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Magnetism And Witchcraft

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There is a strong resemblance in many re-pects, bet ween the doings of some mngnetizers on some occasions, nnd the, parformances ofihe witchesof New Eng-lDÜnCptton Maiher's days. Riad, for nstame, thé case of thut woman uho wás hung in Roston for her wiichcrafts. he acknowledgd t'ia: she wrought upor: the children, anj said si. e could and uould dj it ag.iin. They were brought into Ihe Coufl House of Boston, which was then filled vith the courl, jury, and spectators. Cotton .Mather hi.self was present. The was placed by herself in the room. The children stood in the distare froin, her. het) all things were ready, she op-, eraied with her hands and fingers, and the children were iminediately thj:ovs:n, upon Jhe fl jor, stiíFaaid rigid, like a modern subject of mesmeric operutim.-Fivo doctors examined theiu careltiffy and pronaunc-ed thetn renl cases of Satanie affection. The woman was sentenced t&deaih, and hung. Now, we beüeve not in witchcraft, either in dav; of Colton Mnthor or at the prosent time.- But we do belirvO ih&t some of those tvonder-workers in his day g;ive as miuh evidetice of supernntural poweeSy and spiritual conne.xion with invisible thii,g, as Davis ever has, orean give, lo any i-f his aiost!es. VVhpn, Oh ! hen will imposition cease from wearingthe livery oC iJeaven ? - Ex Paper. (pF-The Liberty vote (br i?en,;!or ïn Iotiia county was 61 : hst vtir 64.


Signal of Liberty
Old News