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CCIt costs Únele Sama large amount to get his funds taken care of, the best way he can fix t. When they were kept in he U. S. Bank, loud complaints were made of the enornvus profits of the institution. The Pet Banks used them up stil] (aster: anri the Sub-Trensury was far trom being satisfnctory to the people. Recently there was not d dollar in the Treasury; out the clerks must of coursp be paid jiist as much tor keeping accounts. The cost of the Treasury deparMnent for the present year according to :the appropriation Iaw, is as follows: The salary of the Secretary of the Treasury is $6,000 Clerks and messenyers in his office receive, 20,050 Salary of lst. Comptroller, his clerks and messeñgers. 22.600 Salary, of2d do do 15,250 Salary of lat Auditor, his clerks and mesBengers, 18,90 0 Salary of 2d do do 20,900 do Sd do do 35,050 do 4th do do 18,950 do 5th do do 12,300 Snlary of treasurer, his clerks and messengers, 13,350 Salary of register, his clerks and messengers, 27,200 Salary of Sohcitor, his clerks acd messengers, 7;45 Total, $218,550 Add to this the appropriation of t.hc General Land Office, 93,500'Cost of keeping Uncle Sam's funda and an account of receipts and expenditures, for 1842, $316,950 The first stem ship crossed the Atknlic n 1819 - twenty-six years ago. The city of New ürleans has been bles sed for sometime with ii circulation of shinplasters. On the resumption f the banks, the shinplasIers beenme uncurrent, and a mob of abont 2,000 persons assembled, and robbed throe broker's offices of their funds to the amount of from $10.000 to $20,000. Gov. Cass is ïnentioned as a Democratie candidate for the Presidency. The advertising custom of the London Times newspaper, is stated to amount to one million,two hundred thousund dollars per annum. The clergy live by our sins, th doctor by our diseasèè, ihe lawyei' by our follies, and the editor by our curiosity. Report says tlmt Miss Hamblin, (who killed her man at Mobile, not long ago) js in New York, sporting mntauchios and breeches, and Hint she trnvpüed from Mobile to t h:it city in diffguise, So far as we can learn Hiere has not been the least interest manifested lierp as to her wherenbonts, by thosc who owed Justice the decehcy ofnt lenst a nhow of an rttempt to hrinsr her to trial. Tho indifFerence of the public and of the law to Po honid a crime, is painful to think upon. - Ledger. dC-rThe evils which some antic'pnted from the British Emancipaiion of the West India Slae.s do not appenr to be realized- at least nol ful'y- for we question whether Ihere arp mnny white comtminities in the world whore the moral demeanor is more xemplary than feppears to be the ense in Bermuda. Witnesstlns gnitifying paragraph Trom the N. Y Tribune;"Bermuda papers state thnt at the Conrr of Ireneral Assize. tliere was not nh indi.'rmerir or ei vil sim for ilie jury to try. Thi.s is the first mstanrre of thp kind on record. An immense majority of the inhabitants of this Ts! land were emancipated from SWry n 1333 l lm planters immediate mancipationto theappprenü'ceship systein." The price of Murdcr.-A relntive of yoiin? Senimeahas pöid into court at Chmluitsvilk. Vi.. #95,000 the aniount of boil foffeited by his noriappenrance to answer to the charge of Ifaving niurdoied professor Dn vis. The nmountof brtls'of credif, issued hy thé revolutionary Congress is staed to have been more than $375,000.000, and the States iesued much more. i lii8iTrn1id?l1ine three thingSï' 8aid Lord Ne!sn t min,? V f Tn' yU afe t0 ber constnntly in mind. First, you must alwavs obey orders im p hcitly. without fornany op!, ion ot your own respecting their propriety. Secóñd" lv. you must .onsider everynan vour enemy who speoks ill of the king. Thirdlv, you n, Í hate a Frnnchman as you do the devil.' Coming- The people ofEurope. Twenty-two thousand -ersons have arrived at New York. since the ,rst of Janunrv, and the newe by the Acadia is that 14 vessels had just left Enirland, Wh eighx ihousand more all bound for America. Important to the Ladies.-k Congregruion;.! Editor down east, thus emphatically decides an imporiant point respceting the 'Rihtn pf Women.' Some persons have heen puzzled of late o fcnow where propriety would direct that femóle tBpoaking shall stop. Ve c.. . teil you exacily- t" theeighthpart ufa !ine, tshouldstop wieic convcTsutwn slops-xvhen discourse ccascs to be ïntcrloqutory, recipiocal, and strictly social there it passes the line whens prenchin. teach ing, exhortation begin, and wheaï Paul suffen nor a wornnn to teach nor speok. It is contrnrv to the ctarnal .h ness of tliings for them to o beyond this. ö Germán Emigration to Michigan.- It gives us pleasure to publish the foíioVihg which we out from the Paris corrcspondcncc of the Plnlai- Ipbin Ledger. ''Kmigrntion tothe United States is increasintr with every year, inany persons from Germany. nnd the Gorman province ot Fiance, selliritheir catates, to try the "West1 as the whole Amenran continent is now emphaücajly called Those from the Rhenish provmeus choose princip.illy the Siate of Michigari for their residrnces. and a numbev pi ihcin have been nnnounccd in ihé Gorman prints r,s possessing frosn 3 to 4000 dollars cash. which they intend to invest in ren! estáte. The {jovernnient has done nothin to hinder the execution of their purp.ise." "Horrors f War."- The 36th Regiment o! Endish troops at St. John. N. B. embarked a few days since for England. Tliey have been absent from liome 12 years, and out of 700 who constituted the re?i-nent wlicn it left Enytand. onlyfórty lived to return. IVca't'i pf Enzlan-l - It was stated on the demise of the late Duke of Cleveland, that hc left te bis heirs the following enormous legacies: Flis el.iest son. $:?00.0r)0 a yenr. whieh fa probably nó.t leps thnn an osiate of 10 millions. Anbther son bada Ipíhcv of$2".500,00í): añoíhoi 3.000.000: a randson 1,000.003: vvhüe to the íemales njt less than jü] 0,000,0(10 were left. The píate and jfiwclry belonging to the deceased Duke were valued at 4.800.000. We niay set down. the estáte safely at $30.000.000. Whnt an amotint to be invested in the hands of a singlr. person! It is said almost every country presentssuch exnmplesof splcndor and weahh. So nmch hoarded labor - each dollars i sa gripe upon 'he sinews of tbe poor. Picture of Banl(s. - Therc is in the Counterfeit Detectors a list of 1200 banks in the United States, out of which the Bufialo Commercial pjiys: "three Inmdred are broken or 'no sae,' " which means the samo thing; sixty four are frauduleftt instittitions; forty-four are ei' her closed or closing; fifty five are at a discount of from 25 to 90 per cent. 62 are from 2 o 20 per cent discount; and fifty two are at par, or worth 100 cents on the dollor in the city. of' New York.Differente beiween Detroit and JYew Or leans. - Tn Detroit the city sbin-plasters went clown, and nobody thonyht of raiaing a mob. Tn New Orleans, the same thin? happened, and fortnwith a mob of two thousand persons collect, break into brokers' offices, and plunder some twenty thousand dollars. Thrüinsr Incident. - On Thursday evenincr, while the celebrat'd wild bfas' performei Driesbnch was at the Browery Theatre, and while he was in a cage with a leopnrd and a tirnr. they beran a recular set-to, whicb carne near costino" Drieíbnoh his life. Both animáis npon him nnd buried their teeth and clawsm his body, mutilatinr his faCe and bèadj and tearinrf awav a portion of his scalp. The cotiraore of the Germán, however, ïibdued the enratred animáis. Even while in the most imminpot peril, some part of the aiulience were not aware of the extenl of the accident. The vsc oj Iron. - The valuc of iron ás a substitue for wood in bnildin{r vessels, is now irenerallv acknowledod. Sinjjulnr as it inay eetn, iron voseáis are nctually ügiiter thap timber built sips. The matèriale for (he iron war steamef for Lake Erjp are to be prepared at Pittsburg- at an estirnated cost ofabnut $li!0,000. An iron-steamboat was lannchrd in New York on the 201 h inst. She drnvvs only about 22 nrhes nt the sfern, and sits well on the water. Three more are at the same ward.


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