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ÖVR ADVER TlSfcRS. Under thia head, we publiab, free of charge fie name, realdenee. and business, of ihoe who adveniee in theS-iAL f Liükrty. Vfu. R. Perhy, ijuok Store, Ann Arbor. May.vards. Drurgists, AniiArbor. 7; Havilanu. Machinist. Ann Arbor. W. WiLKt-isoN, Tü, Ann Arlx,r. S. W. FoSTKB (& Cn. rif. f?";3. Um. Waorcr, Mercbant Tailor, Ann Arbor. V-. liquKTrK. UuldPens, Detroit WW. Df.xtf.r&Co-, Jewelers'. Dexter. I. li. Akmítrong. Hts, &c., IJctroil. S. VV FoiTi-.K. Threshtng Machines, Scio. Comstock & Skïm iur, Merchants. Juckon I . H. Akm tho,v6. Hu Siore. Detroit. C, Clark, Law Odioe. Ann Arbor. E.. G. liusoKii. Deniist. Ann Arbor. C. Bi.iss. .leweler. Ann Ar Ij ir. F J. B. Crikk. !nsr.ince Offirp.Ann ArSor W. F. Spadi.diko Mnrble Yard. Ann Arbor. Cook & Koai.vso.v, liarnesa Makers, Ann W A. Raymom). Merohani, Detroit. M. VVhkki.ek. Mirehom, Ann Arbor. S. I). JiuR.VKT. Di'nnst. Ann Arbor. StkvL.s & Zvai, üph.ilsterers. ütrni(. Wm S. Bro vn, Altorocvai Law. Ann Arbor. J V. Tti lm i.v. C hinet W.-,re. Detroit. Hallock &. Kaymjnd, Cluihing Store, De. troit. L Doe & Eldrki. Tannery. Detroit. II. IJ. Marmi, Jtwtlrj'. Deiioit. Müs. C. BernxsTOR, Millinery, Ann Arbor. J H. LctlD, Merchan'. An.i Árhor. J. II. M.isiiKR. Rea! Ksti.te. Ann Arbor. G . Ltwis. firDker. Dttro.t. CASH Will bep-iid Rm COUNTY ORDERS DRWX nn any ofthfi ciitintifeof Mits Siate, nr miney will be luaned on ihem by me it my ankintr Office, lirsi dnor lownrds tbe Rivcr mi.1inp.iitetlifii9':i-i huUM. Detroit, Mirh. SIGIIT DRAFTS on New York ir Huli'iio alw.iva on band. :?4t-:i:n G. F. LEWI3. DIRECT F ROM NEWJORK! C BL1SS, GÍJ5 TTAVINir jiist reiurrfd Éj5L ■■-- '""" New York with Jëf fVi a wcll sclectfd apsnrtment jffti. ÖT "' gofll leniniiiE to hi t(j ula& I is now pipparcd to SV yjjsk w;"' ":"1" tl"111' ho may jpsAjiljl liitn with a rui!, at ■'" lus cil.l stand on Main s., ippoBit II. llcckcrs üiick Store. Ile i deierniiii d nol to be unddrsold hy any. and amunj '. b arliclea may be fjand tho lolfciwing : - Gold and Silvcr Ln-er Wa'cties, Lepini and Cnmmnn do , Gold Pins and Rings, Miniulure Cases, Gold Pens. WITH CASE AS LOW AS $2Pltiied and Brittaitia Canille Sticks, IJlaled and Bruss SnuJ'ers and Troys, Castors, coral Necldaccs, Krycd ind cnminon Flutes, Fiff's, Accordeons. Violini and atrings, extra bows, fini:er noards, BriHgra, &-C Guiiarw nd strins, Minie Bxes. Süver, Ger'iinn and Plaieu pin)!, fine cutlcry, paient knilè sl.s-penera. a areat vnriety ui' loys, perfumcry, s'eel bag and purse cl.ispa, eietl biiada and pure twist. Brass Clocks for $3, rlotlie, hair, Imher, lonth nnd nail MSrushcs ; Combs, iltliets, razir strapp, in eioit. n great vnriety ton numcr- oí1 ti inemion. Cll and d.r yonrsHvei. Clocks, watched, and uuitvic. ti ui every desNEATLY REPAIREO ANO WARRANTED! N. B. - Cash pui (J lor nld Gold & Silver. Ann Arbor, Nov. rt , 1-147. 344- lf Ilartïware. T!l E Hubfcnboie have jnst reieivt.! a larpe ai1. (lilion to iheir stock of Forcign and Ü- nestin Shelf Hardware, whicli niakes their aiwrtment very complete. Vu B. &.W. R. NOTES JrJuly 10ih, 324


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