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"Twenty White Members."

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An Slavcry Brvsli was witnossed on Thursduy, thcdinst., between W. C. Johnson, and J . Q,. Adams. It was abotit business reldtinor to the District of Columbia. The Journal of Commerce reports it on this wise: The question was taken on the amendment of Mr. Cave Joljnson, whicli provides that the Mayor and Cornmon Council of Alexandria shnll be cfcosen by ballot bienniully, by the white male citizens twenty-óne yearsofage, who ahall have res'.ded in the town onc year prior to the time of votin, carrieJ, yeas 96, nays 72. iMr. Adams moved to recommit thobill vyith nstructions to strike out tlie word "white," irt the amendment wliicli had heen adopied as the amendment of the gentleman from Tenriéssee, (Mr. CaveJohuson.)Mr. Adams said he had been fqrcèd into thi.s position by the moyeíneiít oí' the gentleman, who liad chosen to inserí, in Ihe bilí the (juestion which was convulí-ing this Union frorn one end to the othr. Virginia and Tennessee were coivulsed,ad he feit uo disposition to dirit.-usa it until t uros furc'd upun hiin. The geni leir.un would lind that his q .catión was broader than he had magmêd; it was upon the imprescriptible right öfJrnan, restricted only by age and a certain residence. Why id it. said he, that the kiots, the lunatics, "thi paupers, and the refuse of prisons are allowed to vote, provided tliey were white, and i-espectable blac!; ciüzens were deprived of theexercise of tlieir rightt.. lio said tliat this cluuse might lead to a judicial inquirv; what s a white man? There were iwenLv men in this House who wero hot white, aiíd he pledged hitnself if put lo the test, to produce onc hundred colorea mea in this District, that were lichter colured iban the tieenhj ichite members, óf whMñ he had spoken. He said that many of his con.stitucntá were black neg roes, and thcy were as respectablo as any otl7ers of his constituents. Why is it that you depíive a porlion of men of their political righté because of a certain tincture of the skin? Mr. W. C. Johnson rose and stated thai if there wus any convulsión throughout this country hé did not know it, and if it wus convulsed the convr.Lsion waa produced by a lew master incendiary epirits on this íloor. He then proceeded in a very inüammatory, ill-advised and inappropriale series of remarks, which were evidentiy out of order. Tiie Speaker repeatedly caücdhim to order. Mr. FpsBpden and L. W. Andrews alo, at dillbrent times, called him to order. lío then moved to lay tho motion of tho gentleman from Mnssachusêtts on the tablo. The motion prevaüed.


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