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We Cünnot fiad ihat Congress has done much business since they cenured Mr. Giddings. When Ihey accomplish any thing of iuterestjwe shall apprise our readers. The oorrespondent of the Philanthropist feays of thataffair, "the northern members were intensely excited. A sample or two of remarks will ehow you the feeling prevalent. Habersham of Ga. was ju3tifying the vote of censure, in the presence of Mr. Adams. The latter with greut energy exclnimed against it as destruciive oí ihe freedom of speech. - 'There o.ught lo be no freedorn of speech;' said the consistent overseer! 'Thut,' said Mr. A. "confirms what I have ofien snid, that the spirit of liberty cannot exist in a slave holding community. All preteniions to it are hvuocrisv."Cravens of Ia., was tnlking lo a group ofelaveholders and servilc9 on the su!ject. Said he, addressing a Kentuckian, "Triplett! Teil us, how long waa it after they pissed votes oí' censure in tho nalional assembly, boforo they ucgan lo use the guillotine? Abouta year, was it? I reckon ü will be about 18 months ia ibis coiintry T1 Their faces looked black, as the ecorching rebuke tingled in their ears." In the House of Represeniatives the following resolution was adopted. On motion of Mr. Green, of Kv. Resolved, That the cornmitiee of VVays and Means be instrucicd tu inquire into the expcdiency of increasing the duties upon wines, silks, linens and luxuries, generally imported into the United S'ates Irom governtncn'.s receiving tobáceo pioduced in the United States, and imposing heavy duiies thereon, twenty per cent. ad valorem from and after the day of -. - , 1842, wilh an additional increase of twenty per cemum ad valurem annualIy, uiïtil suigovernment reduco ihe duties on tobáceo' produced in the Uni'ed States, and received into their ports, to the same scale of duties le.viel upon such anieles aforesaid received inio the ports of the United States. Wo hear nothing of an increase of duties, with a view to induce England, to adrnit our bread stufFs to. be carried there to feed her hgngry and starving people; but the tobáceo interest must receive the Bpecial favor and patronage of thegovernment. April 7th. Lord Ashburton had a long interview with the Secretary of state, and it is supposed malters will 6oon come to a crisis.


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