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Those of our readora who wcrc once familiar with the Michigan Observen will recognt?o in the followjnnrurticlo. the st vlo and spirit of n old acnuninlr.nce.The.reign of dimingoiruism, we trust, is near!y over 10 Michigan. Our hopes and confidencö are ia the imelligence and ood pense of our pop(ilatiun. We know ihem too wcll lo believe it. In respect to intelligence and good sensc, wc aro sntislied, the pcople oí" Michigan would not suffer in couiparison with those ofany other state. Wo , have, it is triiè, a juli proportion of bad meh, büt ! they do not cunstitute the masa, nor do the poa. isfss the iniiuoncc whieh ie to control the dcetinica of the Stfltfe. It has not, howcvch been sufiiciently considercd, how niucii depend on the pion to whoae high trust wo conimit the management of our public affairs. Indeed the mas of the pcopla havo taken very little interest in the matter, '"tirthcr than to y o to the polls and cast their votca for the men, v.hose names have l into their hands. This is all wrong. Eyery chizen is intcrested, nul decply inte.estcd, in i, this sort, anti wo. bejiove i tho p.cop'.i of Michigan are bëgifining to reoliite it. ThWaro beginning to find out, tlial ifitiey would m e pj ,ys, they must havo good and wholesomc laws, and that in order to this tliey mubt lmve wisc councils. In regard lo t-xisting porties, wc do not think therc is mueh to hcuoo bet we en them. That either of (hem will havo.tfi agnanimity to look bevond t!ie narrow fire!; oi party interestSj is too ■■ I ■ ü tlion. of buih parties, who desbroto eee a (lifTorent state of things. be done with party nnd scctioüal fttrifes, and let us enter at once upon that high carcer to which as a state we are destincd. Aud we are persuaded it wil bc donö. It cannotbe. that the intelliyeliH u of either ;iarty. can be content to selB ir HKcrests longcr aacriheed at the shrinc evon of their own party. . We know they are hot. We knuw full well-, that a feeüng is ricing up in every part of the Srate, which will íill v.iili dláinay ihe miserable creatures who make a trndeof politica! brawüng; u spenk plainly uu tlns subject, lor wc have au interest in cotnmoa with üur iellow eitizons in these niattora. If no hiher motive could bö -uiiosed to opérate upon us. the purest selfishness, shoulu lead us to set our Ícc6 as a flint againet the esièüng fiiate of' thinga. We sny notliing about the high consideraiions of patriotism and lovo of country, for ihis is the cluak under wkich the poliucal game has hiilierto been, played, and it has come to that, thatto makepro fesbion8 of that kind, is resanlud as priius-Jiicit evidence of'hypocrisy. We appeal then to tho selfisn oftho comrhunitn ask, if the time has not come to put an eilcctual check upon the unbridled reign of political faction- if it be not time lor us tuke the manageincntof ottr own interests a little more into our own hands, and seë to it, that thcy are not saenfieed 10 gratify tho maüce of party, or to secure individual or party intcrests. In these remarkp. wc have no referencc to eiher partv in particular, hut tö the wire-wokers and spuil-hunters of bolh. With very fevv exceptions, we belicve the leaders of both partiea to be the lowest kind of political gamblcrs, and


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