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Congressional Convention

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The fnenda of Liberty in Congressional District No. 2 in Michigan, embracing tlie Countics, Hillsdale, Branch, St. JosephCas?, Bcrrien, Van Buren, Ktilamazoo, Calhoun, Jackson, Buir Allegan, Ottawa, Kent, Oceana, Cvill nssemble in Convenljon at Union City on Wedtusday the n'tneleadh day of April, at 1 o'dock P. M. to make aeuitablo nomination for Congrcss, to be supported by the fiiendg of Liberty at the ensuing eleciiou. The conveniion is not designed to muke a nominal ion merely, butto rally logethor as many of the (rienda of Liberty as possible, and our fellow citizena gonerally, n a greal mass meeting to be held two days and tsvo cvctiings, in order to give omple time lor a ful! nnd free exprcísion of views frorn each and every one wtio lovea Liberty and hales Tyrunny, The undorsigned believc that such meetings are more aaüsiactory gencrally to those who attendthem, and íar more beneficia] in giving our canse a favorable impulse, thttn where a few sel speeches önly are made. Let each and every one therefore fcimultaneousíy rally, should it rain or be bad travelling to this free will gathering of the frienda of Liberty to pour out liis full heart irí bebaff of evñbring hu nianity, and Ivs long disljonored, degraded, slavcry and pirty ridden country. Furmersl Yo, bone and inuscle of the land, will you not gird on your aruioUt nnd rally for sucli an object, harneas iipyour teams and brin n!o:)r wiíli you as nmny of your frioiulá ond néighbors, men ond women, as you can induce to come. To whotn shall tho imploring bondman and our sinking country, in this theirtime of great extremity, look for aid, if not lo yon? Sbal! periled liberty and humanity ever makc tliis appral (o yo;i ia vain? Ncver! no, never! we doubt not that every person wlio ehail altend this gnihering of frec hcarts wil bemost amply repaid for hts small sacrifico of time and meana. Come, then, one and sll, come to strengthen the hands and cheer the hearlsofone another, to move forward the great, the gooc', the indispensable cause, to redeetn the slave and our couatry, who3e-destiny is ono. A. Saunders, C. S. Youngg, W. P. Hurd, D. Buell, J. W. Clark, J. Zimmerman, Bcla Brown, A. Waters, J. B. Buel!, S. J. Hammond, L. Ila'vJey, J. S. Fitch, N. TJiomaa. S. B. Treadwell, L. Stevens, E. Hussey, C. Gurney, J. N. Stickney. P. S. The people of Union City have as-sured us tliat they will joyfully recoive and cnteitain all the frienda from abroad who come to their place to atted the convent ion.


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