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Punishing all PáktieS. - On the 20ih ultimo, the Hamburg mèrchaniman, the "Ir.dependence," Captain Schaécftt, arrived at Hamburg from New York.- Among her crew, of thirty men, was o free negro named Prim, who was iho bui! of the rest of the sailors. They made him beüève ihat the captain intended to throw him övrboard, and loave him to be drowned. In a spirit of revenge, Prim got á hatchef, and slëaling into the cabin during the night, truck the captain with it; but he wounded him so slighily that he was able to get up, overpower' the black, and have him pinioned and thrown nto the pigsíye, where he remainèd cramped up till the ship arrived in port, when captain Schaecht delivered him up tojusticè, end prosecutëd liim fdr an attempt to mürder. Prim on the other hand, íaid dcomplaint against the captain and crew fof illtreatmgnt. Tné doiible trial carne to a hearing oh the tth, the result of which was that Prim was senienced to dorfinement with hard labor for twelvo months, thè cdptain to simple imprisonment for six months, and the crew to the ike pünishment för onè, two, and three months, for promoting thé animosity of Prim by their false representatiori. Capital Pünishment. - An apparetitly strona advocate fir the immediate abolition of capital pünishment, at a debate on the subject lately, gave expression to the föllowing simple and truly humane substitute for" the sentence of denth : - "Forgive the marl, and then flog him oncea week.1' Strange forgivenesa this, aint it, eli 1 The 'Ripley Piesbytery' öf Ohio have resolved to etclude fröm the commutiion of the church all members ofsenret afliliated Siocieliefi, and théy recognize thé "Sons of Thmperance" ds constituting such an associat'oo. A SteamboAt ÉscdltT. - Gen Taylor was to stop at the plantation of Manuel White, a felv miles below New Orlenns. Some 200 steamboats ín the harbor of New Orleans were to descend the river to the plantation, and escort tlie General to the city. The Worth op a Single StümP. - A fiiend informs us that, during the present year, 16 coal boits have heen snagged on the same stump, in one of the bendsof the Mississippi river. Each boat was probably worlh $1,000. Herp, in a retail way, has a single snng cost the community $16,000 in one year. While Mr. Polk cannot find the worda 'snag or sawyer' in the Constitution, he can find authority to make a survey of the DeaJ Sea. - Lou. Jovr. Fat Office. - It is said that the yearly income of the office of County Clerk in New York city, amounU to over $50 000. This ia better than being Pres d'Dt. A Woman's Victory ! A Puzzun Case. The Detroit Advertised of tbe 7t inst. tells a' que'er whieh we con dense. On the Saturday prévious, a ouhg's Tavern, 5 Tttrïes fVbnr Detroit t'he landlcrd missed and nrreste( h' is ostlW nriti' a neíghbor with bis wife on suspicion. Whenflié case was tried, íhe hostess swore she tooit the money, ftiat i was her oten, and waá l)idden, she woult not tetl where. The Court saitfshemus she said she musnU - wouM go to jail and stay theré firstL "S)t cfaimed tiiat' tlie money was her ovni, and t'oolc i; as síich, and meant to keep it too if any bótíy could help themselves, lel thém do A d!ispute aróse among the counsel ns to thé "re'leíáncy" of several nice point's- whelher if atnounted to a theft, t being her húísband's rWouey, and whether she was obliged (o téfl where it was, &c. She had fully exculpated the thrpe aecused, by shouldering it herself; and now who was on trial? - or was there any body 1 She said she was 'somethiiig of n awyer,' and she didn't fhinlt it a' irei'y good laíw that person should be obliged to'téil éVerí body whèré money was, for 'they might,' sa'id she, 'want to steal it.' Lawyè"rs foofted blatifc - the Court wasn't 'sare he waS right ;' the woman was perfèctly resigned to her fat'e, whêiher it wns the jail or ótherwise - íeiterating' (h'a ahe shotrlü keep the money anyhoio; and the Court' was oW?gd to dismiss the whole case, and all con'cerned." - Chronolype. Ilistory tells us of wars made for a jreat variety of purposes, and prosecuted on almost olí sorts of pretexta, but our war wiih Mexico seems to be an anomaly. The object, as avowed by the Union is "aspeedy and successful terminalion." The proprietors of S(. Augustine church, Philadelphin, have recovered $40,000 of the county, fur its destruction during the Native riots. Childrien Barreijleij í"or the Passage. - The Health officer, on visiting he ship Liverpool, yesterday, lound bree childrèn, agedthreé, fiveand seven rears, on board, and not entered in the istof passengers. Neither the captain or ere had any knowlèdge of thenl, árld on enquiry, it was fouridj thnt they had been bröught on board by thfcir moiher, and concealed in some barrels, where they lad remained during the passage, being supplied with food by a fellow-pansenger. Their mother remains behihd; btit their father is in this ciy and this méth'rd wnS adopted of sending fhe childrèn out to him. They did not seéiri to bare suffered so much from their long confinément, as was tobeëxpëcfëd.- Tribune. A Boy to be Hüng.- Yo'uhg Bell a boy of 17 - is to be hung iri Valton co-, Florida, 3d of December, for killing one Butcher in a dispute, while drunk, with o knife. Thé böheS óf 500 American soldiers white .he earth arourid the famous Ctistle of Perote. The Aíarvland Lo'ttèry system, as now coriducted, yields a revenue to that State of about $25,000 a year. WhAt a trtAííGE: - Whd would háve thought á few years ago, of Chicago receiving their latesl easlejn news by the way of St. Louis. Such is the case now, the Telegrnph béing ccimpleted from Cihcintlati to St. Loui-. the last Chicag. lapei-s contain thë latest news by this rout; Thé wondérs öf the lightning flashes; In thé nèxt Congr'ess every member of the House of Representatives has been cliosen by single dislricts, for the first time since ihe organization of the national jovernmen!, in 1789. A Spi.exdid Edifice. - An old and respectable citiien is höw erectihg, says the Cincinnati Sighalj n splendid edifice in this city, the marble for the entire front of which he shipped from Italy, at a oost of $200,000. The Capital at Washington is now perhaps the best illuminated building in the world. Theoldsperm lights are abolishe d and Mr. Crutchett has arranged and fitted up Ihe gas lights in so tastiful and ingÈnuotlj a mahner that the Sehate Chamber and House look like a scène in Aladdin's palace. Above the dome of the Rotunda, towards the great lantern filled wiih burnors, and the chandeleirs of both houes are superb. The one in the house of Representatives ís ornamented with a beautiful scroll; that in the Senate by thlrteen brilliant stars, representing the good old thirteen States, with their pendant prisms. These, reflected from the mirrors above, appear like doublé stars, and multiplied to nearly doublé the number Eaeh chandelier 'urnishes light equal to 5000 spermaceti candle. The lighting of the chamber is complele, any one to read with perfect ease on any part of the floo.r, and the light though so powerful, is yet so soft that it is delightful to the eye. Mr. Levi Strange died suddenly last week, in Cincinnati, in a fit of excitement, occasioned by going hom and not finding his dinner ready. According to ihe census ihe total pop ulalion of New Orleans is 79,998, ojm nution of 16,090 sinoe last year, and 23 0Ü0 si nee 1840. The newspapers are quife indigrwnf at the cba-racter of the figures, and asseïl fhnt if rhy don't üe the census takers have been careless, for iènts have advanced, buildings have been put up, and everything indicates an increase rat!er than a decrease of populalion. Shotit Prayers. - Eider Knapp says thiit if Peie't's supjlicatioo to ihe Savior to save him from' drowning, when he attempfed to walk upon tlw wnter, had beeïr ns long as the n:roducf:on to many modern prayers, he would have been fifty feel under water before he got through. WlYat is a' foco-moiive 7 Ans.- CoTiquest and slavery. Green Bay Lañd1 Office. - Thé receipts from the 23d of August tothe 14ih of Decembrr, 1847, hstve been $380,132 26. In the month of November, of the jresent year, the receipts were $64,1184'2'j for the same month of 1846, $35,210 79. There will be full as much disjanty between the receipts of 1837 and L646,as is siiown in the month compared Should the receipts continue in that projortion for á year, ihey will amount to over arte irtííttori four hundred thousand dollars- b1x amount without precedent in thé recfiipts of any Land Office in the United Statesor the same length of time. - Free Press. A Gothic Castle. - Mr. Edwin Forrest, ihe celebrated actor, is erecting a verysplendid Gothic casíle, oh thebanks of the Hudson, just beyond King's íridge, and within a slone's throw of be fivef. It will be built of the most eautful material, and will probably be ínished in the course of next summer. - "be design is formed from some ofthose hatean on the Rhine or the Danube. It will cost fifiy thousand dollars, and the urniture alone ten thousand. Mr. Forestis probably worth three hundfed thouáhd dollars, all of which he has made y his professional labora in this country nd in Europe. Thé library of the ew chateau will be a splendid affair. The Steamer A.M. Johnson, from Ciniñnati to V heel Ing, blew up Dec. 29 wilh a tremendous explosión, when near Maysville, killing 60 or 70 people, and scalding many more. Thirty of these re not expected to live.