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CA ME nto the inelosure of ;he subscriber.on ihè fiilcenih c!ay of October lnst, fio coics, ode is a palé red. nither brownish around the heocl: the other is a brown. w'ith a stnr in the forehead. The owner is n qiested to prove property, pny charges, and tnke tliem awnw BENJAMÍN TRYER. Salem, Feb. 8, 1813. Lw-43 SATT1NETT WARPS ON BEAMS.- Tiiko. H. Eaton & Co., 138, Jeflerson Avenue, offer for sale a l.'irjre stock of Sattineti Warps. fro'm the New York nirüs. These Wnrps are consndered superior to nny olhcr in the country, and wil! be sold, for cash, at n small advance. 12-Sw SALARATUS - A prime articlu in boxes or barrels, for sale at ihe lowest prices by F. DEiNJSON. Sbpi. 24, IS-12. ftS JÜOJrjEY TO IS E tflJlJÜK THE subscriber would hereby give nolice to the farmers of Washtenaw, and the ncigliboring counties, that he has an Oil MUI now in operation in Ann Arbor, Lower Town. whcre he intends at ill times to buy FIAX SfED, (and other Seeds used in making OU.) I and pny the highest prico, and the best oí pay. - Onk Dollar per bushei will bc paid for good clean seed, or, one gallon of Oil given for the sanie qizantity. Farmkrs are requested to iry Flax on their Summer fallows, and thereby avail ihemselvesoi two crops instead of onc. Merchants are reqncs:ed to send in their seed and exchange for Oil in preferencc to sendinr to New York or Boston for it, and ilius keep what monoy we have in our own State. [4-,-tf.] JOEL II. 11IDDEN. Ann Arbor. Lower Tosvn, Rlarch 1. IH43. PAHSON'S SI1EARING MACHINES.- Theo. H. Eaton & Co. 138. .leflerson I enuc, arethe sole agents of these vcry clebratJ michincs. 12-8 w '


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