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The Legislatura óf Alnbnmahave passed "an act to raise a rcvcnue for the support of government nnd oiher purposes.'' ït was approvèd by the Governor, February ]3th. This act lays an ad volbr'em lax of 20 cents per hundred dollnrs on real cstatr, and Bpecific laxes upon other ppecies of property, sales at action, cc. It is supposed tliere will be reallized fro.-n this tax abbut $250,000; which will be sufficie:it to defray the expenses of government, and leave a balance o! $100,000 or so for dther purposes. The folJoving is a specimen of the items in the biü: Sl.ives undcr ten years of age, 10 cents each ; over ten years, unless superaunuated, sick, or disabled, 50c. Fiee negroes and molattoes, l each. White males between 21 and 45 years, 25c. Goods at auction, 2 per cent. Moneys at interest, of one per cent. Moneys employed in shaving, 30 cents per $100. Exchange, 50 cents per $100. Billiard tables, $50 each ; bagatelle tables, nine-pin allies, k.c. $10 each. Comrnission merclïants and factors, 20 ets. per $100 on amount of sales. Tavern licences, $10 ; liconces to retail liquor $50 each . Cotton stored in warehouses, 1 mili per bale. Tlieatrcs and places for theatrical exhibitions, $50 each. Pedlars' licenses, $50. - Jovrnal of Commeicc.QThe New York Ilerald says tlmt Corlies,(the man who was rccently assassinatcd,) kept two bowling saloons in Broadway, one of which was stiïctly prívale, and appropriated to llie use of TaElionalle ladice.who went there to pliiy nine-pins bet ween the hours of 10 and 2 o'clock. Americnn cheese, of fine quality, and mucli resembling prime Wiltshuc, ii sclling iu London at 6d per Ib.


Signal of Liberty
Old News