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Chnreh oj Scotlavd.- The population of Bcotland is about 2,600,000: the nalion establishment of the Presbyterian church conlüiiis lüOo churches, 1190 ministers. 16 S.ynods, and 80 Presbyterics. Tie Congregationaüsts harve 100 churches, and above ministers. Episcopal Church in. the Unitrd Stafes,- The increafie of ministers fiom 1832 to 1842 has been 587: the number has more than doubled in ten years (t?John Quincy Adame has been unanimoiisly nominated for re-election to Conffress by the Whigs of the Nwfolk dist.ct, Mass. i he votes was viva voce, and the decisión was pontaneous. Wo trust the Patriarch of the Pilgrim District will long be spared to aul the Country by hie counsels and his patriotism.- JY. Y. Tribune. Going it Fast.-The mnilrecöived h ere at one o ciock yesterday,was brought in 44 hours from New York. TLe time occupied iDing from Rochester to this city, 5 hours 53 minutes. - Bvj}. Adv. Q55 A Washingtonian out West saya fhat under the firsl declaralion of Independence we run offtlje red coats; under the' second wti ran of the red noses. ÖJJohn G of the noblest poets of the day, has been nominated as the Abolition candidate for Congress from the tliird District of Massachusetts. JY. Y. Amer{ National Blessing.-Mr. Walsli, in his last letter to the editor of the National Intelligencer, puts tlie European ban on our credit:"i rench and British writers concnr.universally, in the opinión that Europe rieitlier will nor sliould lend any more money to Amencan financial agents,unti] your nntional nnd Stnte finances be placed on a secure foundation. We wonder that the least hope of nëgotiating Joans could be entertained." JYeio Bfilloon, - A metallic balloon, tobe worked by ateotn, has been projected by a mechanic at Nuremberg, Germany. It is calcu-j lated to carry fifty persons, with fitteen days' provisions.(IC?5 The imprisoned kidnappere.nt Albany, have bëén released. Their Maryland friends came on to aid them, and they gave bail in j $1,000 toappear and take their trial at the next term of thé Connnon Pleas Court. Guess they wi] prefer to forfeit their rccognizance?! Generoshy.-Tfr. Mercer, of Adams oounty, Mississippi, hos Jately erected at his ovvn expense, and for the advantage of his vast p!antation, and the people who till his Jand, a neat church and parsonage Iiouse at a cost of over $30,000. He pays the salary of the minister, $1200 a year, besidea his "ment and brand.'-'' N. B. How mucl does this liberal Cliris. tian (?) pay "the penple vvho till his lancls'" for tlieir toil? See James v. 4. Bo jast be - f ore you are generous. I hate robbery for an : oflering. - Peoples Jldvocate. A great Puniskment Jjt a smal' Criir.e - A colored boy, nnmed L;icy. slole a h'indfnl of chesnuis ifom the store of Charles Gautier, in Wnsliington city, on Saturday last. Theowner' raii trom the store, struck the boy a blow and I killed hini.JYew York.- The elecrion in this State is a very important one. If the Democrats gain it, they will add to the pile of their "glorioiis victories." If the Whigs succeed; they vviH have sornethinj substantinl to set up against the late tremendous strides of the Democratie party: A Governor, Lientenant Governor, thirty fóur meinbers of Congress, a House of Rppresentatives, and 9 Senators, to be elected. - Timet, Suicide.- At Clinton, Áliss... Mrs. Kirney, a lady of high standing and iórmerly the wife of Judge Caldwell, whc feil in a duel in 1836, blew out her brains with a píatól. No cause ascertdined;General Duff Green. - ft ís suid that this gentleman, now in Knglnnd, hfis entered into an arrangement wilh someship ownfirs there to open n barler commerce between EnLfnnd and IJlinois. Vesselsare to go direct fmm London to Cairo, at the mouth of the Ohio rifer. freig-hted with manfactured poods ann returnsd Jnden wilh western produce. Tliere areto be nomoney tra nsactions vvhatever. - Aiirardi fty e mentioned eorho time eincc, that a !ard oil factory was in process of erection at Marshall. We learn that there is a!so one going into operaiion at Ypsilanti, and that in two of three weeks it wiH be at work. - Times.(E? Despotipm cari no more cxlst in' n na tion, uDtil the liberty ol the prese be desrroy ed, than the night can happen before the sun ia set.- Lacón. Clay Clubs. - The nominating convéntion fo Cuyahoga county was held at Cleveland, Sept I4ih, On motion of Édward Wade, Esq ,- 1. Resolved. That wc rocotnmend te our Whig friendo who seem detennined to organize "Clay Clubs." to promote the elcction of Henry Clay to the Presidency, the model of a "Clay Dlub." orgunizüd under the eye of Henry Clay íimself, upon his piontation at Ashland, cjnsisttg of aboui sixty menf women and children, all nder the complete management of an overseer, vho is ex-"officio chairman of the club 2. That ve reeommend to thein, aasuitnblc ottosíbr their banners, selcctions from the groat peech of their leader in 1829, such as tbe folowing i ilWhatever the Iaws declaro to be píopeíty, is operty: SflOyearsoflegislation have savctioned id negro slaves as property." "I would coniinne to oppose every schemeof emancipation, gradual or imrnediate :" and such like pithy sayings, showing how much their cham pion deserves ihe gratitude of those of tlic Clay Club, whom the laws do not declare to be property.Tho Crotón Aqueduct cost more tfian the Erie canal, and yet the one is the wolk of' a single city, while the other was constructed by the whole Stnte. Both were, in fact, when comm encedf gigantic enterpriso, eitlier lor a city or a State. They measure libraries by the mife in the oíd world. A London pnper tstates that the Iength of the shelvesin the new portion o' the British Museum ie eight miles, those tn the Fibrnry at Munich fifteen miles, and those of ihe King's library at Paris, twenty. The first contains 200,000 volumes, the second 500,000, and the third 650,000. Conlcntment. - The Captain of a whale ship, in allusion to the severe elimaie and various privations suflered by the inhabitants o( Spitzber gen, lold one of them that he sincerely pilied the miserable l'ife to whicli he was condeinned. "Miserable?" e.vclniir.ed the philosophic sivage. "I have ahvays a fish-bone throngb my nosei and plenty of train oil to drink; what morecould I possibly desire?" Colfs Submarine Batten. - At a few minutes1 past 4 o'ciock yesterday afternuon, the experiment with Mr. Coli's Sab-marinr, battery took plnce and was completely successiul. The last signal pun had not been fired when the brig which was moored in the North river (of tfie purpose, was blown into the air. But little noise accompanied the explosión, akhough rhe destruction was most complete. A few moments after. numerous boats wcre sen on the spot where the vessel had been, colleciing the scattercd and broken fragmenta, and aftorwards towing thoni to theshore. - Cour. % Enq. A lady in Norfolk, says tho Gazette, who has forsome timn past been sufiering wnh dropsy, a few dnys since submilted to the opemion óf tapping, and the enormous qunntity of ten nndn half gallons, equal to 84 pounds of water, was taken fVom her This, we are informod by one of the phyBicians who perfoimpd. the oDerationv is tha - . ' . peel- - - - -___ -w largest quantity he ever knevv, during the man. ycars he has been in practico, to be taken fron one person. Tm Conüfict Candidatê - Henry Chy of Ee tucky has been convicted. not indeed by pro oess of law, but by notorious faets, of figbting a iel with a Senator for words spoken in debate, under circumstances which would certainly have constrained an impartial court to nwaid ihe hi"hest sentencc of the law. Consequently, every vote giyen for Henry Chy, is giren fora man. who. i) he liad whnt tha laws of Massacliusetts declare would bc his deserts. Would at ihis moment be hnnimerin granite in the State Pris'on "t O liarlestown, with at least ihree years unexpired of Hs term of punishinent. And bid iucapnbility of beingelected to office by the peoplo of Massacliusetts. on which our laws leave no discretion to the coiirt, will not expiro until the year 1847. which will be too late for his hopes oftion to the Presidemy. Whnt n ust be the moral eíiect of s'icli a procecding. as for Massachnsetts to-give her votes for a man who, shc siys by hei own Inws, ought to bc in the penitcntiary ! - Emanciputor: (E? Folitical action seems to be regarded as proper (or nll classes of men who wiali for án altcrntion of the laws, cxcept ndolitionists. It is esteenied almosi a crime in them to vote for men ol tlieir own principies. Whigs vote for the support of their political principies, and the Democrnts aleo; nnd why should not Libirty rhch? -lhe íollovvmg resolution adopted nj a military j convention at Monruc, show thnt the military are in favor ocavrying thcir principies to the pofls. Resolred, That ve earncsdy reconimeirü tó ! our follow cilizen soldier3 fhroughout the state, i to sustain for the leyislaturc only such men as vvill use their best exertions to bririj: inro operalion a systotn for the organizition and discipline of the militia calculated to secure its eiliiciency and respectability. (E It s understood that firrangements are ín progreso f o make a ihorough exposure of Mr. JJkniíy Clay's moral diameter, on the trial of' Abel Brown for libel. Several of' the htost pminent lawyer? in New England and New York wil] be eitrploye'd as counsel for the delence. Tf tho vrii'jgs wlio procurcd the indictmont da re (o stand it, it will prove worse for Mr. ('lay titan ten such cases ns Callendfii's riid for JeSersoirs fame, in other days, - P topics Advocate;Dvel. - A duel was fppght yesterday even,' ing, ut Livaudais, jnst nhove lljpciry, betwren i two rnidsh'ipmcn of the Ttwnn nuvy. nnmod White and Culp. VVeapons.pitol.-:- distnnce ten paces. At the firtt fire, VVhites bal] i took eff-ct noar the left prroin of biö ndversary, and pased thrnugh ïiis body. Gulp is á röuth j of not more than eightoen or ninptcen yenrs, nnd from Kentucky. It is tlioutIjt th'ut lie cnnnot survivethe wound. - JV. O. Pkayune. Case of Col fPebb.-The recorder of New York, last Tuesday, decided thnt the indictment to vvhich Col. Webb had plead guilty charged no oflence knowti to the statutes of this State, and that consequcnlly the court could pass no sentence. The tatute rcqm'res that the intent of the party in leavino; the state, shall be consummated by the nctual givmgor receiving a challenge. The indictment. does not charge tlus consunimation. Col. Webb wás accordingly discharged;Compliment to the Ibalitionists and Locoi - Col. Webb eays he should not Iavo been indicted by the grand jury for duelling, had it not been composed in part of Abolitronists and Loco Focos. This is a charge upon his owii party which of course, it wil! not be , prond of at all - and which will not be credted by a very great nnmber of any' class


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