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Michigan Eastern Christian Conference: For The Signal Of Lib...

Michigan Eastern Christian Conference: For The Signal Of Lib... image
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This body held its anmia! sessions nt Ro chester, Oakland county on the 7th and 8ih of Julj) 1843. The session was harmonious.and I trust that something was done fcr the adva ncemenl of the lledeemer's Kingdom; nor was the poor slave forgotlen. Tlie folio winr resolutions ivere passed. Resolved, That we hail wiih emotions of delijht, the rising dawn of intellectnal day, when the rights of liumanity begin to be viewed in the light of the Gospel, and that sacred truth contained in iheDeclaration of Independence, that all men are created equal and are endowed by the'áamo Creator with certain inahnable nghts, among which, are life, liberty, and the purstiit of happincss, is considered as something more than the rhetorical flourish of the pen of an American Statesmun. Whereas, we consider the system of American Slavery to be a sin of tho deepest mngnitude, Therefore Resolved, That we consider it tobe the dnty of our Editors and Ministers and brethren ecatlered abroad to speak out on this subject, that the world may know that we as a peopíe have no fellowship for slavery, or slavehok'ers. And Whereas, there havebe-n measures adopted for the consummaion of a permanent u:iion betwern thetians of the North and those of the Soutli ,- Therefore Resolved, That the CJerk of this Conference be hereby autborizer] to nddress a letter to the Clerk of the North Carolina and Virginia Christian Conference, roquesting information whether any brethren belonging lo -said Conference are Siuveholders. And t shal! be the dnty of the Clerk of this Conference to give nformation of the result of his inquines, to this Conference at the nextonnnal sesión. Messrs Editors:- -This body of Christians has hitherto been unnoticed in the colums qf the Signal. With your permission I wou'd introduce them to the readers of thnt paperas a body existing n the country lindera distinct organiz&tion, differing from the surrounding sects principally, in their firm rejection of creeds, descipline and confessiun of faith. andtheir unshrken confidonce inthe Bible, the word of God, as an only and all sufficient rule of faith and practice. They practice nomode of Baptism but immersion, but do not make Baptisra the door of the Church; freely admitting to coinmnnion all who by tlieir walk and conversalion give evidence that tdey love and serve the Lord Jesus Ghrist. This boily of believers are respectable for numbers and are laily increasing. Theiraim is to restore primitive Christianity, and remove the grievous yoke of sedarían bondage from the necks of the true and humble followers of the meek and lawly Jesns. Will you do them the jnslice to epeak of them in the light of truth, and shouid you hear any bigoted eectarians de nouncingthem as heretics,ju6t admonish them lo be careful wliat they do lest peradventure they are found to fight ngninst God.


Signal of Liberty
Old News