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OCR ADVERTISEKS. Under this head, we publish, free of charge the riané, rcjidcr.ce, and business, of those wlio adveróse in the S"3.val of Libkrty. W. Ri 'Knitr, Uook Store, Ann Arbor. M.iy.vutii., Druggisls, Ann Arbor. T. A. Haviland. Machinist, Ann Arbor. W. WiLKissoN, Tail'ir, Ann Arbor, S. W. FoJTBR & Co. Manufacturcrs, ScioVVsi. Wagnjii, Merchant Tailor, Ann Arbor. C. PtquF.r rK, Gold Pens, Detroit. W. W. Dkxter&Co-, JeWelers, Dexter. T. H. Armstrong, Hats, JSlc., Detroit. S. V. Foster, Threehing Machines. Scib. Cojistock &. Skïmour, Merchants, Jackson. T. H. ARMitRöRG, Hat Store, Detroit. C. Ci.ARK, Law Office, Ann Arbor. F.. G. BiMger, Dentigt) Ann Arbor. C. Buss, Jeweler, Ann Arbor. F. J. B. CrUKt. Insurance Office, Ann Arbor W. F. SPAUi.DiNfi. Marble Yard, Ann Arbor Cook fe Robinsoií, Harneas Makers, Ann Arbor. W. A. RÁMOM), Merchant, Detroit. M. Whkki.kk, Merchant, Ann Arbor. S. I). BunvKt. Dentist, Ann Arbor. Stkvens & Zvoa, Upbolsterers, Detroit. VVm S. Crown, Attorney at Law. Ann Arbor. J. V. Tii.lman. Cbinet Ware, Detroit. Hai-íock & Iíaymond, Clothing Store, De troit. L Duf. & Eídred; Tannery, Detroit. H. B. Marsh, Jewelry, ))ciroit. Mus. C. Si'rrnMMj Millinery, Ann Arbor. J H. IjUnd, Merchant, Ann Arbor. .1. II. Mqsïier. Róal Esiate, Ann Arbor. G. P. Lewi Broker. Detroit. W.TI. S. BltO WIV, Attorney Sf Counselor at Law ANN ARBOR, MICH. CfFICE wiih r. Mundy, lCb.i. 2!)7-Iy H0MÍE0PATHY, IJLACKVVOOD & ELDR1DGE, HOMIOPATHIC PHYSICIANSj Office on MíU.i i. opposile Crane's Bloei: THIS FIR5T, in presenting their card to the pubüb, tclicit iio more faTor, than an enlilitcnud coinmunity may adjudge ihoir merits as p'iy8Ícians to be deserving of. Since the imroduction of Homreopnthy in ibis village, it has liein cotistautly gathering lurels in tlio curü oí diwaae, ancj winning tbc conrdence of all who have seen and feit its superior efficacy nver all othor fystems of medicine in h'ealine the sick nnd restuung heahh; The same regard is shown to it wherever itslight is spread. Bat wc wisli to let the community jnclge of the comparalivnmerití of Homceoprithy and Alipathy - New School aml OU School Medicine. Let Alipathy como wivh hor leech, lancet, Mister, calomel. ijuii.ine Siid all her ins'iumcnts of torture: Tlicn mark the bilis of niorlaliiy over her signature. - Look at ihe long list of disensos, said by d'jêtOJS 10 be incurable Wliat a per ce;ituni of the great variety of inflammations nlways proved lotall What safety for the poor suffeier in the miilat of the malignant eiidemics thnt sometimes scourge our race! H'.JW futilethe efforis of the Old School in the Cholera, for in siancc; or yellow fever, sca.'iet or typlius fever. congestions of the head, l'jngs or abdomirfnl vis cern; blnck tongue or e Vysipelus, &e. But liow diSeretil the íesult un'ier homcBopailiictreatment. Uur tables s!;ov ','nut all these deseases ure al oure disarmed of their terrors. The gieat fainily of Cb,ronic Diseases, ton, re for iho mosc part radicaily cured by Homceopathy, as thuuannds of living witnessts can beai leslimony. Many ot" whom, like thé woman in the Scrrplares, bad spentall their su'bsta ice upon nhya.'cinns for nHtny yiJni"3 uitlioul relief until ihfy had pplied to Honiceupalliy. And yet ihere ore physicians wtiü afFcct to sneer at every thing like irnprovement in medicine, and ibtti iheir eyes gninst ihe liglit that would euide ihem in tho art of healing: holding lus! to their idols, they coniinually ciy out, ' gieat 13 Diana of the Rpiierians." But "by iheir ftuitsye shall know them." Tuesclay of each week ns far as possible, shall be fel np.trt for the rtception of pntiems.'so iliai pei'sons COmrnq trom a distance mav not C iel ihr hfroe on thnt d;'' vnennt. Ann Arbor, ID Der . 147. 348 PERÍIY'S BOOK STORE", EPISTLJ2 No. 4. RUAD AND CIRCÚLATE. THE subscriber has réturneil from New York? wiili tha largest stock of School Booka, Blank Books, and Stuüonerv,eve! belbre brought to this village, which, wheii udded to hia tormer large stock, witi make tbe moat complete assortment n ibis Siate, olí uf whicli he will sell at very low prices for Cash. His stock consista n part of SCHOOL BOOKS, PAPER, PENS, lak, Quills, Slates, Sand, Blank Hooks, Sand Paper, and 2500 PIECES PAPER HANG1NG3, fiordoring. Fire Boards, and Window Cunaina, all unusually cheap and nice. Alsolïooks suiiable lor, and snificient to furnish 100 TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES. School Inspectors and others imerested, ars respcctfully requested to examino his rnock anó! prices befoie purchnaing, as he is deterrrvned to sell so as to mnkc it an object uot ti eo f'irüier. 7OTJTHS' BOOKS, Moral, Rehgious, insfructive and amusins.snch' as may safely be put nto the hands of childrenv 10O Gold Pens, Gold Pencils, Silver Penciis, Ever Poinls, Colenders. Ilydrastatic and Pump Iukstands, and tnïnj other desirable and fancy anicloe of 8tationery. Also. Razors, Straps, Hones. Bruslies, Laihff Brushes, HairOil, Ox Marrow, Perfumes, Fancy Seals and Wafers, and Iota ot ruines lor comfort and economy, at PERRY'S BOOK STORE, Anr, Arbor. Upper Villagp, Hnwkin'e Block, No. 2. west side of the Court House Squnre. It 8 dcsirüble that il phuuld be uniierstood that persons in the Country, sending cish orders, niay depend npon receiving books or stationery on as . favorable tcrins as though pre3ent to make the purchaee. W. R. PERRY. Ann Arbor, Dec, 1847. 248 tf. Prospectus" OF THE EDINBURGH QUARTERLY PHREKOLOQICAL JOUHNAL AND MAGAZINE OF MORAL AND I1NTELLECTUAL SCIENCE. COMMENCING JANUARY, 1848. GEORGE COMBE ASD ROBERT COX, KDtTORS. Volume One of the American Editiom The manyandearnest desires expressed by the lovers of Plirenology on thissideof the Atlaniic, and the hope of still furiher advancing this great cause, has induced us to publish an Ameiican edition of this profouiid and SCIENTIFfC QüARTERLY. 1 tg character and merils need bul little eomment, further than that it emnna'esirom s mie of ihe ablest minds in Ensland and Scotland, and haa been bcfore tlie public more than tweniy years. It was Tlie first serial publication ever commenced, devotcd esclusiveiy to this important subject. GEORGE COMBE, The dSsiltignished phrenological writer, is ita principal conirilnitor, and viriual conductor. It embodies all new discover es, together with a 11 of interest which apper:ains to Phrenological Science. MAGNÊTISM It also advocates, showing iiaadaptaiion lo medical science, to the relief of human euffering, and to its otïier various and important applications. HUMAN R1GHTS It also urges, with great ability and succes'j showing the bearings of this science of mind to legislation, moral and politica! governnient, as well as to individual self-control. The first number will be ëmbellished with a beautifu! portrait ol Mr Combe, and subsequeht miMiliers By othsr distintruished Phrenologistf. - Each number 11 contaln 9j pages, and will be issued quarterly ás ëcoh ü3 possible after the reception of the proof sheets. It willbea fac-simile of the original copy, aud will be furnished at a price ONE THIRD LESS Than the cost of the foreign edition; and will be as Ibllows: TERMS, INVARIABLY IN ADVÁNCE J Single copy, one year, $2 00 Tbree Copies, " 5 00 Five Copies, ■' 8 00 Ten Copies, " 15 00 SAMPLE NUMBERS Wili be furnifhad to Agents at cost. All subscribers will commenbe and close wiih the volume. To receive aitention, letters and orders must, in all cases be post paid, and directed to' FOWLERS & WELLS, No. 131 Nassau Street, N. Y. DIRECT FROM NEW YORK! E. BL1SS, gj TTAV'IIG just fêturred gj? JL A írom New York with Js$! a we" se'ecte(' assortmenl SÖ); " Sooc'i pertaining to his l[[[o) ia ..MnK. line. iö now prepared to jj.y 1 J}ijuLk wa'1 uFon 'l'ose who may SjNNyáagSíl favor him with a cali, at SSWÜaüiS'öiW"' h's 'd stand on Mam ■(., opposite rí. Beckers Brick Store, He is deiernincd not to be undersold by any, and among his anieles may be found tho following : - Gold and Silver Lever Watches, Lepine and Common do., Gold Pins and Rings, Minialure Cases, Gold Fens, WITH CASE AS LOW AS $2Plated and Brittania Candle Sticks, Plated and Brass Snuffers and Trays, Castors, coral NecUaces, Ke.yed and common Flutes, Fifes, Accordeons, Violins and strings. extra bows, finger boards, Bridges, &c, Guj'.ars and strings, Miisic Boxes, Silver, (itiii;i'i and Plat6d spoona, line rudery, ptnt kniii'. sharpí'iiera, a greut viiriety of toys, perfunv.ry, sieel bag and uurse clnsps, steel beada and urse twist, Brass Clocks for $3, clothes, hair, lather, tooth and nail BSntslKs ; Combs, WktUel, razor strap?, in slifrt, a great variety too nunicrous to mention.. Cali nnd examine for youreelves. Clocks, walches, and timepteces of very description NEATLY REPAIREO ANO WARRANTED! N. B. - Cash paid for old Gold &. Silver. Ana Arbor, Nov. 8 , 1S47. 344- tf "winter mïllinery. rrUlE Lndies öf Ann Arbor and vicinity ra JL respectfully invned lo examine a large a#sortni'int o; Winter Millinery. ju&s reeeived at Mra. Parmlee's oll stand on Main-sl, l'jipcr Town. The stock bas been selected wilh great cure, and eomnrises a!l tlie most iashiouable materul worn in New Vork. A complete assorfnient of every descriptioh of Bonnet 'tn now ready for exhibition. The Pattern Hals this Fail linve bfen selecfed at several of the leading Mdl.nzry Esiablish' menti in New York, and it is suggesied to thote Ladits liereand in ihe surrounclin'j villajes.who ure in the habit of sending to Detroit, or fürthcr east, for ru:h Uonnets, tliat precise ly (he same arúcle whicli wonld suil thein obtninud abroad, can now be had at Mrs. rARMLIE's.andf at nenrly one hll tbe Brondwojr Coe!. The afsortment út Flowers, (Ai"fi" ani French,) Plumee, Ribbons. Vrlvp.ts, Phifhei and most amphl and A i'i' trs nt (hs ati-oirtlng towns con be piippüHi as HvnnifgeoiiFlv : irutl AnnAilv)]. ,Yv 1-47 Jw [Uit.