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To Families & Invalids

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The followmg indispensabh; famjly remo [ dies inay be lound at the villaje drug stores and soon at every country store in the state! j Remember and nëver set them uuless they have the iac-simile üiguature of I S j 'tíil'?vtk;}UL on the wrnppers, as all others ly the samo names are base impositions and countcr feita. If the meichant nearest you Iia3 them nor urge him to procure ihem at 71 Maiden-lanc, the ,' next timo he visits New York, or to write for them, No family should bc a week without these remedies. BALM OFCOLUMBIA.FORTIIEHAIR, whicli will stop it if falling out, or restore It on bald placey ; and on chiklren mnke it grow rapidly, or on thosc wlio have lost the hair from any cause. ALL VERMIN that infest the hcads ofchildrert ín schools, ure prevented or killed by it at Find the name of -fcj on it, or ncver try it. Jiememler this always. - : - RHEUMATISM, and Q positively cured, and all shrivellcd ?nuscles and Umbs are restored, ia the oíd or young, by the Imdian Vegetable Ei.dcir and Nervk and Bone Liniment but never without the name of Comstock fc Co. on it. are wholly prevented, or governed if the attaele hai come on, if you use the only true Hats' Li.iMENT,from and cvery thing relieved by it that admits of an ouu ward opplication. It acts like a charm. Use it. - 1 HORSES that have Ring-Bone, Spavin. Wind-Gaüs, &lc, are cured by Roofs' Specific ; and JFoundcrcd horses entirely cured by Roo&' Foundcr Ointmcnt. Mark this, all horsemen. Balley's IVÏagical Pain Extractor SalvO.-The most extraoidinary remedy ever invented for all now or old and sores, and sor e. jSftjaj It has deliglited thousands. It will take out all pain in ten minutes, arïd no failure. It will cure the ff -303 LIN'S SPREAD PLASTERSA bettcr and more nice and useful article never was made. All should wear them rcgularly. - IIN' TI3RIPERAXCJE BITTERS: on the principie of substiluting the tonic in placo of, the slimulant principie, which has reformed so niany drunkards. To be used with LIN'S fsMfel! PILLS, superior to au others for clcansing the system and the humors affect. ing the blood, and for all irregularities of the bpwels, and the general hea!th.5j n Jgf. [Sec Dr. Li.n's sig. VkCfl}t-& @kLiij nature, thus :] ""' " ' " ■' BEADACHE DR.SPOHN'S HEADACHE REMEDY will eñectually cure sick headache, either from tha BTF3STnSRI orbilious. Hundreds of families ara 4M77iRnflTSSrfl usingit wilh great joy. DR. SPOHN'S ELIXIR OF HEALTH for the certain prevention of j S or any general sickness ; keeping the stómach in most per. fcct order, the bowels regular, and a determination ta thesurface. KS9l?g KWttlWSIBI pains in the bones, honrsencss, and CJl5aa are quickly cured by it. Know tliis by trying. -e, CORNS. - The French Piaster ia a sure curo ' ' ' iii i wf t?d hair any shadü you wish, but will not color the akin.SARSAPARILIA. comstock-s gomPOUND EXTRACT. There is no other preparation of Sarsaparilla that can excced or equal this. If you are sure to get Comstock's, you will find it superior to all others. It does not rcquire puffing. ■ CELESTIAL BALM OF CHINA. A positive cure for tlie piles, and all' esternal ailings - all internal irritaiions brought to the surfaco by friclion with this Balm ; - so in coughs, swclled orsore throat, tightnesa of the cheat, this Bulrrr applied on a flannel will relieve and cure at - Fresh wounds or old sores are rapidly cured by it. 33r. JJtiriïioIcmffo's will. prevent or cure all incipiept consumpiion, taken in tirne, and isa delightful remedy... lixincmbcr the name, and gct Comstock's. ♦ KOLMSieOtf S VEBMIF08E eradicate all KijJ T13Í 'n cn''reu or au with a certainty quite astonishing. It . sella with a rapidily almost incredible, by Comstock Co., New York. ♦ TOÓTE DROPS. KLïNE'S- euro eflectually. - ! - Entcred accorrfing to net of Conarpss, in tiic 1S42, bvComstotk O., in llie Clerk'a office of the Southern Dislrictof ow Xwt. By applying to our agenta in each town and 'fillage, papers may bc had frec, showing tho most n. gectable names in the country for these facts, so tha no one can fail to believo them. gcj-jíte sure you cali for our articles, mul not be put líT with any stories, that others are as good. HAVE THESE OU NONE, should be your motto- and Viest never can be tnte and geMme tL-ilhout our names (o them. All these articles to be had wholesale aud retail ouly of us. $#%$C#$0 Wholesale Druggistó, 1 Maidon-Lanc, Ncir York, and of om agr,nts. Wm, S. A J W. Maviiard, Agenta, Aun Albor Mch.


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