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- Our readers havo donbili'ssnoliccd by our last paper that the Liberty vote for Governor in this Slaiu, according to the returns to Detroit, Avaa 1214 - Whether ihey were all properly returr.ed, or whether a portion of those given for Mr Fitch were rcturncd "ecattering," as is sometimes practised, we cannot eay. As it is, ibe vote falls a little short of what we anticipated at the time of the election, tho' it is nearly doublé what we expected when we issued the first number of the 'Sign.aU But we are not disposed to complain. An increase from 328 to 1214 in twelve mónths is not so bad these times, when both the slaverv parties ñnd a falling off in the number of their votes. A proportionate increase next year will give us 3279 votes for liberty. Shall we not do it with all ease? The seed among our Farmers takes root immediately, and yields a rich return: but the cultivation of the cities and villnges is a bard business.