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Gutta Percha - Sudstitute for 1nbiA Rubber.- The New York Mirror gives the following description ofanew nrticle which hns just been ntroduced into üse, and prdmise.itó crowd India Rubber off the track and fiü mariy öther important places now occupied by other maierials : Asthegutla percha is just coming intü u-e, not one lialf ofits appliancescan now be surmised, but t has alread.C been found superior to India Rubber in the majorily of purposes for which that material has been used, while it is capabie of being employed in many cases, where IndiaRubber was inefficiënt. Guita Percha is the gum of a tree which grows on the Island of Borneo, an.1 the entire Malayan Peninsular nbounds in e.vtensive foresls of ihis most valudble productiori of the tropics. The tee is Very largo nnd bears sorne resëmblance to the Injia-Rubber tree, but difTers from it in its botanical charncteristics. The of the tree exudes from its láscerated surfnoe, but quickly become3 hárd on being exponed to the air. It is purified by beng boilëd in hot water tfben it becomes soft and plnsiic ; below1 thè temperature óf fifty degrees it is nenrly a's hard as wood ; it is extremély tougli, but become plagie when it is cut into fhir. strips; at a temperature be}ow boiling water it becomes as soft andyielding as melled nax orputtv, and ma'y be moulded into any form or stretclied out ihinner than the finest paper. Wiien it coots it becomes hard nnd tougli ngain and retains its plastic shape without the slighiest chonge by contraction or warpirig. lts têhhcrfy is wonderful ; a thin slip sustained a weighf of fifty pounds ; the process af melling nnd cooling seems to have no eiFect in injuring its quulities. It burns freely and ernits an odor when igniled similar to tliai of caoutchouc ; il is tasily dissolved in the oil oC turpenu'ne, but with difficulty in eiher and other insolvents of lnóia rubber. The ues of this vuluable material are nlmost infinite ; it combines all the valuahle propêriies of the best (anned leather with the elastieity of cnoutchouc, and n durability which neither of them posseses, and forstrnpping machinery, .-upplies a want that has long been seriously experienfed. It will nnswer all the purr.o&es to which leather is npplied, and is immensely superior to that or India rubber for boots and shoes. Indeed, the old phrnse of "nothing like lenthcr," will bc deprived of H aignificance by llie guita prreba. A ]eifcf guita percha no er ihon bank note paper h as mpervious to water as glnss ; for umbreüas, over coats, roofs of houses, bottorns of ships, covering oC boxes, nnd tn all cases where proteotion from wel is desired, its use will be nvaluahle. Itcnn be formeel into gas-pipes and waler-pipes of nny size, and any degree of strenglh ihal niny bo required: and used for such purposes wilt never decompose or wear out; and being ductilfl and platic il mny be employed in a thouand shnpes, and for thousarnis of f)utposes whera iron or lead cannot now be usrd. Mr. Clav's Spt.ech i Mexico.Tlie Lexing'on speech of Mr. C lay has been extensivelv circuíate] ihroughout Mexico, and has created quile a livslv sensnlion nmong the Mexicans. Thev, we are informed do not disguise their hopes thí t the predominance of the Whig party in the country, will result in tiie withdrawal of our troops from Mexico.-iV. O. Delta. Another Application of Ethkk. - Sulphuric ether is empjoyed to produce insensibility !o pain in operalions, on restive horses and other animáis, 'l'he Veterinary Record speaks very favourably of the rewittt. A large bag of Mackintosh cloth is employed.into which thesponges conlaining the ether are"placed,with leathr straps the bag is fiistened over the animal's nostrils, and the bag is then mmersed in hot water, which cause.s the evaporation of the ether. Thus, this important discovery has brought rtüef from pain tj man and beast, and noiwithst inding the fears entertained at first, its snecess seems established. - People's Journal. OnR DlS.lBLED VOLCNTEESS - WlIAT is to Become op them ? - The presence of the wounded officers of the New York regiment of Volunteers in our City - some without arms and sotne on cnitches. frora wounds whioh they received at Chapultepec anc' Churubusco, while gallanlly upholding the digiiily of the Empire State and of the United St'ites - suggests '.he propriety of the General Government providing for them, in some wny, so thatthe rest of their lives shall not be spent n poverty. By their wounds, these gallnnt felluws, as well as many others, from other S'ates in the Union, ia ve been incapaci latei from earningtheir ving. - Herald. Únele Sam ? bedazzled nld h.dgohog ! don't you see 'Glory' 3 chenp as dirt, onlyyou never get done paying for it' Porly years hetíce, yourbors will be still jaying laxes to support the debt you nre now piling up and the crijipies and others jensioners ydu are now manufacturing. Bow much more of this wll satisfy you ? - N. Y. Tribune. Insects are incapaMe of suffering. ?ull out a fly's leg, nnd he wiil mt mind it, but i, y about as ifeidily a? jéfore. SoiTrt Carolina. - The Sëmte has pjected the résolutions givihg the eleoion of elector óf President and Vice President lo the people. The VVar.- The follo-ing Unes, by Coleridge, are not innppropriate to our country at the present time. Boys and girls, And ívomen, tliat would groan to sce a cliild Pull offan insect'ileg, all j-ead df war, The best amusement for a morning meul! Tha poor retch ho has learnt liis ohly prayers From clirses, whd knovs Ecarüely vords enough To ask a blessing from his Ileavenly Fálher, Becomes a fldent phraseman, absolute And techriical in victories and défeais, And all öur dniity :er ns fjr fráiric d ■; Terni5 which we trundle smoothly o'er our tungue, Like mere ab'stíacíions, ëmply, sounds to which We }iin río fëeling índ aitach no form! As f the scldier diöd Without a wound, As f the Ubres of their Godlike frames We re go red without a pang; as if the wrettli Wlio feil in batlle, doing bloody deeds, Passed oñ to Heaven, translated, and no: killed. As though lie had no wifd tö pffre for him, No God tojudge hiffi!