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Boston Wealth

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-From a documentJisíieu by the City Council of Boston, it appears tliat the number of persons in this city wl)o pay taxes to thc amount of $500 and uawurdsis as follows: l 1S5 persons paid $500 and upwards 41 " 1,000 L2 4Í 1,500 10 " 2,000 6 " 3,500 ' 3 " 5,000 1 " 7,000 The taxes of John P arkhr, Esq. aro $7,0 1 1 those of Petek C. Brooiís, Esq., are $5,026. Repudialion.- The following; says tlie Philadclphia Gazette, is an extract of a letter in the 'Banner of the Cross,' from Wadsworth, the poet, to Bishop Doane; 'The proceedings of (-ome of the States in your country, in money concerns, a:id the shock which is given to the credit of the State of Pcnnsylvania, have caused much trouble under our roof, by the inj.iry done to some of ïny most valuable connectibhs and friends. I am not personally and dircclly a sufferer; but my brother, if the state of Penhsylvania should fo'il tofulfil its cngngements, would loae almost all the little savirigs of his long and generous lifp. My daughter, through the perfidy of the fcjtate of Mississippi, lias forfeited a sum, though but small in itself, large for her means; and a great Dortion of my most valued friends havelo lan'ient their misplaced oonfidence. . Topics of this kind are not pleasant to dweil upon, but the nore extensively the injury is known the more ikely is it that, where any remains of intejïrity. honor, or even common humanity oxist, efforts will be made to see and keep thino-ö right.'Formidable. - A correspomlence has recently taken place bctwecn Gov. Morehead of N. C. and Gov. M'Nutt of Mississippi, (respecting some slaves if wc mistake nol,) which, according to the Raleigh Register, would fill eight or ten pages of that paper. In the case of Holmes, tried at Philadelplii, for throwmg over the passengere to thc Williarn Brown, Judge Baldwin deüvered the opinión of the Court, a new tria. The prisoner was then sentenced to six month's imprisonment, and to pav a fine o $20. A Vkteran.- Soulf, the Frencli Minister is 78 years of age. He has lived under nine, and served under eight diflérent Governments; and íí8 years a Marshal. .Another Princk cOíMing. - Princo Federick, son of the Arcliduke Charles, of Austria is to visit the United States next August, in the frigate Venus. :, 'íhe opening of the chest bequeathed to th University of Upsala. by King Gustavus III of Ssveden, to ba openéd fifty years aftèr hi death, took place on the 29th of March. Their contents were letters, mcinoirs and tri fles of the Kings own time. (GEmvARD A SíMithj of Lorig íslahd, i is said. has raised on his farm the laro-est ox ever seen in the United States. The nima is almost white- merely a few colored spot on his body. He is G feet 3 in; high, 13 fee 4 inches in length, 9 feet 11 inches smalles ffirth, and weigrhs over 4000 pounds; and,what is more surprising, he ís not six years oid. 'Laierfrom Florida.- The war is rcnewed.- Liciit Baker with six men vas attacked by the Indinns, nnd two men killed. Lieutenant Brition had been attacked, and had three men woundedf. It was reported Umi twehe ciiizens had l)cen murdercd near Fort White. These murders wiil doubtless cost the nation a niiliioñ or two more. The N. E. Boundary. - Four Commissioners, fwo wliigs and two democrats, have been chosen by the Legislaturc of Maine, with full powers to assent lo a conventiohal line on the part of the State of Maine. The Sujrar planters of New Orleans lately held a State Convention, and adopted a most urgent memorial to Congress for a protective tarifF. A Man Thief Converted. - Extract of a letter to the editor of the New York Watchman, dated, Bnltimore. May 18th. 1812.j. wiuie yuu. gome Time apro, tnatrurvis, the slave-trnder. was deeply concerned for the salvafion of liissoul. I learned. immediatcly thcreafter, that ho had. at the time of my writing, found penco to Iris troUbled conscicnce; that he professed to 1)0 no Ion eer a stranger and a foreicner Imt a follow óiliz'eñ with the saints, and, of the honsehold of God. He has beconie a merober of the M. E, Clmrch. and has abandoned his business.' - 1 Vatchman, Over 50 members of the N. Y. LegisJature npplied to Governor Seward the other day to pardon the nótorioua wholcsalc forger and spêeulator Rathbun. hut lie replied that Rathbun liad bad the control of several banks. had cmployed 2000 laborcrs. paid out $10.000 'a day. and carried on for a lony time o sldlful oraanized system of forcrry and fraud, so that a million and a half of his forged paper was proved to be in circulation whcn hc was caiiffht. and Imt for memoranda and private marks he oould not have told his Torced noirs from the truc ones. Rathbun had then probnbly 4J millions of dollars ailoat all forgeries; he had eneour aged his youncer .brothor and nephews in tlie commission of these frauds for his sole benefit, and when tried. he unjustly pretended icnorance and fiouyht to fasten on thoni the whole guilt. Six indictments stand over his liead: lic been but once convicted- tbereforc Gov. S. told the 50 legislators he would not pardon B. Rathbun. Life i?i a Miniature. - A minister in Boston, Mass.. says that, a few dnys since, in a misenble hovei ot a house which he entcred, he found a a man.lying dead, with someof the famiiy drunk about him. In the same room with the corpse a couple were being married- tlie bridegroom weanng the very same cothes which the man had just cast off. and every thing was goin on very merrily, as though it was a jovial timo. [CTMitchell. thecelebrated forger, has runaw.-.y while bailed. His bail is said to be worth1p.


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