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"Xïi2Sêii;'.. TrTB prr;:c!:n!r In ure is gïveri to' iepfeidhi the hit-i ',o l u ■'! :;vii!i.ip. It is ihc ijreiil yvacuitiop for ihc iinyóiriticá óf the bódy, ]( will e noiici-J ili.ii ;i ',!ic!. clojïdy mist issues lY'ni ill ioii)!s of s.i;;.k-o. which indieates i!:;ii iliis perèpiiniinn flmvg uninisrr.ipirdiy when we rne ín l'.r.illlj. litil cc;ii( s 1; l; Wij ate piek. Li'c ennnot hc eü.qtatned ivifivont il. Itis tlirown off' rorii thc Í M.od oifil otk?r jujeos oí' i!:c bvdy, ind leposñe !.y fhis jne-ms. of nc.irly all thé lipui ril i ca vviihin ufl. The hliod. tiy il) ia incniiR )iily. workö i t ; 1 ! pure. Th ï . . i ir ' : n jx t - i!" Scrip ure s. "in iho Btod is lié EifeV'' II' it over ('CCi'iias n. ■;:;■. :i ; : v tnicrd dirootly Inl'li! o! lííé Insensible I'eispirniion. It Wever ■ r.u !!■)! i::i 'Icines fo clcniife ir. ne it pui 'Ai :■(:! t" bv iis wn heat nndne:;'i). and fliróv's"öff I iidiny hnpiore. i!iiiii(;:li tKc Insoiibililo Per.-;-; -.: n. Thns vc sec nll iliot s nccesi:ry vhen ih: bleod i stoiii'int. ör niected. is tö'opeh ihc pons, nnd il relieves ii'jclí 'Ir. mi ril 'ruii'irity inplttiíly. lis ow:) ti'nioi.-n. without onfc parncfè 'óf n: 'íicMv. rxiviü io ópen ilic pöréc upon :hr mi farc 'f'h ís vc t--'.o íhe folly ofin'-.inL' éöi ti'ncli iniei n--! cnii-dics. Ali piac :u ir. Iwuvi.!r. d;:cct ih T r ffc ís to resïorb tlie Iñsensibj ;. : -;■!' ,:cn, h:it it S"c,is (O t)c liot nlwavs tlic p'i.pii .i... '!'l:c 'rii".P'-;i)!.i-ni. for insMixv -. imi: i ivih-tpnthist shrotids ñs Iñ woi l-líink, .. ■. ilu II i: ippatli ?i oiu infniiii:itiimnlí, i!ip !!.-!iii 61 Itlèc'Isnnd petésuj wiii, i:orct:t t -:i'l lusftofiñg Qanchs ói'gcs us wítfi ])!!s; pIis. .ilLs. 'i'i giv'c 6omö iilen o.f tbenitnunt of tbelnsan -:i 'lo l'i rípirniion, nre'wijl sjate that jIiu lonmcd Dr. kowenhópk, od the ehh i!ocih;i::ve. nscortainéd il:nt flvc-ei;:lilts pf :il! v, c ri'ccivo iiüo tho 6foiVn2hs ]i'is.-ot] oíl' liy ;Iuh n:t ;:,3 li otlicr worils. il'vyc f.u nul drink ciriil boutids perdny. wc évrertáte five poünas of it íy i lie Insensible rViipirriMon. Thia is noiio otlicr ilinn the iifcI u paiiiclrs tif i he b!ool, nnd otlicr juico gívjngjilaee to tlic iiv nnd l'ii'sh onos. 'J'. cJitek ihíé: iírerefo.rc ici::in in i!:c syslferji íiv eieliiiis l íll thc viruUnt iniftTer tliál nature denianilá sliould lesvu i.ody. And evrn uhon tí ís is ilioc-=n, ihe l) .(kI is o( so active n principie, tljat it dttern incp t' ose pocticleí) to thc sl;i i. wliere ihcy i'om Fcibs. píjnploB, úlccrsj Miid ciihrjr spots. By a su. den irnnisilioti írotii hed to coj'd, ih'é fi.v.ij-'.-f'. ilie i)t-spiintiMi cunse. nnd disenso hegins ni once tdcvolopiucji. Htitice. , p-iív c' t!iis (low of ilio juices, originales gu inuny i o t iwi ■. It is by stoppiiig :li' pon-?, ihajt iycnvhelin8 in.-inkind wilh cmig'iy. col !y, and donslfmptíon. 'ine-!entli of the woild ríie from diseiscs ind-.iced by a sioppage ol the insensible l'erapiru tion. It is cnsily seen. therefore. liow nccoesiry :h tlie flow of his eubtle luunor to the súrfaco. tq preserve benliii. ít caiuiiji be stop;U'd; it enniiot lioeveti chnukodj v.-itlnmt ncfüciiiír distase. Let ino nsk now. écry catxlid rnind, whai course seems itíe most leisonahli' to pursuo. lo tinstop tlie püii'5. alicr !i ty are cloeJ? Would yon í;ívo pbysic to uhs'.ó'p nc poresí Or woulc wi wp:i! somctiinsg that would úú íhja upoti ffiu jiisrf'icp, vvhere ihc clogtíiji nciii.'n'Iy is'? 'oild nol líiía bí: c niniáli Bctiae.? And y'et I knovrpl no p!iy.-tci;ii v. }u matas any externa] ajiíjlicalion to (.-?';;( it. 'í'Iíc n-;:sori i ..-si;;n i?, 'iiaí no medicine wiiliin ttu'ir knoTwIédgp. is cnpqlileöl" ding it. Üadét Iwse circuiis::ii'c.'.-. i pres ni to pliysicians. and !o aü oihers, o pr-epunttion ihnt iirs i'iis p; c.r in lí ftilicsi o.vtfMit. I: 'isMcÁL srr.irv ali un auno ojxníEXT, or t!ie lí ".'. j'f3 SáLVFA ít Ims power tJ prspiratiori on t!ie feet. un t)ic head, around oid wreff( Up'on ihc clust. in slunt. Upón any p'Tt ol ihe Lody. wliuihur diseaseds'iihilj i i i ■ .: power !■■ causo ;:!' si res. :croAilons hiuijors". j:-.ui denccB. poion -..oumis. to diacliarge ihcir jjuir.d tüiitlèr, and ihéri lua's il.'-:i. It ís n retnedy tliat seeps orT ihc w!i!e cntaí r i : i : _■ c! ciit'i'u i-iis Hifiiirdecsi nñl restores the enliie ru:ii:lc tu i IllllCíltíltW; h is a remeáy that thc nfcenít'ty of ?d rníiiiy and tklcierioiiu d ugs iökèri iuto iliesfomiicli. It isa rcncJy thnt neither sickens, gíyos idconvenlenci'. ar ;:; dargt-nxis t thii if.'caiiu?. 'í.t presOrVftfi '■''! di ' m' i'.o jurfiice fo;i ail Jérange iv ril óf us iHUctions, wjjile it koeps olen tire ch'onncla lir lho líio.ic! to void all its impuriiies and dispose ol' all iiy nselcss part. cíes 'I'he sriríaco a tlie outlot ol íive oi: lidie of th" hile and uso) lip maner wiilnn. It i.--, iicrccd wi'.h niilUoiis o! opcniíir'H to iclieve tl;e inteíiiihs. Siop up tlicsf ] mí. and denth'.vkiioos nt yoiii door. I' is ripKtly ti r.ied A!l-Héalin. tor tlurc is spárcely a dispose, exterual or iinprbñj, tiini it will noi heiufi . 1 I, uve uved it f r t!ie last fiiUrtcen y;-ars. for ful diaoris'es of (fie e i si. (■)!i.-!ii!i:i(;i-.ii. Itvej', ïiyolving tho u!n;os' dangei air' rcppónílbjliTy, ,0'iïd I declaro bèTórë lienven nnd rnan, ihat not iíi öna gíflgle ebáe hék u fiünd to benefie, whf ii ihc patícni was wi:hia ihn reíd) of mortal iiít-ans. I have liad plíysjciflng, learned jn thc profess'on; 1 linvo liad niijiisVera oí thé Gospel, Judgeson the J'eneh. Al(h?mjnrr;a;hd Im vrrs. gen Itnicii o:' i lio higlicst cni'üiioü nnd of I nor, use it i:i evevy vair;y of way. r.ud ;h(u lipR'.been liaioiic voicc; ouo nnrtfed, universal voice, saying, ".McAlister, yuur Qiatmcpt i. good!" CONíUMlTION-, It can hnrdly be crcdiíed ihni a sulve enn h'titjf any tticet dporñ dio lunes, fèntèd he thcy arP ".sitliin ihe systein. Itat Wus.iy onci; for nll, Mi"! iliis Üinliiieni will rcovii tlie iung 'i".i'lr ijiñii ony medieine tlint can be ven interiirally'. 'í'ü:h. it placed apon tlie Qheat, it '.nctrates direcily lo tlrj tungs', sepárateíi thc pdiaoñoús [i::in-lcs (ha'i re eonsuniiiií,' tliom, und e:iels them from the syütüiii í noed noi Bfty tliat it íscürírig'péreori'eof Cop: -íiin.piion eonniiuaiJy, altlioiiüii ve an: toíd it ia loulislincss. I care i;ui wliai is raid, so Iong as 1 can cure severul fhuusatid i)ersons yearly. JtEÍD ACHK. Tliis Salvo hancined persons of the Ueai Acjie ot 12 yrar8 standing, and wiio liad it icaulnily every weck, so ihat yoniiring of;en took plnr:e.' Deafncss nnd Kar Ácho are hnlped with the like SUCCCS9. as a!so Aue in he Face. coi.d k;:i:t Consiimption. Livcr cüinplaint, pains in thc chest or bidé, fallmg of the hair. one or the other nUvays nccomnanJL's cold feet. It is a euro eign of ilisease in tho syslem to hove cold feef. The Salve will restore the Insensible Perspiralion and thus cine every cafe. In Serofula. Erysiptlus and Salt Rhenm, and otlier discases of this na ti) re, no inicinal remedy hasyctbetn discoven-d that is ho good. The same may be saíd of Bronchitis, Quincy, Sore 'J'hroat. Piles, Spínal Discases. liroken or Sorc Breas!, &e. And r.s for the Clioet Diseñara, euch ng Anth ■ in, Pain. Oppression ond the like, it is the inost wonderfui antidote n thc World. Fr Liver Ccmplíiint it is cually efficacious: for Burns it has noi has iuequal in tho World; nlso, ExcroBenccs of cvery kind, su;h as Warts. Tumors. Pimples, &c., it makes clean work of ihum all. SORE EYK8. The inflnmmation and diseasc nlways liesback of tho ball of the eyo in ihe socket. Henee the virtue of any medicine must reach thc ecat ol the inflnmation or it will do littlc good. The Salve, if rubbed on the temples, will penétrate directly into tho socket. The porcswill be open fd, n proper perspiration wül becrented nnd tho disease will soon pnea oíFto tho surlnce. PIMPLES ON THE YACV, KHKCK1.1S, TAN, MASCTMSE SKIN, GROSS StJRFACE. Itsfirst action itto exoel all humor. It willnot cense drawir.g till (ho face is free from anv iiintier thni hutV bei ludfjed under tho skin and frequenily break ing out iü the euríace. It t tien deals. When ihéro is nothing bui grossnoa? or lu!l repulsivo surfaee, t bcgina to soíien ánd jofien uniil tliuekin becotnes n&sinooth nnd t'eli r;ny; ns a child". It throws n ficsluiess and ilii8hing color upon tho now white, trnnsparent -km. ihüt is pLilcctly iichnniing. Sometimos tri ense of Frecklt.s it wiil firsVetprt out tliose lint have la;n hidden ntu! secn buiseldom. Pur?Uü the Siilvc and all will soon disappear.' wouus. Ifparents knew how inml most medicines wero to cliildren loken inwnully, tluy v.ould be slow to rosovt 10 tliein. Especially "meréurihl lQ2en2-:s." cnlled "niedicated lozepges," pill8 & The truth is. no one cm teil, nvririably,vlín worma are present. Now let mesny i0 p'nrenta ihui tliis Salve will alw.iys teil if n child hns yrórrfts. Ii will drive évèry vestige of them away. Tliis is n simple and sale cure. Thoreis prohably r.o medicine on the fnco of tlio onrth at once so sure and eo safe in tho ex. intron of wonns. It would be cruel, nny wicked, (o pive intcrnul, doobtfai medicines, o long as a harinlcs oxtcvnal one could bo Imd. TOILET. Althouch 1 hnive saVd littlo nbotit it as a hnir rabera i i w, yc 1 will utuke it agyinsi the World! T!iey nny hrine; tbcir Oila inr and nenr, nnd ntii(,' will restore the hnir two c:i$es o their ono. mk:s. MOnTiPIOATlONS. IÍT.CKRS, tTC. That sotno Sores are an outlet to the impuri-. rie of tlic sys'em. i h een ueo (héy con hot pnsa ff t!irvt!i.'!i ih;' i.'in :.! elinnccl.s of' ihe Insrrsiilc Poi-iiirü'ion. It such toros are licilcd up, hc, nipiiritirs innst have portie 'other outJct. or it will emlarfrer 1 i fe. Thiy it, tho reitutn wliy itis impolhic to ui-c ih conmion Sohe oí the day in such tstteëü. For they híV'e no power to open j:!,c, :wttt ?. to !c: ti'itliirt mo;bid innticr, and hocLánsequences ñre oJu'nvs fh'tnl. 7'his Salvi will olwnys piovide for such erfierpencics. Disv.Air.s ov cniLnnr.,. FTow mnny ihoiisnüd? nre swupt ofT by givin ini'-fini nicdicines. whn (hrir yotihg bodica and tender Irnmcs ire anaLIe ! lcnr tip i,;rn;i!s tlifiin"? WTiofe nrniiea r.ra luis mjïu jo ftiefí groxe.6 nierclv Ir'm pourinp iüto tluir wccli Stomncb8 pówerfii) drugs oikI physié! lt is to zü'ch thñi iht; All-IJiii.'hnp Ointirient tenders so safe. pl-:is: rif . Büd r ;, n: ■ H s. a iire Sïich cn sos as Croup. CJjoJic, Chofera ín Ai Dl mi, Wonns, lifid ;ill Swnrmer Cöttvplatnts l.y vhich' mi iii.inv chiUron die, the Oiniment wijl removo so spèedj'Iy nnd surf Iy. tha; a [ Jyticicr " will nnvt-r ba tíeerfcd. MoífierVl t hrouhout nll tliis l.iüd. wc now sqIciúiv and ft-ertdiv declaro to you ilni; ;he Áll-Iíeáílng Ou, 'inent' will ivo yotir ciiüdiiMi lioi.i ;,n ci.n'v íí'e if yen will se it. Wc are not now aeiuaicd byth loasi Bésiro 'o cuin; but knowirig as wc do that v:ií! bodies of intiiiita and ebildreh die tsi!; which i sappoted tp be inevitable uno' únposfible t prevent, we hold up mir warnirig voicer nul in the Inco ol ifit whole vorld. CH1LDRKN NKED NOT DIE WOUE TrfHf? OTHKRSM Tint it is from the want ef proper novirial' ment und tiie coiitü-trvt appgijig lliey iind(-ri) wbich trioVya ihêhi ifwn as ihe rank giass lal Is beforo tho scythe. tVJQthcjcs! wc repent again. and if tliey werc the last won'a we were ever to ulier, nnd of' coii!8c pr,st ilie reach of uil inierrst, we would "uso the All-llealing Ointrntnt foi sickm-is uñón;; cliÜdren." RHEUMATfSIjl. lt removes of aio'ái iníinudíotely the infinnnlivii nnd swcliiny, wlit-u iho pain of courso ceat'CS. if.vrits. ín cases of fever, the difficuhy lies in the poros being locked up, 80 that the heat and pcrspiration cannot pass off. If tbc lenst moisture could be startcd, the crisis ia passed and die dangcr over. The All-Healing Omtmeni wi] in n!l cflscsof fcvers ajmoat instantly uulJck tliw skin and bring forth the pt-rfpiration. nm i.r. comi'lao"! s. Iuflumation oí the kidiey&. of the w.omb', and itstulling down. wenknoss. and irregularity; in short, ajjj thoie diilicultics whi.'h aro ficqu'cnt Mili femnjes, fine! rtndy nnil pernianent relief. U'.: luivu had Rgd ladics teil us, they conld nrt livj six moiuha withoui it. Jïui to females aboiu tübecome niothcrs, if used forsomc weekq antecedtnt to iheir eonfinenioni. very few oftbuso pnins and convulsión? which altend iteip at that pefiód will be feit. Thisfact onght to be known ihe world over. SVAI.r HKAD. We have cuféd caaes lii,- actually defirdevc. rything known, as well as the abiliiy of fiftren r twenty doeïors. Ono mnn told us he hr.d sjicnt $500 on his childrcn without any benefit whön a few boxes of the Ümtnicnt curcd h':n! COK.NS. Peóplc nced ncver be troubled wiih ihem if ihey wil! OM ii. Ás n FAMILY MEDICINE, no man can mensure is valuó. So long us the ftars rolí il. mg over the Ueavena - so lonp ns man trend he earth. snbject io all ïhe inf.rniitits oí ihe ilesh - ko long ii? disonse and sickness is known - just so long will this Ointmcnt be ustd and cs:t:eiied. When mnn censes frorn orl the earib, then thedcninnd will cense, and not rill ilitn. Ti) nllay nll npprelit-nsions ?on uccount of it inuredients. in jiosessinf' such poweriol projicrtiès, wc willstnte t is co-nposed of some of the mosl ooinmon umi harinlcss hei! sin c.ts:ence Tbcre is no morcury init, na can he -scen from the fact that t does not injure the skin ona portuije, whilë it wUl poss ibroiih nnd physic iho bowels. JAM l: lJcAl ISÜ ER & CO. lí8 South strèet. Ni York. Sle proprictor of the airave Medicine, lo yvlióin all communiections must be afldicssod (pust paid). Price'5 cents and 50 cents. IDCAUTION.j-ii As the Aintieajing Ointuient bas been grca.t!y couiitcrfeitcd. we have g:ven rhis cDUtion to thepubhe. that "no Oiniment wi)l be gennmo iinlcss : thé nam ra ol James Iic A lisier, or James McAlisicr tt Co., are writtcn wiih n pen upon overy labol." The label ia a s:eel cnpraving, wiili tho figure of "hiücnsible Perspiration" on the fnce. Now we hereby ff,T a rcwnid of $500, to lm paid on convtctjTorrj in any of 'be cenítú.utcd courts ot tluj L'niicd Stntt.. of nny individual countorfitiintj oir name and Ointmcnt. MAYNAHlVS, Ann Arbor, Wliolcfale A.""nts; Sinirh A Tyrcll, Cbofon: Ketehum t Siuith, TecuniPi'li: 1). C. Whiiwood. Dexter; !'. Bicvor. Maiichesier; Jelui ("iwen Sc Co., Detroit; Hanniin t Cook. Brooklvn. De. 18. ifAp. ' 2-14- Iy ATTACH MENT NOTICE. Guy bcckley & ) Luke BccUley, j „ r _, rn. VB BeforcE. Thomson, ogq. Sylvanus: H. Ilill. J i WP.1 P oí Atthment havinp been issuci t. by Edwin Tlumiscn. rsq., a justice ofthff peace in and !or Wnsiiton-iw C'.unty. nt the eui .)f Guy Bècliley aml Luke Bcckley acainst Syl vanus H. Ilill, n.turncMe at ibe office of snia jiuticc in Ihe villago o! Ann Arbor, in eaid couniy. on the 16:h day of RJay, 184G. at one o'clock i'. M., nnd the snid defondant hdvihg failed to appear, noticc is hereby is givon thal snid causo is continu..-d )br trial iintil ihc 17th day of August 1840, at one o'clck, P. M., nt the office of said Juptice. Dated, June 1, 1346. 2Ci). B ETTER LA TETHAN NE VER! 5Tpn Ë Huhscribpr hua the plcnsurc of announcing to the Public, that he has just received from icw York, und opened a cholee and woll esloctéd apsoHiiicnt of NEW GOODS, consistingof Dry Goods, Groccrcs, Crockery, Hard' ware, Boots and Shoes, which bc w:ll sc-ILpi Vcry Low Priccs for Reody Pay in Cash, or Produce. Ca.h or Goon8 will be paid for W00L in any quantitics. ROBERT DAV1DS0N. Ann Arbor. June 10, 184S. 203 TO LAWYERS. JUST opening, a first rato lot ofLaw Book, for sale at the pubüsherd prices. for cath at Terky's Bookstorjk. June 15, I34G. 270-tf Chattel ITIorf gng'c, JUST printcl and fjr ealc at this office, in any quantity. March24, 1846.