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Pricc of Whcat in Ann Arboi 93 cents pei bushel. Flour do. $ per ba: r. 1. New York Frbe Banks.- The iiggregnte culaiion of all the F ee Ban ka in ihis Stu?, exclusive of those which have iailcd. is at the present time. $3,639,04-1. O"TI:e Western papers cöntain ninny pólices oflard oil anti siuarine eandlcs. Thj oÜ ia unrivaüed for nwcliincry. and will stauil ihc coJdesi Ëuher. The candles are of al! qnaliiie-í íi,un imon to the l)csi spenn. A Cincinnati paper ,,s pperm cnndles have betn re-ehipped from thai city lo Bossoi after six months ineirectual efforts io solt ihem. 1 000 boxee Btéarino candle3 have been shipped to Havanna. The qünntity of sperm oi! manufacture!] in the couniry is iVom ten to tweive inilliona of gallons The lurd oil fnir to drive this cntirely nut oí' márke't. The price oflardhas rien in OineiuiKtti in consciiwence of the dcriiand foi ir. The Gozeue éays lliere are three factorías in ihe city. One consumes si.xtoen barrels of lard evöry twenty-ibur hours. One firm sent to NW York in one vycók 20)() gallons oi oil. One Cactory uies up the lard o} löy hoga tv , v 2 ! honrs, or IJ 20 a v.-.cek, or 4.800 a inomh. 5 f,400 a year!EFThe genuino bilis of tlic Sandstone Iiank. -lu-'-cs nrul fivcs, benutiiully expcution, tiro in circuimion in BuRafo, purjporting to boofihe Coiicord Báftk. Mnösachusetts. ilic Inttcr worda Invin r been substimicd for Sandsíonc and Michigan. PnicKs m Indiana. - A coirespon leiu ot Napoleón, Ripley County, ludiain, (says ilio Cincinnnli Republican,) wriïcs us tiiat die Wlicnt erop in that qunrier wns never largor or more promising llian this scason. A largo p;irt of it is ulrondy liarvo.s'.cd, and farmers are buay in evcry din'ctiün in aeciuiiig the balones. The couniry teems wiih produce of nll kinds.- Butter is '1 cents a pounel. Eggs are so nbitndaut (hat thcy eau scnrc-jly bc givcu awoy; goodfat tteeves 8 years üid are sold daiJy at $5 cach F!iiur 1,75 por cwt; no old Wheai in markói Ginseng 20 cents. Immense quantities oflJoney have been gathered all over the Stato this pcason, larger than was over befare known. It enn bo had at Napoleon, of the finest quality; ai 3 cents per pound.


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