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Th rem Ing Jllach in es. i 't tyouid ihlorin xhn public tha'i ■ y '..nrinuc 10 rnomífacture IfoHssrPtfWRStmd TithKsai üq Mjuüm?. t'wó nd .t h;i; es trom the piilage oi" Anti Arbor, on the railTtie Hoieo i'ower is i Inie ïiiventitfn hv S. W. Foskt, and in deci&dly superior u any oiliei erod to the public, aa will apuai by i!,staiejnemaoi" tfiost whg ligy'e used (hoja ámitik tlie Irtat yéar. Jt is light i lí-weight end t ried [ügé;her with ihe Thrfigí] er, iii ft cöninion vagrgon box. and dpjwit 'witi ense by tv. Ifbreeö. Jt Í6S luilc tiábjé (o breik. or get out of ripaif. rté any uJlior Hor&e Piuvci. and wÜ! wrbtk as e.-isy anti ihrasli as inuch vl, ii'.'ií ,1 Uuc'ied to il afi:my Othér pWw witll ; farsee, as wiii ajififiHT iioni the recaujinCBditaoaahetgw. .New pattt-rnahave been mnde ín ■ 11!.' caet lrui. año addti.ionii) weighi and s'íuiiI ;'.'l:'. vvKörcver i't had appearcd to bc rMJcéeisary ï'r.j-M one yeat-a iise oi lic rriácliirie. The eubscVibcrfi deeih it pi'opcr 10 stnte, that h n'uiiïbcr of hoise powfis weire so'ld lnst yèar in r'be villágoóf Ana Aarbor wfctch v.-crc Leu. - i :.. tlic puieiníovs to he tii-isc invonteJ by S.' U'. Fos tt-r. and tha! ntoél or r.ü al dun. were eiihcr ninde mate:iil!y diütírt-ii!. nr ;ilU'i;'(l : f-oro solfj. ko :;s 10 be !i::er-aHy diflereiit i'roi.: tiiosc made and spjaby ihe sujjecrib'ferij. Suplí filteration.s JJoiui 'lecitti lly dêlrvnienia ti tlie :lity ive . '■! feason t- b'êlïi ■ ..■. it tboBe rtíturjied bV ihc puielia i ■ torj w ife (.:' flué clies. Tlwiy ure n ■iny Power tnat went frofiá tbieir s:un, ail ! w s pui ■i i's.', as th'eyfmnáe i:, lias boe condenmecíoi !n'. asidcas n bad rp.afchjne. All wlm wivh tluy nrciiiviiivl (o exniine thjsm f-D'l lo enquire oF v.-i,.. have scd tl Thprewill heonetbr exaijjimiiion at Ñ. i. Vm.v..'?, l'. , nu.! o:ie ut Maíít.n Vir.Lsos' .v'.-; ct. ■.-. i: :■, i uit- (),)th tiieao gentierncïi !it'ii_' acentá Oír iba snlij c' the:n. Tlic p:icc will ho .v4i2O lor a wur liorsn p.v.vrr. wi:ii n threshing niaöliine, wiih a siave or woóifirti .ir cylinrlcr; :i!): $ :t f. r ;i Imiso powor vi;h (I bjüé wi:h au irpn bar c-ylindor. Tjie altcniion oftho n::tler s inviiéd to me folio win ir recoinineuilaiion.s.S'. W. FüSTKR&CO. Scio, April 20. IB4?. .' E 6Áfí$ EN DA TI O NS. This is to certiiy fbol w.t invc us.jil onc of S W. Foster's nèwly ii:inn.c I Hofsé Powcra foi ifemit iiv months, ;m.J iLvesh!;-.! wiih it aÜcrtil ■ï ' ■ i bushels, fnd believè it ís constructed jh i ■;. :,'.-f linti .in y oiiior Horsn ;■ One i,; ihn itVidenüznecl tfo's Whed and ilfeed'eini foree Powpra;ánd web lieve tïig . rses v.-iil tlmisli ns hiu'Cjb vrilh Iñs fóvr1 vvill with nny other iiover wiili whicb v.-.arc atqnainted. H; G A SE. S. G. [VES. Scio. Jnnunry, 12. 1R42. T. is is 10 in.'nrm the public thnt T have purch.os o!, i; .ve no.w ;i use, oüo oflho Horse ]'..- era ícccmly iiivqiitei] by S VV. Poster, made '■ S. W. Fóstofj & V. ■.. and belióve t Lo Uqhstiuci - i bpon be prfncipleé, ;;nl requifcs .' ■ ! llian ány other poVvcr wi'h vhíelí l om acrjúbírited. a. ve;;i:s. WrtHni (""omen-?, öept. 8. 1S'1I. Thisiato inSirjü tleprttlic tfeot I h'nve pnrehns■ PowerSf ntiently iriv n r5. V. Foamr. ;ihl il-; t! : iorii iv.;i:i: . and li.-liovc it is .c bcsi p v.-nr in !■ ■. " ':'■■. ui ■!.■ of llbrsfis tirui nnv or!if p -.v. -.i vvhich I .■ : :!,-it,;ih!, ;:::; b.iiig amol] conipns3, is cnelly mbVd í'ro;:i une plicè ie ajñolhtVr. í buheve 4 horsts wil! tíirtsims imich wifli iliis power as ö wiih :my othi i p Thé ptnii and iho wörking of tiiis powor hav bei n unïversally npprovud ol'liy Farmers íor hom I have thrashed. E. S. SMITH. Scio. An;il II, Mcribera inkVyWy '.'■)- SMU 1' M.Cí];:s wj:-!, they wïU'sóll for .-";".') Tfifs .mciiinr: was ínvtfñtiBd ív om; of the subscriben? v!io Iiisli;il niany yrar's experienciMn the mü.'!,. lnisinflöa We invilo thos-; who wish to buy a Stóogl machine for s Tiir price to buy of us. ii s w rr!i ts uiii;h na most of t!i niacliiaos that cos: m !.",o 10 .■$:. S W. FOSTr.fl & CO. Rlanuliictory ■ ■ i . t-.rlv pui in )u.";:i'ioii .1 vv.), I -ü in;ma ...,..,, y . ,r m(,n„faC.!un-,,g.wol)en clotli l,y power looms, two anJ a half milos west from Ann Arbor viüage, on the raiiroad, whero vrax ti maaufactur W9ol' in cloih v... j ' -y ii.f j rd, i i 'I'liey liuvo emplwj'ed oxperienccd w.. k i iíij'1 icol coiili !i'"t íliiii v.-oik wil) ! ohc. Tliey'tjiöroloro rtopt'ctluüy tsk a .j.ii!,;i: p;iironMgc, eepegúilly rroruthosc wlio are ii i:.viir A ' v.i :m-. .vih;.,T;:v. Vool iiKiy be leí. :t Scio village. S; W. FOSTr.R & Co. ' -. A M-iUS. 1)-?. "l'á ian 'tlicy a., y ta gci wt;i vr.ii theni, Ai.L niiiiiUind thfpugliout tlicir wide anú ii;.iiicii-.t; ciiculrttion ihut ever uy ru Coii- lji:y ihcüi. i'uíeib" filis re jvu.eiy vég.i., y vvórk no löjraclé, nor ti. líiéy i:óess Ultimé lili dis'eást'Sj beciuse ii.ty are lli( scitiaiifig CiiiitpOUnd ) a regular ptiys fuii, vviu litis made lus ih'uí'i ssioti tiiu e:idy 01 uib Iiio. JLr. er ria 10 ■■ gniáüatt .l Y"ale College, neo o! ur .'i..?a.:i luiííciib Medical ..o!:e.: , uhd h..s soiile a r. distidgiü li á'a a man oí tcienCí .iiú gemuá un.oiii.' the a,;iiy ut ih$ late G '■. i'tu'ib; i'f.icrá' ' m ■ ..:. c i rils ate enripie irnheii prt(taratiunt tñild m i!icir buciún, tiíurtmfth H leirtipeñaiOiij ñml diinítalled m thOir restílté. - i'he tuvvii .iA r;ülJTÍtrj BIO :i i i í- O Bljed v.i.h l. ■ li )iiiLe. 'II. c pilace ;in i (be poor liotite aiiko i . i i ■ i ■ i ■ I , . i . i ■ i i : i (.' I 1 1 ' ! i i - . . ■ ■ . t: t i' . .licnu wmi "Rcll wnum in ii i-ui;:.;.-. ö Uit ws.ii lêtaifi u'iéir wdilderíñl pöwes a lid ixin .iiein tñiSItered y 08 or siuTii;i. anti ih..;it; voico ji i grau; ui CotnniuHiiy pTttHai : n eVi - i'etutB' i':ü.s ;kv, ui - iièt'p off dibeuööa ii túnel] uulm). . .ml iao ju) r.v.-il in cunng bttliéiis lover aj , ■■jjsi ■.. li.c .o . pi án:? g ou. . . _■ jttdfi e, ai . i.-..o,.-v. rfatu usm, eiijajgoñ.tyit ol Ihe lui. [lilua, colli?, ,fc ou) lic.iii buni, furred tortguo; i au S 'J, t . H ' i - r. ' . " I j Ol li;c ?UHIinch ülnlboWcrH. iniilpi eïn dliinhiéaj flatultnce; habitual consmenca, ijtHoi ii . . i ucliedjur ï.:iJow . ii'J lu ■- i c ■-. Oí l')l:ji' i' thC l'.Wc'a. i cuihurüc 'ii Bpèfkirti is ïndicut '. i :ii y. :un h ;. ■ buj' c,u;ii éöuiiitue lo try t!ifn. muai iriufi:p'h n gucoesa has ever atten1 oil'iijt ir ut and en-ugl is ai'fë&dy i.n 11 i t vin o i i., ia' ■'. n Iianil ihem Juv. ni po. - t , . wi : ,o in-.p ■■■ ve:in.'iiis i f UÏe g m niod ie 1 .-cL-n.;c. Dr. Finura wás-broH ,hc 1. a , . ii . 1 1 bij] ny dein , .,c haa ■ d .muí u.ii! d Iiiü niii Ihe o.ii; 8ieui:i Ir ".e.i i áciiinery in uic. world io p.l! -,v.i. .. Licpcrtiici, und Ita ptïJcesa iaipofcs ia the pi al v;:tiiii. beeauee by beiug pi wröught. all the piilaNhjiiflen i'irtueU it-v v.i'i n caff-id hfio ac:i(M-i. ajiii herc also i; i.- - ■e !.- .,1 t!io ft;ld and fökcsall t!n; pret! iicdais :ind diplpiiiHS. bo lear üic Uacc lor iht Lngme - ["t.-!eia' Pilteáré coijiftng - i iniïlun u witiipfspscan Duw iier-1 lor iii m - rt ñ!::'.c.--- du you l.eur lint: v.,..(. á -.-' üan t ii ; ut ;iiey believd tbev bwe !n-ir BnJvAÜon ffo diBfase ;::),) dv.ith io i'iMfi' hl , and ii cnl(jm e! 9'id kjiivesurc ctiüg pudiuliy imo c6Ut.vj'..í re uiiiv inisiaktii.( '■ ■ !■ i s. - Tiiis npevcould be fdled witi: them by icsulenis ol .Vi:di:;:;i, by your íiieiuis ;nii niígiiLxirs - asi; our genis, lt ís 110M w itifuvii that he pco)!e wíl] havo i't terV Falte; iid m hinder vvuiild ;e tos'op the rufihiiig winti. 1 i ■■ 2' or 50 cents per box. Tfee rcsislicBS ibree oí hese uu'lis - their uni ivcc;)'in üiiVíl lo the i.stimonjrof ríjijl iiiB. "ke-'P i' beforè the noiplt' iiumtúiid v.-. e licüiil ilirpújjJtout ihia yníe of.tearfl. 'i'lieir happy ihfíñerice on jo"1'!? líttlies wliíy suiToiing uii'-cr thp usual cfanngeá'of üie as t!i 'jKCied by thfe láwa "í nruure, ihey 'nr.pnn ábúoj ■.'■y oí i c:ii, i(l ii:'. oud nctfóíí; ari dnsíc stei) vcívei cheek, lilly aiidcarnntión cüíñplejcJuii by t'.u'ir r.cnoii on (lie c'ny!, Ac. and 1 . lieá m cniesiluiítu.iiri aiw.-iys admii 'huir Iower apd in HOecricp, anu take ih-::n two or tilico at n ri'tú 'Viílunr iu he s'jgbt a i-egrep id lyi n " ' e Jnz:i(t oi ;;m a'j'iiiioi, whtclilictè ai'e.of thE íftiportance. l'implcs: a y-un;í 1 ittiy st-nt i ovcirt Dr. Peiers. nnd eays elíc feëta h íót grate d! :.:in fot (Heie8tofalióí) i her be;uny Üv ! snve.'l her i'i. "I ih fun to et wt! I , ■:■! ; ■'üls.ínr i'icy cause ihi'blüod tocouifís litBpid un,! geiiíle hroujih Uio veiii üfl a ■:in riviilci: ó or ■} íh :i co:):iiioli d)ne. henee i.. pnticúii iioi conipt "l!cil io malí e a meal, TRÜL'BLKiN PLÜTO'S C.Ml1. Quite aslonielícd Oíd Pinto c ír.elo New Turk. ■' llcuing p'tuvrs 'uul got his l'ifl Hiígi'ic r.t v;ork,1 To eeipn his coiiiinissio:!, iiís hour !as3 pn ecythó; I linvf; come to tleüvcr theni all up to yoú - "■■ir. Diy caltii;í is ovcr - iny buárnpse s ilifoúglt I Ivivf boen lor thrci'yeaih iua rervibío, And J léally don'; ktiow wliat on eaiih i'iiai ri do: - fíot o f your iriglity firp do I como to cómplai.n. JJut a t;ni:;d N.v Yo.kcr, oic PETt.ItS ! .■ ii : i r e; (lie tíií 'í'-s tny nirfsj n this war of mankind. Are Btñidued hy this Pélcra; whot he!p can vv í)v.' í would yidlhiuiX. Yoik. air. if there u wou! ! gtoy; But. sy. í'..:c:s will bjxyp i'nc wliole woild Cor !., sw y. WhÜt; ii mi n ít : m cognj] what eoursc to iirsoé. 1'háj lygine of Petera -broke forth mo vitv. 'I'. .. 1,'m.r .,■' t,.;r-.- 'r,o!;ptl n ivhílp.As ítlOU! 1: :.- S ilt.l '-v':-; !'11'. l f? bllc, A't li :i t uiísj5nfihg scput'aè ofüls, Py;ü irtii! kiiv.i us-Peteia' Pilla. 'i i.' se Pflíu ol FÏSteïê' st'öp the slotigíjíoí'. And leaíéa thelrfftoíí fía pute s w;üer. kes, Iv:' 1. ■-':(] Kim sr.y, Ftye ! un lie i tlioi shní pilla a ! y; So Ihni i he '!;n.: ■ is erysmnll 6f peoplc 'i ; "■'" Fr5.wn ili'ei:'. ■ r';i:! for doom. Begin Hkc nr.y 1-ós.ë tobloótj). oí i ,c ,,; n h, i. ■'"' Lt;'ii:hictoluijthem ' ■ ■ - a óll, . í, by Meísre. Bci ch & Ai., , G. 6ri .i. i'. ( in.:'. M : ' ó V:r.i. S.P. &J.C. Jtruc::, '!. LlHírl - }.'.c:.,r. L'.'irK aiS'iil oc O; -.v '::. ,i ; 'us. ".mi Arbor: Oo. VVa.üer v"'. I AliJJt'rtl A yon. Dexter, Wm A. L .-:. ■. . ;. wn .7. C. Vyinnue. Sylaiu Ö.l? & ■ n7ist,akcí W, Jackson. !■ ni: '' '■' ■ni. J :.(:. -o..] ; ;,J. A. : ii ■ ' . Cf-ntre; BMUherson . Co . L, B. ■;;. WañcKestCEj I :■'■ !i iroñd, pi'ilio S; Kevs, Ch:, n J. Scoi ■■ :, ( ..'", Plyrn'i'!i: Stonc. J3 fjc íck -v '.- . ■ i ,! ' ;- ■■■■ C .. V ; añ i: i iorré Ttilffr; D roii: J i& J. Bidwèli, nnrl Dr. Un l Moii r. Springvtüe; I 1 ■■ Siiiiih & .Co. , J :; ft! - C ienero - ;l!( almcst eyejy ivherf Oct. 13, 1.2 I'O COUTP.Y ?.inilCIIA?7TS AND THÉ Lic -.;::;:;i.[.ly. ÏIJIj subscriber lian m lian;l rni] oíT s;tjo al loiv ratee, i lrc ;.m! geiífral u; ■ t oí Drugs ,n;i Vlediciine ■.. ; uh;s, ' rarnish, Dy Siufls. &c. .Ve v.rhv. ic.'e in the Dryg and Pauii lin:. PrsuM wish ■ ■'.' ii nirí-li r-o ui;y nrticlea in :!ie .''uve line ■■ ':qilPS(Cil. bcíarc )!l'f.!i:f '" t '- .,""-. i, :■ i! ;: PIRft'RE TELbÉIt'S, 'hoíesole hn'd ílptnil Diruppísl i'..1. .' Avmuc. aign of ííicGiii Mortarj Dctíoit.EST7EA OF FÍLLKN WiL'SÏP'l Í?F. v".. Notice 8 here by gïvefi ihct r iiiderfiitnicd bas heen hppuitttcd Öy ih Gertrgé 8cdgwrck, JuJge of Probate in aiud ,,fel hé Góumyof Washtennw, !ulmini.irrtor on thf os'ate ofEüfin Wilnu.r. hto of Salinfi in smkI feimy, oud lr:s giyen bwdsmccbwling to lnw - VI :e-snr;s h.ivinsjtle.iuinds ;. ; cs(ntr t-p rv.i)uesi;c(l.iu present t'icru for u{ij}i8tment, and i!l pcrpuns indehi ed tostid csiaic aru reqiieelcti to makc paymcnt without delay. ISRAEL WILLIAMS. Ann Arbor, June 80, 1842. 12- 6w


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