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A bar of iron of alniosl any ei.r, may le t iismnily suntlered wliílc hot. by dio simple , plication of a pieco of cominon roll brirrtsloné A knówledge of this fací will be U6cfu!, whc some piecc of iron work is required to be sever el ; bu! which. ns a iomet'nies ihe caso, ia si constructeJ end siiuated ihnt tío ordinary chistl enn be brought to apply. Holes may bo instant ly pcríoratéd through bars or pinte;, of hcateci iron, by thc npplicaüon of poimod picces of brim 8tono. This phcnoinonon i curiou. alihougl í tt Ecldom níTords intich practical utilily. JíIBerty. - We like Burke's ideo of Liberty He says : - 11 Men aro qualified for civil liberty, in cxnci pniportion to their disposition to put chains upan thcir own nppetites ; n proportion na tbeir Iovt of justico is above their rnpncity ; in proportion ns thcir soundness and sobrieiy of understandint.1 is a')ovc their vanity and presumtion.; in pro portion as thoy nre more iposed to listen to tl)counsel of tlie wiso nnd gópd', in prcierence lo ihe fiattery of k naves. Society canaot exisi un leas n controlling powcr ofiha will and nppctíic nrc placed somcwhere, and tlie less ol it thert8 within, ihc inore there must be without, h u ordiiincd in thc eternal consiitution of things. thnt men of intcmperato niinds cstinot be freo. - Passions forgo thcir felters. A Gni. - We never rcad the following without feeling tweniy per cent improved by it : Twu ncighbors met. oue of them wns ex ceeJingly rich (heoilier in moderato circumstanees. The latter boanto congrniulaio the formei on bis prcat posscdsions, and the hnppiness lie must enjoy. ending with ecuirasting it witb hif own condition. ., SMy fiiend,' snid the rich man, 'will joa allow me to ask yju onc question I" Certninly sir.' Would you bo williig ti tnkc my rroperty and takc iho whole care of Jt for yeur boarding and clrthing ?' No indeed.' Well, that's all I pt.' i r