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TO PilYslCIANri AND COUNTRY MERCIIANTS. THE stih?cnl or invites the Mttoiiüon of Phy rícíams and Kotihtrv MWchañtSjj to stork of rrgs, Medicines. Painíí-, Gilí-, Dv: Klufis, Varni-h, Bni.-!irs Sec. &c. nomp.i sing nne oí" liie l.irest nnd ftiüest assorttnrnts bi-mulit 'o the country. In liis prefeni eiock will be (bundj 100 oz Sülph. Quininc, superior Ffench and Knifüsli, 20 nz. Snlph. Morpliia, 10 oz. A eet. i!o 50 rz. Carpente's Witlierili's Extract of Bark, 1 bol. Pïwderéd Rh'ibnrb, 1 GfiSKt Rhitbarb Hoof, lb!il. PoWflerefl Jalnp, 50 )?. Cnïoinel, 3 coskfi Ep-ntn Sults, 15 ensks Fall nnd Winter strained Sperm ' Oil, i 40 hoxfs Snorm Gnndle?, ' L000 ibft VVhito lyrici, dry and ground, ( 4rnsks Lin-f-ed Oi!, Dcnthts Jiislmmnils and Stonk Gold, Silvrr nnd Tin Foü Platina Ware, Po'Cflain Tcclh. A prnpral a-snrtrnm of Patent. Medicinrv. nll of which will be sold on the most reasonablo terms. PIERRE TELLER. 139 Jcfpjrson Avenue, sipn of the Güt ' March 13. Mortar, Detroit. JH. LUND is now receiving direct from Bosion and New York. n Inrge nnd well selncted stock of Merchnndfze. consistin of STAPLE ANÜ FANCY DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. CROCKERY, r GLASSWARE, DRUGS $ MEDICI N '.:;, NAfl.S, ORADLE AND GRASS SCYTHES, BOOTS AND ■ SHOESr.%C S-C. wliich lio oñers for sale clictip for the ready, Dnted, Ann ArLor, May , 1842. ESTÁTE OF JACOB LAWTON DECEASED. - Noticc is hereby given. (hal ilie unJersigned liave proved the lh'et will nnd testament of Jacob Láwton, deceosed. nnd Ii-.ivc taken letters Teatainemary thereon. and have riven bonds according to law. All persons in deblcd to said estáte are requested to makc pnyrnent without delay. and all persons havmg claiin? Rgaiust said esta'e are requested to present the sanie lo the subscribers, well auiheniicated, for payment. GEORGE E. LAWTON, DAVID T. M'COLLUM. Executors of the last will and Testament of Jacob La-.vton. Dated, Ann Arbor. May 7, 1842. 3m A BARGAIN FOR LAND HOLDKRS. TUE subícriber is desirous of exchanging for good Wild Land, well located. property, situite in the village of Walled LtkiJ. Oakland County, Michigan, (a pleasnnt and healtliy beation) consisting oí a Steam Saw Milt., which hns probably dune as good business aa nny in the State, a dwelling house, a stere and four vacant lots. &-e. T. DEUEL. Walled Lnk. April 21, 1842. . tfAíO.iTGAGE SALE. DKFAULT having been inadc in the condition of á Mortgapre rxecuted by Rufus Crossman nnd Lucy liis wfe,to the undorsiffed, Jannary fifteenth, eirhteen luindred nnd thirry eigrlit, and recorrtpd in the Rogtster's Office, in the county of Wüstennw, in Libor number seven, page three hundred nnd on, of the undivided holf of Ihe "Sc mili proporty," inchiduiff the water-power, Mili?, and abnuftwenty-fiveacre of Land, adjoining the villnge of Sein, in a id counly, and lying on both sideof the River [Inron, íogrculier with tho riglits of flmvin? Jnnds covered by the mili pond, (for a niore particular description of the premisos, ref ercnce is made to the record of morignge,) and no pmceodmofs at law havinjr been institnted to cnllect the instalment which became dtre on tlie sixternth rlay of November, in the year úf onr Lord, eifíhtceu hundred and furtyonp, oranv part thereof. JYotir.eisht'rrby said mortijnfre wil] be forfclo.scd by at-ale ofthe mcrfsrnjred prem iré rsome part of them) at piiblic yetitlue at the Court honpe in Ann Arbor. in snid cnunty, on tfip twpnty -fifih ñny of April noxf, al noon. SAMUEL" W. POSTER, Morlgafree. Scio, Jannary 24, 1342. 13vv 40 The iLmve .ale is post poned until the Feventcrnth dny ofMay in-fnnt, nt the ?nmr time and place. SAMUEL V. FOSTER, JUvrtgágee,


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