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GREAT BARGAINS.-R. Banks respectfully informa the farmers and othera visiting Detroit, that he still conti nueg at his ol stand on Woodbridgc st., adjoining Wardeil'f block, and keeps on hand a general nssortment o RE AD Y MAJO E CLOTHING, which he is determined to scll cheaper than tin cÜènpcslfor Cash. R. B. has just received from the East on as sortment of Cloth?, Cnssimeres. Satinetts and Vestmgs, which will be made up to order ir fashionable style at short notice. R. BANKS. Detroit, Sept. 5f 1843. 20-Gm NEW GOODSüFDENISO1V hns just received a complete stock of DRY-GOODS, GROCERIEÏ AND CROCKERY, which will be sold ven cheap for inoney or most kinds of produce. .Deseriptions and prices wilj be givcn at thcSlo're.TO CLOTH1ERS. THE subscriber is jus in rcceipt of a furllier supply of Cloïhier's stock, consistng of MACHINE CARDS cf tvinj ilcs:ript'wn; CLOTHIF.R'S JACKS. AT TTNETWARP. CAHD OLEANSERS and PICK$R8, SHUTTLES. REEDS, KETTLES, SCREWS, PARSON'S SHEARING MACHINE. EMERY, (erery size,) TENT ER HOOKS, PRESS PAPER, lap ether with a od' sclcctctlas: orimmt. oDYE WOODS.aud DYE STUFFS of" the very best "giowth and nanuiacturc. __ Thcso good'a (comiiVg ihcy do direct from .ïrst hands) the suWSfeiiber is enabled to sell low3r thnn any othcr house west of New York, u herefore solicits the attenüon of firms in ie ■rothing business, to theexarnination ofhis stock ! nd p ices beibre going east or piirrhasinf ' vlicre. HERRE TELLER.TU resh ing Jifa chin es . TÍIE und,cf8Ígned would infonn the public that thcy continué ío manufacture Honsn Powkrs and Tiiüi..miix(; MacóiKes, nvo p.nd a halt' mil es Ironi the village of Aun Arhor. on tifo roil-rond. The llorse Power h a hite niveniion by S. W. Poster, and is dcc'uledly superior to any other ever o lic red to the public, as will appear by llic stnteiuenis of tlioso who have useil ihem during tlie Inst yenr. Ji ís light u welght and smallin compass, being carried together with ilie Thresher, in a comiiion waggon box, niul drawn with ease by two horses. It is as hule Hable to break, or .■et out ot repair, as any other Uorso Power, tul will work as easy tind thrash fis niuch with four horses attached to it as any other power with fivj horses, as will appear f rom the recommenduiions below. New patterns have been made for the cast Iron, and addilional weight and strengthapplied wherever it lind appeared to be necessary frons one year's use ni the machine. The subscribers deern it proper to state, that a nurnberof horse pcrwera were sold last ycar in the village of Ann Arbor which were believed by the purchasers to be tliose invented by S. V. Foster. and that most or all of them were eithcr made materially different, or altered betbre sold, so as to be materially different from thosc made and sold by the subseribers. Such altcrations being decidedly detnmenta' to the mility ofthe machine. They have good reason to believe that every one oí those returned by the purchasers as unsatisfac torj were of tliis class. They are not aware that any Power that went from thcir shop, and was put in use, as they ma Je it, has boen condeinned or laid asideas a bad machine. All who wish t.buyare invited to examine them and to enquire of those who have usec them. There willbe onefor axamination at N II.'.s, Dexter rillugr; ind one at vn Tij! Wu.i.sox's storelioitse in Detroit - both these gentlemen being agents for the sale o them. The price will be $120 fora four horse power, with n threshing machine, with a stave or wooden bar cylinder; and $130 for a horsc power wiih a threshing machine with an iron bar cylinder. The attention of the reader is invited to the folio wing reeoniinendations. S. W. FüSTKRi&CO. Scio, April 20. 1842. RECOMMENDA TI ONS. This is to certify that wc have used one o S W. Foster's nevdy invented Horse Powers foj abont five moriths, and threshed wit!i it about 8)ÜÜ bushels, and believe it is constructed on hetter jninciplcs than any other llorsc Power. One of the undersigned lias ownedand used eijht different kinds of Morse Powers, andwe believe that four horses will thrash as much wiih this Power as fice wíl] with any other power wiih which we are acquainted. II. CASE. S. G. IVES. Scio. January. 12. 1S42. Tis is to inform the public that I have purchnsed, ond have now in use, one of the Horse Powers recently inverited by S W. Foster, made by S. VV. Foster, & Ci., and believe it be constructed upon better principies, and requires less strengtk of horses than any othor power with which 1 am ac quaitued. A. WEEKS. Mount Ciemens. Scpt. 8, IB-ll. This is to iuforni tl-e public thatl have pursbased one of the Ilorso Powers, recently inented by S. W. Foster. and us3d it fora num5r of months, and believe it is the best power n use, working with less strengih of horses han any other power wiih which I am acluainted, and being small in compass. is isily moved from one plnce to another. I believe 4 horees will thresii as much wiih his power as 5 will with anv other power. The plan and the reorking of this power have )een amvenally approvod of by furmers for ivhom I have thrashed. E. S. SMITH. Scio. April II, 1812.SrciTT MACHINESThe subsciïbers make very good SMUT MACHINES which thcy will sell for $0. Tliis machine was irivrnted by one of the subsciibers, who hns had many yenr's experience in the milling business. We invite those who u-ish to buy n good machine for a fair price tobuy of ns. It is worth as mu:h as most of Uu machines that cost from 150 to $300. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, April, 18, 1842. Wooien ManufactoryTiie subsciibers have reconily put in operation a woollen mnnufactory for manufrcturing woollen cloth by power looms, two and a half miles west from Ann Arbor villngp. on the rai'road. where hc ish to manufacture wool in"o cloth on shnres, or for pay by the yard, on reasonaMe terms. They have employed experienced wórkrrten and feel confiden t that work will bc wcll done. They therefore respectfully nsk a share of pubfic patronage, especially fromthose who are in fnvor of hokk iwdüstry. Wool may be left at Scio village. S. W. FOSTER & Co. Scio. April IS. 18-12.TOPHYSICIANS AND COUNTRY MERCIÍAÑTS. TIIEsubscriter mviles the attention ot Phy?icians and Country Merchants, to Wis present stock of Drugs, Medicines, PainU , Oils, Dye Stuffs, Varnish, Brusfies, Sic. &c. comprising one of the largest and fullestassortments brouofht '.o the country. In his present stock wiil be found: 100 oz Sulph. Quinine, superior French and English, 20 oz. Sulph. Morplnaj Í0 oz. Acct. do 50 oz. Carpenter's Witherill's Extract Bark, 1 bbl. Powdered Rhubarb, 1 Chet Rhubarb lioof, 1 bbl. Powdered Jalap, 50 Ibs. Calomel, 3 catiks Epsom Salts, 15 casks Falland Winter strained Sperm Oil, 40 boxes Sperm Candles, 2000 ibs. White Load, dry and ground, 4 caks Linseed Oi!, JJenlists Instruments and Sloclc Gold, SilvernndTtn Fóil Plu Wl'maare, Porcelain Teelh. A general a-sortment of Patent Medicine?, all of which wil! be sold on the most reasonable terms. PIERRE TELLER. 139 Jefferson Avenue, sign of the Giit March 13. JMortar, Detroit.TAILORING BUSINESS ! AM. NOBLE, would respectfully inform the citizens of Ann Arbor and its vicinity. that he lias opened a shop in the Lower Town. immediately over the late mercantile stanj rf Lund & Gibson. and oppositc the sto.e of J. Bockley & Co., wliere he is preparcd at all times to do work in his line, with promptness, and in a neat and durable manner. Particular a'tention will be paid to cutting garmenls. Produce will be taken' at the nsiiai priees. for work done at hisshop. These who have cash to pay for services of thts kind are particularly invired to cali. Ann Arbor,' April 27. lifei. tfRIVER RAÏSÏN NSTÍTÍJTK. rgllIS lnstilntion s locnlml in ilio town .Í. Riiisin, nc;ir the north bank oí'ihe beñfiuTú! river whose name it bears, one nulo casi ol th : direct rond Froin Teciimèeli (o Adrián. Tliis cliible site his been sMected for il! quiet seclusion. ilie fertiüty and elevntion ol' ii 1 soil. ts pure and healthful atmosphere, mul plens antsceriery. ! Rooms. - There nre now on tlie p -einises suitble rooms ior the nccoinniodntion ol l'oriy siu dents: which are üèdigned to bo occupied for pii vate sludy and lodgir.g. Other riêcessnry build i ing areprovided for recitations ond boarding. EXPENSES. i Tuition per Term ut' eleven week e, $-1.0; i Board i with 4 hours work each week, 7,b'i ■ Room Rent, öfc t Incidental, M Total,. 13.92 ; Thcre will bc an additional charge of one doj. lar for those pursainj; the higher branches as Phij losophy, Algebia. Geomëtry, Astronomy. &c. For Chemistry, Latin. or Greek an addition ol ' two dollars will bc made. Scholara nre expected to provide ihemselves with wlat fiirhitüre they will need in their rooms, nlso, with tighW, l'uef. ' and washing - none will hereafter board iheni sel ves. j. Bills to hcscltlcifr advnnce. The school is open to all appliennts ol aiiitablc age and moral character irrespective of complex: ion or condition. O"2V! secondterm oftjtis simmer icill com1 menee Wedntslay, Juli 200. It is very desirnble that all who design to attend the school, shotild be on the ground - have their bilis settled. and thefr rooms prepared, before ihe first day of the Term. Any fujther in'formation can be obtnined at the Inetitution. by addressing. post paid. .7. S. Dixo.v, Brincipal, Raisin. Lenawee Co. Mick. R-tisin, May 10_ih, 184?, n5- 2m SPRING TERM. THE si,(h regular term of 12 wreks will on Monday, Februnry (. ltii'3. TUITtON. For common Eng-lish branches, 3 00 For highest Pnglish branches, 4 00 For Latin and Greek, 5 00 Board, ncluding Room, Furnilure, and Washing. at $1 ■'■. Tuition to be paid in advnnce. La dies and gentlemen from ubrond wil! be rcquired to present a certificate of good moral chnracter; and by a standing rule of the Seminary, no acholar who persisrs in the use ol 'profane or obscene langunge," is allowéd to continua his connection with us. This rule, with a number of others, liave been adopted by a vote oí the school. The English text bnoks that are adopted nre generally snch as are in uso in the best Academies and High Schools. The Classical bonk are such as are reqiiired for admission to Collero. Considerable has been done to furnish mnnual labor for those who wish, in this way, to pay for a pnrt or all of their board. Students can enter at any time d::ring the term. tfiough i; is much to their advantnee to enter at the begirining". GKO. W. BANCROFT. Prccn,tor. MRS. BANCROFT, Prérep'ress. Clinton. Jan. 25. 1843. 41-tf. ESTA I K of Charles Tozer, late of Webster, in the County of Waslitcnnw, deceased. - l'lie undersigned have been duly appointed by he Hod. Geo. Sedgwick, Judge of Probate ot the county aforesaid. Con:m;ssioncr3. to receive, examine, at'j:ist. and allow ihe claims of the credttors to said estnte, which is represented tnolvent, and six months are allowed by said udge. fo said cieditors to present and prove their laims. beiire said commissior.ers, who will meet 'ortlie purpose aforesaid. at the inn kept hy John Waldo. in the village of Dexter.on t'te first Monays of Mareh and April, nnd at the dwelling ïouso of Stephen Cogswell in snid Webster! on the 22nd day of June next, at 1 o'clock, V. M. on cach day respoctivoly. MUNN1S KENNY, ) JOHN ÁLLEY, ' Com'rs. JAMES BALL, Jr. ) Webster, Dec. 22, 1812.TO COUNTRY MERCIJANTS AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY. THE subscribcr has en band and offers for sale at low rute?, a lnrge and genero] as, sortnient of Drugs and Medicines, Pnints, OilsVurnish, Dye StufTs. &c. A.c, wi'h evcry nrticle in the Drug and Pnint line. Persons wish ing to purchnse any artieles n the above lineare ruquested, beforepu'chasingelsewher.e. to cali at PIFARE TELLER' S, Wholesale and Retail Drucrüist J 39. JeiTerson Avenue, sign of ihe Gilt Mortar, Detroit.


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