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The New York Democracy And The Administration

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A correspondent trom the cily of New York ch'eered us last night wiih tlie prospect of a re-union of the Democracy in that Siate. Büt the proceedings of the Legislative enucus, on Motidiy night, throw new difficulties ih the waw We touch ibis matter With relüctanre. We notice it, not because it relates lo the nternal divisions in New Y'örk, but becaüse the ground taken hy the mnjoriiy j of thnt cauctis is calculated; it' it spreads in the North, to affect the uaion and suecess of the whole Republiean pa ty. An address and resolutions weie reporled to the adjourned caucus, from tho commitiee previöusly appöiiiicd to prepare thr m. - t"hey approVe of the war, and pledge themselves to support t. 'fhey oprove of Mr. Polk's Administraron. But, unfortunaielv, they sanction the VVilmot Proviso. They "Resolve, Thnt all imputaiions upon the Democracy of this State, come ÍVoin what sourcè they niny, thnt iis pntriotic masses are in favor of ïhe extensión of slavery ihto lerrilöries now free, arebald inventions of open adversaries or ecrel foes ; that ve rega d such extensión ns derogotory to the principies of natural, justice, sübvërsive of the righis nnd interests of the fiee laboring classes of nll ihe Staten, and at wiih l!ie polioy est.iblished by the fathers of tlie Hepublio in the Ordinance of 1787, for the governmeht of the Northwestern Terntory," fcc. Thisdeterminntion !o make the Wilmot Proviso nn issue for the party, and an artic'e of its creed, immedir.tely diyided the caucus. It was opposed by that portion oi the caucus whioh isvulgirly oalled Ilunker.s. It gavo rise to a firey debate, in the course of wliich Mr. Voung declared - - "Thcre is a party here that s in favor of the propagaron ofslavery. Let them foüow their principies. Lat them Invo their address. Let nol the mnjorily constinin them !o sign an address 'in favor of (reedom, whicli is repugnan! to theirconviclions. Let them dinde. The ground of ihat opposiiion is.thnt the address speak in bennlf of feñdom against slaverv. Wel!, aince gentlemen nre prcpnred for it, let us divide. Ld ihose who clionse to proiest against the aggi-Pssions ofslavery agree to tlie regular address, m,d ihose whonre con'pnt :o sre freed m abolished, ign one of that tennr, ihose in the division ho have the mowra with them will come out strongest in the end. Let it be understood that we are thus to divide.and , there vviil he fevver contentions, lessuar! reling; nnd none oftlie disgraceful frauds Ibat have characterizeJ the alliance of nmn of coflicting principies." The address and resolutlons were ifinnlly carricd by 20 to 17, fout of ö4 Democratie mcrnbers in tha Legislaure.) The two sections of the Democratie paityarea'so divided about the mnnner of sending delegares {o the National Convention. The Ilunkers propose an eleCtion of degates by district; the BarnburrierS byaSiaie Convention, so that, unlëss titne should bring henling under ts wing- unless Wisdom should showth necessity of conciliütiön and of utiiotl- we may fee (wo sets of delegates appointed to the National Convention, and contënding fur the seats. No Republican cari see these signs of división without some anxiety. We frel it our duty to state the facs as they are passing before us, and especiaIy to exprëss our profound regret at thecourse which Mr. Young and his friends arë purStiing on Ille Wilriiot Proviso. ít is calculated to irrítate the nhole South, and to divide, distract, perhaps defet, the party, bul we still hope for the best. - We never dèspair oflhe Repnblic. - Washington Union. We iTJoice at this action of the N. Y. Democrncy. Nolliingbut tha interfeence ofoffice-hdldérs has g' ven the appearancë of any división in New York in regird to the extensión ofslavery.- Tlie massesdf all parties theie view thia project with abhorrence. It is eaay enough for the admintstrati. n to secure harmony in the Democratie parlv, by auandoning tlie scliemë of slaVery-fextehsion. fhe remarles of the Union clearly show that, sooner than do this, it will hazard forévör thé prospects of the oarty; n aword, that thé only bond of union is, full assent to thp pfojeci of negro-slavery propngandism. What a spectacle! The orgán ofthe Democratie Administrat'OR of ihis Model Republic, wailing over thé the oppesitidn of American citizensto the extensión nf thc curse ofslaveryto free