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Gov. Bebb Of Ohio

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JL nis man seems to be of a narrow anc bigotted turn of mind, or he must be a consummate hypocrite. In his hostility and halrëd of the colored people, he evidently is far ahead of any " Locofoco " Govei'nor we have ever had in Michigan. We think the Whigs have done ihemselves no credit by elccting such a man. Lest we should be accused of maligning Mr. Bebb, we give some of his sentiments, as reported byVVhig papers from his public speeches justbefure e!ection. We find the extracis in the Cleveland American - Thb Dayton Journal, an old and accredited Whig paper, reports Mr. Bebb lo have said at that place : 'He is in favor of enacting a law, if necessary in ihe place of this, to prevent mnnumitted negroes in the Slave States, from settüng and colonizing in 3hio - and fort hls purpose, wou ld even take from them the right to hold property in O h o. "He is opposed to any alterationof the State Constitution - opposed, therefore, o thenegro'shaving a vote, holding an office, orsittingon a jury. " He is opposed to the admission of )lacks to the public schools, or any thing else that would favor the social equality of the two races." The Dayloman, alsoa Whig paper, the editor of which ia in favor of repealng all laws making distinction on account of color, reports Mr. Bebb to have said :"He liad distinctly declared himself OPPOSED to black and white children oing together in the same school - OP'OSED to theblacks exercisingthe right f voting- OPPOSED to their holding office in the Stale- OPPOSED to íheir boing jurors- OPPOSED to the free neroes of the South being colonized in 3hio, and if necessary, to prevent their Deing colonized, he would give his assent o a law prohibiting them from holding real estáte for such a purpose." The Sí. Mary's Scntinel, a democratie joper, after stating what Mr. Bebb said at that place in favor of repealing certain clauses of the Black Laws, adds the folowing " We took the above down in wriling at the time it was spokeD, nnd submitted t to him, in the presence of the meeting, informing him at the same timo, that we intended to publish it, if it expressed his views, and if itdid not we desied him to correct it. He replied that it was true as far as it went, butnot full enough to correctly represnt his sentiments, and he desired us to add the following : " That he was opposed to negroes and mulattoes voting, sittingon juries or coming into ourcommon schools, and that he was in favor of the enaetment of a law, which shall, if possible, efíectually prevent the emigration into oar State of this class of pe-rsons." How despicably, unutterably mean a distinguishedman musí become before he could pander to the basest popular pre'iudice by opposing in set speeches theentrance of colored children into the public schools ! Whatan exhibition of bitterness of feeling, and how wholly opposedto thase enlarged and liberal views which should govern the mind of a stafesman ! Yet he is a most distinguished member cf what our neighborof thr? State Journal designates as "Me only true Liberty party." The Whigs of Ohio huve endorsed his sentiments by electing him to the hihest office in their gift. It is but just, however, to them to say, that when f?peaking in the Northern pari of the State, Mr. Bebb is representen to havir:g taken strong ground agninst the !!ack Laws, and in favor of the rights of the colored people.