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Weekly And Semi-weekly New-york Courier And Enquirer

Weekly And Semi-weekly New-york Courier And Enquirer image
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To the Public- From and atter naay, llih instant, the IVcekly and Semi-ff'eekljf Courier and Enquirer will bc enlarged to tho siza oïthe Daily paper, and offer inducements to the advertiser and general reader, stich as have rarely been preaented by any japers in the Uimetl Siatra. Semi-VYebioly.- This sheet wül be published on Weuesiays and Saturdays.-- On the outside wil) be placed all the contente of the Daily eheeta tor the two preceding il.iya, togeiher with approjiriate matter for the general reader selected for the purpose j and lbo msidtí wíll be the insidc of the Daily paper of the earne doy. Tiui.s nll aüver;iscn9nts u the Duily paper ori Wednepdays and SatukdaTS uiJl also appear in the . Weekly paper for tlu-ac days, without nny odditional cliargo to the advertiser. Tliis pubheation will of cour6e, beruaüed with the Üaily paper of the sanie dale, and carry to the reader n lbo country the very latest in lelligence. TBRM3 OF TUK BEM1 PAPER. Fuur Dollars per aiiuum, payable in adj vanee. Five Dollars per annum, in all cases wlien paymeiu is Dot mude in advance. Any person forwarding dollars ia aioney nol more than five per ceut bclow par, i'rce of podiRge, will be entitled to se ven couies to be sein to the same poet office; andat similar rales íor onj ia'ger nuniber oí subcribers. When the inouey sent ia more hun live pnr cent bclow par in this ciíy, it vill be eold ut tli currcnt rales, the proceeda carricd lo the credit of itie bübscriber, and he papers sei;t íur o fro rala ]eriod 'of time WEEKLY COUttIEll AND ENQUIRERThis eheef, aleo of t&e.eíze of the Daily Cuurier, and the largest yyeekly paper issued from a daily prcss, ill be pubhehtd on Satordnys only;iind in addition to all theer published in the Daily during the weeu, ,ill conUin nt least one continuóus story ind a great varioty of cxtigwits on uiiscella3öüU8 subjecte, relatmg to History, Politics, Literature, Agricultura, Mapufacturee, and :he Mcchanic Arts. lt s iulended to mtke this sheet the most perfect, ae it wil! be one of the laigest of the kind, ever offered to tlio reading public; that is a ntwspaper iu ih'e'broadesl eense ot the ierm, na lt necessarily will be, from cjntaining all tho matter of the Daily Courier, and at the same time yefy úusc.ellañeoús and hleraryi by reauon of Boleciions and i-publlcations set up expressly lor iiiaertion in thia japcr. The politics of the Courier fy Exquiuua are loo uell knówn to the public to require nny explana'.ion. It was tiiie paper which firat gave ihe name of Wmos ann LocoFocos to the Uvo great in the United States; and could its coansels have prevallcd at Harrisburg in December, '1639, HENRV ULAY would novv have been President of the United Statea. lts motto is "Justice to. 'IIahuy of TnK West,' let the consequence be whut they tnnv;" hnd it is the on!y paptir in the great commercial emporium of the United Statea which haa assumed and will inainlain thia position. TERMS OF THE WEEKLY COUUIER AND EKqUIHLR.To singlo Bubscribers, three dollare per annum. To two or more eubscribers ]ess iban eix, to be6ent to the samo Offices} livo dol' lars and fifty cents per annum. To bix uuüscribera ,and less tban titentyfive, to bo sent tu not umre than three different Post-OlKoes, two dollars per annum. To classes and cominlttees over twenty- five in number, to be sent in pareéis not lees than len to any one Post üfüce, one dollar and seventy-Jive cents per annum. In 7io case will a Wbkkly Coubir be fofwardod t'rom the offif.o lor a period Iets tban one ycars or unless payment is made is advance; and when the fuuds 6ent ai e belov par, they will be eold at tho current ratus end th diecoent be deducted frem theamount e irried to the cieiiit 01 tiie Bubeerw bcr. In iike manner, vvlien postage is not 'M paid, it wi!t be deducted from the ainouiUrji eodoied. All Poslmaattrs are aulhorissoii by the Posimnster General lu fuivvai tubtcribers, f ree of "poslagÊ t, ' iiiudü thruugii Puütmusters will be al uur risk. Gtitierul Agüüts, ■M aluuy-, bo uuppliud wit) lúa iliey iDuy r. (juire, on giving iwo dayt' notice, at fuur dullanH luudrcd. The Ddily Morning Courier and J'etoYork Enquiter, in cotí circulatiou, U&s been aH PAidii nltiie Circuit and District the United States to publih ai.l uotices and other rocccduigs m c;u ■ .iilttcy in oouliicin District oH York; and all tmch tioiH beried at least once, in bolh tiicj semi-wet kly papers. In addition taj we shuil aiáo pul)Í6li iri our Dt]y, Woel and Semi-Weokly papers, a full list oP ihe applictttions in Uw Uniied iátutes for tLé" bemlit ol'the Uankrupt Law. Prices Currenl and Review of the Market, wiü olcourse, be publisbed at lengtli in each oí' tho thrce papera. Country Papers wilh which we exchango, are respecttuJiy requvsied i convénient, to give thia advertisement one insertion and cali alten tiuii to the same; and everv daily, weekly. or ssmitoeekhj paper in the Uniied Stbtèp, vith wbich wc du nol exchangf, will be entitled to an exchango fur at least one ytar, on givhig Una advertisement an jnsertiun and calnhg public aituntion to it. The weekly and ecmincckly ofSaturd;ty next, will contoin the firsl fnur chapters 11 that have appeared- of Our Mees, 'or the Life Guardainan," by the aulhor of'Charlea O'Mslloy." NewYork, Februarf S, 16-12. llf ltdfcn