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ESTA! E of Charlea Tozer, Jale of Websier, in ilicCuuity of Washlenuw, deccased. - The undersigned boye been duly appnintcd by the Hon. Geo. Sedgwick, Judgc o( í'robate oí ihc county afoiosud. Con missioncrí, to reccive, examine, ai'jist, and nl!ow íhe cl;ims oí" ihe credilors to said e9tatc, vvliich is rcprcsented insolvent, and six niontlis are gllowed by snid judge, ;o snid cieditors to present and prove llieir claims. beforc said conniUsiores, whowÜI mcet (ar t lie purpose aforesniíf. it tlie Jim képi by Jolin Wal do, in the tovn of Dexter. en tis lirsi Mondiiys of Mnrch and April, and at ilutllin house of Stephen Pógswóll in snid Wehster. on the 22nd doy of June next, at 1 o'clock, P. M. on each ilny respnciivoly. MÜNNIS KSHN.Y, ) JOHN ALLEY, SCom'rs. JAMES HALL. ) Webster, Dec. 22, 1842. "!NÊWGÖÖpS! ! FDEN1S0N, is now reeeivinsns usimllyn well selocted nssorinent ofínll and winter GOODS, wliich will be sold chcap for cash oí barter. N. B. As chenp ns nny in lown. September 24, J812. tf-23 WOOD! WOOD! OUR Sübscnbers tire reqnes'ed to bnnp "s any quantity ol DRY WOOD, iinmediaie'tj. in pnymciu of ihcir subscriptions. Dec. 2, 1842. GREAT BARGAINS. -R. Banks resp. ctíully informa the fnrmera nnd oihors i in? Detroit, thnt he siill coirinnes at Ins oíd stand on Woodbridire st., adjoining Wardeü's I bloek, and keops on hnnd n jr'neral nssorinient ol READY MADE CLOTWXC, whicli he is determined to tall ckcapcr t'ian thc cf.eipest for C,s:r. R. B. hu8 jist reccived from the Enst an assortment of Cloihs, C.issimercs. Sutinctts nnd Vesting, which will bc made up to order in fashionnble style at short notice. R. BANKS. Detroit, Sept. 5, 1842. 2Q-'6mGRAVE STONES. MONUMENTS, TOM B TARLES. &C. The fnbscrihcr Inifl n Inrpe íifsorirroni of Mar Me.of ihcbcsi Qunliiy.siiiinble for Ghavk Stonk Momt.-en-ts. &c. which lie will spil chcap ío cnsh. or exclinnge for produce, nt his oíd stand IVo. 90, Woodward Avenue. Detroit. Penoria wihing to buy will do weJl to cnll. ns ihey will be sold mucli chenpcr ilion liavp. ever been nflunled in this State, and ofa Qualny that cannot lail lo please. VM. E. PETERS. Detroit, Oct. 27, 1842. 29- 1 y WOOL, Wheat, Flour, Grasa Sce 1, Butter Cheese, Pork, &c. wanted; also, Black Salta and Ashes. F. DENISON. Sept. '24, 1642. Ü23


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