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WÍNTEtt MiLLÏNEJRY. PJ"VIE Ladies of Ann AflOT and vicinity are JL respecifully avned lo examine a lar ge assoritnïnt o Winter Mitliíjery. received ai Mrs. Parmlek's uil startd on Main si. l'ppei Towti. Thv siock lias boen electeil with great cnre. Rnd compnses nll iliu most fas!iiu:iul)!u material toifta in Naw York. A complete nasortrneuf of ovr.iy tlescriplion oí B imiifi is iiiiw ready 'nr exhibí non. The l'aiicrn Hits rlna h'.ill havo been srlecie I at Stí ,if he leaJ "■! MUI n ■■nj Establiíh mentí ín New York, and ii ib uijgesled lolhose ]j-i lies liere uid in Ibe sarrouniKn villages,who nro ín ihe In'jit oí s:-iidiiur u reroit. or lurticr i.'isi. for nv!i Ií ihat precisaly Uie b mis ntiule whiuii would sm i lie.n nbluciud nlirm I, cin n i bs Kad ai Mrs rAa.m.icE's,aiid at mrulyuns tn 1 1 tlio Braaclwny Cos;. Tu ■ issoj-Mionl oí fl iwers. í V-nc icnn and Krcinli.) Pinmeg, Ki'tb'ins. Velvets, Pluttes on i SiflirWiis inosi nmple and ,Vi;'t' trs ! tbe ad j innw fowiís c:m be su iplieti as .ilvin'n eoiwU1 Mal Deiron. Aim rl)r, JÍjv. 1-47 Iw 346 wn. s. bísow, Attorncj ty Counselor at La.w, i FFiCE Jili B. !-m;y Km. tT-ly TO ATTÖRNJEYS AND OTHER3 MSftlNG-DEftD ACkn'o' ;;:) ,,r i)..vo.n:..i,s uk,-,, l i lie us"i ín enhiT il ilin Si ms ol .uw York, O do, Pennsylvani'i, lndinnn. Misstfnri, KenHn-';v. S.i ;i ! li C ir i!hm. A! i i no, or Ven.ioni. Tlie lina iirrii i!uy npp ,n,:r i a Cümmí&ioncr lur eacl) "I asid í5-arci: .Viso ,utmv l'nlihc for Wñyae Cnuiiiy, OFi-'ICK ürsi d.ior t.nv.irds '!.R river froin tlc Post Office, ii lit Cíisló. n hu;Se, 1)kTKuir. M.c i. cl;:..- y ts-vvís. G. F. L. wiil atit'iiii pi-oniit!y tt the takin p suons tVc. &.c íuf peití-jns regidiog ata diétante by n ldreeíng hiui by mail. 244-3in I. asid f'or safe. fJpHE subncribor offers for sa-lï Eightv -tt. Ai;ie ut I, npi. bein t:st h, ol Hontijnt qunner ofseetion l-i. nf i iwn 4 rtnrtb, ■ 1 I west. siiuaie iii '!ie tuwnshtp uf i - Innd, AHIgan Coumy. Th land 13 ■ level. wetl tiiMbcred.nnd well acunrnmodiited by niatls, and WiUbcsoH lowlor c.iih cxclian.wl forumck. JAMF.S il MOSHKIl. Ann Aibor. Xov. 4. 1-17. 34l-3m. Hat, Cap, - A B D - GENTLEMEN' S FURNISHINd EMPORIUM. T. II. ARMSTRONG, HAVI.VG tnken tl, e Staad No 5-(, Woodatd Averwe. 3 d.ors nonli of Doty'i Aiumh n Koum, reeeiuly occupied. by .7. G. Crone. as a Hot Store ; and added the stock uf the bmer to hts own, and a!so eng.igeii ia iiianu!actijrir,L cvery destriptinn of BATS frCArs, He 9 now prepnred to ofTer to ihe Pul.lic ever' anicle in his line, eitlier of his own or eislern nianiiJ'aclure. twenly fWe per tent less than hnvg ben (.liered 11 ihis markel. In bis stock wil! bu fonnd Fine Nutra. Satín fií a vér, Beaver, Otter. Bush au' Sporting Hals, Fine Cluth. Slik. Plusl,. Oil Silk and Velvet r.-,,s .- also. Ricli Sük Graváis, Scarfs, (andkeicbeifs Kid, Tbread, Silk. ami Buckskin Gloves ; ('1 lars, BüSJins, Walking Caue, Umbreilas, &c. T A I L O R I N G . The Subseriber bas nlso securod ibe services of a lirst 1,11e l'i nciieal Cuiter, by wbicb be will be enabled o fnrnish eürniente of every stylr and (lescription, and in ibe most approved and fnihionable inanner. He is constantly receiirng ibe Iatestfa6hions, and, employing ibe best of workrnen, he is eonfident be will uive tlie bet of satisfaclion to alt ihat may lavor hiin vilh tritir patronage in this biantli of his business. 310-if N0T1CE. rriHE COPARTNF.RSHIP lieretornro oxistX ing between J.H. Lund and D. T. Mc GolluiN under the firn of J. H. Lund & Co., is th8 d.iy dissolved by mutual cons-r!. All demands due sniH firni eiilirr liy nole or hook account must bc sotiled immidiately, wiih D. T. MeColIum whu is authorized to se(ila the iüme - and no niiitiike. J. II. LUü I.T. McCOLLUM. Ann Arbor, Oei. 25. IS47. The businpss hereafier wil! ho carried nn by 3. 11. Lund who ís now receivbig n larga and fplendid assurlmeni offall and winter guoda conEisiing of Dry Goods, Grocertes, Hardware, Crockcry, Boots and Shoes, Drugs &c. whieh he offers to ths public cheav (or rcndy pay. l'leaeecall a'id examitiu "oods and pricps J. 11. LI.M) Ann Arboj-, Oct. 29. '47. ;:!','-if fui Jlrbor i 11 BWW ■ T.■.■" uui h.niujj iUiluHieAi ..... .nleresis ol .1. M. Roc.kwel] in the Marklt Business, would infiirm the inhabirante of this iind adjuiiiinu coumies. liint h'e rtill continue the !usine s ai the old sland. in tue l'nper 1 'own. near ihe Prcsbyteriun Óhur'ch. and manufacture 10 O' ïtr : Monuments, Grive Sones Paint Slone, Tablas, Sfc, Sfe. Those wishing t obtain iny article in liieline f business will linil by calliug" tlint he basan aasoiiincnt of White and Variegated Mirble f rom lie Bnsterri Marble Quarrieo, tvhich will be wrought In Modi in siyle. and sold ateastern prioes, .diliiij transportatiofi onfv. f'all and gei e tliproof. VV. F. SPAULDING. Ann Arbor. Jan. of). 1847. Ü72 Iy 5T0NS "Swedes"' IROÑ, 10 ' '-Juniiiia" do. 3 " "Peru" tlo. Toaother wiih a lull and complete aesortment i Iruu, Snel. Cüirirife Trimmlngu, Blicksmiih's :unl Wsggüll Maker'sTnols, jusl received at the Anvil Slor;, Ujiper Tewn. IJKMIY W. WELLKS. July I , '4r. " 225 ÖIIR ABVE R7nYËlï Under this liead, we jiublish. free of charge 'lie nrwne, residence. and business, of those who idvenise in ihe.S'-ïML iif LiBmiry. ".m. R. 1'kkkv. buok Sioi. Ann Arbor. MiVNARDB. Drujgisis, Ann Arbor. T. A. tüviUJin. AIíwÍíwb Aim Arbór. W. V ..i ivs-i, Tail-.r. Ann Arbor. S V. Fo-tki: i (.. MjiirfafiuriTs. Scio. W m. U iQjn K. Merclmnt Tailoï, Anh Aibur. (-'. l'i.iiiRTiK. Gold Pens, Detroit. V. V. UeXTER&Cu-, Jew.jlers. Dtxter. I'. il. Ai.M,raii,n. Hals, A-c. Deuoit. 3 W FoiTtK. Threshtng MacBinl. Scio. ('"■.it,)c:k & SnifTO, .VFerchirits. Jackson T, 11. Ai m TiüiNf.. 11,1 Slore. Detroit. (' Clauk, f.nv Office, Ann Arhor. Ij 6. DuftCKK. Doniisi, Ann Atbor. C. Br.iss. Jeweler, Ann F J. Ü. Ciuw. I.isuranco Oüire.Ann Arbor 7" '■ W Vnr'. An A;!.,,,-. Com „. Raam su, ihiniesí .MuKei?, Aun W. A. üavü'ini), M.Tclwnt, Detroit. M. Wskkl'sk, m-i'rebkni, san Arbor'. S. i). Burnkt, Dt-nirít, Attn Albor. A Xigj, (ipi11S',.n ] :. Dplroil. ÍVm S Bro v; Aitumevaí Uw. Aun Árbor. .1 iv. Th n, C binet U'.ne. Dafruti. Hallock i Uavmo.vd, C'lu'.li ngSture, De iroit. Lv Ro A. Klurkd. Tennery. Detroit. H. I. Marsh, Jtwelry, Dciroit. M. (' Bukfi.votdn, Millinery, Ann Arbor. .1 II l.rxn. Mcrclinni, Ann Arhor. J. H. MosREit. R.-;, I Estáte, Aun Arhor. Gr. ■ . I,k (s Jirokcr. Dntroit. CASH Wifl be paid for COUNTY ORDERS DR W'. on Sny of' the countiesof tliis State. or tiinhdv iv ü be lóaned on [hem by me il my üaukiiig Oiiicc. lirst door townrtls the River ml oj.p.isite the cus'om house, Dflroit. Midi. SIG UT DR AFT on New York r Üiiti.iiu uivvüys on hand. 3J4-3m G. F. IFWR3. DIRECT F ROM NEW YORK! E. JBL1SS, CiJ TTAV1NG juet rcturred k.Sl JU troni New Yoik with jfi " a w0" se'eclcc' assortnicnt r p fo' of goodi perlaining iq bil (f Io t wHo i"lt!' is aow [lepnred to ijgAV 1 BS wahopoh those ho moy MgOgJJ iMVor bun with a cali, al siíVF n ,4 „,1 t tand on Mam 8t., opposite H. Beckere Iirick Slurp, He s deler■ iinxd not to be undersolH by any. and anión1 lis anieles rnny be 'uuiid tho lollowing : Gold and Silver Lever Watchcs, Lepine and Common do., Gold Pins and Rings, Minüilure Cases, Gold Pens, WIT H CASE AS LOW AS $2. Plalcd and Briltania Candle Sticks, Plaled and' Brast Snvffers and Trays, Caslors, coral Necklaces, Keycd nnd common Flures, Fifes, Accordeons, Violins and strings, exun bowo, fnmer boards, Bridges. i.Vc., Gunara and gtrings, Music Boxes, Silver, Germsn and l'lattd npuonc, line tutlety, patent knil'e sl.arpeners, a great vatiety of toys, perlutn-ry, Sietl bag and pusc cIüsji, steei boad and imiie twist, Erass Clocks for $3, clolhes, bair, lather, tooth and nail B.rushes ; Combs, Wallets, razur atrape, in sliort, a great vuriuty too niitnerotis t j meiKion. Cali and exatniae for yourselvee. Ciocks, wutches, and timepieces o( every descri.tion NEATLY REPAIRED AND WARRANTED! N. B.- CasJi paid lor old Gold A Silver. Ann Arbor, Nov. 8 , tpt47. 344 tf Hardware. TUE 8ubücribi8 have jusi receiveda larye adtlilion to thcir stock of Foreig and Dinrsiic Shr-lí' Hardware, whicli maltes their as lorlmeat very complete. 15. B. & VV. R. NOYES JrJulf 10. h. 1847. 324 OLÍ) PORT WINE-which we reconwiiond punjpulofly to invalida Cor iis u .iliiy - .■ jjood supply al 34 MAYNARDS BRASS CLOCKS. A large lot of '{' h Mir ;m I rt diy Urass Clucka for Bale it I4 und $7!í by the cuse. 30Ï-H J, W. TILLMA.V


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