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Communications: For The Signal: The Election--Mr. Birney

Communications: For The Signal: The Election--Mr. Birney image
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The ekction a now past, nnd the huccce of j ïbolitionisrs Ins heen as great to say tho Íos, ns tbsy had ro.ason to antici;mte. Let not our cxcrioii3 conpc with the elcction. Oihcr partios may reasonably svfF;r their ardor to cool and ihcir etartioni to sln-kcn nftcr an clrctioneerinrr confort-, j With th.-m ;;rncp!e can hordJy he snid to bc at j Bts&4 for disguise t o? tlicy wiU. notbinïis moro j PUin, ïbnn thnt whh heir party leaders-, r;? is the object. 'ï'tic lionor nnd power of office to,,b iis lonvesnnd f.sbrs, nrc tlic !uvot party politicmiw. Strik" OBI Ihe pr h liopeof tMeni öt no disöintporiód, nnüncidietf thegrpnt inlitirfil {ter f fes o v.iifl survivo n i!iy. The principié ofvitfctitf wnuM ot onae do,-!irt. and tlie crrnn; cnvcfs bö ppeodüy diésoWed info fta ofiginal elclnents. Tim 's-i's' are the rrcat bofte of .con!c.T1,ior, - the iwrnnpling nnd saarling ly die wny. .ro only incidental to tho great object of ihe quarrcl. V,rit1i tho. Aholitionist it is for ótlierWís Hts contost, and hia who'.n contrsl is for principie - tío oarefl not w!io liolds the l:cys of oíTicc. prov;vidnd tkèy kfi nsed in ginrdin;ï t!ic prccioUB depofit oflüicrty lío v.-ill not ?nopoct! now- lie mnv not sncrfc! snon- lic Óioy nercr etecebái W,-A it is novcrtlielecg tn'o thnt if wouíd bé Ría duty to pcifcvcrc. L-iwfnl efiorts in o good qj?U,se can not fr öf o 'ood rcstilt. Tho vevy union for siieh an object as ilie one vc nrn enenrred in, is ítaelf a greaf ood. No ono could fail to fcel it po, win partrerpfltctd n tho nte Gónxfentión -oi Atn Arbor. To fiad sncTi men as eré tlicre 08i. di-intMTs!ed!y enadin the promotion öf aubh op, obieCti wns wanning to tliehenrt. - Pi'rst anti foremop', omoTiil these, wn.s onr hijihlyrospeclrd feilow ciiizrn, Birnoy. The very eigfct of lbo man whn hi3 ilonc anti r-ufieicd so niuch for lihevty. is cnoucrh la mnkc cvcry tnie-hcarlcd fricad of the chupo, vnw never to forsnfcc t. No man in the country approachea so ncnr tho clinractcr of u mr.rtvr !o liis principies. Aficr enerificinghis propeny (in ifeê .legnl serjsej to !us cniis-ionco. r.ii-1 Comlting bis profesión Tor tbat c.ni5C for wliidi hchatJ givrn up fnir.e nn.i vc;ihh. he Iin.l r-urrly a rigbt to expret to bc prolcctcd in thf nj -jyment of his riights ns a citizen. No sucli thiny. He Ieft the slnvc Staïes because Üicrc to rnBÍritaíñ slnvery, ihöy must s!iac!;le the tonguc mvf the pr-n of tho frëc, SI ivery in n el r.-o tand is hy no monns confmed to tljffblack poonlition. Tho ümhs of the i'"T are nnt more truly fettéred thnñ the lins of the vvhitèK ' rècoöi fs !;;' n nnrne even to these, - riere, tlirn. it wns impoñsihle for ITr. Birnpy to remain. A slave land cannot liold a consistent froeman. Ticc.n'e lo n so cnlled free State 10 ma'rjntóin his principies, ahd givini; up tlic rmst part of whntmen prize, hoped to bo secure in the romnindcr - ílie enjoymení oí wbtú prójierty lic had left, nnd the liherty of speech ind of the press. ín all these poinis Jie hns hoon denied the riahts that ng!it to be saercd to t!ie ineanesl' oitizen. His property hss been attackeJ anti serionsly injured - his lile Ins beert throatencd - his press s cd, nnd liimselfhe?n ap:in and ngnin foreibly prevcnt?d from giving a free uttcrance to his sen ü- t menls in püliljc. The Inws to which 4ie hns 1 pc-p.lod have prnved wholly inndequntc to his ( tection. Tic hns boen presented under al! the , fonns tlmt :n'.!ice could eugest.hunled from honre L io house, nnd from tovn to tovn, liko the vilest , crimiml, r.nd nll this in the free Pintes of this . Americnn RepuBlie! In somc enses a inerely tipmïnil puniaJiroení has been infiicted on theperpr-trn!ors oftheso outfsges - m others no pini!?hment nt nll. Are 'yei preparéd, iellow citizens, to sanciion thosë nutragsö on one of the worthye3t. most cn!in:htenod and most philanthropic of your countrymen? Aie yon ïTot preparcd to rciiuUc them by r-ivinj a cord'ml and urm support to ihnt pnrty whjoh proclaims itself the libert;rpnrty, ai'd which shows iis sinecrity hy proftlnitnjng at its tiead, the man wlio lns'doneand snflered more in her cnuse, than nny other Arneriran liviny? - , Especially wiil not the citizens of this State - the : State of his adoplion - show their s.onsc of his : wronjrs, their symrnthy for liis euíTeiinfrs, nnd thoir ndmirntion fbr his moral heroism, by én' denvo-ini! to cphierupon hdrh the highest ofilcc in 1 the gilt of the American pcople. # #


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