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Cash and Barter Store. C . J . GARLAND, HAVINGpurchnsed the entire Stock ín trcde of Godlrey and Allen, will be linppy to vvait upon such as will give liim a cali. His stock consista of a general assortment of' goods. and will be sold chcap. and for ready pay only. WANTED, In exchange tor GOODS, most kinds of country produce, and FLOÜR BARREL öl AVES & 1IEADÍNG, lor which a ('air price will be paid. Ann Arbor, April 19, 1843. 52-tf. vWOJVÉ ï TO BE JIJ1&E. THE subscriber would hereby give notice to the farmers of Washtenaw, and the neighboripg coumírs, that he bas an how in operaiion in Ann Albor, Lower Town. where he intends at all times to buy FLAX SEED, (and other Seeds uscd in inaUing OU.) and pay ihe highest pnce, and the best of pay. - O.nk üoi.r.AR per busbel will bc paid for good cluan seed, or, one gallon of Oil given for the same quaniity. Fakmkks are requested to ry F'lnx on their Suinmer fallows, and thereby avail ihemselvesol two crops instead of one. Mkrchants nre roquesïcd to send in their seed and exchangc for Oil in prefcrence to scnding to New York or Boston for it, and thus keep what money we have in our own Siate. ["45-tf.] JOEL R. HIDDEN. Ann Arbor. Lower Town. Mnrch 1. J843.


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