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President cnlled to order at 9 1 -2o clock, and called spon Rev. Mr. Mny of Syracuse, wbo opened the meeting witb prnyer. Mr, Tracy uf Cunn., remniked that ho lind been placed on the committee of resolutions, thus iuperceding n mmmber of the Inte WWg pnrly. J. G. E Larney was nppointod in Uis plucr. Mr. lïriiins ot Ohio, next sddivssed the convention :it eroat lentli, in i rein of fiiciit htiiDor. Mr. Cummings, of MaBBSBchosettB, suconodi-d in n speech of considerable ability, but bis speech, like tliat of liis iminediiite predecfwaor wiis so long as to be tedious- ind every body inipiitii-nt. Mr. Perkshire of Virgiiwii. was c-.Alr.d tbr, imd ?aid he was once one nf'tlie i-ude soit of Virginia barnboroert, and could ootspeak mneb. Virginia wasfnll ot brnbunnere, lit v:ntpil tofahve his -'saj'" Hbout the matter, bnft -v-i ■ the n mmiatiun wm made would go it. He fmd been thiuiuii western Virginia umi hf kücu the feeJi'iee uf the peup! consonant with liis own. SÖuukl Van Huren be noininated, h; would leceive nmch BU fioni thltt quarter. He knew lio dilfrrence botween Gen Ca3 and Taylor, liotli vent for slavery ext.-nsion. Taylor was watcHjng tliis convcntion more cl.isely tlian be ever watch.ii The moveraeute of Santa Anna on the pinina of Buenavistn. After Mr. Berkshire had conclu ' ■', the i:itchinsons enteiniinod audience wi iu sonq;, adaptad with griüit i igei u .■ i - i0Itwii3 received witli j:reat entlit Gen Nyp, no a íesporided to luuJ and repeated cnlU, nud 'nddivssed tlie conveutiuu in a speech ieHMi'kaUa foi" its farce nm! wit. After Cirn. Nyc bnd coñcluded, tho Presidout anneunced that lie liml receivea felegrnphic aespatch trom n distingnished Clergynten in Cinciniuli, contnining the following ndiHonitwn : " Sxbibit olie front, 0110 iioininatiun, courage, anticipHle vietory." Mr Hi-iully of Peiinsylvaiiiii, was ciilled npon to ■peuk tor his Stilte. He Bpuke encountgeinf' of tlia progresa offrwe principias in PeUD8ylvmiin,nd predicied the spaedy triuinph of that " Piovisü," with which the name of uno of lier sous was ir.tiniHtBly associiited. Michigan wii8 now called for, and Mr. K. o. Wilsiiii caine forwurd, He carne, be suid, tVomthe State of Cass-fram u smiill state, but smiill as it is, hive hu:idlfd uf lier sous wars heie. Ho was jdi' wlio was at Baltlmurt) iu 1Ö44, and was jnads Ui believethat .Mr. Vnnbuieii could mit be elected - t lint tlio candidute must be acceptable to tile South. l'lie sume principie of rruckling sul)s. rvit-mty, hnd proatrated every iiuitheni luim, tiue to theXurthen inteioils- it had piostnited tildo, the loveJ and cherjshed chiefof the wliig qaity, Heury Clay. When the plalt'onn sliall be estiil)lislied, we must all uniteoti the cufldidate. If iiny othertlian Olie tmnie cutí S've ''le cause lliirt v-six tlctlo'ul v,,tcs to start it le produc it and tlio l).inih.rpcrs would go liini : but see wlu-ie it cuu bo obtuiii' (I bofoi-e we Met Ho had hiinsi-it' been a favorable insti uinent, actiii UUCUtiCHiUfJ) ioi llie snulli t Bnltiiiiiire, in 1644. rtnd di eis fó .u üuwliutbn Ould do to iilune tor liis mi.-taU--. Ho spuke of Ciiss, :is n man, wlio hnd spld .■ ■lieni ïiüllis for ifBce - i man w'uo hnd nor btn-n bit U-musb " of loise and cunf'ision.'" !. 1. t llie ]'co'le l.i.ow llis ii-incipl''S OH vital qu st.ions, bul wjho uiil truubi'd witli ' doise iiud contusión" i ISuvwnber. - mid tlio peoplu of MichigHU would repudiato Ier iccreanl sou. Air. Sedgwick oí' Onoiidngn, snil he had bcvn a whig iluiiiifi llio whule exisiüiico ot l!..t pmiy, - llfliinl bwird of ttm iiontiwatkxi of wiih nortificHtion itud Mgrw He went on ut gnnt ength, showiug why do wliif; uu iturtbern wliifj, coulil with imy ilfj;iot of cousistcucy vote tor (ieiifinl Tny lol". His speech was tliroughout, oncrgetic and iiiipauiotK d. Mr, Glddiogi was iigain cnlled to lbo stand, and promptly responded witl) his nsiwil aliilil y, Imr gve wav ful" the report ut the cnmniitte ou rtwohitïoiM ; TUE PI.ATFOBM. Whernas", WHi'hiive nssemh!td in convention ns a unión of freeiiinii fof the tüke ot' fri'i dum, forgethn" uli pust politicnl difference in a comuuni resolve to maintnin the rights of free labor, ugainst the aggressions of the sliivo power, and to secure tree soil for a fïee people, And wboreaa tho olitic!il convrntions recrntly nssembled at Biillimore and Philtitlflpliini, ihe arm stuting tho voice of a great constitueucy. ontitlnU to be ' eaivl in ita diliiieiations, and the other abandoniMI 3 distinctive principl. s for mere availability. huve dissolvod the iiHtionnl paity organizatiims lieretiitnrr osisting by nómiMting lor the. Mniitriicy ot'tlie United Staies under fluv. holding dictution, neither of whbra ca i I)R supportrd bytihe oppponents of slavery extensión, without u sacrafict; of consistency, duty and respect. And whereas, these rioinitmtions so made, furnish ihe oeCHMOÓ and demonstnite the neeessity of th uuion of the pople under tho banner of iree femocrrcy. in ■ solenin a id'tiuul declamtion of indnpendenco of the s.lave power, and their tixed determinution to rescue the (derul overnineot flore iu control ; Ri v'i. v' r . ; el re v ' ■' Kl;. i h 'm tfa daj'8 af fhe firet doclun . p1ti.g 'Vr trurt ir, God lor the triuiuph ol our oj't'se, ti'"'::iig iiw ü '. '" 1 f-8 au Oiir endi-HVnrs 10 adrnnca ;, ds oov ;'■"■ I ourselves upoo the tyitionj-.J iitili'ciTi ct'tVi'i dom, in oppoüïtion t the Beciionni p'.uifuiin of elavei y. lic -Jv.'i!, th.t si. v-vy iu the evoral Sttttei cf xht (Inig whlcb recog irelts existm!e, dopmda vpon l' :■ slnte lcave r.lor.o, whiclí cnnoot be re,péa! oï modifeJ by Üie ñejeral gorei-aioent, and far whkh Inws, aud foi which im that goverm lenl j doI Wo tliersfore, propase , , intorfrreuee by Coogten with BÍavery xvithia !■ ■ ii9 of i 'iv rtRte. R ,P , ihm ihe provi o of Jtfforeon, to prohibit-tbi stence of 'stavBiy ftei 190Q; o ril the territuries oftb United Stntas, Ëothern od norll n tiio vote of is tl ':i l'' gati in thi C .i i .-!.■' - to !.ice ■tatea i sn Rg linst it; -1 dayery 1'im.u the Nottb Westorn rritory, the tt-.:,'. h : und w Bntiie ory of the of the ,:eroü clearly show Uw i " : the s tileii po]i..v uf tlte QRtion nottoi-xton l.onUonaliBe.oroncours ''-,1'iit to Umit,ljcalize u d dicourge slnvei-y; ', i. ■ i: policy wi 'hahonld iivor hsve been j. tod fi-otn, the : -. imeiit ftit to ratnni. Ived, that our :: kers . - : J iiin Conslitn ti ■ (.t'tho JJnitadStatei, in uril . anougotbor,great iia:i!:;il oSJL'cts, iu estuulUIi jusiice, proruote the genoml welf.i.o.nnd secure hu bli Bsii gi of libeHy, buc axprstsly dniel to the federul govsrnment which tliey err 'cel, fi! Cu.iBtUutioDfH power o de)rivc any pc. oq cf life liberty or property without legi'.l process. Resolved, Thiú in ího juticement o tlus convtíJtioi), C;ngres3 has no more power to make n ■htre thnn to ms.Uo n king; - do more power te ostablish !avery, tlmn to instituto or eslablish monarch; :- no sul-Ii poflrer cnn bo found nmong thoBespeciffically darived by the Cotistitutton,or derived by any jnst interpretntion frotn itratft, Resolved, That it is the duty of the federal governinent to relieve it.sclf froin 11 responsibiKtj for the exislence, or continttUtoa of siavery, wli( rever thnt gdïerninenf possees constituf:o"a '. uuthority to legislatti on thnt suLject md is thus responible for its existeiee. Resolved, Thar itw rrn, and in the judgement of this Convontion the only wfa ir.enns of prevonttng rile extensión of slavery into t.erritory do iv Vee, is to prohibit its existonoe ia all BOch territory by no act of Congiees, Resolved, That wo accept the itene whicn the elüve poww faas forced uo 08, a ad to their deinnnd f'ir more slavo State and slave tenüoiies, oi"calin but final WWWer ia, no mor slnve statos, nnd no inore slave territory. Let tho soii of our extensiva domains be fjr Bi r kept free for the hardy sfour land, steking homes of comfort aud fiei'Js of enterprise in the new world. Resolved, That tho bül lately reportad by the conimitie of eighi in tiie Senata of the Uoited State; tuis no coinpromUe, but an absoluto s.irrer.Jer of thi rightj of the nonholdmg slave ftates-, and whilr we rejoic to '., iow that n measure which wbil op he introductiflii of sh,very into icrn;:,. .t 'fi would itl o have opentfd the loor for I " :J t:ii'e amoog the future nhahitants thei . f, to tii; ruin of their peaeft and prosperity, was defeated in the li of Representativos, i;s passage in hot haste, by a nMJority of the ïiuunte, embïaeingeeveral Sen who otrd ia open iolation of the kuovra will of tkeir constituents. should waru the péoplëtosee it, tint tbeir repreíentativi i e Dot tjuerud to be rny them. Thore ujuat be ne moi : :!' - repeuled, Resolved that vo demand freedoin uiid e9tblUhed iiiítitototions fov our bra Oregoo, 'nowexpwied to '-': ■■ r ': mtwacrr, by rtie rsclil'-aa hastili y of . ie ..!;ive power ío the Mtvbhshment of fi gnverumení íV freo tairitoiu la New México ■..'■■'. California. And, wharaaj it is QOt oniy doe to this occasion tut to thí vrholo pg flte of tha CJi ited States, tiiat fe ïhooW abo ëectare ounwlves ■' rt queUions of MtioDal p . . . fore !;-.iBo!vel, Thatwe d uk cheap poatnge foir'ie p opio; retrñehi lent oftfae expooaca ol'tbe nd patronage af the '.■■tl ; tho tb)liioii oí all omiecMBB V offices and snlirics. and Iba electior by ihe j e le ai rH civU offieers p the govorun it, M i'sr as the same umy bepracticable ed, Tnni the River no I H nor irapmveneiit, w!ic.ievo Jeiuaü-ifd by the iafety and oonenince of cow.-nírse with foreign natioita, nr umongths wveral'stai . ir ohjec a of nati oncern, and . ; : . : ;' taréis ufiu conrtitu óna! power, Eo pruvide therefor. Reso!-.d, ■; hi :■ . [rfat I actuatse taeonsid "the i ■ ' " '-:'lkínesi . ...... lly fi II aqi I !u their en . sn ■ ■ : na uf tho public la id, i ' ";;- iL' a Wi8ñ a' 3 .use raen ' ' Oí ite ovnrious' States ofth i oí! n ai ■ ' ■ 'r t(J tjj, favor " ■ ATuericBB ppoplo. Ived, ■■ ' ' ' "■ ' ritttisDi ■ a! a ■ - tiriff ■:■■■ oeceísary exp piy a '■' B"'J infel"ea thereoa. Kesolvf i, Th ■' ' ■ " "r bnnu r' FTvEE SOI] ■ ■ ■ ' P".RKf' ljV" Bo.í A.ND FIlEE . . md 'itwill on. n id (?ght " ai ■' i ' tet y shnl 18 v.l 1 _ ■ Th resoloi ■■■■ - ■ '■ n snbmitteá to tiieisonvontion bv ''i: 'resident nd iidopled b ..clunintion, and tfaeo ;'-e conventU:n a-.ij'.iauiüd to mct agnia at 3 o"c!ocU. After the BdjoBrnment o rhe oo..vntion the onferofism-Btáttbc DmeiBaliftteh ircb.on Waahington rtreet for tho pttrposa ofagreeii.g for candidmestobe presenteü totbecoiivention. Mi-. Chase of Ohio, wíit callad to the chnir. Vfter tho orgnnization, Mr. Butler of New York, was rpqaertedby th Cümmittee to give any information lie might posees in regard te Mr. Vari Beren's views in reforence to rtie action ot the coiivertion. whor-opon he nddressed the eommittoe ut length on the movement of the rui demwracy ofNw York, i nd the posture in rhtcfa thy stoo-i tovvaras Mr Vnn Buren ns nomifioo ol'the convHn:inn. tn rhs courja of his rem'irks ha eend :ho faUowiog letter, which elicited the most repturous ppl e. Li ywALD. Aug. 2, 1848. OeitTLrMTS : - H hns öccürred to me thnt n .J'reet ewmmunication oí' iny feelings opon h ni'iglo point, rnaj'. in One evsnt serve to remove pmber-aBBmnnls in yonr nction at i'utTi!o. Yon ili know froin rny letter to the Uticn ConreDtion, nnrl the confideñee yon repose in tnf gineerity. hWgrently the proceeilin ofth-t body, in relution to myself, worr opposntl to my earnet wishes. Sa neof yoa have iilso liml (ípportunitiog to aatisfy yours' iv m, from panoiw) otoerrotion, if acriHcRi of(elings and intsrest, which I incurred in tabmittuig My future action to s control. Nona or'you need be assured of the extent to wh'n'h these faeiDga ■n-ertf reüoved by tha conci'j-j-.iie.;=. ld yieWinc! t0 lh decisio;i of tha body, tint the iisí of my nama was cocoss-iry to eptble the evpr t"i;fhfl democn-.yof tiw Vork, to sustnin theinselve-" in the extraoniinary poaitioo intó whieh th driven ly the injuitice of others, I nvsiled mysIf of an opporiuniry to t6tify to them, my en lurin gratitude for tl many fiivors I have received at the! hands. Th"? eonTuntion, of which yon fiarra ■-; p vt, mny if wisely coirlucted, be productive of more ini)or tant consf quouces thnn any -.vhich ha6 (fone !) fors, s-:ivfonly that which t'oivned ihe federal constirntmn in ann rf:=ppcf, it v,-ill be who'ly atllrke my p ilitirnl couvontion which has buen hfld in the Urne" ! Status, sin rhK prese;ir arganizntioD of Bartie. - It will, in h great ciegre' , be compos'cl of i idivi tu uls, who have M thnir lives uee'i srráyed'ütl differeat sidos of politie?, staje tnd'Oatinal, ari'! wlQ ■ !■ considenttiona oftho highaat import, t o t,p;uu vivid nctioii upon other iObjf-cts, uncí un4í their dnmmon efforts for ilio itccomplBhrnent of n tingla (.1; ' - the preventior of the introduction of hunmn filnvorj-, itito the nxtensive tomtories pfthe Unïtrd Stiltes, now exempt from thnt great eil, nnd which nro deatimd, U properiy iroated, to he ppcedüy eonverted tote ■ wiJdernosi of free miuds, I need nnt s;iy, how cni-dinlly I in the sentiment which regarde tliis ;;rent object as ono mcred in the sijrlit of ileiiven, tho nccoinpüélmient of which is ('ue to the mpmorics of thoso graat just men' lang sincP, we ti'ust, mudo perfect in its courts, win) lu'hl the ti -.undntions of our Gurei-nment, and innde, s they fondly iioped. ndequnte provisión for its perperuity nnd success, nnd DdiapeMible to the future honoiTind pnrainount wellfare of our entiie contederncy. It'mny happen in the courso of the deliberntions of the Cotivptition, thnt ynn will b. como mthfíod, tlmt tlic gii-iit end of your pmceediDga, can, in youi' o pion be best prumoted, by mi ulianilniiitient ot the T'ticil DomilwtilM. YnU will nut. i" that enent, wnnt nssureaiiC'-scf i. y unititrm desiPe, oever R)(nin to be a candidato for Ilie Prcsidency, nr for my other public office, but you mny nppivhend thut. ir might iiot !)[ ngreenble to me, to ba supoised i3 in the iiomination, nl'ter whnt has taken place in regard to it. it is upon thia poiot tlmt t delire to prntect yo;i agniost the glightest embarraMmeht. by assuiiügyou, hs I vi:ry siücerely and vmy tul ly do, thun so fai1 trom xperieoeingfiny mortifioation'from ancha' iesult,it would bo most sntislactorj to my feelings and wishes. Wilhi&g flie C'onvention succss and Donor in irs pntriotic efïbrtB. and boggnigyou to excep for youiselvHS, iissurances of my UUWigned respect, 1 nm very sincerely, vour friend and servant. " M. VAN BUREN. To the York Delegation in th Bufïalo Convention. Mr. Butler, of York, followed its ronding witta n speech ofsome lengtn. in which ho approved most cordirilly of the resolusions luloptrd by the Conveution, nnd exprossed tlio belief thiit Mr. Vanbür-n' if nominated by the Conveution, would accept the nominntionMr H. B. Stanton, of York, tben innounced tbat Mr H iu. wns willing to &upmit to the action of tbia Convontion. Tho conf rees then proceeded to nn informnl ballot for president with the following result : Whole number of votes, ... 466 For Martin Van Uuren, ... 244 For J. P. Hale, - - - - 184 For 1 others, 41 .Mr Vun Buien's ninjority over nll, - 22 When the rosult was announced Mr Leavitt, of Massachusetts, mudo a most eloquent gpi'ch, and moved the nomination of Mr. VAN BUREN, which wusseconded by Mr. LEwis.ofOiiio in : peal to tho fiiends of Mr. Halk. which we havo I dom heard sui'passed. 'I'Iib inotittn was adoptod by BcefamiHtion. Tha clieoring at this momenl was teiritic. Tho toiiferoea adjo'irued for tea. On thrir re-aspp'ii!iling. it was Bgreed to proceeil to the n. miriHtioO of Viee Pr"sideut. The name "f I ut' Mr Giddsgs was witlulniwn, when CHARLES F. ADAMS, mi motiun of a omfercte from Ohio, I was nomiunted for Vice President, by acclatnittion. tly nfter tlie conferees adjourned to make thir report to the Conventioo. AFTKHNOON 8KS81OH. Tha Presidí nt cnüerl t.,t Convefltmn to order at 34 o'eiock. T a coiiferees hnving retTrod to theii place of nieeti:_r o) HgrtMi upoii c:i;ididnti-sto pregrnx tu rlie Cunventiun, thei'e was 110 bn.siiiiij be.toio the Convention, and the attsruoon was erttirely devotid to nddreMei fruin a numbev of distinguighed gemleuniii. lu the eyenmg the Cunvention ngain msfinblöd w'uen it was aunuuncüd tlint. thecuntorei cóinmitteo were prepured tü report. Mr. Chnse. chairman of tli" conföree comraittce ':'" ) ! tli t and reiDurkad that j iiu w.i iiistnicted by the eohfercte to report the aam ut" MARTIN VAN of Nnw-Vork, ! tuf Preisdent - 1 name always iltustriouSi butrendüred doublj' so by the conduct ef lus friends in Lliis Conveution. ( l'roinendous cheers.) He -Aas nlso instructed to report the name of CHARLES KRANCIS ADAMS, ofMaachnbHüa tor Vice Presiileol - au hotiorod aattti - honoreJ by tin beirerofit, btit honored still more by ;y Cha "olj imui eloquent," lis fathei-, 'f ha appiuso and emhusiasm of the Couvontion, at iliid gtuge ut'ihe prueaediuga were inpeicr.ble. The reHii't oi the coufareea was acceptsd without a disMig vuieo. At iais inuinent, (9 o'clock P. RÏ.j the scène 'rom the stand was grand. The tent was filled to ts uttuust eapácity. All wire cheering, swingiDg thttir hats and hnudkerchief. Searcely liad tlio report brea made, when a band of m.isie Biarehed nrto tho tent, tbllowt-d by persons bsariog a Bplenüid btiuuer oa which the naniHs of Van Burkn .uid Auams were uncrioed, At tbs same time h bnaulilul banoer nppesrad on the stand vvitiï the inscripliou. '73 and "48 ÍBFFERSON aud VAN BUREN, " Ni Gumprouiiíe," At the requegt otthe President, t-, Chase of Ohio. iliaclmrgjd tii (Juñe of the chair. he liillowiüg reolution wa pi-asented in i!o gttneral Cmiveirtion at BuffiilQ iiy Benj. l'. Butler, of .N'.! Vuik, and wt uiMiftlnjuoiv ajopted by acclamstíon, Rtwlved, ' i'hat John P. H:jle. of N'evv[lamp sliire. fcr liis iaiilifuiness, Bdelity, and abilities a tJenntor, arj 1 the readiness, disiuteretcdnei,andl patriötUtn with wliicli he placed liimseir, lliough a candidato alroudy nornlinated, at ilio ilUpoml oí' thw eonveniion, ha entitled liimxelfto the laating gratitud oftht frWnds of the human race, and oj uie causa „j thU (Ie moer ar ij. Ou motlnn of Mr, Moble of thn District of Columbift, Benjiunin F. Butler, Josepli L. White S. I'. Chiise was nppointed :i oammjtte to ))iise the caiididates of iheir nom'umtion, nnd to suheit tbeir ftcoeptmice of the same, A dolegnte f rom PrnnsylvRiïm, thon mnda n mutiou tiiatJoH.v Va.n Hdrk.n be requesti'd totake the stump i" of the uominee ot this conrention, whieh on nwniiinoosly ndoptod. JosBph L .Vhit of New York, w,iá now callfid for. Hb toak iho stuud and iiddresa d the convention wif.n ejl-ent ibility. At the c;-.!l of Ihe conu-nfnn Mr. Fiklo was req.wete.1 to Sp-..k. bot declined, saying it was to.. bite. H woold udd however, in thu lunguage ot the nobleit of Engliih poert: ■ Now is the winter f Mt aweontept Mude elorious aiiuner by tb on ot York. Au.) nll the ciouds tlint lovrored upo , oor hooM In the dcop bosoni of the ocean buriad. He woold ncld fiirthor befor moyiag nnd ndoaniment, thnt 0y hRd thirt dy laid their platform raisi-.l their Btandard. and rauperting it, bwould répwtó the wordi of o. ot our owu poets, Fórover flost tturt rtaoëard sheet, Where bi the Hm fi thnt Mhkefora Ui; With freedom's Ktil b.'iieathour feot, A.rl (e edom'i bnoero'r us. Syin? this ho mand np cljournmot, whwh ws ciirried.