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The Committee of ways and menns havo report eil ogainat the Exchcquer. The committee consista of leading members of boLh parties. The Detroit Advertiser snys, "t is now evident that netlher the Excheqner nor nny othrr fiiiancial or monetary scheme will be adoptrd at ihe present session of Congresa. We rrgord the fate of that measure as settlod." The edilors say Ihey are in fnvor of a National Bank, but slmll not renew the Batik war untü the people. irrespective of party, shall cali for a National Bank. So bere is nnother of the "great interests" settled, so fora the higs can scttle it. Let thein no lonjjcr then, urge abolitionists to support whig tickets for the sake of a Bank. "General Jackson's fine" has been discusscd in Congressjandlmoat every thing else with it. Whatever be the motion before the House party politics are the subject of debate. CCCy the lavv of Florida, if colored citizensofother States come in a vessel or.d go on shore, they are to be seized, and lodged in jail, and the vessel bound for the jail feea, nt the rate of one dnllnr perday; and if they are not taken avvny in ten days and the fees paid, then the Sheriff on giving three days notico is to sull them for 99 years. The House of Representativos relused to repeal thia law by a vote of 1 13 to 80 . A fine specimen of legislation in a Whig Congreïs! Tlie House of Representatives have passed the bill to rcpeal the Bankrupt Act, by a voto of 140 to 71. The vote wil! be closer in the Sfnnte.


Signal of Liberty
Old News