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WINTER MILUNERY. Tl E Ladies of Ann Arbor nnd vicinity are respect !u!ly iuviicd. lo examine a inrge asoriniint o. Winter Millincry, just received ai Mra Parmuk's ol 1 stand on Aloin-si, Uppci Town. Tíij stock hae bron selt'Nod witl: creat care. pnd c )mpnsc nl! the nutst taahinnable maternl? wo.'n i'i iVew Vork. A complete aWortment of'every descripüon ol' IJ muit is now resdy p exbitúitoR. The Catrera H-its tliis Fj!I have hem lelectej at Mvenifof the Iead."g MUI n-.nj F.siablish ?i;;.ij in New York. ind'it is mjgsird inthosc Lidien here and n ilie surroiindinv villagcs,wlio nre in i!ie liabit ol sendmg tn Detroit, or firther easr. f-r rirli Uonncts. ihat pi ccisoly the unie artiele which won ld snit i hem ohtained nbroad. can imw [te h'ui ut Mr PAR5.lï'i,nnd t ntarlyone iillïhe HroiKiway Cott. Tne asso.-tment of Fl wers. (Americnn sihí Prendí.) Plump. Ribbon. Vrlvcts, Plnrbec n:it titainp.ii; innst amjiie and MiUi'ers ot tiie ndjfiinmc towns can be fuppiii Ma4vm)ia]ieoiiplv os ai O ;rr jit Ann Arb.jr. N. 147 ! ,'!45 DIRECT FROM NEWJORK! . , C BIJSS. Gi% 'W W'lXCw just rrïUTpd g ,"3! JTX (rom ev Yirk with rL 5%í" -". well Keli;(Mi-d RseorUneni rtr "Hêi ':nu' 's "iiw i'r[are' io xA V 1 549 w'1 "I"1" lliose bo ir.ay 5RfvíysgjHL i;v'ir ''''" "';'' ■■' ■" wiiitÈafi'' liÏ5 oíd stand un Mam et.. onposite II. Beckers linck Siore, He i deicr nitm-d not to he undersofd by any. Biid amone hu irtk'lea iray he f.r.ind (lio hillowinj : - Gold and Silter Lever Walches, Lepitie and Cnmmon do , Gold Pins and Rings, Miniuhire Cases, Gold Pens. WITH CASE AS LOW AS $2 Phile.d and Bi titania (Jandlc S'.ícks, J'laled and Brass Snuff'ers and 'Trays, Castors, coral Necktaccs, Keyed nd crtramon Fliito.-, Fif-?, Accordeons. VioJio nnd striucs. extra bows. tuiser ronrds. Bii'lgrs. &c. Guiinrs and fltrtngs, Musie Rxos. Silv;i. Gcrnmn and l'lated poous. titie c-utlety. patent knife s!;a 'ponera, a jjreat vnriety oí toys. pprlumery. ?:eel bag and )uise clasps, 6!eel bead nnd pure tist, Erass Clocks for $3, cloihc5, liair, lallicr. tooth an:! nnil & rushes ; Combs, If'Vrlfefs, raxor atrnpe, ín sl'ort. ;i grcat v:irtíy loo rnimerolts t " mention. Cnll and eianine ír yourselvcs. Clocks, watches, and tiinepiecet oí every dcscri.nion NEATLY REPAIRED ANO WARRANTED! N. B. - Cash paid lor oíd Gold ft Silver. Ann Arbur, ?ov.8, -A7. 344-tL tcTattorñjeys ANO OTHERS WISIIING DEKDS ACKNOWIJ:DGEI i Uepositions takrn tu bu used n either of the Staies of Niw Ycnk. Onin, l'entisylvania, Indiana. Mis.-ouri, Kcntucky. Suuih Carolina. Maine. or Vermont. 'í'he underíigned has been iluly appum'ed a Commiéioncr lor cach of eaid S'ates : AUo Notary Puhlic for Wnvne County. OFt'ICIi lirsi door townrds tLe river froni ibe Post Olfice, and opposite the cttsioin house, Dr.TBOIT, HicR. GLKASON F. LEWIS. G. F. I(. wii! altend promptly tf the takinrr Depoíttions '.Vc. &c. for persons residini: at a íiistance ly a Idreseins hint by mail. 24-l-3m l.and for sale. THE íubncribnr offers for sale Eighty Acres ol' Land, beinft itie easl hall ol north ;nst quarier ol'section 13, of town 4 north, range 1 1 west. siiuaic n ihe tnwncbip ol W'ayhnd, Allegan Counijr. The latid ís level, well timbered. and well acooniniodnted by roads, and will be sold low lur cash exchanped for stock. JAMLS H MOSMER. Ann Arbor. Nov. 4, I-Í47. 34l-3m. N0T1CE. THE COPARTNICnsrilP Iteretofore cjistin beuveen J. (I. Lnnd and O. T. Me Collum uniler the fir n of J. II. Lund ife Co., is this d,iy dissolved by mutual consent. All demandk due said (irm either liy note or book account must he settled immediately. wiih D. T. McCollum ivho is aiitlinrizecl to settle the same - and no mistake. J. H. LUND. D.T. McCOLLUM. Ann Arbor, Ooi. 95, lf47. The business hereafier will be carried nn by 3. H. Lnndwho is now reeeiving n Inre ani] fplendid assortmeni of lall and winter goods oonisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Drvgs &c. whrch he offers to thft public cheap íor ready py. Alease cali and examine goons and priues. 3. H. LUND. Ann Arbor. O. 20, '47. 3If-)f


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