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American Ladies' National Magazine

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i GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK, FOR 1842 The most splendid and valuable lonthlv Ptiriodical ever pubïisbed. The only manazine devoted to Ladiea and conducted iZ i of their own sex. Coinposed en j tirely of original anieles, by the moet emf nent writera ot' tlie age; and erobeílished with a larger number and a greater varietv üf coatly, elegant and atlraclive pictorial illustratious, thati any similar publication EDITED BY Mrs. Sarah J. Hale, Morton M'Michael , Mrs. L, U, Sigourney,L. A Godey. : CONTRIBUTORS l'O KACH KUMBER Miss. C. M. Sedgwkfc, N. P. Willis,' Miss E. Leslie, Tvirs.C. Lee Heriez Mrs. E. ü. Embury, T, S. Arthur, r j Tiicodore S. Fay, Mrs. E. F. Ellet. ín nnuuncing to his mimerous patróns and ilm public a large, hia arrangement for the year 1843, tht: pioprictur oföodey's Lidy's Boük, (aUcs occasion to acknowl- j edge the aopkroljeled and triuiiiphantsuccess : bi lus Magazine, v.iiich lias umv reached' tí c exlrttórdinnry number offorty thousand. ' monthly; beinga largfir edition than has ever bL-en pnoted of uny otlier wurk of any i desciiption in America. Tiiis eucess he is: avvare Ua8 been attainèd l.y the vast superi-. ority whicB the Lady's Böök has nhvaysmaintained over tliecontemporary magazines. whii;!i have atte:nptod to rival ita tnerite, a j s-iporiority whidi he is stilldetermined tu : preserve by koeping ir, in all its departnientsliernry, inlellectual and moral, as well aa pictorial, emblematic, artistic, and mncbanical. T hat tliiá is nu ïdle boast, bc appcals to the experuruce of ihe past twelve years, , in all whicli tiinp, he has made no promise to the public which he has not strictlyvcrformed, nor undenaken which hia mean8 did not enable him to accomplish to , (he utmost. Entering, os he is about to do, 01 the.24th Volume of the Lady's Book, with increased energy and accumulated resou rees; with nn ampie knowledge of the business in whicli he is engaged, acquired by long years of unremitted appheation:' with a 6ubscriptiuti list unparallelcd in the annals of lileraiure; with numerólas facilities not1 possodsed by any otber publisnor: with wel]-digestecl and wide-extended'nrg-iimenrs; and above uil, with a tsteadfast purpose of main tuming the lofty elcvation his work has' reaclicd, the proprietor has not hesitated to incur expunses, which under other circurn' stances might prove starlling, but by meana ot' which he ivill ue enabled to make the Lq. (iy's Book, the richest, the rarest, the most altracüve, and the most valuab'e periodical, j ijijlrinsical and extrinsically, over offeied to i UiR American public. Spleadit]l coloreJ platea of tho fashions, will also bc given every montb, containing at least four feinale figures, and embodyin# in every instance the latest costumes, recei fcd dirè'èlly froin a correspondent at Paris. Adclrees . L A. GODEY, 10 1 Chésnut street, Philadelphia.


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