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Ka lamazoo, Nov. 30, 1847. Bro. Foster - Well and earnrstly did you press the admonition lo Fidclihj, upon t fie conscience of the acknowledged members of the Liberty party, !n an edilonnl on ihe cve of ihe eleclion ust pat, where you snid, 'íLet the politiciaivs cry 'Lo, here,' and 'Lo, diere,' bu', go nót nfler them ; but be content lo nd'iere faithfully to the great principie avoived from the beginning, and lield to bv every class of antislavery men - 'no voting for Slavelioldors or iheir apologists.' " You nre alreaHy in possession of t lie official cannss oflliis and otlier countics witiiin tho limit of the Second Congrcssionnl District, ar.d thus have the evidence bpfore you that mnny of our pnod fir tendí in the hour of trial have sadly failed to honor themelves or the polit ;cal party wilh wliich professedly they fraternize. No pnins on the pnrl of Whigs and Democrats in this county,(and I presume the same is truc in olher comítirs.) have beeusrinred to induce Libprty men to vote for t'eir respective candidntes, and as usU'il, their arts, ibul or more f:i i r. have succeeded in tuming awr.y large riLimUers from the rnnks of ihe failliful. As the eleclionnf their Representativo to Ongress was regnrded by ihfi VVhigs as practicable wiih tlie aid of Liberty votes, various expedients wern reíorted to in order 'o secure the desired end ; and ns ihe result shows, wero lnrgely successful. All that personal persuasión could do, was done; and superadded tl'.e contempt ble trickery peculiar to their party tnctics. A day or two before the: elcction, a handbill was issued and scattered nbroad, signed "A Liberty man," n wliich slrong ro.-isors iwrre urged vhy Liberty men should vote Por their nominee, and it was whfípered around that I was the air.hor of the unnatiirnl production, and many bclievej it, and were decoivcd. Tickrts in largu were siruck oí]" and faithfully distributrd far and near, purporiing to be " fjiberiy Tickets," in which tl e name of Gordon was inserted, and the fnonkfertta were made to believe that all Llberiy men 'this once' were agreed n v.iting it. Severa! towns were thus entrapned, and their entire vote secured, except, in those nstai;ce, (and they are not few) where individuáis who had come out from the other dotnil.ant party nnd ranged under the Liberty banner, disgusted with sucl. a cülating and ti-encherous course, resolved nt once to vote for the oancliiiate on tlie ticket of the pnrty of iheir fornier choice. Hw long shall we subject ourselvcs to tlie scorn of iliose who stand in the mnrket to bid f r ihe votes of freen)en ? - How long, when thus avnilable to grnce ihe triumplis of a pirty, whose er.tire history exhibits a series nf neis designed to rivet still Taster the chnins of slnvery,will it be, before it shall he politicaüy verified. that one "Liberiy man," ciad in the pannp!y of i'ighieoiisness, ".-hall chase a thousand, anf) two put ten hou-and" of ihp armies of the aliens "to fl glit I" Ne ver, I am sure, till those who claim to be anlislavery;i]l cense to belray the high confidente reposcd in them, and hy their acts at the Ballot Box, publish to the world, tliat ihey are "noi all of us." 1 iiad s'ipposed ihat the question wns 1 ng since setiled by ihe friends of the itnve - uthot to vote for tlie nominee of a party was to vol e for the party." If s, what is the BUiiüon of tliD-e whose recent vote failed to reach theslave? In all charity, must they not be regaided as oíT from the platform of the Liberty Party, and fully identified with its enemies ] And in laying our plans foc ihe future, and marshaling tho liosts of Liberty fur the b;ittle shock, must we not say to them tbat "the peoplft are too many" for the Lord to g:ve us the victory, wliile they essay to range under our bnnners. Yours truly,


Signal of Liberty
Old News