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Rhodehland.- The General Aesembly of the Suffrnge party convened at Providence, May 3, in an unfinished building ntended for a foundry. The procession nnmbered 1630 perBon?, of whojn 4G7 had gune, and. 127 6vords. Mr. Per ree was elected chnirman without oppo&ition. G6 members answered to thcir nemes. Four towns were not represented. W. B. Sayle6 was electcd Speaker, and dminipter'd theoath to himeelfand tothootlier inembers to be true to the State of Rhode Island. and to support the constitution tliereof, and of the United States. Clerks were th$n elected. Every thing went off qnietly, and no outbrenk was anticipated. No attempt had been made to fake possession of the Court House, or other State property. On the 4th, the Charter Legislature convened at Newport. R. K. Randolph, Speaker of the House, was drspatched to Wash - ington, to make a requistion on the President, ngreeably to the Conítitution. Some companies of U. S. troops had arrived at Newporr, and four more companies were expected, two from Boston, and two from Buffalo. A member of the constitntional Aseembly had been arrested, and held to bail in the euin of The Sheriff was in pursuit of Gov. Dor and other prominent membera of that body. The punishment for accepting an office um'er the new constitution, as estabhslied by the charter legislature, is imprisonment forlife. Later. - Dutee J. Pearce, formerly a member of Congress, has been arrested on a charge of Treason, and held to bail in $10,000. - Warrants were out forThe papers state that amo ng the items of expenditure of the brauch mint, at New Orleans are hundnds, like these: J. M. Reid, bui.ding 4 bath houses, flnggingynrd, paving, $3,099 00 Clay k. Clark, 7 baths, 1 closet 1,700 00 Stiles &. MilJer, 594 yards of wood pavement 2,370 00 Some other person, paving yard 3,846 00 Clay and Clark, finishing closets 813,28 Total $16,839 23 IL iï 6aid Ihat only one life has ever been lost in steamboats east of Boston, while they are sacrificed bysheer carelepsness in scores and hundreds at the South and Southwest. Gov. FairfieJd, of Maine has issucd bis proclamation for a meeting of the Legislature on the lCth of May. Baltic in Florida! - Our troops have had another fight with the natives in Florida. - The enemy, as usual were completely routed with one killed, two wounded one prisoner, nnd all his baggage lost. üurloss, one killed, three wóunded. There are strong rumora in Washington, that Mr. Webster will soon retire, and perhaps toke an embassy to France, while Mr. Cushiug, of Massachusetts, will take his place. The New York Legialature passec 323 acts dnring the recent session. Among them uae one reducing the elections to a single snd uniform dav throughout ihe State. Also, one ejscmpfing pciouual (iioperty from execution, to the amount of $150, in addition to what was ftlready exempted. Very Important from JYew York! - J. Watson Webb, Editor of the Courier and Enqnirer, a 36 column paper, informs us in an editorial, that great anxiety exists ïn the public mind on account of a rumor that the race horse Fashion is lame! The editor assures his readers that sbe was not lame, but had a slighl blemish upon one oj her legs! So that the public will feel easy now. 'The. Yankee Geologist.' - Wo paid a flying visit on Saturday lastto Olis's Steam Excavator, in Brooklyn, whcre it is at work !igg'mg down the hiíl formerly knuvn as 'Fo"rt Green,' nnd up the shaliow inlet and quugmire enlitled'the Wallaboul,' or bo much of it as lies above the old rond to Flushing.- The 'Geolngist' is surely a great curiosity.- He walks rigfrt into a mouníain as ihöughi it were a píate of hot. cakes, and dips it up a cart load at a shovelful, as fast as you please. He cuts right and left a path some six rcds wide through thp hiil, and then takesa new swath. He is locomotive, and advances by his own steampower, whenever the earth has receded before him, grades and shakes down for himself, and only requires one man to tend shovel and another talook after the flre and engine, though one or two othera are generally employed to smooth the track bei'ore hun, &c, beside tending ihe carta, which pproach to be iil led on one rail -track and go off loaded by another. Jlt hö comes to a stone weighin? only a ton or such a matter, tl.e GeoJogist malees no bones of il, bul pitches it into the cart like a peck of gravfc-1. It' he comes to a stone weio-hing some four or fivc tojas, he lakes hirnup more carefully and lays bim out the other side of his path. All this is efFected by a pi'gitntic shovel with a sliding bottom, at the end "of an immense and complícate arm, worked by rnuch ingenious and novel machinery. The inventor is now dead; and the compnny spent tbirty thoueand dollars upon the invention before the first machine was made, and much more afterwards. The patent (which is now seeured throughout Europe,)is probabiy worth a million of dollars. An 'Excavator' complete cost about@6,000, and will dig and load 1,OCO cubic yards ofenrth per day- equal to the labor of 150 men - carea nothing for cold or heat, rain or fair weather, but goes ahead and minds its wn bueinese through all.I The cali oPonr lal e;. Liberty Convenrion hn beenpublkherMn the Anti-Abniitinnfer, (ha .-!-r of decency in Cinciminti, u-ifh all th {■hannes apprrided; nnd ïhp prütnr rèq.ipsis tha the names pnv bc "markrd.'' Göödl lüs pro; filnvvry mader? wil! ohmin a liiUe f.boütion in Uns way. Oh, dont Mr. Ct.rties- duii't p-ubiisk our nameS'.-Jllbany Tucsin. VVhat can the matter BE?-T!ie Cincinati Gnzette says that the Supreme Court in tha city granted fourleen divorces in a day! "In several other cases bilis Vero dismi ssod; n niimbcr wore continned, and vet a number remain on thedocket for hearing.' In eleven of the fonrteén case3 wives souefht relief by the divorce shears. Sliame on thé cruel husbands. Railíioad to the Falls.- The fare on thi road has been reduced to six shillins from Rúñalo to the Fállsj and one dollar down and oacfc The whoie nnmber of applicatíons for a doeree of Bankniptcy in Maine, tothc L2J uit., ivas one thonsand and tliree. Mnny of the Honses ín the nify of Mexico, public as well ns private dwelIincrF. lirnr the mnrks of hnndreds of ahnf, of varinus size?, from mnsket to cannon balie, fired durnig the last revolution in that city. A DisTiLtERT Failtjre. - The Uticn Daily Gnzette ptate? that the Tower firm at. Watrrville hns fnilpd for nenrly $60.000, nn] thnt ihorp is onlv ÍS 10,000 to meet the linhiüfies. This the last of the distillerics in that portion of (h& cnintiy. MrcniGAN Salt. - We paw ytsiorday, a fine heautifnl spnrimpn of Snit rerently mnnufactnred nt Mr. Lyon's wnrks at Grnnd Rnp ids, wfiirh are now in bo full tide of


Signal of Liberty
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