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In Dixboro, on the lOtli iust. Jajje Hasard, ín tho I7lh year of her age. Of consiimotion at Ypeilanti.Mnrch 14, IIf.nrt Martin Mukdock, son of Samuel Murdock Esq., aged 20 ycars. The deccased, liko the devotcd Missionary for u-hom he was named, from a child manifesied preat tenderness of conscience. lic would often weep in viow of his sins, nnd ia liis interconrse with bis brothers and sisters and associates, manifested a loveliuess of dispo?ition and a revcrence for God, and a regard for the institutions of religión, which afibrd evidence thnt he was sanctified from a child. He wns always charactprized by his regard to truth and his filial obedience. When eleyen years old, he iinited with the Presbylerian church in Pennfield, N. Y. Since then he has adorned his profession by an acüve, consistent, chiistian life. Intimes ot' religious apathy ín the church , Henry seêmed to maintain, in a gooú degree, a spirit of prayer.Since he carne to reside m this place, his christian course has ever seemed to be onwa;d. His interest in a!l the great moral and benevolent enterprizes of the day was dctp ;uid :ijpn.rcnlly unvarying. He was a warru friénd of the poor downtrodden slave. He had so won the esteem and confidcnce of the Piesbyterian Church in this place, that at one of ijs meetings it was unaniunously resolved, that íf he would enguge in a prepara- tory course for tlie ministry, they would afford liitn all requisile üid. The low estímate ihat he had fonned of his piety and talents made him shrink frutn the responsibiüties of the ministry. But af'er having prayed for dnys over the subject, he concluded to accept the ofier, and entered at once upon his studies. But God's waya are not ours. lie was suddenly arrestcd i n his course. The disease, which, no doubt, had long been preying upon his system, began to develope itself, and brought hirn rapidly to tlje grave. Under hia sickncss he was patiënt and snbmissive. líe repeatedly eaid, I tliink I can s;iy, '-the will of the Loid be done.!' Comersing on onc occasion with a feüow student who coniraenced at the same time with him to study for the ministry, he said, 'I have hoped to be permitted to live ai;d gct into the ministry, and try to do some good in the world, but perhap3 the Lord is taking me away to raise upfor this work eoujc oue who will Co more good ibanI should have done. I think I can say, ';hc wil! of the Lord be done.' I trust in Cliriát nlone for salva tion." IIs deaíh was peaceful. Ilis dying message to his associatee aud acquaintancea ivas, 'Prepare for dcath.' The funeral services were ntteridod by a congregatioi: larger than liad ever been geen of a week dny ir. this place on ony funeral occafííuTl- Tbe estímate ín which ho was holden by the youtli may bo Icarned by tho following resqlulion of the Youtli'sTcmperanceociety ofwliich he has been repeatedly elected the President. Whercas, Death has entered our socioty, nnd sclecicd as his victim our President, nnd inuch beloved friend, whose exeniplary life and anüjjngr 2cal in every good cause had gained for him thenpprobation and csteem of ali who kíiew him, therelbre, Resolved, Th;it we regard tliisdispeasation of Providence as a warning from God to prepare for Dúalh. Resolved, That we as a society deeply latnent the decease of our friend and brother, a;ul in tokon of our sorrow, tho ofneers and male members of this tociety, shall wcarcrape on the left arm, ai:il join tjie mourners ín the procession athiá funeral. Resolved, That the oíScers of this society maniíbát their sympalhy for the fnmüy of the decfmsed by wearftígthe usual badge of mourning for the spacc of ton days.


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