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TOWNSItXD'S TROUUI.N"AIY MEDItN THE WORLD. Cr s put up in ipirirt lotiles; es che per, jilcnannier, and wnrLO pny su..l. Il cures diseoeeí :. purging, s:cUcning, 01 uYbili.111. ALL WINTER MEDICINE. lieniy ii wl Ruuenu-rity of ilus Sar ■ ■ i motTicine is. whtlu i: 1 1 ;iii . :'s. i: invijontes ih Im'lv. li igoni . ] l'ill and VVinier Metüèitiéa eve : i; i iha whole J hrt u is the ;ie s n, bilt it cie;i(.s i.ew. ncii tiiooi: ;i power pnE-=eöei Iry nu -IV. And in tliia li the grand se . w imierful sm cesa hnt psrionnnii i isi iw i vii s more '. 5 ft 10 cuie ..f. m i-i ; m le8l 2d,t00 61 ihcsi' : !i reil nRarniils. ian 3,0:10 cites of Chrunio Rheuma. ea ■ i 'v iptipsia: ;,ses of General üebilily and Wuntoi if the l.lltrent Feniale Complaints: . .rt'd üt Scfofula : .; ihe Liver Complaint: s ol' DUeaM ül ilie aml il m ol'Cnnsumplion: nnHs ol costj of diwosss of tbe Mood, í. ji)i 1 1-, Sall Rheufn, Pimptesoii cc. e, tou'eiher wiih nunierotis caAclie, 1' ii n in ilie Siue and . & r. 4.'ic. .vo are nwnre, must appear nc i have letten Ir. mi Phisiei.ins ■mi] nui rs of the Uniicrl Sl.itei, in i rnordinury cures. 11. V i.n - . oïie of the most rppectnlilc Newnrk. N. J., informs us ilim lie ilinn 150 cases in llial place aare tliousunds ol ca-es in the citv ... wlncli we will reler to wiih f!cns' mi'ii ol chiracier. It is ilie hc.-[ mepreventive "I dic:ie knoun It Vy syvpd thi" livcs of than LDREN TUE PAST SKASON ! ; ïved the c.iuse of disenso, nnd piopnieii lip Sútnnier senson. li I ins never tten ' in iho Ie ist il:e must delica'e RHEUMATISM. p.inll.i n iim'.I witli ilie most poifect tunial c c Hiiplatnifl, however severe Tlie asionisli'mg cures n has perleed woti-lerlul. Oilaer remedies o tcmporary relief; tliia eniirelyi i the sysisniï even when the - rire dreadiüilv swoïlen: :h Terty, one I ilie o'ilesi ictalile lawyers in 11 uilord. Conn. :s an exiract of a letlor reCiived Si n ' - I hive used one boitle ofynur . and find r is excellent in in ecie niiic Rlieuma'.ic pain io which I nin om un itijury reccived t-eeial yens lic stage. Piense send me two bot::rt' ol ")r Seyinmir. i h'tveconver.,i o' oar principal physicians .nnd re 1 yuur Sacsepsrilb. SKTH T.ilY. Mnrch !2. 1-45. C0NSUMPT1ON CURED. r I Sireng'htn. Consum;on canbc ]' i :'iil 9,Conum)tlon. Liver Cum" .! .'.-■. Cntiirfh. Cough, Asihms, '! N,),. S'irent'83 in iht Chtsr, ïltc■i.-li. .'.y!it Swents, DilBculi or Profuse 101 itiim. Poiii in he S;de, &c , hac n ttii rired. 'ownwnd - Duiir Sir : Nenrly Iweniy 1 t.)ok n viiilenl culd, tvhich -e 1 1r i qh . nnd ;ii!fi:ted me ioverely ; ímIi(. fci"ie n constant bnckinü c.n,;h. bui irü fis ie prevent ne from altonding "l Wiilnii ihe lasl few ycura it in.:.. .iii'ly. A last J bccn-MG rtwitn iltfiioiilty. niel mise) ■)..'i niuch bad maitrr, unii fjr ilnii.üi- !ireviiii3 lousing yonr Kirsapoie;:til:ir niglit swftts ; imlerd. my vtitli smposed thai ) wnuid die wilh j : r j n ; I ut I hnve tlie liiippinfss lo hrit. lo v.y surpritfC. nfrer u!ng tliree ji Saresparilla, 1 find ny lienlih reJieved me g.adually, and I ani BOW oh better hewllfa lliiin I have bel'oro in ; had n!r!io.-t en'irely lost my appeiiie, so retunied. You are at libfty to ■ with my name, n [bc ponera, f you e (rirl, who is tli"f yesra nld, Ind a ctiuuh tiie wiiole il' bist winter. tVe vrrv inucli Jilarmed on her jicchhi'. - lising tho incdifine, I irnve liers tmeof n, eniirely relieved her, as we I ns n.yand sne s well mw. ;m lienrty ns my cliild 'r nw Sho w:i5 nlsa full of linie bltiicbe?; uk t'iem nwny nnd li.-r skin is biiibdiIi nnil now, nnd Í tiu s'iiiafjed t-he recovo u.i !,i '11 Iro;:i usinu yuur exr. Ment medie iif-. S. W. COJIAMT. 44-1 Ii.o;:(iw.iy. GIPJ.S. R.BAD TÍHS. ui xehn li;ive palé cnroplexiona. (!:;'! cyp? lie nn ihe lacr. rmigli akin, m d are "oui ■ f s." 1:1e a ï 1 r !e or two ut Dr Townseml n Uu. It ill clennse yuui Idool, iviiiou ■ reckl'-a and blutches, nnd give yti nninin. spinklinff eyes. üue spiins. :.d beniiïin! mtexion - nl1 of Inch ore ui immense ralur uiiiian ied ludiek. BCROFÜLA (TRED. 'hia Ci itifienie conclnsively provea ilm: tlii.ip'inllii hns perfect. cun ml over ihe iivsl ol - e tlisenscs uf the blooti. Threc petsou i 1 in ont house is unpf-ceilenteil. TH RED: CHILDUF.N. r. ToannAi - Dear Sir: I have th plo.s'.in nform yon ihni ili'ee of niy childtcn lin. i cjred ot t!ie Sontfiili hy tin' 'isti of your : mu ntïdicin-. y were r.ffl cted very e (v with b id sort's; have inken only luir ln' j -; il look ihem nwiy, !or which 1 fejl ra; t I . iJtr very deep obl'giiiion' Vonrs. red;ec"fully. I AC V. CRAIN. IOB Wojster si. ' ■ Vork, Mareli I, 184?, OPINIONS OF I'IIYSiCIWS. V. Townscnd is nlmost daily rcccivini; orders ysioièns in different pons ol the Union, ie io certily ihat we tho undersrgned, iici ma of Ihe cuy of Aüj.iny, inve in nunies presctifed Dr. Townsend's Sara.ipn.. and bclieve it tobcone ol ilie niosl valuablc tions in the maiket. II. I . Ml)U.U, M. TI. J. WILSON, . D. R B. BRIGGá. m i). P. E. E,,MENDOIIF, u. d. y, pr1 I, 18-10. Piles Piles Pilos 'owniend'f Snraopartlla 18 no !cf tac:i curing tLis diítrcsíiu j cninp'nint. ihnu uf the Blood, Dys?euia. Illieuin.i id Norvoui Dtbili'y. Reud the lol!ui.'i'rwnsand : Dp.-ir Pir - T!ie eflóets nf yon tirilUi nre nulv wonderful Kor tlu; !:ts jr eiglit e.irs pisi I liav hcen tuSjeci lo M j iiiKicks of itie piles, cluiina wlnch 1 li;iv jred all 'he íunures of (h.u conipiainl. íin .' (ieepalrecï of ever fiiidiui; lolief exccpt ■ h. I bato the ple.istir !,) infonn yu ílw ii ic ts yet n hniin in Gitt'íid." I hovc use líenles of vuur Susnpa ill.i, nnd fccl no rei:g ol ir.y olil compliim. I send you ihis l licntion. nnd nny n.isnn you ms( rnler i me. t'(ul(J lie li'ippy lo inform oí tile btneíií I iinv ■i !vel ai yonr runda. ynr.. trulv. JOHN HALL. 40 Ful'on s'. Thorna? Sinicti. Priru.-r. 162 Ninmu st.. 3' ■ . c;k!'(I ni n long scanding and giaviieii ■.fihe I'ils. ".ir lo by MAYXARD3. Genera! Agenta, Ann Ariwr AINTS, Oils, Varni.vh, Spirits Turjient'ne, Bnu'ieí, Olimí. Puny. GinzieV aoaáe &.- ... .;; &yg JNUXTDOOK TO .?: IC II IC A ft STATE B MK. BEÏROIT. [1847-48] DETROIT. THE CHEAPCASH STORE, No. 132 Jcffersoit Avenue, JDclroil-Old stand vf ■-f t-l L I 'lA' L-l I 1 LJ?N lt)2LJ LJ II 1.1 rt A jj A jrWHOLi: S ALE I :liPll!;iIiial u BÉECH E R V A B BOT lff] !w3ífP L líFEATHERs' MICHIGAN f ANO Y AN D STAPLE B È STATE BANK jjm rf ii iif ?lJXffllli M Ï M jíí [jj 'pRY'jl „ JlGOCI 1 riAJTHER BEECHER: 1 BEECHER & ABBOTT, our attention is invited to the best stock of DRY GQGDS Ever brouglit to this City. Also, to the lorgost and cheapest stock of SUPER NEW STYLES Brussels o. Carpets Warrcnied to have been imported witliin the last 20 days. Alsu. a splendid assort inent of ENGLISH INGRAIN AND LOWELL 2 PLY CARPETS, ALL WOOL, At from 50 cents to SI per yard, and every otber vnriety of Carpeta at from ls.3d to 4s. per yard. Also, OU Clotis, Brussots Rugs, Window Ühaêtt, Wall Paper Sangingt, Fealhers, Mailings, éic. &c. GOUD GOOD?, LOW PRICES, AND MUST BE SOLD, WHOLESALE OR RETA IL. 347 __ LÜTHER BËECHEB, Detro.t. ] BW :■■"■'■■■ IiEATHSR STOH. LA DIJE & ELDRED, (Successors to Sldred &- Co.) N O. 8 4 W O O D VV A II D A Y E N ü E, Virectly Oppositc fie Episcopal Churcli, AULvePn5' ' "íJri"l l'"C I"'" custome;? of EIJ'cd & Cq. and the pnbl.'c g neroli. ,hat .hey .L. luxe n-jw on hand, andaré caiutamly manufacturáis, a suprior urticle ui T.AAIAw l"'J aru coBiianlIy reccivinz a tn B ■ ■ Aje&tii6ir9 fuu u.piy of ö Iriiidsngs. AMONO THEIR ASSORT.MENT MAY BE POÜND Spanlsh and Blaughter Solé LEATHER, Deer, Goat and Lamb Bindine Hemlock and Oak Upper do. Morueco of all kinds, Hamert and Bridle do. Shoe, Tncks, Sparnble . Sk rting and Runet Bridle do. Slioe Knives; Pincers, Hammen,V Belt, Uand nnd Welt do. Boot Cord nnd WeObing, Ior:e and Si ring do. Awls nnd Brisiles, Afrina and Slaogjrter KIP SKINS, Last?, Koot Tre-s nnd Crimnt, Oak and Hemloek GALF do. Lasting and Seal Skins, Freneh Calf Skins Bank, Shoro and Sirails Oil, &c. &c. White, Russet and Coloretl Linings, All of wliiclithey ofler on very reasonable terras. MERCHANTS &MANÜFACTÜRERS Wdl fiid it to iheir advamngc to and nwiine onr stock belore purrhusing eleewhcrc. CASH PAID FOR HIBES AND SKINS. DKTROIT. 1847. ., 3.!7_y JVTAILS.-150 kegs Eastern Nails for p CLARK, Attorney nnd CounseTkTr, ti i. . B iOYER Ji Heust n:. i t lK)t! READYMADKCLOTHING AT LLlljolc$alc ov licintï, THE subscriben have now on hand ihe betiáasortment of Kcacly Made Clotlfting, ever oñl-red in ihis Sijie. Th1 y have rceived iinii innnuf&cturéd a Inrjje nddnion to iheir Stuck ithin rho p ist aix wews. nnd nr Jully prepared wnli BfRttOtiattlfl nnd fashionbla ;oo(is for tho ■il i trade, Theirasanriinem c'oinpiiöes evciy de(■ ,1'iom oí gntfnètw fiom fue OVER COATS. CLOAKS, DRESS SÜlTè, tfc. êft. o the more aubsrantifil nn:l economioal gnrmonti .ur the luriner aiiil labufing man. -ALSOA large nsBortment of Furnishing Góods, SUCH AS Fine. & Coarse Shirts, Under-Gci7-?nenls, Hosiery, Colars, Bo:oms, Stocks, Suspenders, &c. &c. Ilnvins eieaily increaserl thcir facilities for mnnufncturing. ihey are beller prepared than hereiofore fr ihe WHOLESALE TRADE. l'urchnsera at wh"lesale me nvited lo examine ilieir Stock. Thcir g'irmer.ts are f gnoc( ninlenals. well itm(1p. of snlnnble aized and piyles. nnd wil! ho ofl'ured at low ralea. Thnnklui for past f.ivurs. l'iey solirit n continiianoe ol' public patronage. HALI.OgK & RAYMO.M). 318-tf Cor. Joff'n Woi.dward Avenues. NEW ARRIVAL ! MES. BUrriNCÏTON, WOULD rifspctmillv iiiloim lier uld cuntutnersand tiie publica! largp, ihat the bas reliirneo1 to Ann Arbor. at the oíd stand, a linie aliove the depot, between Upper and Lower Ton, wheie the haa juft received from Mc York, a l.irge assonmeni oí IYIillinery and Fancy Dry Goods, Consiating in part of China PearJ. Slraw Bonnets, Tuscan, Yelvct, Salín, and every nlher fashicii of Bonnet tltat ihe Ne YorK markei could aiTor'. We h;tve m hand n liirge Bsaonment of' n 11 of MILMNERY GÖODa. We will supply thoso Milliners wih Cioods who wiph to buy. and we will se! I ns clieapae ihey can hny n tovvn. We have Silks. Sunns. Ribbons, riiiuies, Flowers. Capes. Collar?, Silivd mode for Mourning Iionneif. Bordéis. Heail-üresses, Shocs, Glovee, Mitts, Lace Caps. Muslin de Iames, and oiher anieles too nimieroiis to incntiiin W.e 'ould eay to the lailie?. rtiarried or single. il' thf-y wish 10 learn the art of CÜTTING LADIES' DRESSES BY RULE, e are ready to loarn in froni three to six hours lo cu! to a hair s dreadih. or no pay. I neorem anJ insiructionsgiven for THRKK DOLLARS MRS. C. BUFFINGTUN. Ann Arbor, Oci. i. 1847, :i:ti WILLIAM A, RAYMOND. OF Til E OLD MANHATTAN STORE, CORNER OF JEFf'.N AVE. AND BATES ST. DETROIT, HAS jüst received a large and complete asSürinient o( DRY GOODS Rroadcloths, Sheetings, Casimeres, Drilhngs, S-itinets, Tickings, Kull Cluihs, B;iggngs, Tweed's Clitfis, Fiannels, Kenlucky Jeans, Linse)', And otlier mieles in the line of Heavy Goods, too numerous lo rneiition. Pialr, Si Fancy d'Jyiines. Prints. CnshtTiereH, Oinffhaniv, Pisto & P';ni''y Alfiacas. Lyonera Clotlis. Orejón I'lüids, Orleans Clotfa, Indeed lis assortmnl o( Dress Goi)ds comprisei!l t'ie variety whicli bunnrM demanda. SHAWLS. f every mrie'y. Ironi spiend d Brechas nivl C shineres id heavy, comfort il)le hl itikl Shmls. LIVE GEESE FEATHERS, j !!y ibe poiiml or hundred veig!it. Paper Hiiiiing-is, Of all qualiiies and priecs. PAPER WINDOW CÜRTAINS, Of the newc8t potlerna, at holesnle or retal!. With n stock as wellcnlculnter] for the country ns the city tr iilu. it is confilently expecred thai 'hu reputaiion of 'lie "Old Minhaiian" for good Gouds at cheap ratea will he fully sns'ained. As tO thiit F.JltR ANIj SINPKN.W TKA. WI; have sold so ïnany years, it is nccessar lo sny a word : hut if tli:s should meet the eye of iny une vvho Ins pot tried it, lm siionld by nll mcana tnakc tha eitperiinent, and peo how crea' i siviüL' may he made by patror.izing the ManIntian Store. Dotroii, Sept. 22. 1847. G17-G.n 00 rwM-m SUBSCKIBER hasreceived his winti-r stock, wliicli lic oliera lor C'usi" at gridy rcduced primes. The Public ore inviied to cali, cximino, and udge themselves. Nuw on band, und daity iddmg. SOFAS of every variety and p;ittcin. tnd the Iwest fashion, pnces trom !') mul upv.ird. DIVANá, OTTOMANS, LiOÜNGES, iL'ÜËAUS, of all kinds, from 1 and up. Ceniro. Oard, Tea, Drees, I'ier, Duiing, and esi Tablea. Wash. Cutidle, nnd Toilet Stands. Bedsioads - Maiiogany, Miiple, and Wilmii. rom ijfi nnd up. l'nino Fortes ; Pinno Covers ; I'iano Stoots. Doublé nnd single Matrosses of hair, sliuck, alm leaf, or strnw. Doublc and single Col Bedateade. do do Writing Desks. CHAIRS. - The best assorlinont tliat can be 'omid west of New York and lito cheupest in rtrimuiiyy Windsjr Chaira, o good nrliclo, al ,$2!0 the ett. Mnhogany Freneh (hnirs. bairsent, a first ratu rticla, and well finishcd for $3 51). Cash only. Mnhogany Rocking Chaira, haïr et nnd boek, warrnnred good, ai the low priee of $12, lor tfa cash onlv. Flng and Cane Seat from Ca. and up. rïird Cnges, plain and gallerv : 3ird Glansoe. flobby Morsen, nnd Toy Whcelbnrr.iws. for chil dren; Patent Shower and Hip Bntbs ; Botton Brith Pana, Camp S;ools. Umbrella nnd Hui Stands. Fonc) Be'. Inws. Foot Scrnpers, Cone Sent Counter and Bont Stool, (urlain material. Tnble covers, Patent Post-Oñice BnUneep. Picture Frames. Willovv Wasona, Cradloa, Chaira. Clockn. nnd Baskets ; Brittannia Tablo Castora, very cbeap. J. W. TiLLMAN, No. P7. J(Tj' otiAvfniip. Ortr-it. Jir-a-y 1. 1P47. ï'!.'7-ly NEW COOKING STOVB, AND STOVES OK ALL KINDS !!!!!! TUK Subscribir would ca!l ihe aitemion of i.he public l(j WOOLSOS'S NEW tt'IT UR COOKING STOVK, whicli [ïey can cohfidenlly recommond os bein decidedly superior 10 any cooking stoie in use. Fur simplicny in oppraiiun, economy in ful.and (or uni-qualk'il biking and rtMMing qiialiliM it is unrivaled. Tbe ncw and important impruvemem iruroduced in iu conat . uciion being sucb as to nsurc gieat advaniagea over all oiher kinds of cookiog sloves. Those Herirout ui geding a good cooking stove foï íariüly use. or a pi.büí; hunse, would do wcll hy culli nt; and exAinining the above slove before [jurcïiüsing elsewb"re. B. B. &. Wil. NOVF.S. Jr324 7í Wooífward Avenue E. G. BURGER, Denlist, FtRST mOOM OVER C. M. di T. W. ROOT1? STORE, JRANE & JEWF.TT'S BLOCK, '2Cl-tf ANN ARBOR. GSESE FEATHXiRS! PAPER HANGINGS! J7IRST RTF. yOUNG HTSON TKA AT A O.NLY FOUIl ANU SIXPE.NCE PER POUND ! ]!y tin' way no mie bnys this leo once luit buya iiiiain. and becomoa a ous'omer. None better fur tlie pi ice can be had in D)lroit. W1LL0W WAGGONS, f rAyelingBaskets, a iv d üh well as lots of othcr rniK's besidcs Dry Gnijde m ly be bnd very cheap al the ' O'L Mv.nh.vttan Store,' Detroil. 17 . W. A.RAYMOND. xi w. S M = i Ti's-S53 P ff -M I q .fs P pïf 5i 5 IKEaynards ARE IJV TOWIC AGAIN"! HAVIXG removed to thrir new store, wlien iliey ure receiving anexiensive aasortmen -.1 Drugs, Medicines, Pai.nls, Oils and Groceries, Wilh a smnil. tveil-ae'erteu" nseortment of ORY CiOODi, All of wliich ihcv offer In i hei r oíd f'riends nnd new customera at tinusual hw pfjuet. Anythtng 3"1; al tbeir store is warrau'ed lo üt' u fírst qunlity. They rniend hen-nOer to keep al uiost i'very anide wn'iH-d foi family use. Aun Arbor, June 30, I8-Í7. 32.5-tr CLOIII, CLOTH ! fyvir. un.ieisii'Hcil w t u I f.i ufbrm ihe puf! "c J. ilnt ihuy will continue to manuEaciuii Pulled Ci'iih, Cussimieie and Kl.innel. al llieii Fiíctnry, two miel n hiilf milt'í wesl l'rom Aun Arbor, on Hüron River nuar th; Hailioud. TBRMS: The price of mnking cioih will lE for Cassime:e. 4-1 cta. per yan! ; lor Fulleó" cloili, "7i cls. ner yar-l ; lor wlnie Flunnol. 'Jücis. per yard.- We wilt nlso eschnngfl cloih for wool oh rensunil)l termí. Wwilaent by rmlioad accompanied wiili in.-iruciions will be p. nntptly atiended lo. 'Ve hnve (lime mi exiensive iiiisinrss in irinnufictiirina cloih for c.ue'onieis fi)r yenrs, mil liclicve we givo as gooi) ratisfaoiion as ni.;Ksi:iblihincni in the Slale. We iberrf.ire inviti our oíd cusioiners to continué, and new onet u, come. Latían sliould be atldrest-ed to S. V. Fosteb & Co.. Scio. S. W. FOSTF.R & CO. 'ño. April, IS47. ;K{-if. ' STEEL GO ODS! í) u r s t 3 f l It s and Irlniiilnis SPLENDID FANS, nnd any quaniiiy of oih.r g od' of this s i' t nt (lie OLD MANHAJ'J'AN STORE, :iI7 Detroit. fTrË! fireü riTlF, subscriber contirues to nct ns -. Agent Ier ihe Mir(ford Fire Insuifince Company, of I Inri ford. Conncciir.ut. Tilia Comrinv liis heen in business for ihc l.tst THIRTV 31X YCARS. nnd promptly paid all losses dui'isí ihat limo. ntn'Mintiiit; lo mnny Millions oí U' ' Applications by mnil, (post paid) or lo he subscriber al :he Post OrTiep, pronipily attenlodto. F. J. II GRANE, Asent. AniLArbor, íuly 30, 1847. 331-1? , N0T1CE. THE COPARTNF.RSMIP .íeretofore exisliii2 betwceii J. II. Lund and I). T. Me O'.illini uniler ihe finí of J. H. Lund & Cu., is bis i)ny dissolved by mutual consent. All demanda due s'iid Ijrni citlier by note or look account musí be eclllcd mmediately. wilh D. T. McCollum who is autborixed to setile i he sume - and no mistakc. .1. II. LUND. D.T. AIcCOLLUM. Ann Arbor, Oc;. 85, 1RI7. The businpsB hereafter will be carried on b í. II Lund who is now reccivinc a Inrse and iplendid nuurtment of foll nd winier goods con :isl illír of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,Crockcry, Boots and Shoes, Drugs &c. vhich he nlferiyo th" public cheap lor rcady ny. I'leasecall and "o'ls and priecs. X Fl. r.UND Aui Arbor. Oct. ?P, '47. :Wi " THRESHINB MACHIKEST' CJLOVER MACHINES AND SEPARATOKS. TI]E subserilicr would inforni the public ihal he continuos 10 nintinlncr ure the above nmcnines ut tlio old oi Knnpp !t. Hiivilnnd. ai tlie Ijürtur Villiigeo' Anti Arbnr. near the J'npei Milt. 'I lic Machine ars of npproved model?. have been thorouelily t.s:ed in this viciniiv aml worked well. Theyjiie tunde of the best riiatcm;iIs iind by expericneed wiukmen. n'nty wil! he kept constnmly on hand, und aleo be made In order nt the shnrtest no ice Tluy will be 8o!il ■ in vory rensurmble tcr'hs for, or íor iiuíckniiwn tit be ui'solntely gi)nd The abnve Machine! can le nsed by four. six (ir 'iglit hartes, and nut linblt t be e.nsily 'roken or damncrj. Tiipy nrv well adapreii tor the tise nfoiilinr Fnrmers or Jobber. Thfl Sep nratpri cnn be nttachnd tn ntiy ge;ir.'.l or stnppfd machine of any titltcr kind. The Mibscriber woulil reler to the folio n'ing persons wlio have purchnsrd and nsed his Machines : Michael Thompson, Salem, Alexander Doane, " Jame Parker, " Alva Pratt, PiltifiilJ, M. A. Crnvath, " Chirles Aleander, " Wm. Pol til. Mil.'ord. Ilinkley & Vinton, Tb"if.ird. Martin Doty. Vpsilaiui, M. P. & . D. ria.llcy, Saline. Wm. Smith, Cnnton. Ifitae lïurlians, riortlifield. Pnr!i;ii?nr Btf#atïori will be paid to KKrAms. Cash will be pni'l for Old Castings. Persoy= fïe.irons of pvrehifins machino5 aio reíjesred to cali and examine these before pnreluising elsewhere. T. A. IIAVH.AND. Miy 17. 1S47. 3!7tr Jtnn Arbor %V Vv fvv wr r u "P wV w r F w T. i ..- i9uuéuiiDör uiiV.itg pufvjjutvv "- -"leresis oí J. M. Rockwell in the Marhle liusines. would inform the inhabi'ants of lilis tul adjoinitiL' counle 'lia! )ie wil f-intinuc tiif liusine a at the ü!d stand, in the Upper, MI Ihfl Pn?sbyteridn Church. and manuíacture n o der : Monumcnls, Gnvc Stones Paint Slone, Tablcts, $c. 8c. Those wisbina lo obtain nmy article in hisline nf bi ' will fïnd by cali: ng tliai he has ai) aaS'irtuten! of Whi'e and Varievated Mnble troiri lite Kastorn Marble Quirrios, wlnch vrili be wroughl in Modern siyler and poli n ewtpfn pn ccs. iid'ling trunaporiiiim only. CüII nnd ge: thproof. VV. F. SPAUUHNG. Ann Arbor. Jnn. "0. I8J7. i72 Iv CV8HMARETT AND TWErDS. - A hemtÜ'ul anide lor Gentlemen' shmnici ■ j nst rfci'ive'l nnd w.ll be tnnnulhctured in luesi siyle un i Ii'íi pntsible manner, ai the :' Wepiern ClotMng F.mpnriuin " IIALLOCK & IIAYVIOM). nifs-t ih:troit. Cheap Je weïry Store 157 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT. Wholesale and Rctail. THE suliscrïher lias just returned fom New York wiiii i Inrge naaonmetit ui G il I and Bllrer Wntches. jewelry, iiwln, min ikiU. tnys, niuic-'il iavtrumena nnd ftrncy 2jodi. ■viiich hu wil! teil ui wltolesaie r. i ,1 .is ! , m iny miaMichnieiii wi of New Vork. Coumrj V';iich Mnkirs and uiliura wnntmg nny ot' tinilj.)ve Go id wül fiiiH ii in ilieir inirre.-t lo cnll. is thrv will find ihs bw-tt aasurinie:n in tlie rily, ui ! mi rh l.iu-ppr pnci's (ïOUl) PKNft. 'iib silver hüldcr and nencü #00. I'riee Rclueed. GulJ Pen, Watchea and itwen PtHPAIÜKD n n. marsh. Ï57. JeHerson Avenii'. Deiroi!, ) Öign of the Guld l'en. i Zii FURNITURE UHIOLSTERING WAREJ100MS. STEVEIV & Zl'Ct, ÍN [hi lower end il t lic Whiie liiock. direnly upposite the VIiciiioav tzcRAvan, h.-ivu on lund n large ussortnient ol IV 11 SI IV III'.. ui ilieirown mnnu acuire, rhicb thcy will $ell verj ou' for C:íth They nlso keep experiencod Uplioisicrrrs. aiul prepirpil io do all Kinds u( Upiiulaienng al ihp shortest noiico. Fnrnitoro of II kinds made to order of ihi iiest material, and warranied. 8TF.VENS & ZUG. Ddroit, Jnnuary, I, 1847. 297- 1 y FOR y ALE Cl i; l i .ni CASH, or cvuy kind of cour tr.' l'rod'ii-o. Saddtet, Bridles, Barnet, Trtmks, Valises, Truak Valiins, Carpet liags, c. Also a üooü asaortinent of Whim !t Lawu. whioh wil] be sold vcry low, nnd no misinke. at ("(JOK & KOUINSON'S. Ann Arlior. Aukhsi 12. IS4G. '77-if New Establishment. clocks, WATCHES, AND TUK subscrifaer would rcspcetfully announcr 'o the citizcits of Dexicr and viciniiy tliai ne lias opened a shop n the nhove place, iii iln corner slore, formeriy knovvn as "Sheperd's"; where lie is prepared lo do all kinds oi' repairtdg in the line of clocks, watches. jeweliy &.c. in the shortest notioe. Uavinghadaliouttwelve years experience in sonie of the best Kwtern sh:ips. he flatters himielf that he can give tntirr tdliactum to all those who may favor hini wiili their work. IJe has and iscon"antly receiviiiü. cloeks, watches. and jewelry ot all descripüjns. wlnch he will stil is eheap as the chenpest. W. W. DKXTER. A L S O GR0CER1ES of all kindíj such as. Toas, Su;arí, Molaoses. tliiins, Coflèa, Peppors, Bpica. Fish. Candies. 1 oboceo, Cigart &c. &c. And in tMi vat niiNo usnally kept in such "n estiib:ishmrnt( I dor F.xcEPrr.n) üonoiantly on hand and lor sale cheap. VV. W. DEATKR A Co. Dr.xTKR, March (3, 1847 312 ir TOOLS,- Carpenter's, Gooper'sTnd .'lincr'sToolefor snle by m " B . K. NÖYES Jr f il KUS HING Machines. 'jj'iii-, andemgntd wvuld inlurm ibe i Mme X Ibat lie inniiuiúciuies lluite PuKtra und i'hruhing Machines ai Scio, oi u supcuor kind invenied by hinifelt. 1'hesj Powera ;ind Machines are particularly idupicd (o ihe ite oí Farmers v.ho wish to UBe Iiein lor threahing tbeir uwn grein. 1 le power, threshcr nnd lïxturo can all be loaded inio a ■oinmon aized wagon box and drawp iili une ■air of limaes. Tliey ule deiigned to le userf vilh four horses. and nre aliunduuily itrnna ior liat nuinber, and nmy be aafely used with six or glit norses vilh proper care. They work wiih OMSlrenlh ol horsce according lo ihcaniut nt of insine.Hs done ilian any oilicr poner, nnd will liresh enerally nbonj a.'iü biiíhela 'vliiat pi-r lay wltli four bortc. In one incinnce ]&8 Ijushels wheat were tlireslied in ihree hoiir tv 1 1 h tour horses. This Power nnd Machine contnin all the ndahiasie neccesary to niake them proiitab'cto lili; puiclnscr. Tliey are itrung and duiable. l'hcy nre easilr moved Oom one place lo anothi:r. Tlio work of ilie loiaea is easy on tinne nownrs in cou parison to o' her, and the priee is LOVVKR ilian nny other power and machine, have ever been solj in ilic Stilte, aecording to the real valuc. The terms of payment will be liberal fur nolea that ere knoivn to be absuluttly !;ood. I have a numlier of Ponnen and IVIarhines now renijy for nle and persons wiahing to buy nre invited to cali soon. 8EPARATOR3. I un pwpared lo mirk Separntor for ihose ho mny wam iheni. The uiility and atlvaniascs of tfiis Power and Machine will appear evident to all on examinine Mie rec'iinniundntions betn'w. All persons are cnmioned against making ■hese Power nnd Machines: the nndc-eigncd 'inving nilopteil the necessary meaanrra lor secu ■ rmr; lettprs p.-.-ent for the saine wiihin the time requiied by law. S. W. FOSTER. Soto, Waahtenaw Co., Mich.. Junelíí, 134C hecommendations. Diiring the year 1845, ech of ;he undersigncd pui-chnsed and used aiilier individonlly or ji.tntly viih otliert, one út S. W. Fuater'a newly in■entecl [I.irpc Power nnd thrcpbing inchiiiFS. imi lielieve tliey are botter adapted to the use of Farmers wba want Powerg nnd Mocliinea for ■ lieir own nae than any otlier power nnd thrcthW within our knourlcdgn, Thcy are rntculated (O be oaed with Ibtir hore nnd are ol omple Mrcngth lor that NUmbar. They appear to bn constrocted in aueh a manier as to render them vnry durable with liu.'e Irabiliiy of getting out ot der. Tluvare eisilymoved from one place o anohor. Thcy can de ivurked wiih nny BDm'eroflin.i la firom four to ligbf, and will ibresii iboct 200 liushel wheiit por dny. J. A. !',)!, ÜKML'S. Scio.'Waslüsnaw co. G. 1!I)O1) " T. R!CH P.DSO. " m BAMUE& HKALT " 3. P. FOSTER, H. A. PHF.LPS, ■■ " ADAM BMITH. " ■ J M BOWEN. Un,, WM. WALKER, Wcbtr " THOS WARREN, " ' ' ü. 8MALLEY, Udi. r ihrwhed last lal! nd w.t!, ont of S W. Kostnr's horse potrera, than fifi er n thouannd bushela gra;n The repairs hi-atowccl iipon the power amoumed to onlv ( cents, and it ivas in ',,! o,!er when i liad 'done tlircshing." 1 invariubly ute'l six hrwg. „ . AAJIO.V roU.N'GLOM:. Marton, .Tune fi. 1316. I pnrchnsetl one of S. W. Fusttr's harta iowers las. f,11 and ,nve use.l it for j-.l.bioa I 'vive used niany diflêrepi kinds of power and nelieve tina is ihe best riiiniincr pmvr I hae ever teen. b. g. BENNJST. Hamburg, June, ]8!0. We purcliHsed nnn of S. W". Fostrr's ilof-e i jmirt i.Bi Ml, and have iiwd tand hink it ia i tuBi rate Power. JFS'SF IT I,L, imt:i. s. HALL, „ . rj:uur;. s. n.M.i.. H:mhiirr. June. 1946. gf;) ,,- TEE fU! TEETH! ! TEÈTb)'.' ]f ASTICATION and Articulauon, t'iced Warr:""td 1y 'U'r l)eir'S properly res. d. BunwrT , ■vil! continue ilie prnciire (.1 DF.NTIS1 'ƒ? Y n il MS vano-jj brancbw, viz : ScIib. filüne ndIeriiiie..nguM pltes or pivot,. from „ne ;o an eiui.e ett. OM píate or n,iSt roaod■ ed. nrnl inaae ■ q a n I lo new. j OFFICE over C. B. Thornpaon A Co.1., Üho, Sl.tro, Lndi hu rwjttati it. can be wnied ..n i! 'lieir dvvellins. r'ppn'iT'r'S'T i 'l k.nds il 1 KOiIIjCK Ibkp. Amíi Arhor. 1)pc. 5. IHAfí. cg .. coms röcic & rsËYinouK', Dealers in Fancy and Stople Dry Oood, Boots ANO SHOES, HARDWARE, Crockery A' Groceries, at Ne. , Por lef1 s Block, South side of the Public Square 303 JACKSOX, M1CH. Itettirned TAIIiORUVO. HTIE Subacribor ia desiiou of inforn-ing lis X uit! cmKumen .-iiiil tlie puiitic enernlly. iie Ikis loc.-iud hini'elf on Carrier's Cornrr, Xorihsiileoi ihe squere. where ad kinds of T A f L 0 R I N G in the present ƒ a s h i o n vnn ke dono ia ■ respectaMc and prompt man. ncr. 1'. t!. CUTTING donr on ïlie sliortost no. nee and wnrranted to fit if properlv mndc uo . „ , W. WILKINPON. Ann Arbor, May 20, 1847. 317 Gold Peñs PRICE REDUCED. II' is adnmtod bv a!l who iise ili.m, ihat Piquem's Gold Pens are equnl if'not superior loauj ever fi'ered u tilia market, price (1,60. Kor so'.e wlmlusale. and nt the ïnnnu'i.cto. ry. Corner oi JetTerson Avenue &. Griswold bt., Deiruil. 31-1-1 yr Also forsalchy C. BLISS, Ann Arbor. NÈWGOÖDST BY EXPRESS FIÏO.V XEW YORK. Spring Fashions. rpnt: sul.scnber lias just received a fresh asX forttneHt or Spriug anJ Suiamer Guods :ind ofl'ers iliem for sale chcip, such na Droadcloths of all description ; Satinéis and Cassimerex, and every thing in the I'ANTA LOON and VESTING line, and every artiele nsiidlly Ibiind in a Merchant TAILOR'S ESTABLISHMENT. Fie is now prepnred to make and fi! "II kinds of ppnrlemcn's pnrmenis, and would nder his rha.ks to his old cuttomerB and the public ecnerallv. nnH solicita iheir favor. (E?" G ARMENT 8 cut to order at all times. WM. WA6NER, Ann Ariio'. April 8, fgfí 3 .w


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