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The Whigs Of Massachusetts

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The fllovnng resolution was pr. sonled to the Whig Convention, of Massachusetls, nnd was by a majoriiy rs. JECTED. Resolved, That the Whigs of Massa. ehusetU wil! support 110 men as candidata for the offices of President and Vice Presidem, but those who are known by act or dedared oj.inions to be opposed to the extensión of slaverv. Since th?t time the Whigs of Middl&sex County in Convention, have Rssolred, That while recognizing all oiher objects of the universil VVhig Parly, so ofien expressed on fonner occnsions,we are so strongly impressed with the parainount impoiance f the principies sní cu ies herein set forth, that we are unu-jlling tr support any person for political office, who is not known tobo n favor of a just and mngnuninvms tor. minntion of i he preLM. ft, ss4piMMk The Whigs oí Hampshire County in Convention - Resoh-ed, That we wil], (0 the extent of our ínfluence and power, oppnse tho dismemberment of Mexico, and the anno.xation of any of he Sta'es to our Union; but f such territory is f.rced unon us we wil] go to the den'th lor the exclusion ofslíiYery from soil so cqnired. To use tho Inngunge of a t.ilent-d Whig ediior. 'ouropposiiion to the extensión of human slaverv ovr oue foot of soil wherein it has not now a exLs'ence, shail be unspnmig, uncompromising. f.nd suhjecl to no conside.ration of pary aiVítnlage or Presidential Iríumph.' The Whigs of Hampden County n Convention - Resolved, Thaí as pronf of their sinrerily ihy wII support no candidstes for liulilin office, wluinre not kown by their n -ís or declared opmiona, to be npposed to the ex ension ol JaveryThe Whigs of Norfulk Co. in Convention - Besolred, T halas prorf of their sincerity, it is the Huty f the Whigs of Mnss.ichuspfs ínrt o I' tle wholn co:intry, concurring in the sentioiñnts cun'nined in tho [ireceding rescluiions, lo withhnld their support from candidmes fur Congres, nnd for the tiro higliest offices undcr ihe Constitution of the U. S., nho are not known by their acls or deelared opinionsto be opposed to the extensión of slavory. The next resolvespeaks for iisdfj - Resolved, Tint wi:h these spntimentí, the Whigs of Franklin county cannot conscientiously suppoit any man fur ths ofiieo íf Pre-iiiient of ihe U. S. whom they are nol cnvinced is firmlv ond unalteral)ly opposed to the (urther esteusion of American Slaverv. Next in order come the Whigs of Plymouih county, who in Convention - Resolved, 'That onking uoon Slavery a; n greal morn I political evi!, we con. sider its ex tenca ns a curse, and its extensión as a criine; thnt we wül oppose iis fsrlhsr spread by all constiiutional meihods; that it istheduty of the Wliigs of Massnchusc'U and the whole country, to withhold their support from cnndidutes for President and Vice President of the United S:ate, and for members of Congreso, who are not known b their acts or declared opinión, tobeoppo.eJ to the extensión of Slavery. Last of all and strongest of all - Resolved,, as Whigs of Berk. shire anti of Mnsachuselts, we will neitherdirectly or hidirectly ai1 in ihe eleclion of nny min to the Chicf Mngi-tracy of the Union, who has not given some other evidenco than profession, ihat he is oppnsed to the fnrher extensión of Slav loiritory nnd Slave power. Such is the action of sevrn countiosof Mnssaclmsetts since the refusnl of th stone by the builden at tb general Con


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