate Power. JKSSF HAI.L. tfANIELS. HALL, REUBKN S. HAí,L. I Hamburg. June. 1840. 269 l TEETH! TEE TH'! TEETH.W MASTICATION and Articularon. warranied by iheir being properly re placed. S. D. BURWPTT, . vill continue ilip pnietice of DENTISTHY ir, 11 is varioui branches, viz : Scnlmg. Filling. lid Insertiiüjnn gn)l platea or ptvom. front orii o an ennie sett. Old plaUftor inisñts renioded. nnd made equnl to ni _ OFFICE over C. R. Thr.inps.on A Co.'s Phot Store. JLüih"s who request it, can bc waitcd on t tlieir dwelüngs. N. B Charge uniisually low, and all kindsfPflODUCK taken. Ann Aibnr. Dec. 5. 13!6. 293- tl COi!IS'rÖCK&SÏ2YÏtlOUK, Dealers in Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Boots AND SHOES, HARDWARE, Crockcry V Groccries, ai Ao. 3, Porteas Block, Souli side of the Public Square, 308 JACKSON, M1CII. Keturned . TAILOmNO, ■;:- --'■'- . .■■::■:' THI'. SmIisi1; lier is desirou of inforn'in I i old ciistonieva and the public jenerully, Ibat ie bas located !iin.elf on Carner'a Corner, N'ortlisideuf the squere, v, liere all kinds of T A I L 0 R I N G in the present f a s h i o n an be done n a respectable and prompt maner. P. S. CUTTJNG done on the shortest noee and warranted to fit if properly made up. W. W1L.KIN8ON. Ann Arbor, May 20, 1847. 317 ISoid Pens9 PRICE REDUCED. IT ia admittcd bv all who tise ih(m. tbat Piquettf'6 Gold Pens are cqnal if not superior o any everoffered n this market, prite $.2,50 .■ ■"or sa!e wholesale. and at the mn nu motoy, Corner oi Jefferson Avenue & Griswold St., Detroit. 3H-lyr Also for sale hy C. BLISP, Ann Arbor. NEW GOODS. BY EXPRESS FROM KEW YORK. Spring1 Fasliions. TUK subscriber has just received a fresh aspornnent of Spring and Suinmer Goods nd ollers tlicni for sale cheap, such as Broadclolhs of all descriplion ; Salinels and Cassimeres, and èvety thing in ïePANTALOON nnd VESTING line, and very article usunlly found in a Merchant TAILOR'S ESTABLISHMENT. He is now prepared to make nnd fit 11 lünds of gentlemen's gnrments, nnd would inder his thanks to lus old customers and the ublic generally, and solicitstheir favors. ff?" (l ARMENT S cut to order at ill times. WM. WA G-N ER, )R.irirt and Tii.or, lluron Sireut, South of he PUBLIC SQUARE. Ann Arbor, April 28, I84T 3.V Jlnn irbor THI". öubscriber hoving plircliaaeü mu imeresis of J, M. Rockwell n tlie Markle Business, would nforni le inhali'nnts cf thi anj adjoining counties. thnt he will continue the husme. s al the old siand, in ttic Upper Town, near I ie Piesbyterian Cliuruh. ard manufacture toot dpi' : Monurnents, Grive Simes Painl 8tone, Tabets, %c. Sfc. Those wisliing 10 obtain nny DItiol in hisline of business will lind liy calling thnt he has an aesortment of White and Varirg.-.ted Mnrble from the Eaatetn Marhle Qtaric, whteli will be wrouht in Modern style. a:id sol 1 at eastern pricee, d.ling trünsporlntinn only. Cali and get eihproof. W. F. SPAULDING. Ann Arbor. Jan. 30. 1817. Ij THE SÜBSCRIBER hasreceived his winttr siuck. which he ofl'ers lor Cash, it eresily reducad p:ic. 'l'he l'ublic are invited to cali, examine, and ttdge lor ihemaslvea. iow on hand. and daily idiiny. S0FA8 ot every vaiieiy and pattern, irjfd the lareu fatbion, prier-s Irotn 3(1 ond up- wards. DIVANS, O TTOMAXS. LOÜNGKÖ, BÜRÈAlS, of aU Uinds, (rom $1 and up. Centre. Card, Tea, less, I'ier, Dining, and Nest 'i'ablcs. VVash. Cindle, and Toilet Standa. Bedsieads - Malioginy, Mnple, and Wilnut, 'rom $2 nnd np. Piano Fortes ; Piano Covers ; Piano Sioois. Doublé and singk Murcsses ol hair, shuck, [lalm leaf, or straw. Doublé and single Col Bedsrrads. do do Writin-g iísks. CM ÏRS. - The hst asoiini( ni thet can b 'bund west of .ew Vork and tiiu cheapest ia tnis i-iry. W injsir Clia.-rs, a goodaniclc, at $2 50 the sett. Mahognny Frencli ("haire, hairseat. a first rate inicie, and well linislied for $■'! S0, Cash only. MnhogttAy Rokfng Chairs. hair .eat nnd bad:, warrnnted goed, at tlie low price of $12, lor ihecash oniv. Flag nnd Cane Seat from Cs. and p. Btrd Cages, ploin ond gallery : 3ird GUssea, Hobby HorveS. and T oy Wheelbarrows. for chil'Iren ; Puient Show ei and Hip H;iths ; I?olor Baih Pans, Camp Stool. Umbrflla and Hat Stands. Fancj lelluwg. Ftiot Scrnpers, Can? ient C'onnrer uud !]":' Siu-tlt-. (,'urtnin maleria!, Table covers. Patent Post -Office Balance, ricntre Fr.itnes. Willow Wasons, Crndles. Chairs, Ciocks. and Bas-kets ; Brittannia Table Castors, very cheap. J W. TILLMAN, Noj P7. JeÚ':: onAvpnue. Detroit, January 1. Ir 7. 2'.)7-1y STEEL GO Q DS! }3 u t s t 3 í I [i s and C r t m nt f n fl SPLENDID FANS, and any qiiamiiy of oth.T L od of ih:s sort at ihe OLü MAXH ATI .V STORE. 317 Drlnit. 5T0NS "Sr.des" IRON, Kl ' ■Juniatn" do. ;! " "Pero" lío. Together wiih a fiíll and complete assortment of [ron, Steel, Carnaje Trimming, BlaclUmnh'a and Wsggoll Maker's Tools, jusi teceivedat th Anvil íiioie, Uppor 'J'own. HK.NRY W. WELLES. July 147. 3i5 W BT5& 3 W & & L CLOTH, CLOTHl ! THE undersigned would inform the public that tliey will continue to manufacture Fulled Cloili, C.issnnieie anJ Flnnnel, al their Factory, two nnd a hulf m:ca west from Ann Arbor, on Hurón River near the Kailroad. T ERM S i The price of making cioili wil! be for Cas- mere. 44 ets. per yard ; i'or Fulled dolk, "7i cts. ner yard ; for white Flannel. '20 cis. per yard. - We will also exchange erolh for wJol on reasonnble terms. Wool sent by railrjad accompnnied wiih instructions will be p.orpily alieniled to. Wc liave done an extensie business in inanufactiirin cloili for custo-'iers for sevcral years, and believe we give a good patisíiielion os any Establishment in the State. We tlierefore invite our oíd cuMumcrs to touúnue, and new ones lo come. Letters should be addressed to S. W. Fostib & Co., Seio. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, April, 1847. 313-tf. Hat, Cap9 A N C GENTLEMEN ' S FURNISHING EMPORIÜM. T. H. ARMSTRONG, H AVINO taken the Staud No 5-, WoodardAvenue. 3 doors north of Doty'i Auction Room, recently oceupied by J. G. Crane. as a Hat Siore ; and added the stock of the latter to hi3 own, and also engaged in manufacturine every dcscription of II ATS CAPS, He is now prepared to offer to the Public everv article rt bis line, eilher of his own or eastern manufacture, twenty-five per cent lee than liave been ollered in ikis market. In his stock will be found Fine Nutra. Salín Beaver, Beaver, Otter, liush an I Sporting Hate, Fin Cloth. Siik. Plust., Oil Silk and Velvet Caps ; also, Rich Silk Crava9, Scarfs. llandkercheifs ; Kid, Thread, Silk, amt Buckskin Gloves ; Collars, Bosoms, VValking Canes, Umbrellas, &c T A I L O R I N G . The Subscriber has olso secured the services of a first rnte Practical Cutter, by which he wil! be enabled tofurnish gurments of every styleand description, and in the most approved and faahionable manner. Ileis constantly receiring the latest fa6hions, and, employing the best of workraen. he is confident that he will ive the bet of satiaf:iction to all thtit may favor liiin with their patronage in tiiia branch of hie bnsi ees. 310-tf


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