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River Haisin ÍSTÍTÜTE . TIHS lnslimtion is loeat-d in the town of Rüism, ncar the nortl. bank of the benutiful iwcr whose nnme it bears. onc nule cast of tko direct rond liom Tecitmseh lo Adnan. Tliis eligiblesite h:is been selected for iis quiet seciusion. ilie l'c-niliiy and elevaticin'o? its soil. its pure and healthfulatniosphere. and plets antsceurry There are nosy on the premisos suitb!e rooms ior tho accommodation of fony siudents; which are dcsigued to s occnpicd lor private study and Otlier necessary biiild ing areprovidfl for recitntipns "nd boaidinn EXPENSES. Tuition per Term of eleven weeks, 4.0(1 Board with 4 hours workeach weck, 7,57 Room Rent, gy Incidental, jy Total, J2.95 Thcre will bc an additional charge of one dollar for those pursúing the higlicr branches as Philosophy, Algebra. Geometiy, Astronomy, &c. For Chemistiy, Latin. or Gieek an addhion of two dollars will bc made. Scholars are e.xpected io provide themselvcs with whot furniture they fiil need in their roon;s. ;í!so, with lighte. fuel, and vasliing - none will hereafter board theni sëlves. Bills to be scttlcd in advnnce. The school ie open io all applicants oJ siiitnble age aid moral character irrespective of complexion or condition. X3"rhe. secondterm of this summcr wvl commotte Wcdncsday Julij 20. Il is very desirable that all who design tö at tend the scliool. should be on the ground - havo their bilis settled, nnd their rooms prepnred, bofore the fust tiay of the Term. Any iurther information can be obtained at the Institución, of by adJiessing, post pnid. J. S. Dixo.n, Princ pal, llaisin. Lèiiawee Co Mich. Rnisin. iJay 19ih. ]42. n.r- 2m NEW GOODSI! N.Y. CMEAPSTOllË. npHE subsenber hns just retnrned from New X York with the Inroest and best selccied nsTA?"r- f DRY GOODS. GROCERIFh CROCKERY, BOOTS &SHOES AXn YANKEE NOTIONS, et brhUnto ?hf. ma kei purchased previoua to the im& which willenaMc hm, to scll for cash, as cheap as uZ west of Bu,fa,.o. As wé do bu on the Reavy Pay Svstem we w,!l „ot buuMdorsoldbyany one in this mnrkct, which w.!l be lor Jie interest of the purchase. and ócnl er. We would say to the farmers that we aell goods in proportion to the price of whent-a buslK-1 of wheat will as many goods nt ihe present !ow prices ns it did last Aill. Now the time for people to buy goods if they want buy theni cheap. The assortment consist in au of the folio wing anieles SIIEEP'S GREYS, UMBRELLAS, SILKS, MUSLIN DE LAN ES ALAPINES, MERINO TAGÜ0NE, SSSÏ?? SHAW'-S, VJCTOllA cio VICTORIA do. CARLISEdo. ROB RO Y and BROCH EA. do JIRASS CLOCK. SHEE'IINGS HOSE, SHI'TINGs TciaNGS. CRAVA'S ïïïo'EP COTTON YARN, CANTÓN FLANNELS. GINGIIAMS COTTON BATTING. HDKF'S Rand TableCloths, M1TTENS, CALICÓES, (of all kinds,) LADIESDRESS HD'KFS, GLOVES. (f all kinds) LOOKING GLASSES, &c. &c. A choice osaorlment ot Gioceries. ïtich es B-us yiijrars, Molnpscs. &c. &c., all o which ill be suld at wholesale or retail. Pedíais can be supplied at this eetabli hment low a? to'afitonish tliem. Thesubscriber deetns it useloss to go into fnr bor detail. b,ut asks them to cal} and examine or themselves. D. D. WATERMAN. Ann Arbor, Sept. 20, 1H42. 3i75 NEW GOODS I! FDENISON, is now receivingns usiiallya well selected nssonmem of fall and winur GOODS, which will be sold cheap ior cash rr arter. N. B. As cheap as any in town September 24, 1842. t23


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