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Christian Wars

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Voliaire was nn infidel ; but, oh ! how much more did ho prove himself to possess ilie viriue.s tliat adorn the Christin) cimracler, thnndo raany of the professed Chii-lians of this gi-eiit clirisuin nation ? Volt.-iire, skeplic as he wns, could understand Ihe inconsistpncv of nrir.ler, of rnpine, and war, with prfrs nnd tnnnksgivings to n God of power nnd love ; and most eloquently did ho baar testirrvny against sucli henven-daring lilnsphemy nnd impiety. Lei the prnying. hypocriiical ieCtuden of ihe truth ;s it is in Jpsus, who can see nothing to condemn in the cor.duct of men who falher their worst iniquities upon God, turn for once to the pmsciibed piges of the deistical Frenchmnn, and learn n lesson of consistency fiom liim. Speaking of war he savs : "The most wonderful part ofthis inferna! enterprise is, ihat each chief of tro murderers CAUSES HIS COLORS TO BE BLESSED, AND SOLEMNLY INVOKES GOD BEFORË HE GOES TO EXTERMÍNATE HIS NEIGHBORS. lf a chief has only tho fortune to kill lvo or tliree thousands men, lio does not thank God for il ; bul whcn he has exlerminated about ten thousand by fire and sword, and, to complete the work, some lown has been levelled wilh the ground. they thsn sing a long song in lour paris composed in a langnag unknown to all who have fought, and moreover replete with barbariims. The same song serves for marmgoa and birth, a rH asfor murdSrs; which is unpardon-ble, particulorlyin a natinn the most


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