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The Cranberry Crop

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A distinguished lawyer ofthc Stnte of New York, who had spent a winter in Alabama, ior the purpose of securing a large amount of debls entrusted tq bim for t-ollection, was askud why here v;is so Hule progre&s made in paymcnt of the oíd debts of '36-7, when the producüjiis of State wesú valuablo. He said it was true their cotton erop was very large. and the sum totai looked immense- so many mi lhons exponed, but then ihey fiad etery tking to-huy. Said he, J ate hurseradish last winter at Mobile, that was brought from Boston. The true secret of prospriiy is to muitiply the things you have lp $eU. The slaveholders may look. at the following, frorn the Courier and Enquirer. The cranberrv lands of Massachusutts are dcarly among the most valuable lands of the Commonwealth, and it wouid really seem almost a pity thiii State could not be converted into onë universal cranberïY nieadow. The lands in the town of Sherbume for úistance. are said to produce two hundred busliels to i[,z 5f Now when it is considered that cranbcrries are v.-om at least n dollar a bnshel. and that one man raaj gather fifty hushels a day, the productiveness o tpese lands throw into the ehnde the cotton cul tivation of the South, the wheat crops of the West, orthe fish harvestsof '-aniucket shoals.' We hope our sister State of South Carolina wil not bore us much lohger wiih her everlasting philosophy about the ''producing Stateö," "the staple States." and all 'hat. Whereaöouts in the land of chivalry and other Staples do you ''produce" like ihis? And yet we have neverheard any threats or nullification from Cape Cod. because the government took forty oul of every 103 baskets of cranberries. by way ofdutiea to support t?.e Yankee manufactures, ihough the government does actaally do so- júsi as miich as seize9 the forty bales of cotton out of every one hundred raised on the Santee.


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Old News