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DR. TOWNSEND'S S.1 tl SJIPJL K KL, L.l ! fH E MOST HXTIIUMIDINARY MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. TUIS EXTRACT is put np in quan Lottles; ilissix unies cheaper. pleamnter, and warraoted superior to auy sold. It cures clísense witlioui voini ing. purging, sickenmg, or dcjjilitaiing the patiënt. GREAT FA IX & WINTER MEDICINE. ■1 „. ,■ and superiority of this Sar■aparilta .xr h!I iiiher in dicine is, while i cates diseases, vigowea ihe Imdy. Il none very bes: Fall nnd Winter Medicines i vei knxwn; it noi cmly pm'fi ihe whole ui. 1 atrenethaoi ihe peisxri, hut il erentea new, pure mikI neh ttlouü; a powar püs-iBMwffcj nu medicine. And in iliia lies toe grand se cret of iis wonilerful sitacejs it han peil irmed mithin ihe past iwo yeart more thiin :'5.H (Ociiree ole,...,, lisease; Rt Isint 28.IHJ0 oj lhee were conaidered incurabld. More ihaii o.UHIJ cw oí Chrunic Rlieuniatis'Pj 10 enees of Dyspupsra: 4.0,10 cases of General Debllity and Waflt 'I t.OilO cases of the different Fe male Compjaints; tí.üOl cnses of Scro 1.500 enses of ihe Liver Compliiüt: 2,500 cases ol' Diaease óf lh il.dneys and Drupsy; 8. 0U(l caae: of Coniiniiition: tod thüusanásol cases ol dispnsea of ihe'Moriil, v:z: ülcers. Erysipelas, Sil! Rhíom, Pimpléson tho Face. Alc. &c, to;ychi-r wiili iiunieuiua caf Siok Ilead Ache, l'in m. ttw Siuè and . Spinnl ArTie-ions, Ac. &c. This #e sre nvVore, must appear incrediblo, bdl we h.ïro 'i-ircs Ir.ini Phvsici iris ■! 1 oui its (ruin all paris ol the Uniied aiate, inlanning iis of exiraordinary cures; 11. Van BoskiRk, !"..-]. one of ihe most respictakle L-ists in Newark, N. J., informs ua thathi in refer to more th in 150 cases in tha' place alone. There are ihousands ol cases inthccliv of New York, which vut will rete m wil ure. and to men of ehirracter. li is ilie liea - dieine for ihe prevcmive of rtisenae known It undoubtedly saved the livee uf mor iban 5.000 CHÍLDREN TUK PAST SEASOfl! Aa it removed the ca3e ot disease. nnd prepsred thein lor ihe Sumnier eeason. li bas never bsofl known to njuie in tbe leaat ihe must delicate ehild. RHEÜMATISM. This Sarsnpanlla is iised wnh the most neilect successin Rlieuinauccoinplainis, howevei si veie ur chrunic. Tlie asioiasliing cures ii hag perfbrmed are indeed wonderlul. Other remedies sometimes give temporary relief; this entirely erndicates it from the RVl9tn, even when thi limba and bunes are dreadlully swollenST Heir Mr. Seth Teny, one ol' the oldest nnd most respeotable lawyero in H :rtford. Conn. The folio wing is an extract ut a leltcr recüved from him: Dr. Tuicnsinl - I have used one bottle of your Sampiirilla. and fiud it is excellent in iis eftec;s upon a Chronic Rheumatic pain io wfaich 1 am subject, Oom an injnry rcceived aeeral yens ago. in a public siiije. Please send me lo buttles to tbe oare ol Ur. Seymour. J búveconverseJ with'tvyo oí our principal phyíician iiiid recommend v,.ur Sarsaparilta. ", SETH T.RY. Hartford. March 12, U4b. CON8UMPT1ON CURED. Cjeanseand Strengibtn. Consumption can be cured. Bronchitis, Consumption. Liver Complaint, CoUls, Catarrh, (ouahs, Asihina, SpiMinii ol Blood, Sorenesa in ih( Clnst, Hectii; Flusli, Night Sweats. Uilücuh or Pro&lse Kxit:ctoration. Pain in the Side, cc , liaic been and cao be cured. Dr. Towrftend - l)mr Sir : Niarly twenty ens;iiro I took a vinleni co!rl. wtiich -eitled on iffi cu d me aevereJj ; ind exl, iinally it became a constant h;ickm cough. bui ?o severe as to prevenl ino from atif-ndtng 'o ... Within tbê lasi few yeara it n:. reis I rui n - Ai last 1 " en ■ ■ - 1 rneiiUied uil difilculty. and raisc .1 rnjr couirh u . . and for il.e asi inontlis previous io usingyouf Sarsapalia I recular nihi sweal ; indefid, my riends and myaell suppgAed tlifit I would die wilh the Consumplion; but I have the happiness to in'orin yuu that, to my surprise, aficr umg tiirec buttles of your Sarsajjarilla. 1 find ny healih restored. It relieved me gradually, nd I ani now enjoying much botter healih thrtn I have before in 2b' years. I had almost entirely losl my appetite, which is also returned. You are at l.berty io publish tiiis with my name, in the papers, if you chonse. My little girl, who is three yenrs old, h d a very' bad cough the wholeul last imcr. We hecame very much nlarmed on her acèount. - A'!;ile nsing the medicine, I gave hei sonieof it, and it s'ion entirely relieved !iur. as wel as inyself. and she is well now. and he.iriy as any child 1 ever saw he was also lull ol little bloiche; il took theni avvy and her skin is amooth and fair now, and I ani salisfied she recovered htr heaitu from ueing your excellent medicine. S. V'. CONANT, 444 Bioudway. GIRLS, READ TUIS. You who have pale complexions. duil eyes. blotches on ihe lace, roiifrhekin. apd are i;oni ut apiriis," U8eaholtle or iwo ot Dr Townssnd'e Barsaparilla. It iHcleaose your blood, removí the freclil"8 and blotches, nnd give ou aniniation, sparklin? eyes. line spirits, and beaatiful complexión - al1 ol which are ol immense value to uiimarriüd ladies. SCROFL'LA CURED. This Certifícale conclusively provee tha: tWa Sarsaparilla has n'ifect con rol over the j &:inafe disenses of the blood. Three persons! , cured in is uiipr-cedented. TH REE CHiLDIlEN. Dt. Toienstnl - Dear Sir: I have the ple;.sure to infonn yon ihai ih'te ol my childien have been cured o I t!ie Scrofula by ihe use uf yoiir excellent medicine. Thiy ere ifíl.cled very se vercly with bad snres; have taken on'y Cour hor tlep; it tuok them awjy, lor wlncli 1 feel mj self undtr very deep obligalUm Yours. respect fnl'y. ISAAC W. CHAIN. 106 Wooster st. New York, March I, 1847. OPINJONS OV HlfsiCMNS. Dr. Townsend is alinost dnily rijcciviníí ordere from Physiciaos in diíferenl pana ol'the Union. is tu ccr:i:y thai we the underaigned, Fhysictans of (he cuy oi Allmny, hnvu in numerous cases prtícní el Dr. Townsend's ?ais.T)-irilla, and belicve t to be one ol'üie niost valuoüle prepaattune in the market. H. F. PAULIJÍG. n. n. J. WILSON, m. i). R 15. BR1GGS. r. P. F, EL.MENUORF, m. d. Albany. April 1, 640. . Files Piles Piles Dr. Townsend's Sarsparilla is no leso suocessful in curini; ilus distrrssing complsint. than for disnasee of the Blood, Dyspepsia. Rheumn tiaii, and Nervous Debility, Kead the followiii: - Dr, TrwnsmtJ : Di'Qr Sir - Theeífects of yorr S'irsaparillu are truly wondnrhil Kor the laai six or ei.'jt yuars pat' 1 have been íu;ject to se veré atlacks of the piles, during which 1 have Buflfere'd ail the tortures of lh;jt coinplnim, nnd had despaired of. ever finding relie' e.vcept in death. I have the pleasure lo inform you ihm 'Mhere ís yeta balín in" I have used two boli!e8 of vour S.irsn-a illa, nnd fuel no remains of rr.y oíd romplaint. 1 send yon ihis foi publicmion, and any psrson yu majr refer to me. I would be happy to mfonn of the benufit I have roceived at hiiids. Yiuiis, trulv, JOHN HALL. 4ü Fulton si. Thomas Smith. Primer. 162 Nnesiu st., 3' etory, ciired ol a long landing and uggravated case of the Piles. Fur sale by MAYNARD3, 345 General Agente, Ann Arbor PAINTS, Oils, Varnish, Spirits Turpentine, jirmhea, Gl;is. Putty. G aftiers, Iiomo:)d9, A-e. A Inrg stock lur sale low at JMAYNAIlDa IV EXT DOOR TO MICHIGAN STATE BANK. BE'IROIT. [1847-48] DETROIT. THE CHEAPCASH STORE, Na. 132 Jtfierson Avenue, Detroit- Oíd stand tif .;■■. i, KJ W ,,Mi lj .tN l'SSy L, rt(l (I (11 WHOLESALE iffliffife -""HER V ,ABBÖri,ill I il ? Hl C ARPETsll "■ F EVTHERS ■Lili I IllÜlllllillllll I i -1 MICHIGAN F ANC Y AND 8TAPLE STATE Bm :- - iliiilF p f 'il'lilmwM1!!!1! =- Sg DRY TCOODS -j ; QJJTHER BËËCHERT"] BEECHER & ABBOTT, our atteniion is nvited tothe best stock of DRY GOODS Ever brought to ihis City. Also, to the and cheapest stock of SUPER NEW STYLES Brussels oí z Carpets Warrented to have been iiuporiej within the last 20 days. Also, a splendid assor ment of ENGLISH INGRAIN AND LOWELL 2 PLY CARPETS, ALL WOQL At from 50 cents to $1 per yard, and every other variety of Carpe:s at from ls.3d to 4s. per yard. Also, OU Clotlis, Bnissols Rtigs, Windoie ShdiAts, Wall Paper ILmgings, Feathcrs, Mattings, Ote. &c. GOOD GOODS, LOW PH1CES, ANU MUST BE SOLD, WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. _ SiJ _ LUTHSR EEECHER. Dktbow. -=- - -w ■- ... EiSATHSR STORE. f E LD RE D {b wM g i m Hffii bbh sës Bi yin ■BB BBM TANNE[lY; NTMjiillir'iiBH LA DIJE & ELDRED, (Succcssors to Eldred &, Co.) NO. 8 4 WOODWARD AVENUE, Bírectly 'Opposite the Episcopal Church, ARE hnppy tn inform the Inie coMomen of Eldred & Co. and ihe pM.c g nemll t, ihat thev tuve bow 011 iwncl, and a,e eoiMianil; manufaciurlng, a soperiur anide u(' uea, raer, fun .u,, ,y of inöings. AMONO TIIEIR ASSORTMENT MAY BE FOUND Spanish and Slaughier Solé LEATHER, Deo.-, Qoat nnd Lamb Binding, Hemlock and OaU Upper do. Morocco of all kinds, [Jarnesi, and Bndle do. Sh-.e Tincad, Tacks, Snnrables. Skirung and Rihmi Bridle do. Shoe Knivps, Pincers, Hammers, Lolt, Band and Welt do. Boot Cordnnd Weübing, Horst and Sinng do. Awls and Bristles, African „-and Slangliter KIP SKINS, Last,, Boot Tre-s and Crimps, Oak and Hemlock CALF do. - Lasting and Sonl Skins, French Calf Skins, Bank, Shoro and Slrait. Oil, &c. &c. W Inte, Russet and Colored Linings, All of which they üffei-on verf reasonable terms. MERCHANTS &MÁNUFACTÜRERS Will fi „I it to their advanlage to onl) and onmine onr stock before purchasing elsewhere. CASH PAXD POR XXIDES AND SKINS. DKTROIT, IÖ47. 3.j7_, jVTAILS.- 150 kogs Boston) Nails for (1 CLARK. Attorney and Counseflor LI rurnlebr V. .d Jiwrice of tb IW. (lflw.Cn,,,, 1' .E .-. IV h. V , , ,; . krbo. a B EADYMADECLOTHING AT 232Hï)oïfSiaïe ov a&etatl, THE subscribers have now on hand ihe best assoriment ot Kcady itinde Clotliing, ■ver offVrei! in this Smte. They have rjceived mil manu'faciuretl a iaree adcliti'in to iheir Stock ithin tlis p-ist six weciiïr. and me fully prepnred wnh senuonoble and fashionnble goods for the hll Inde. Tbeirniorfmenl compnses every iieacriplion ofgarment from lire OVER CO ATS, CLOAKS, DRESS SUITS, Sfc. 8fc. o the more substnntial and cconomical gnrmcnts ur tlie laruicr and laboring man. -ALSO- large nssnriment of Furnishing Goods, SÜCH AS Fine & Coarse Shirts, Under-Garments, Husiery, Collars, Bocoms, Stocks, Suspenders, &c. Sec. Ilavins greatly increaseJ iheir ('acilities for lanulncuiring, ihey are beller prepared than eretülbre frr ihe WHOLESALE TRADE. 'urclinsfíie at wh"lesale a;e invi'cd lo examine lieir Slock. Their gnrmeuts nre if gooc( tmilelals, well made, of aaleable sizes and etylea, and will be ofl'jied at !ow rates. Thankful lor post 'avors, they solicit n continuance of public pntonogc. HALL.OCK & RAYMONI), 31-tt Cor. Jiff'n& Woudwird Avenues. NEW ARRIVAL! BUrriNGTON, WÜL'LD respectlnlly inlorm her oltl custuinei8 and the public at laigi', thot ehe has ettirned to Arm Arbor. at the old stand, a linie bova the depot, between Upper and Lnwer Town, wheie bhe fcas jusi received from New fork, a large assortment of IVIillincry and Fancy Dry Goods, Consisting n part of China Pearl Slraw Bonnets, Tuscan, Veicct, Salin, ind every other fashion of Bonnet that ilie New Yotk market eould atFoH. We have on hand a large nssortment of all kinus oï MILLÍNKRY (JOODS. We will supply those Mil lilterB With (iotuls who wifh to buy. and we will eell ns clieapns they can huy in lown. We have öilks. Satm8. Ribbons, Palmes, Flowers, Capes. CoFlare. Silks mode for Mourning Bonnet, Borders, HeadUresses. Öhocs. Gloves, Muts, Lace Caps, Muslin de Lames, and other anieles too numeroiiB to incnnon We would say to the ladies, inarried or single, if thcy wish to learn the art of CUTTING LADIES1 DRESSES BY RULE, weare ready lo learn in from three to six hours to cut to a hair'o dreadih. or no pay. Theorcr anJ instructioiis given for THREE DOLLARS MRS. C. BUFFINGTUN. Ann Arbor, Oct. 12, 1847, 33Htt WILLIAM A. RAYMOND, OF THE OLD MANHATTAN STORE, CORNER OF JEFF'íí AVE. AND BATES ST. DETROIT, HS jii8t received a large and complete assoitment of DRY GOODS Broadelollis, Shectings, Cassimeres, Drillings, Sntinets, Tickings, Full Cloihs, Bnggings, Tweed'a Cloihs, Flannels, Kentucky Jeans, Linseys, And otlier anieles in the üne of Heavy Goods, too numerous to rnention. Plain & Fancy d'haines. Prints.' Cashmeres, Ginghanis, i'iüin t Karcy Alpacas, Lyonese Clntlis, Oregon Plaids, ürleans Cloilis, Inrleed h;s assortmpnt of Dress Guoils comprises all the variety which business demanda. SHAWLS. Of every varieiy. Irom spiend. d Brochas anrl C.jshmeres 10 henvy, oomfortable blink! Shawls. LIVE GEES E FEATHERS, By ihe pound or huodreti weight. Paper flang'ingrs, Of all qualilies and prices. PAPER WINDOW CURTAINS, üf ihe newest patiems, at wholesnle or retall. Wiih a stock as wellcalculated for the country as the city trade. t is confilpntly expected thai he repulaiion of he "Old MinliattHii" for good Goods at cheap rates will be fully sus'ained. As to that fuur anu sixpesnv rf:A. that we ïave sold so inany yeara, it is necessnrv o say a word ; bilt if lli:s should meet the eye of my mie who bis nut tried it, lm shuulil by all means make the experiment, and see Iviw creai a saviiig may be made by patror.izing the Mriiiïattan Store. Detroit, Sept. 99, 1847. 317-6m THE SUBSCRIBER hasreceived his winter stock, which heoH'crs for Cash' ut greatly reduced prioes. The Public are invited to cali, examino, and judge for tliemselveB. Now on hand, and daüy adding. SGf'AS of every varieiy and paitern, Mid the laiest faehion, pnces Irom '$:iO nd upwards. DIVANS, OTTOMANS. LOUNGES. 1 BUREAUS, of all kinds, Irom $1 and up. Centre. Jard, Tea, Dresa, Tier, Dining, and -Vest Tables. Wash, Cfindle, and Toilet Stands. ISeilsiead - MUhogauy, Maple, and Walnui, Irom $2 and up. Piano Fortes ; Piano Covers ; Piano Stools. Doublé and single Mjtrcsses ol hair, sliuck, palm leaf, or straw. Doublé and single Cot Bedstrads. do do VVritin'g Desks. CII. IRS. - The best assortment that can be found west of New York and the cheapest in mis city. . Windsjr Chairs, a good artielo, at $'2 50 the je tl. Mahognny Fiench Chaira, hair seat. n first rate artielo, and well finished for fjf'A 50. Cash only. Mahogany Rocking Chairs, hair seat and back, warranted good, at the low priee of $12, tor llic cash only. Flng nnd Cane Seat from Ce. and up. Bird Cages, plain and allery : Bird Glassea. Hobby Morses, and Toy Wheelbnrrows, for childien; Patent Showor and )lip liaths ; Boston Batli Pana, Camp Siools. Umbrella and Hal Stands. Fanoy BeMows, Fooi Scrapers, Cane Seat Counter and Boat Stools. Cortoin inalerinl, Table covers, I'atenc Post-Ofliue Balances, Pie nire Frames. VVillow Wagons, Cradlus, Chaire, docks, and Buekete ; Britiannia Table Cnstors, very cheap. J. W. TIIXMAN, No. 87. JuflV onAvenuo. Dfltroit, J-innary 1, 1847, 30?. Iv . _ __ - ( NEW COOKING STOVE, AND STOVES OF ALL KINDS!!!!!! TÍIK Suhscribcr would cali üie alteulion of the public lu WOOI.SO.i' NEW H T UK C0OK1NC, STUVK," wliicli they can coiifMently recommend as being decidedly superior lu any Lookin; j-too in use For simpücny in operalion, t'cont)iiiy in fuui.nitd lor uncqiialled biking and roastmg qualities il is uniivaled. The new and important iinproverneni inirod-uced in its const uction being anch as to insurc greal adyaniages over all oiher Uinda ol' cooking siDves. Thu8e drsirous ol get'ins; a goud cooking stove lor liimily use. or a public house, would do well bycnlhng nnd txarninuïg tSe above slove before purchamng elscwhere. li. B. & V. R. N'OYFS, Jr321 7f Woodward Aveniie JE?. G. BURGBR, Denlist, FIRST ROOiM OVER C. M. & T. W. ROOt's STORE, JRANE & JEWETT'S BLOCK, 261-lf ANN ARBOR. GEE5E FEATHERS ! PAPER HANGINGSf FIRST RATE YOUNG HYSON TKA AT OXLY FOUR AND S1XPKNCK PER POUND ! I?y the way no one buys this tea once bul biiys again. and becomes a cus'omer. ÍS'one beller lor the price can be had in Ddtroit. w1llow waggons, TravelingBaskets, and IBHa @&(& I3S' at well as lois oloiher yonds beïide Dry Gnods may be had very cheap at the ' (Jlij Mahhattab Stork.' Detroit. 17 W; A.RAYxMOND. ■v'Z .= W S "S. O S CJ LL "o 1 o m k. P Is e V f5w 105 1 ë :t i tí lfb III - XUaynards ARE IIV TOWNGAIIv! HAVÜVG removed !o iheir ncw store, whcre tltey are receivuig an exionsivc assortmenl ut Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils and Groceries, With a smal!. well-se!erted assortnient of DRY tiÖO, All of which thev offer to their old friends and new custorners at unusual low pticea. Anything suld at their store is warranud to be ol rirst quality. They intend hercaOer to keep almost every article wantefl íor faniily use. Ann Arbor, June 30, 1847. 32;!-tf CASHMARETT AND TWEfiDS. - A beautiful article tor Gentlemen's Flimmei ear, just reteived and w.ll be r.nanulbcuired in the latcst siyle and besi possible munner, at iht '' VVeslern Clnihins Emporiutn" 1IALLOCK & RATMOND. 318-tl" DETROIT. Cor. Jeff. and VVooOward avenues. NOTICE. THE FIRM heretofore existing uniler ihe name oí' 3. Gilisun & Co. is this day. by mutunl, consoni dissolved, and all persons iniiehted io ilie late firin ot'J. Gihaon & Co. "re requesied to call-and settle the siiine wuh .1. Gribaon, who is duly autlmrizeH io seule all com pan debis. before the Ist day of November nexl. or they will find iheir accounts lefl wilh a Juslice for coljection. The business hereafter wili be C'Jiiducted by Gib?on. JAMES GIBSON, E. BOTTSFORD. Ann Arbor, Sept. 4ih, 1847. SS3-3ra CLOIU, CLOTIil ! TUE undcrsignecl would inforni the public that they wilt continue to manufacture Fülled Cloth, Cassiiniere anti Flannel, at their Factory, two and a half miles west trom Ann Arbor, on Hurun River nenr tho Railroad. T ERIYI S The price of niaking ciolh will b for Cassiniere, 44 cis. per yard ; lor Fulled ciolh, 37J cis. nel' yard for wliile Flannel, ÜOcls. per yard. - We will oIsü exchange clüih for wool on reasonnble terms. Wool sent by railroad accompanied wiib insiructions will be p.omptly attended in. We have done un extensive business in manuficturing dot Ik for custoniers for several years, nnd helieve we givc ns good salisliiction fis nny Establishment in the Staie. We iherefore invite our old customers to couiinue, and new ones 10 come. Leners should be addressed to S. V. Foster & Co., Scio. S. W. FOSTER A CO. Scio, April, 1847. 313-tf. STEEL GO 0 DS! JJutse Stllta aiii Í flwmlnis SPLENDID FANS, and nny quantity of othcr g' od ■ of this sort at the OLD MANHATTAN STOIIE, :il7 Detroit. . FIRE ! FIRE ! ! THE subscriber conünjes to act as Agent for ilie Ilarilonl Fire Insurnncr Cornpany, of Harlfora. Connectinut. This Compnny has boen in business for llie l.isl TilIR'l'V SIX VEAHS, and promptly paid all lutaet duritis; ihat timo, nirnumliiig to many Millions o' Iüais. Applications by mail, (post paid) orto ihe subscriber at the Post Office, prompily attindod to. F. J. B CRANK. Agent. Arm ArUr. fuly 30, 1817, 331-ly THRESHiNG MACHINES, CLOVER MACHINES AM) SEPAEATOKS. TH F. uUserilier would inforrn the public that he continúes li manufacture t lic above machines ui the uld sta id ol Knapp liaviland, al the Lower VHIugso' Ann Aibnr, near die l'aper Mili. 'I he Machines are ol npproved module have heen thoroufhly V's'.ed in ihia viciniiy tui! wcirked vvell. Theyare made ol ilie bst jnaterials and by expenenced workmin. Tliey will be k ■ p t constanily on Band, nnd also be made In order nt the shortest no ce. Thty will be so!d on very reasonable tcrins for Cash, or lor noles known to beahsoiincly good The above Machines can lie used hy fdur, six or eight horses, and are nut liahle to be ensily liroken or damajred. 'Fhey are well adapted for lile use of either Farmers or Jobbers. The Separntors enn le ntlachcd to any geaiL'J or slrapped machin-e of' any othi'r kind. The subscriber would reler to ihn fbtiowinc persons wlib have purchnsrd and iiswl bis Machines : Miehnel Thompfon, Öalem, Alexamler Doane, " James I'arker, " Alva Pratl, Pitufrjld, M. A. Cravath. " ('li irlrs Alexander, " Vm. Pons. Milord, Minkley & Vinton, TliMfert, Martin Doty. Ypsilanti, M. 1'. & .' D. Hadlcy, Saline. Wm. Sinith, Canmn. Isaac liurhana, NorthCield. Particu'nr atteitinn will be paid lo Repairs. Casli will be pair! for Old Castings. Persons desirous of piwchafiof machines ore reqnestcd to cali and examine these before purehasing f-lsewhere. T. A. HWILAND. May 17; 1847. ■ 31 7tf EPISTLfc IN O. 3 THE SUBSCRIBEfc SF.NDETH GREET1NG. PERRY'S BÖÖK STORE, Opened anew at No 2 Hawkine Rlock, 'ne.t door lo Ffill. White & Cu.'s Store Atin Arbor, Michigan. Let this be a suflicient notice to all persons using Books. l'aper, B'ank Boofca, School liooks. Slntes. Qvlilla. Steel Pens. Pencii and sTjinoNF.KV. of any kind, thut al i'erry'e Bouksiore is the placa lo buy. 1500 PIECES PAPER HANGIÑG3, I! .irdering. Ktre Boards, and Sind fapsr, which will he sold cheap f-. ir cash, Siandanl and Miscellaneous books,suitabie tor District, Town sliip and Family LIBRARÍAS. School I ispectors and others imeresied. an requested :o cali and examine bB aísortmem. - Al-so, Union Silihith Sciool bnoks. a largo variety, and far superior to the ,illl Library hcitli in binding and maller. Also. Bihles, Testanienie. Prayer books and líymn books. ■J0UÏHS EOOZS, Moral, Religious. ins'iuctive aml aiuuaiug,uah as may sil'ely be put into the ha.ids of the voung. GOM) PIONS, wilh Gold and Silver cases, a superior article. The subscriher h'j noado orrangemeiita in N;w York whicli will enable him al all limes to o'.t.tin any ihini.' in bis line direct froni New York ffi shoTí noiice, by EXPRESS. It will be aéém that liia Tucilities. or ccomodating hs ciijiomers wulisrlides nal on hand ia beyond precedent, and luis teady an;l willing to do every tirina reason ab'e to mike h:s establisliinent sirch an one as an enlightened anj dJseerñing communíty re quire. and he hopes t nierit a sliare ol pat ronage. Persons wishins; any aiticl. in ha line will do well to cali befoie putchnsinL,r elsewhere. l( yon forgeí the pi ice, enqnire for PLRIIY'S BOOK STORE, m; Albor. UppT Village. It s ilesirable that itehoull be uti'lersiooxl thar persons in the Country. fBTwfcfrg csh ordrs, may dupend upon receívin books or staiioni'ry on as favorable terins as though present lo tnake ilupurciiüse. VV. R. PERRY. June 26. 1817. :M tf. CiieapJewelry Store 157 Jeferson Avenue, DETROIT. Wholesale and R.etail. THE subseriberhas just relurned from Ney York wiih a large assortnicni ol Gol t atiíf Silver VVaichíis, ewelry, toih), nia nal, toys, musical insmimcnls nud l'ancy gouili which be will sell at vho!-íja!e or irlail as !ow as any esta! lishmcnt wesi o f New York. Country VVatch Makers and others wanting any of the above Gonls will find it to their intLTest lo ca!l.. as they will fiud ihe bett asaortlue'.X in the c.iiy, and at the lowest priees. GOLD PENS. witb s.lver holder and pencil $2 00. Price Reduced. Gold Pens. Watches and Jewelry RFPATUED H B. MARSH. 107, Jeflerson Avenue, Detroil, Öign of the Gold Pen. i 3-2-1 FURNÏTU RÊ&lj PHOLSTER 1 R G WAREROOMS. STEVENS & ZITG, ÍN tlic lower end of the White Llock. direotly opposite the Michigan Exchangk, have on hand a large assortmenl of t'L'UNITURE, of their own manu acture, which they will sell very ow for Cash They also keep 6xperiene;d UphorMerera, and are prepared to do all kinds of Upbolsiering at the shortest notice. Fnmiture of all kinds made to order of ihe best muterial, and warranted. STEVENS & ZUG. Detroit. January, I, 1847. Ü97-Iy FOR SALE CHEAP for CASH, or every kind ofcour. try Produce, Saddles, Bridles,Harness, Trunks, Valises, Trunk Valhes, Carpet Bags, fyc. Also a iïoou assortment ot Whips fc Lashes. which will be sold very low, and no mistake, at COOK & nOBiNSON'S. Ann Arbor.. Au-rust 12, 184Ü. '77-if New Establishment. cj.ocks, WATCHES, AND THE subsoiber would respectl'ully announce to the cilizett8 of Dexter and vieinity that he has opened a shop in i{y above place, in ihe corner store, iormerly known as ' Sheperd's"; where lic is prepared 10 do ai.i. kinds of repairiilg in the line of clocks, watches, jewelry &c, in the shortes; notice. Having hadabouttwelve yeors experience in soine of the best Easiern shops, he fljtters himself that be can give tnlirc sitli factwn lo all tbose wlio may favor bini wilh their He bas and isconfiantly receiving, clocks, watrlies. and jewelry ot all desenptijns, which lie will sell as cheap as the cheapest. VV. VV. DEXTKR. ALSO GROCERIES of all kinds: sucb as, Teas, Sujrars, Molasses, Raisins, Coffee, Peppers, Spice. Kish. Candics, Tobacco. Ciiiars Ac.. SiC. And in tact kvf.rïTHIKQ usnally kepiin such an establishmentfl.K} hok K.vcKi'TEii) oonsianily on hand and for sale cheap. VV. W. DEATL'R A Co. Dciter. March 0, 1847 312 if TOOLS.- Carpenter's, Oooper's and Joiner's Tools for s ile by -' B B A W. Il NOTES Jr. tiíkeshing Machines. IiJh undeisigned woulii illurm the public X ili.-it lie manulí.ctures tíoiM Powtrs and l'hreshing Machines al Sciu, o! ü tupcrioi kinü I II VCIIKjll l)V lllJlStlf. Thesj Powera iimI Machines ore particularly idapteú id the osu ol Farmers who wish to use them lor threshing their úwa grpin. 'i'lie power, iliie.liemn(l W tufes can ;ill be loaded imu a cotnmon sized wagon box ond drawn wiili on pair ot linrses. Ttíey are dcsigned lo be uscd wilh four barses, and nre abundaritly strong íol 'liat number, and may be safely uecd with six or piglii norsce viih proper care. They work wrrS lessstrengih ol horsei aecording lo ilic amotnt ót business done (han any oihcr poner, and will tbresh generally abom SfiO bushels wbesíje day with four liories. ín onc astance 158 bushels wheat were threshed in three hours with four horses. This Power and Machine conlnin all the odvaniages necessary to make them proliioble to tho porchascr. They are strong and durable. - They are easily moved 'rom one place to aaut!ier. The work of' the loises ig easy on these powers in con parison lo c-tisers. and the price is LOWKR iban nny olhw power and machine, have ever been sold in the State, according to tlie real valué. The terms of payment will be liberal tor notes that ore known to be absoluuly good. I havn a mtmner of Powers and Machines now read'y for sale and persons wishing to buy nre invited to cali soon. S OPA RATO US. F mu pre pared to nijike Separaiors for those wlio may want theni. I km uility and arlvanlaces of this Power asé Machine will appear evident toall opxa-niising 'he recointnendiitions below. All persons are cautioned against making ihese Powers and Machines: the undcsigncd baving adoptcd the necessary measures for aecu ring letters patent fur the saine wtihin the time required by la-w. S. W. FOSTER. Scio, Washtenaw Co., Mich:. June 18, 1346 RECOMMENDATIONS. Dniipg thí year IÍ45, eachof ;he undersigned purchated and uscd eithcr iodividually or jnTntíy with Bthers. oi:e of' S. W. Foster's newly inveled Ilmse PowC8 aníl tliresliing viacliine, ind believe tiiey are betref ail.-ipieci to the use of Finnei6 who waat Powers and Machines for theirown usethanany other power and ihrtí-ber within our knowledgo. They are calculated (O be uaed wiih four horses and are of ampie strengih Iot tliat nániber. They appear lo be uonstniftfd in strtii a manner as to render tbam vury durable witl :.n'e ü.ibiliiy of getiipg out oi order. Theyarê eisily moved from one p3í lo ano:her. ITicy can lie ivorked wiih any number of has Is from firtír to liaht. and will ihresb abort Ï00 busíicls -be i' ni r d.v J. A. POUÍK.VS, ScioWashtsnawco, G. I?[,OOf. ' " T. RICHARDSDrï, " '■ SAMUEL FJP-.ALY, =. P. FOSTER, " " N. A PHKI.PS, '■ . adam SMrrrif, ■ .1 BOfWE, !,irrn Wll. VVALKKR. VVchMer, TIIO.S WAfüíKN, " " o. sMalley, r.úd. I threslied la inll iml winter w.ili onp of íí W. Foster's h.irse powers. more tban riftei-n housnnd bushela gra:n The repairs bestowed ipon the pw-er nmoiMteri to nly i uents. nnd t was in 2.)..(I onlsf when í had done threshing: 1 invariiibly uíred si. hnrsps. A AllO.'i YOtWGLOVE. Marión. June ï, 19IC. I pirrrJiMsed one nf S. W. Fos'er's l.orp.lowers litM ÍM añil have used it for jnbhing. I i:ne nseil tiintiy difieren i kinrl of p.iweis nnl leheve this is the best runninc power I ha'o sver fneu. y. s. BÉNNET. Hiinburg. June, 18IC. We nurrhiised one of S. W Fi.stnr's Hor6 Powers l.isi tal!. ahd hae uscd itaiid tlii.k it i i fiíst late Powt". ESSR FI VLL. 1) 4N1RL S. HALL KKl Bi:. S. HA 1. 1.. rinmhurg. June. 1846. O(,i) ,t TEETH! TEETnTTEETH MASTICATION and Articulation, warranied by iheir being pioperly reitaced. S. D. BURKFT , vñl continúe the prwaiee ol DEN 'TIXTHY in ill i'S various branches, viz : St-alnig F'illii g, ind ínsertinson go!d pintes or pivoi. from oí é ■o nn eniiiesftt. Oíd pintes or misSis remod'eil. nml nvide eqtinl to new. OFFICE "vr-r C. n, Thompson A Co.'e Shne Store, Lads who rcquesi it. can Le wuited o it their dwellinirs. W. n durares unnsoaüy low t d n kinds jf PRODUCE takrn. Ann Ariior. Ooc. 5. IS-'rj. E93- ti Dealers in Fancy and Stuple Dry Göo(!s, Boots AND SHOES, HARDWARE, Crockcry V Groccrics, at Ao. 3, Porler's Block, South side of the Public Square, 308 JACKSON, MICH. liet urn ed TAILORING. THE Subscriher is cfesirous of informing lis olj customers and the puhiic enerally, that he has located bjmtelf o Carrier's Cormr, orihsideof the squere, where all kinds of T A I L 0 R I N G in the present f a s h i o n can be done in a respectable and prompt manuer. P. S. CUTT1NG done on the shortest no. tice and.warranted to fit if properly made up W. WlLKIifiSÖN. Ann Arbor, May 20, 1847. 317 Gold PeiisjT PRICE REDÜCED. IT is admitted bv all who use th. m. that I'iquette's Gold Pens are equal il not superior to any ever ollfred in this marku, price .2,50. For sa'.e wholesale. and retail at the mnnu?acto. ry, Corner oí Jefferson Avenue & Griswold St., Detroit. üli-iyr Also for sale by C. BLISS, Ann Arhor. " neWöödsT" BY EXPRESS FROM KEW YORK. Fashions. THE subscriber has just received a fresh asFortment of Spring and Summer Goods and ollers iheni lor sale chcap, such as Broadcloths of all de'scriplion ; Salines and Casshneres, and every thing in the PANTA LOON and VESTING line, and every article usually lound in a Merchant TAILOR'S ESTABLISHMENT. He is now prepared to make and fit all kinds of genilemen's garmenls, and would ender his tha.iki to lus old cuttomers and the public generally, and solicits their favore. G ARM ENT 8 cut to order at all limes. WM. WAGNER, Drapkh ani Tailor, Huion Strtu, South of the PUBLIC SQUARE. Ann Arbor, AprJ 28, ISir 5w


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