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A Friend Has Obligingly Furnished Us With A Late Number Of ...

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A friencl has obligingly fumished us with a late ninnber of thc London Motning Cluoniclc, which statcs that an association of emigran ts has been fortned in Ireland, under the auspices of Father Mathew, destmed for the feitile prairies of Illinois. Cul. Oak'y, whon last in England, was we learn, instrumental in trettinnr Up thia association.- IUinoia Republican. A tcordfrom one of (he Sante-Fe Boys. We lia ve been favorecí with theperusal of a lo'.tnr from Harvey Wmchell, to his fatlier resiJing in this city. Ele writeá from Jalpa, Republic of Mexico, anti recotmís his experience. Hp was caplured with the othcr mem - bers of the miserable Santa-Fe Expedition, ond taken to Mexico, where lio remained about sixteen months. He was nnt cunfined, bnt made a citizen of the Republic, without his owii knowlüdge. After various services, he j has at lentrtli opened a school in Jalpa with I success. AmoijL lis pupjls, is ihel daughtcr of Santa Anna. wjio is about sixtee yeara oíd, and could not write her name when she comnienced with him, bul has ímproved rapidly. - Brookhjn Ese. Star. The finished Railroads of the U. State.-, nmount to 4,442 miles, and their cost to at least one' hundred milüons of dollars. Besides this vast amount of iron bighways, Ihere is a great amount of the tame kind of work in progress.


Old News
Signal of Liberty