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Will be published every Wednesday mom i ftffin Ann Arbor, VValileuavv county, I, iwii, by the Rxcculivc Committee, for the j Michigan State Anti-Slavery Society. N. SULLIVAN, PRINTER. Tbrms. - 82,00 per annutn, in advance. $i,öO n six vwiilhs. #3,00, if payment be delayed to the close of Ike yeur. A etrict adherence to llie abovc tf.kms will be , vcd in every case. (Ly=No paper will be discontmued unülall arrcarages are paid.;} Advertisements ttir.nkful!y receivcd and inserled at the usual prices in lliis vichiity. Any friend of humanity desiring to aid tlie cause oí Liberty, is auihorized to act as Agent. All remittanck and all Communications desined fur publio.ition or ín any manner reluüni? to the "Signal of Liberty," will be hereafter addressed ftypost jïaldgXJ Signai of Lieertv; Jlmi Jirbor. Mich-.1' Oar Travcïlïs nnü. Local Agcnía, Thhoughout tuk StatEj are kspecially RtqUKSTED TO NOTICa THE TERMS OS WHICH TUIS PAl'KR IS rUBLTSnF.D. As 1T IS EXl'ECTED TII1ÍY WILL ÖI AKC THEIR COLtRCTIKNS AND BEMIXTAKjÖES IN A.CCOUDA.NCE ftlEKBWlTÍI, ÍS EVEKT 1NSTANCE. SIGNAL OF i.ïBERTY. WedtaesiEiij, NovcuE&er 17 1841.


Signal of Liberty
Old News