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UUR ADVERTISEUS: Uniier this henil, wo puljlish. frce of charge tlie name, residence. nnd business, of ihose wlio advertise n the S"ia.l of Libkrty. Wm. R. 1'khhï, Uouk Slore. Ann Arbor. MiVSAiins. Dru;gis:s, Ann Arbor. 'I'. A. Havii.inu. MocillHiff, Arm Arbor. W. Wilxis)s, Tullir, Ann Arbor. S W. Fustkb & C". M inufacturcr, Seio. Wa6eh. Sterchimt Tuilor, Ann Arbor. C 1'iuKTi-K. Uulil l'ens. Detroit. W. W. DkitkrA C"-, Jüwlers, Dcxter. 1'. H. Aruitrong, Hats, Ac, Detroit. S. VV. Fojrf.R, 'rhre.siiiDi; Machinuö. Scio. Com-tock íí Skvm h.'p., IVfcircbanis, Jackson. '1'. II. Aum troko. Hut S'ure. Detroit. C. Ci.akk, L;nv Ollice, Ann Arbor. K G. ItuROcn. Denrwii Ann Arbur. C. Bi.ias. Jeweler. Ann Arbur. J. B. Crisk. Insurance Office. Ann Arbor W. F. SpAui.uivn Murble Yard. Ann Arbur. Cook &, Kobinson, Uorness Muker?, Ann ArHor: W. A. Rav.moni. Mcrchnnt, Dct-nit. M. U'mti.Kii. MorcUanli Ann Arbur. S. I). Burnkt. Deniisi. Ann Albor. Stkvens vt. Zi'G ;T [jpb'itsteters. Detroit. VVm á. Bkoan, Ait(rnev it Ltw. Ann Arbor. J V', Til. m vn. C hinet U'nre. Detroii. IIíi.luck tV r.AVMiND, Cloibing Store, De troit. Lk Doe & Et.DRED. T.nnnery. Detroit. II. Í5. Marsh. Jewelry. Detroit. Mrs. Cl. l'uKuvr.roN, Millinery, Ann Arbor. J II. I.UHP, Merchiint, Ann Arbor. .1. II. M'ishkr. Riiil Ksi.iie, Ann Arbor. G. y. Lewis. Jiioker. Detroit. CASH WH be pnid fur COUNTY ORDERS DRAWX nn nny o f t lio coiintiesof Ihis Siair. or inoney will bfí tn:iner! on ihem by nw nt my RanlinK Ollice. lirst door towards ibe River íin"i 'íP"ne thft cu.s"om house. Detroit, Micb SIGHT DRAFTS on New York or liurlMo iitwayi uu hand. 344-:?m G. F. LEWIS. DIRECT FROM NEW YORK! C BL1SS, nr TTAVING just relurrcri 6 Jtl Ironi New Yurk will SstC èbL '' w0" 8e'eclec' üssortmen; fffoï xBSÉf "'' S00''"1 pertüining lo hit W 1 "rRc w"'1 "l)On those who inajjBvVQsSá liv'r him wilh " ''''" ;' WLjSiaga81 !,,„ nl.l si.nnd on Main 8... ipp.isite II. Buckefi lincli Store, He ii doler :iiniid not lo lie undaiswld by nny. and ainoni !iis anieles may be l'.rjnd ido lnlUiwing : - Gold and Silver Lever Walches, Lepinc and Common do , Gold Pins and Rings, Min iu tur e Cases, Gold Pens. WITH CASE AS LOW AS $2 Plnte.d and Brittania Candía Sticks, i'lated and Brnss Snuffers and Trays, Castors, coral Neckaces, Kryed ind ciinmori Fluies, Fifes, Accordeons. Viiilins ■inii strirms, c.trn l.ows, finser Donrds, Bridgts fcc., Guitars nrid ürings, Music Bmes, Silvei. Gortnan and l'lttied ppuons, fine ctulfry, paieni knile shaipenera, a great vnriety of loys, perluuiery. siecl bag and purse cb6)S, sied. beada and purse iwisi, Brass Clocks for $3, cltihe-, liai', lathor, touth and nail MSrushes ; Combs, Ifallets, rnz ir strnpp, in shoi't. a great variety too ndnivrji's 1 irien'ion. Cali ainl exominu lor yourselves. Clocks, watchea, and tiinepieces of every dusNEATLV REPAIRED ANO WARRANTED! N. B Cash paid lor old Gold .t Silver. Ann Arbor, .Nov. 8, l-"47. :M4- if Hardware. THE ubscribuid havsjint receivet! a hrge addition to their (iuck of Foreign and 1) ncelic Sb' If flardwntc, wh'ch makes their asïortmen. very complete. B. B. &. W. R. N'OYES Ir.Tii'r 10 h. 1847 3Ü4 UK. TOWNhEND'S SJiRSJiPJIRILLJl ! THE MOST EXTRAORDINARY MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. THIS EXTÍIACT is put up n qunrt boules; it is six limes cheaper. pleaaonter, ond warrnn:ed upe-ior to any sclrf. It cures diseases wiihoui vomiting, purging, icktnilig, or dcbiü- tatinj; the patiënt. GREAT FALL & WINTER MEDICINE. T he reit beau'y and superiority of ihis Sar ■nparillo over n!l oiher medicine is, wlnle il eiadicates diseñas, il invigorites ihe body. li is une ■ if the very be.ï. Fnll and Winter Medicines evei Itnown; it not only piir'fi'8 the whole syjtem nnd strenethens ihe person, but it crèmes new. pure and rich biood; a power poeetsed hy no other medicine. And in ihis lies t'ie ernnd se cret of itfl wonderlut success. Il lin? perlnrmed wit'iin the pnsi iwo years more ihnn "5 1.10 cu:e oiseven: gHM of disease; al least 30, (IU0 of these were consiileied incurable. More tban 3,0110 oases of Clironie Riieamaliim; '24000 C' of Dyyppsia: 4.0)0 cases of General Dcbility and Want of Energy: 7.0110 enses of ihe different Female Compluints: 2.00 I cases of Scrolula: 1.500 cases of thn Liver Complaint; Ü,5(IO cases Oí' Disease af ihe Ridneys and Dpipsy; 8,01)0 casec of Consumption; And thousandl ol CVtM of diseases of ilie blood. viz: Ulcers, Erysipelns, S.nlt Rheum, Pimples on ihe Face. Síc. abo., tone'her with numerous ca5cs of Sicli Head Ache, Pain in the SiiJe and Chest, Spinnl Affecvions. &c. &c. Tlus, we üre aware, must appenr inciedible. hul e hnve tulles Imm Pbysici.ins and our Agants from all pnns of the Unitod Statei. inlorniing us of extraordinnry cures. R. Van ik-KiuK, F.sq.. one of the most rcspectablf Dru nsjisis in .Newnrk, fi. J-, informs us that he c;in reler to more ihin 150 cases n that place alone. Tliere are thousands of ca?es in the cilv of New York, wliich we wili refer to wilh pleas ure. and to men uf ciiaracier. Il is the best me dicine ror the preventive of' disoatje known. I' undoubtedly saved the lives of mor' thnn 5.000 CIIILDREN THE PAST SRASON ! As it removed ihe cause of ilisense. and prepared thffin fr ihe Summbr scason. 1 has never ben known tu injure in ihe le.isi the most delica'e chiiURÜF.UMATI3M. Tliis Sarapanlla is usi:d with ihe most perfect success in Ilheii.naiicconiplainia, howevei severo or chrenie. The astonishing cuica it liai ierfortned are indeed woiiderlul. Olher remedies someiitnes give temporary rehef; tuis emircly erüdicnlM it from the svctein, even when tlu limhs an.l bone are drcnHIullv swollenO" Hear Ir. Seih Terry, one of the oldest and most respcctable lawyers in llariford, Cnnn. The following s un e.xtract of a lelter rectived Irom him: Dr. Tutcnsrn l - I h'ive used one boit!e ofyour Sai s ïpnrilhi. and find i'. is excellent in u effeciï upon a Clironie Rlieumalio pain to which I ain siiliject, from au injury received feeral yeae azi. in a public siasc. Piense send me two boitles to the oare ot "Or Seymour. I heveconver. cil wilh Iwo 'if our pnncipil physician .nnd re coinmend vuur " SETH T RY. Hanford.March 19, I '45. C0N3UMPT1ÓN CURED. Cleanpe and Strencthin. CuhíUmjition can bc eured. Bronchitis, Coniummion. Liver CimpUin!, Calila, Catnn li. duiglis, Aiihnia, Spitiinj o B'ood. Sureness in ihi Chrst, II clic Flush. S'ight Sweats, Ui.ficult or Profuae F.ïpectormion. Pain in ilie S de, &c , lia.c been and can be cured. Dr. Townsend - Dear Sir : Nearly twen'.y yeirsago I took a viotenl cold, wiiich teuled i.n :ny lungJ. and aflcoted me srverely ; iüdtrd. finally il bec.mie a consiaiu hackin cough. bul not a severo as lo prevent me from atloiuüng i' ;ny bu8Íniss. Witlnn ilic last ft-w yoars it increaeed on me gradually. A lase I bccame reduced - I hreatheil itn difflculiy. and raised with rny cotigh much bad matter, nnd for the last n'ne monilis prcviuus lo using yoiir Sarsapa rilla. had recular night twpais : indeed, my friendsand mvselfsuppiifed tha! I wuulil die wit!. t'ie Consumption; bul I have the linpniness to i:l'orm you tbal, to my surprise, after nsing titrte Iwiilet of your Snrsapiirilla, 1 tind n y healili restored. It relieved me g.adually, anifl am now enjoylng much bitter health thnii I have bclore in 'Ui yenrs. I hnd almott entirely lost my rcppelhe, whicfa is also returneil. You are al hberty u publish this wiih my name, in tlu' papetf, if you chnose. My iitlle gir), who is thee years uld, Ir d a very bad congh llie viiü!c of last winter. We bccame very much nianncd on her account. - iVhile using the medicine, I gave hei s.imc of il. ;ind it s on entirely rclicvcd her, as we'l as inysel(. and she is weil njw. nnd heany as any child [ evfr saw She was als.j full of litile blüiches il took iheni away and her skin is smootli nnil fair now. and I am saiislied she recovcred liei hea'ahfro.n using your excolleiu medicine. S. W. CONANT. 144 Bruudway. GIRLS, READ TUIS. Yimi who hnve pale complexions. dull eyes. blotches on the lace, rough Sun, wd are "uut of jftirin." nseaboule or two ol Dr. Townsend' ■virsnpnriHa. Il ill cleanse yoiir liloo 1. removí ihe freckl'-a and lilotchct, nml give you aniniftion. spa'künï eyes. fine spirits, nrul bonBilfili complexión - nl' of which are ol mínense tratar io unmarriad ladics. SCROFULA CURED. This Ccnificaic conclusively pruves thn: tii 8 Sarsnpnrilln hos perfeeten rol uver ihe nnmtc&siina'e diseasts uf the biood. Three persons cured in onclionse is unprccdented. THREE CHILDIIEN. Dr. Toinnstnl-Dear Slr: I have the plei.sur o inform yon ihnr Ui ce of my childrcti ln leen cured ol tlie Scrolula liy ihe om nfyour ex ci'llem mcdicin-. They ere i.ffl cted ry tl verely lh bid sores; have laken oiily fuur l'o ilee; it. took ihem nw.iy, lor wjlluh i leel ini se!l under very deep obl.'e;iiion' Yoiirs. rfspecifolly, ISAAC V. CRA1N. i'üö Wojsier Et. New Yurk, March I. M47. OPIMONS OF PHYSKiANS. Dr. TownscnJ is aioiost düily receivinj: onlcrè i'rom Physicinns in difTerent paus of ihe Union Tiiis e tu certüy that we ihe undcrsigncd. Phvbieiana of the city ol A'b in have n nunicrous cases preiscrihed Dr. Towiisend's Sartinparilla. and believe it lo be 'ne ol ihe most valuable prepa ations in the niniket. I!. I'. PAULIVG, m. n. J. WIL3ON, m. S. R B. IiRIGGS. m i. l'. F.. EhME.D0RF, m. D. Albany, April I, 18-Ki. Files Piles Piles Dr. Townsenri's S.-irsipn lia ís no Icss f-f.cessftil in euring ihis distitiini! cuniplaini. than for disuBPS "f tlio Bioorf. Dysnqxia. Rhfuin (ism, and Nervous Debiluy. Read ihe íollowlig:- Dr. Ttunscnrt : Dear Sir - TbeeíTi-cts of yor: Sartaparilla are iru'y wondfrful Kor iho l:ig six or eiglit years pnsí I hav; been MbjflCtlO se veré nilacks of ihs pilea, during whicli 1 li.ivf siiflered ail ihu turuire of ttvu comphiim, nnt! hnd despairtd of ever findin? relief except i i . doath. 1 Invc ! lie plenpür1 to infortn you ihm Mhcre is yol n balín in Gilcnd." I have usetl two huttles of vuïir Bultapa i tln . nnd feel no romains'ií n.y olil compl.iint. I send you lilis Iji publicruicin. and anv person you rav rnler lu me. [ woul'l be li.ippy lo infunn of the benefit I have received at your hands. Y'inr, trulv. JOHN HALL, 4!) Fulton st. Thomas Smith. Printer, 162 Nassau ., SJ siory, curod t a long standing and ugjravaied únse of the Piles. For sale by MAYXAROS, 345 Genera! Ajent, Ann AAor PAINTS, Oils, Varnioh, Spirits Turpentine, Brujhe, Glncs, Putty, Glaztere, Dimond. & A Isrge uoek for Bale low at MAYKARDS. NEXTDOOR TQ MICHICAi TATE BANK. BE1ROIT. [1847-48J DETROIT. THE CHEAPCASH STORE, No. 132 Jefferson Avenue, Oíd stand uf vy w 41 V' Vi' l ' "' ' -N lU-J-LXrf A A A A [WHOL E S aIe] A 4 M M U H MA M A -PiEM A A -L-JlH :llÍÍtíilLEECHER VABBOtJIÍÍ nlIlTinlllll'll1'! iPTMMEaf I' iTll - t MfÉflal" I íSmIÍ CARPËTSjl 'L JfEATH ER S MICHIGAN , F A N O Y A N D ST A PL E STATE BAÍK : p!i'MMMfiil d 'P'l'MMTff! II dry1!! t Jpnoöós) rrÜTHER BEËCHErI j.'lilli'JHaSwBpBj ■ 'jj IpllilJ ,,.i,' . ' i 'jr - ■" - r'í=:yis=?'' !E u 1OMjBEECHER & ABBOTT, our altenlion is nvited to the best stock of 3 DRY GOODS Ever brouglit to this City. Also, to the largest and clieapest stck of Sül'ER NEW STYLES Brussels "- Oarpets VVarrented to have been imported witliin the last U days. Also, n splenJid assortment of ENGLISII INGRAIN AND LOWELL 2 PLY CARPETS, ALL WÖOL, At f:-om 50 cents to SI per yard, and every other vnriety of G;irpe:s at from ls.3d. o 4s. per yard. Also, OU Cloths, Brtissois Rugs, Window Bhadts, Wall Paper Hanging!,, Feathers, Multittgs, &c. &c. GOOD GOODS, LOW PR1CES, AND MUST BE SOLD, WHOLESALE OR BETA1L. 347 LUTHER BESECHBR, Detroit. ■NEW i - -fliBL'r - - ' 5L LA DU E & ELDREDs (Successors to E-ldred &, Co.) NJ O. 8 1 W O O D W A R D AVE N U E, Directlj Oppositc the Episcopal Chwrch A RE linppy M nf.irni ttie l-nc euür.umers nf Tüdre.t & Ca. aM lio u-bl. c g'yjruli, ua'. hoy _fjL liave no won hand, nnd n.a OJUtlántlj wartufam uring, ti sup riur trticlc i Iieather, And a" STSSt rWog a Findings. AMOUG TIIKIR ASSORTME.NT MAY BE FOUN'D Spanish and Slnnghter S..)e LEATMER, De.-, Goal nnrl Lamb Rioing, Henilock ond Oak U'per rK Morocco ol" a!l kinds, Harnessand Bridia Shoo TlveaH, Tncks, Spnrables, Skiriing and RussPt Bridlo do. S!or Knivrs. Piicpi-p, Hammers, Belt, Band nid Welt do. Boot Corrí nnd Webing, Horre and Siring 'Ín. Awls and Brisiles, Afriewn nnd Slauglner KIP SKINS, Last?, Hoot Ti-es nnd Crimps, Oak and Hemiock CALF do. Lnsting and Sen] Skins, French Calf Skin', Bank, Shoie and Siraits Oil, Sec. Sec. White, Russct and Cofored Lifiings, All of wliichthey offer on vcry reasonable terrns. MERCHANTS&MANÜFACTÜRERS Will íiiíl it to their odvanlage to cal) nnd examine our stock before purchasinj elsowhere. . CASH PAID roa SXIDES AND SKINS. DKTRfOlT, H17. n.3?'.f NAÏLS.- 150 kees EaBtern Nails for Ti CLAfiK.Atlanmy nd C-ursjH...-, B. B & W. R NOYES Jr. Hunu Auu rj. ku


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