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Threshing Machines. npHE undereigned would raform the public that JL they continue to iwcnuftcture Rorsk PowRsnnd Thkeshi nc TiIackims. two ;nd a hají mil es frum tlie villagc of Aun Arbor. on the rail!md. The Horse Power is a late invenüon by S. W. Foster, and is decidedly superior to any bthér ever ö'ffered to the publjcr, as will appear by ihe statements of those who have uscd.thein diuing the last year. Iight in weight and sniai! in compasa", being carried together with the ThresHer, in a comnion wággoh box. and drawn witli ease by two horses. It U as hule 1íh!)1c to break, or get out of, as any oiher Uorse Power, and will work á$ eaey and thrasli as inucli wjih Vmr.horses aUaclicd to it as any other power wilh ftvi horse?, as will appear íroni he íccoiiimendai.)v. Is'ew patterus have been made íor the cast Iron. aiut addiiionnl weight mid strengih applied wheiever it had appeared to be necessary from one year's use of the machine. Thé subscribers deern it proper to state, that a number of horse powers were sold last yenr in the villngcof Ann Albor wliich wcre bcüeved by the purch-nsera to be thoeo invented by S. W. Foster. and that most or all olthein were ciihcr made matcri.illy different, or altered befare sold. so as to be malerially diflerent from those made and sold by the subscribers. Such alierations beiiifr decidcdly deinmenta to the utility of the machine. They have pood renson to bclieve that cvciy onc of those returncd by the purchasers as unsatisfiictory were of this cíass. 'í'hry are not aware that any Power that went from their shop, and was put in use. as they made ít. has been condemned or laid. asideas a bad machine. All who wish to buy are invited to examine them and to enquire of those who have used them - Thcre will be one tor sxamination at N. II.Wing's, Dcxir.r village; and one nt Maktin Wii.i.son's sloickivse in Dct-oit- both these gentlemen beine asents for the s:de of thetn. The price will bc $120 íor a four horsc power, with a threshing maciiine, with a stave or wooden bar cyiinder; and $10 fora horse power with a threshing machine with an iron bar cyiinder. The attention of the reader is invited to the followinw recomniendations. ë s. w. fosti:r&co. Scio. April 20. 1S42. 11ECOMMENDA TÍONS. This is to certify thnt wo have uscd one ofSW. Fostcr's newly invented Horsc Powers for about five months, and threshed with it about 3'JOO buphels, and believe it is constructcd on brllt.r piincipïes than any other lioiye Power. - One of th underaigned has cwned and useacigfat diflerent kiade oí' Horse Powers.mid we bclieve that four horsea will thrash as munh with this Power as five. will with any other power with which we arcacquainted. ASÉ S.' G. IVËS. Scio, Jannary, 12. 142. Tuis is to inform the public that I have purptóseJ. and have tiow in use. one of the Horse Powers reeen ily invented by S W. Fostcr. made by S. VV. Foster, &Co.. and believe it be constfuct ed' upon bet'ter principies, and requires less sfrength of hartes than any other power with wlnchlamacquatnted. A. WEEKS. Mount Cïpmens. Sept. 8, 1R4J. This ia to inform the pnblic thal I purchascd onepf the Uorsc Powers, recently invented by S. W. Foster. and us-d il for a number of nionths. and believe it is the best power in use. workins: with less strengih of horses than any other power with I am acquainted, and being small in compass. is easily moved from one place to ahother. I believe 4 horsos will thresti as much with this power as 5 will with any other power. The plan and the working of this power havo been universally approvod ofby furmcra for whom Ihavethrashed. E. s. SM[TIL Scio. April 11. 184?; SMUT MAOKïSarSS. The fiöbscribera make very gooi) SMUT MAQB1NËS which they will sell for $60. FhiR machine was invented by one of the subscribers. who bas had many ycur's experience in the nulling business. We invite those who wish to buy a good machine for fair pricc tobuy of ns. It is worth ns mmh ns most of tli3 machines thnt cost from 150 tO-3ÓB. S. V. FOSTER &, CO. Scio. April, 18, 1842. Tooien Manufactory The subscribers have recently put in operation a woollen manufdetory for Inanufacturing woollen clolh by power looms, two and a half miles west from Ann Arbor village, on the rai road, who te he wish to manufacture Jwoyl_ iu3 cloth onchines, or for poy y t iie yard, on rénsonahie ierms. They luae cmployod earperíenced wo.k',.(■11 muí feei cpnfidenl thut work will b lone. Tlx-y theriefore respccfy'ully nsk a eliare ofpiiblic paironngéj cspecinlíy frornt'aose who : -n: ,n i,-,vor oí H' jik iNur: .ti;ï. Wool inay be lelt tt rJcio villagc. B. W. FOSTER & Co. Scio. Apr113, 18-ia. 'Tis fun ilieysny to gut veelt wiih them, ALL mankind througbout thcir wide and immense circuiation that ever try tlioui continue to buy ihein. Peters' Pilis re purel) ewble; they Work no miraclrs, nur do they piulese to cure all diseuses, because iluy are thé Btííentifio coinpoohd of.arogálár physioian, who lias mude h'.s prbiessiop the píudy ol Üis Inc. D ,i giauuaio oí "Vale Coliche. áJaa oftfae M;isñiidiusoit6 Medical College, aud has somewli i; tiiuiijíuisiícd biinsi'll as a man of setence :md genius amoiig thc í'ainily oí" tlie late Gv. i'eiurs; Peters' Vegetable l'nls are simple ni their prepar; ilion, mild in thefC action, tliurouíth ni iheir opemion, and unnvalled iri iheir results.- 'l'iiu tovvnand country re alike íilled wilh thnr praise. The pilace añJ ilio poor house alike echo YMth their vinues. In all cliruates they will retain iheir wondcrful powers and exert them unaltered by age or situution. and ihis the voieeofa grateiul coinmuniiy proclaimed.- Peters' Pilis prevencr-keep cff diseases li tunely used. r.nd have no rival in cañírg billious fever, fqvef and aguc.djBpepsia. liver couplaints. g öup, hick headaelic. .aiiuiíce, asihm;i,diopÊy, rhcu;uuutjni, è'oïsrgenirat-qi the epleeñ, piles, colic, feiimlt:o!)s!ruct)on. heart burn. furred tonguc. i.;nisea, dwfenáon ofthp suunach and bowcli?. ur'yent dianhaa. flatuience, habitual Q.önstivi íüsáóíappetiíe, bK.eheil. or sailow complexión, and in all caaetí of torpor of thc bowels, whcie a eathartic m aperieut is indieated, produeing neilher nausea, griping nor d.-bility ; rind ve repeat all who hu' them continue lo try tliem. The most triompham success has ever uttenJod thcir use and enóugh is alrealy known c,f t .era :o i nmorta!i7.e : ni hand them dow n lo postórity wiih thc imprc vemonts ofthe age ni med ic.Ucience. Dr. Peters was bred t the luamg art, and in o d- tjsuppiy dein :n,L-, he has órigfnaieÖ and callcd to his aid the only stciim Sriven machincry in the world tbr pill working. lis perfect, and its procea3 imparta to the pill essemtal virtue, because by being peilcctly yvrought, all thc pilla' liidden virtue iö réveile;!, prhi n culledinto aciion. andhere also it is Petéis exc Is all the world and fakes all tac BPmiW medals and diplomas. So clear the tract íor the fcn.'ine- Peters' Pilis are coming- a milUon oí witñeseea can now bc herd lor itiem-n .sistless -do you hear ihatl while a host can testi iy thiit thov believo they owe their salvation Ironi discQse ánd death to Petéis' Pili, and il calóme, andknivesarc getting partinlly imo d.susc we are only mistaken. Ci iniricATr.s.- Tliispnpercould be fiüed wiih (hciuby residente of Michigan, by your inem.e and neigLbcirs- nsk our ogents. It w ?ow_well knewn that the pcoplc will have Peters 1 ijls, and to hinder would be to stop the ruslung wiiitl. Pricé 25 or 50 cents per box. , The rcEis.less forcé oí these tmnis- their tiniversal reception, added to the testimony oí mili ions. '-keep ii beíore the pcople1' muatond wui be hcard ihroughout thia vale of tears. Their happy influuncc on joung laclieg Avh.le suílerine un-icr the usual chaoges o) lile ua directe.l by the íaws of nnture, they nv.part abu-yaney of heart, fèeling and action. an elasirc step, vclvet cheek, lilly and carnation complexión l.y thcir action on the chylc, &c. and adíes in del icr.teeituatiohfl always admit their power and ïnnoecnce, and take them two or three at a lime without in the sligtitést degreB incuu ng tl e öazard of an abortion; which faets a. col the ium st importance. Pimples; a young lady sent Hér love lo Dr. Peters, and says she leels more gra.eluUohim (ortherestoration of her beauty tnn i! hé had saved her life. 'Tis fun to get well wilh Peters Pills.fof they cause the bloot! tocourse islimpid and gentle ihrongh the veins as a tr.our,lainrivulot; 3 or 4 is a commoii dose, hence me patiënt is not compelled to make a nica!. TROUBLE IN PLUTO'S CAMP. Quite asionished Oíd Pinto car.icto New York, Hearing Peters had got bis Pill Engmc at v.-ork,) To resign his commission, hts hotir gluss and tcyhe; I hivc come to deliver them all up to you- Sir. my calling is over- my ; business is through; I liave been for three years iri a terrible siew, nd Í really don't knovv what on earth 1 ara to do;- Not of your iri-hty sire do I cönMocötapxöin; Buta tamal New Yorkcr, one PETERS by uame; . , . , The diseases my aids, iri this war of mankind. Are subducd by ibis Peters, what hel]) can we find? 'j .■.;, , I would yield hVm N. York, sir, if therc lie would stay; - , . e , . But, sir. Peters will have the whole world for his Whiteinuéipgin cögncil what course topursue. That Eftgirie of Peters brotó forth into view. The King of terrors loo'.ied a wnile. As though his soul was tur ed to bile, ■ At that unsparing scourge of i K Bvall men known as Peters I ïlls. TÍiese Pilis oí Peters' stop the slaughter. And leaves thcblood as pure as water. Now Peters n.akes, l'veheard him say, Fve hundred thousand n)s a day; Só that thc cliance is veiy snuill Of people dyiiiiï thcre at all; For sootf the cheeks, so markéd for doom, Begrn like any rose to blooni. L-wh hzrc! all inho taj ■ covïnvc to hvy hem. For sale as follows, by Mer. Beach cv: Abel, G. Grenville. F. J. B. Crane, Maynard & Co , G. Ward. S.P. & J. Jewett, J. H. LunJ H. Becker. Dickenson & Cogswell, and fc , K. Jones, Ann Arbor: Warner 06 Co-, and J. Millcrd & Son, Dextcr, Wm. L na%r, Lin-.a; J. C. Wmans. Sytvon; Hale & Swjth, GrassLakc; W. Jackson. Leoni: U. 1. ■ Alvmrhèn: JacksoAj M. A. Shooma her. 1. Ceniro; Brotherson & Co., B. Kief & Gilbert, Manchester; D. S. Haywood Saline; &.uw cl-Kevs. Clinton; J. Scaltcrgood & Co., 1 lymouth; Stone, Babcock & Co. , and Juhns. Movíus&Co.. Ypsiianti; Pierre Teller, Detroit : J. &. J. Bidwell. and Dr. Underwood, Adnon; liart & Mosher. Sprinpvillo; Ilarmen & Cook Brooklvn; Smith &- Co., JoncBVil e; L. M. Boyee, Chicago- and al most evcry where ■ so. Oct. 19. 1M2 "'-'-v TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY. TITE subscriber has on hand and offers for sale at low rates, a large and general os, -ortment of Drugs and iMedieincs, Paints, Oils Varnish. Dye Stufls. &c. &c, wi'h every artiele in thc Drug and Paint line. Persons wish ing to purclnse any artieles in the above lineare requested. beforc pu'chnsins elsewhere. to cali ai PIERRE TELLER'S, Wholesale and Retnil Drugirist 139. JefTcrson Avenue, sign of thc Gilt Sfertar, Detroit. T71.ST1EA OF ELLEN WlLMOTDECIiA_Hj SED. Notice is lierc by given that the línderalgned has been appointed by the Hon. George Sedgwick, Judge of Probate in aud íor the County of Washtennw, admimstrator on the es;ate of Ellen Wümot, Inte of Saline in faid County. and hasgiyeq bphaaj?ccording to law. - All crsons having'dernnnds against said estáte !■( i( nuested to present them for adjustment, -iici ill persons indebted to said estáte are requcslci to make payment without delay. ISRAEL WILLIAMS, Ann Arbor, June 30, 1812. 12-Cw


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