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rinHK ubscriber,, would infiinn hcpulc tha. I are now manuíacturiñg WOOLE?i fM OTH wnli a dogree of fcuéceasequal to their mdWnguine expecialions. With the" n hev now have, they are oble u manufacture from 75 to 100 poundsof wool per day. The Hotli they have made for the laai three monthftM ot" the best quality.ahd that made in future wt.l t.g similar. They have entirely overeóme the difficultiee of atarting an establishment ol this kind in a new country. Their terms are ott cetlis per yard for lulled cloth fiiiished or hall the cloth the wool will make. U any alteraüön ot ihe terms shoultl be determined on, public lice will le given. Al! wool received befpre bucIi notioo ia given wtll bc worked on the above terms. . . lf&ny wish to havo tbeir wool worked without mixing it witii othcr wool, it will be done, provided they assorl it themselves, and turnish it in quantitiea of 100 pouiids of one qualuy o! wool. It is much bstter to scw up wool in thanto tie it up ia; the cloth should be Próvisionsofall kinds will be receivod in payment for mannfoouiring to the amount required lor the consumpuon of the establishment. Wool sent by raürond to Scio, will be properly nttended to: the nnrnber of pounda should be markeil on thesack withink; also tho weight of the sack.- q The wool will be worked in turn nsit comrs in. s nearl y as c;m bo done wiih reference to the different quulitics. QtF Many Farmers have expressed to us their gratification in consideration of our karting this bnmch of business, and many have encouraged us by their patronage during tlie last ycar. We now invite all to bring their wool, to the amounl of 25T')('O pounds, and receive the benefit of the very reasonaMe terms on which we offer to manufacture it. The establishment is 2h milest west of Ann Arlior, on the Hurbn. S. W. FOSTER. & CO. Scio. April SO, 1843. 1-tf WOODWÖËTH'S HOTEL. KORTHERN, EASTEEN AN SOUTHKR.V STACE HOUSE. Tlic nndorsinod respectfully announces to the public, that he is now the prnprietor of this wcll known establishment. The house havinjf been thoroaffhly overhauled, and refitjedin a mnnner calculaied to promoto the comfort of citizens and the travelling public. The house occupies an eligible position, on the corner of Woodbridge and Randolph Etreets, in a business part of the ofy. Tliose who may honor ïim with thmr conntenance, may be assured (hat no epense or atten'ion in his power, will be pared, to make their sojourn ii Detroit agreeableand satisfac torv. [4G"-1y] S. D. WOODWORTH. NO FICTIOJf.j ONE PRICE STORE. j fTlHE 8ubscriber solí continues to sell DRY X GOODS, and DRY GROCERIES, atlip. T. Iluron Block, Loiccr Toten. His stock or each was carefully selected and well purchased. which enablcs hiin to sell low for rendy p'iy. As he believes tho mouey of the same quality of every person, is of the same valué, he will solí to all for the same price, and no amount of Orntory cun swervc him from that course. Persons can make jast as good bargains by sending an agent, as tocóme themselves. In connesion wiih the store is a Grist and FtoÖRiKG Mnx, where he will constantly pay Cash for Wkeat at ihe highest market price. Farmers and Wheat buyers can have tbeir Gristing and Flouring djne to order and on the most reasonable terms. These who wish to purchaae goods. or get Wheat fíoured, would do well to cali and enquire his piices, and into his rnanner of doing business. DVVIGHT KELLOGG. Ann Arbor, Lower Town, Feb. 2S. 1S43. 4.r)-th WHOÏSSAE,S & STAII. BOOKSELLE &H3 ST&ÏIOHER, SMART S BLO CE, 137 JEFFERSOS AVENUE, DETROIT. Keeps constantly for sale a complete assortment of Misccllaneous, School and Classical Books: Letter and Cap Paper, plaia and ruled, Quills, Ink, Sealing Was, Ciülery, W rapping Paper, Printjng Paper, oí all etzes; and Book, News and Canister lak, oi varioiis kinds. BLi.2S BOOSS, . Full and half bound. of every variety ol Ruling. MEMORANDUM BOOKS. &c. To Merchants, Teachers, nnd others, buying in qnantities, a laru;e liscount made. SABBATH SGHOOL & B!BLE SOCIETY DEPOSITO 51 -tl".Attcntion Xnvalids! WHO has tried the Pesian Pilis and Jew David's or Hf.brkw I'lastkr. nnd is no rcady to testify ihat they are decidedly the bes med'icines now in use? The above medicine have been before :he public some four yoars, anc physicians at the East have used thern extenaivel in thcir pracriee. and were they here, t!iey coulc teil you of the excellent qualitiea of these medi eines. Rkideic! ITave you ever used theni? J you have not, ask t'iose who have if they are no vhat we rcconnnend ihem to be. They are the ae well as the best. A box of plaste cmiuins eufficient to spread 8 or 30 piasters - nrice 50 cents. The large Bo.xes oí Pir.r.s con t;ijn 73 pülfl for 63 centE: the smill baxes 35 pille for 31 cents. No persons should condemn them unsil they liave iried them. nndthen we are sure they wül not. These medicines are for sale by one or more agsnts in all villages and cities in thé United S'.ates. Cali on the 8gent, and he wil givo any iñformation wanted. For sale by J. H. Lund, S. P. & J. C. Jeweu. C. Eberbach, Ann Ar'uor;D. M. Ladd, Mil ford: M. C. Bakin, Novi; D. H. Rowland, Nonhville; J. Scattersood, Plymouth; P. Vannvery. Frankltn; J. Dean, Pontiac: J. Miilerd, &- Hon. Dcxrcr; Dr. Satrer, Jnckson. J0 - Gin. Cash and Barter Store. C. J. GARLAN D, HAVING purchased the entire Stock in trade of Godfrey and Allen, vvill bc happy to wait upon siich as will give him a cali, fiie stock consista oí a general assortment of goods, and will be sold cli'.ap. and for rcadii van onlv. WANTED, In exchange lor GOODS, mo3t kinds of country produce, and 000,000 FLOUR BARR.F.L STAVES Sc HEADING, for wliich n fair price will be paid. Ann Arbor, April 1!), 1843. r2-tf. S. PETTIBOJVË, ' 5URVJ3VOR, MAKER, AND T.AND AGENT. OKce in Court House Square, Ann Arbor. June 19, 1843, 8-tJ. Shecp Shears. FOR Sale by C. J. GARLAND. Ann Ai oor. IJppcrTown, May 5, 1843.Threshing ftlachines. 'Ji MK ui) iersigned wouiü nforrö the public :■ ;!:(-v continuo, tu mnnulacture Horsk Püwkus and IMaciü-nks, two nnd ;1 hafi mil er, frotn the villnge of Atm Arbot, on the rail-rotd: The Horse Power is a late ïnveiuiüuby tí. W. Fosier, and is dccidedly superior to any other ever óflered to the pub!i -. .s WÍI1. appear by tlic statements oi thöèè who have used liicin durin the last yt;.r. Jt is light in weighi mei email iu compass, being ctirried together with the Thresber, in : comnion wüggpn box, and drawn witli ensc by two horaes. It as lutlc 1 i ; b 1 e to break, or et out oí repair. ;is any otlicr Ilorse Power, nnd will work as easy nnd throsh as ii.ii.-li w)th f'o'ir ho'rsoö attached to it as any other poworvvith fips botaos, as will oppenr ftom tlie recomniendutions belów. New paitcrns have been made for the cast Tron. nnd nddilional weiglit and slrengthnpplied whcrever it had appeared to bo necessary from ono year's usc of the machine. The sii'uscribers dccm it proper to state, that a pumberof horse po.wera were sold last year in the village of Ann Arbor which were believed by the purchasers to be thoseinvented by ÍS. V. Foster. and that most or all ol them were either made materhilly different, or altered before soid, so as to be rnotcrially different from those made ind sok! by the subteetibefa. Such nlterationa being decidedly détritafcnto' to the utility of t!io machine. They have good reason to believe that every one of tl'.ose returned by the purchasers as uiisitistac tory were of tus class. They are not awnre that any Power that went from their shop, and was put in use, ns they made it, fhns boen condomrted or luid asideasabud machine. Allwiiowish tobuyare invited to examine them and to enquire of those who have used them. Them will bo one tbr examination at N. U. Wiko's, Dcxtcr rillage; and one at Maktin Wii.lson's ïtoieküusc in De Ooit - both these gentlemen being agents for the. sale of them. The priccwill be]20 fora four horse power, wiih n ihreshing machine, with a stave or wooden bar eylimler; and $130 fur a horse power vith a threshing machine wiih an iron bur cylindcr. The atiention of the reader is invited to llie following recommendations. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, April 20. 184Ö. RECOM M END A TÍONS. This is to certify tliat we have used one of S W. Foster's newly invenied Ilorse Powers foj about fivc months, nnd threshed wiih it about 3)00 bushels, and bclicve it is constructed on better principies than nny other ilorse Power. One of the undersigncd has owned and usedeigKt diilerent kinds of Horse Powers, andwe believe thaf four horses will thrash as much with this Power ís ƒ cc will with any other power with which we are acquaüued. H. CASE. S. G. IVES. Scio, January, 12, 1842. Tis is to inform the public that I have purchased, nnd have now in use, one of the ïorse Powers reoent'y invented by S W. 'oster. made by S. V. Foster, & Co., and believe it be constructed upon better principies, and requires lessstrength of horses han any other power with which 1 am acquainted. A. WEEKS. Mount Clemens. Sept. 8. 1841. Thi3 is to inform tbe pnblic that I have purhasedoneof the Ilorse Powers, recently in'ented by S. W. Foster, and ussd it for a numr of months. and believe it is the best power n use, werking with less strength of horses han any other power with which I am acquninted, and being small in compasa, is TSily moved from one place to another. I iieUeve 4 horses will thresh as much with bis power as 5 will with any other power. - The plan and the working of this power have been univer3ally approvod of by fermers for ïhom I have thrashed. E. S. SMfTH. Scio. April 11. 1342. SSSÏÏT MAOHINSS. The subsenbers make very good SiMUT MACHINES which they wíll sell for $60. This machine was invented by one of the subscribers. who has had manyyenr's experience in the niilling business. We invite hose who wish to buy a good machine for o fair price ;o buy of U3. It is worth as mu:h ns most of the machines that cost from 150 to $300. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, April 18, 1843.DR. BANiSTER'SClXEBRATED FEVER AGÜE PILLS-- Purcly l'egetabli, A safe, speedy, and sure remedy tor fcver and ague, dum acue. chili fever, nnd tlie bilioii3 diseases peculiar to new countries. These pillsave designed ror the aifections of theüver and other internal oigans which nttend the disenses of the new and miasmatic portionsof our country. The proprictor having ried them in a src-st varicty of cases confidemly helicves tliat they are superior to any remedy tliat has ever been offeied to the public for the above diseasee. It is pnrely Vegetable nnd perfectly harmless. and can be taken by any person, maleor fernale with perfect safety. The pill? nre prepared in two separate boxes, markcd No. 1 and No. 2. and acecompanied wilh full directions. A great number of cerüficates might be procured in favor of this medicine, bat the proprieter has thought fit notto insert ihem, in as much as he dependa upon the nierits of the same for its reputación. The above pill is kept constantly on hand by the proprieter and can be had at wholcsale and rolail at the store of Beckley &. Co. Orders from the country promptly attended to. Ann Arbor, (lower town) Mny29 1842. 9 L. BECKLEY GROUND PLASTEK. PRICE REDUCED TO NJNE DOLLARS PBR TON. THE eubscribers have now on hand and vvill continue to keep a good supply of GROUND PLAS TER, in Barrels, at their Store in Detroit, (123, Jefibrson Avenue,) and in Buik, at iheir Piaster MUL, on the River Road, half way between Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor. The'above is .from the Séneca Fnlls and Grand Riccr Piaster Beds. both noied for their superiority. ELDRED & CO. JanuarylS, 1843.' 46-Cm. PAÏÖÏTIW&. T. LAM BERT, BEGS leave to mforra the inhabitants of Ann Arbor, and the surrounding country, that having Iocated himselfinthe Lower Village, with the view of carrying on the above business in all its branches, (some of whidi nre HOUSE, SIGiV. and' ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, GILDING and GLAZING, GRÁINING, mïtaiion of all Woods, MARBLE1ZING, TRANSPARENCJES, BANNERS, &c. respectfully solicita a share of ublic patron:i;c, as his prices shall be low to conform to the times and his work done in the best manner. T. L. would say to Farmers thathe is particuiarly desirous to attend to their calle, as produce is the best kind of pay. Ann Arbor, Lower Town, March 6. 1843. 45.- ly. BLANK DEEDS. MORTGAGEtí, &c. lor 6ale at tina office.RAIL KOAD p3 ULD fcsJËjzSl'Jl ■■ wirfr jc! .fff TEMPEIIANCE HOUSE. TílK undersigned would respcctiully inform the fríendá o(' Tempèrance. and tlie pnbluiícnerally. tliat (he abofe nnisieil House, rarmerly kiiown ns tbc Teinpernnce fióte.}, ajid situated n the coraer of Michigan avenue mid Wusliing ton strcet. near he Central Rñtlrudd lrpot, hav ing uudergoDe thoruugh repairs and voy areai iddi'ionaJ itnprpv.ernents, is noy ready forib,e re:eption of olí tlmso who inay favor him wiih a cali. Tlie accom modal ions, in every respect, are not inferior to any Temperancc liouse i ti the country, and every aUsntion will be given to such us bestow their patronage upon this laudable enterprisn. N. B. Carriagea álwaya n readinesa to convev passengers to and f roía Boats and Car! WRI. CiiAMP. Detroit, Mnv 9. I84H. 4-lv DR. HALSTED'S 2S Pii.i.s ron 2: Cknts. rilHE Brisk Pilis answer the purpose morr cfX icctually fpr any dise3so for which any other pill ís recommended, and aupersede thétn altogether in medical excellence und virtue. lf yon doubt this. just try wiii cost you only two shilliDgs - and then you. with me, will be satisfied. Ff they are not what I reconimend íliem to be, denounce thein and put thetn down, for I cannót conscientiously rccominend ihcm for a cure all lor ev-ery thing.' liut t'hia I do soy, without fcar ofconiradiclion. that no pilla are their equal in removing discases originating in tlie stomach or bowels. For liver and bilious diseases, such asdum agüe, fever and ague. intermittant and remittanl fevers, the Brisk Pilis possess peculiar propertie6 for their speedy removal. From ten years experlence as a practising physician, I ani convinced that none can equal them. - Read what other pills are good for, and what they will cure, and f the Brisk are not superior to thein all, tiien discard their use. Do not believe all that is said about an infaüible pill - that never fails to cure any disease - but try the Brisk Pilis - the cheapest pills in use - 23 pills for 25 cents - and then you will have a chance to jadge of their inerit ordemerit. As a blood cieanscr, and apurifier to tlie diseasedsystcm, thcy perhaps supersede every pill in use. They are quick and easy in the operation, giving life nnd tone to all the torpid orans; throwing ofl" inipure inatters or hutnors; leaving the system healthy nnd clean. This is all that any one medicine cxn do.notwi h8tandingthe great show of words and fictitious cer tificntrs. We are determined tolet'lhose pills stnnd upon their own reputation, win or loóse. All we risk is, for a fair and impartial tra'. They can be taken by old and young, at nny time with perfect safety. Thcy are an excellent medicine Tor children, for worrns, &.c. In a word, they possess all the qualities of an aperient pil l for fnmily use. Tiiey have curedniany diseases which no other medecine could remove. In conclusión I s.iy. do not give np or despair of a cure until yon have tried the Brisk Pills, for they do possess peculiar proporties and virtues. For Sale by S. P. & J. C. Jewett. C. Eberbach, Ann Arbor; D. H: Rowland, Northville; J. S. Sf-attcrgood, Plymouthi J. Dean, Pontiac: J. B. Dickson, Mt. Clcmens; Maitland &. Co., ilomeo; Sprajiue & Co., Rochester; Church &. Hurchard, N. P. Jacobs, J. Owen & Co., Detroit. 10-6m YPSIZ.ÁKTI ACADEmY, A N Dïeagkhbrs smmsr as,? II. II. GRIFFEN, Principal. [A competent assistnnt wíl] supply the plnce of MissffJAMMOND, who lias left town to teach.J TUE thirteenth term of this institution will commence on Monday, Aug. 28, and continue 11 weeks. While this school isequally open to all of both sexes, who wish to acquire a good education. particular attention wlll be given to tho8e who aro preparing lo teack. The exclusive and uninterrupted attention of the principal svill be given to impart a prnciical knowledge of the English branches. lie oecupies about half an hour daily in lecturing, wjth the aid oftheapparatus, minerals, or otherwise. Apparatus. - The Institution is furnished wilh Chemical, Philosophical. and Astronomical npparatus. Sttrveying Instruments, Geometrical sofids, &c.; to the amount of 300; also, a good Cahinetof Minerals worth $50. Tüitioh in the common including Composition and DecInmaMon from $2,50 to $3,50. In Philosophy. Chemistrv, Astronomy, History, Rheturic, i3onny, Algebra. Geometry, Surveying, Sec. from $4,50 to $5.00. Mczzotinto and Chinese or Theorem painting, $3.00 each for 12 lessons. taught by Mrs. Griffen. The tuition is to be paid at the middle of the term. No deduction for absence will bc made, except for protiacted sickness, and no one will be icceived for less than five and a half weeks. - Books may be had of the principal at Detroit prices. Board, Including room and washing. from $1,00 to $1,50 per week; forfurther particulars nquire of the principal. Rev. I. M. Weaa. Rev. II. P. Powers. Rev. O. F. North, J. Fairchild, M. D., J. C. Allen, M. D., G. and E. M. Skinner, Eaqrs. have kindly consented to form a visiting commiltee. to be present at the Weck reviews on Thursday, nnd at the public examination of the school. Ypsilanti, April 29, 1S13. 5- lv. TO OÏ.OTÜXXSRS AND WOOL CARDERS. TUE subseribcr would respectfully solicit the atteniion of Clothiers and Wool Cardera, to an examination of his present Stock of articles in their line, assuriug them of theirsupcrior quality, (which will be apparent upon examination) and and of the unusually low ratcs at which he is enabled to ell them. Among a variety of articles belonging to the trade may be enumerated: Carda of every description; Shuttles,, Steel Reed8 4-4 5-4 wide; Cloihiers Jacks; Sattinett Warp; Emery; Tenter Hooks; Worsted fiarne8s: Card Cleaners and pintes; Screws; Copper Kettles; Shearing Machines, Parson'a, also. two or ihree Carding Machines. The subsenber ieels himself warmnied in assuring the trade that lus supply of Clothiers Tools, tocether with soma 12or 15 ton of assorted DYE VVOODS and DYE STUFPS, form ono of the hrgest and most complete stocks of the kind ever offcred lo the public of Michigan.- Owing thercfore to the induceinenls he can ofier to thoso engaged in the CLOT1I DRESSING and WOOL CARDÍNG business, of an extensive stock and low prices, he solicita íheir cxaniinaiion of the same befoie purchasing or niaking arrangementa eleewherc. PIERRE TELLER, Wholesale Druggist, 139 Jeflerson Avenue. Detroit. April 17, 1843. 51 -t f. AT TUK PAPKR KItL (l.OWKIt TOWN) ANN ARBOR. EBOOTÍI would respectfully inform the . iiihnbitantsof Ann Arbor and vicinity that he continúes the business of SSOOK BÏDÏi, at tIieoI-1 stiind, in the Paper MUI. Old Bookb will be naadje rebound on tthortnotice. All kinds of RULING done to order.- Country produce taken in payment. April li), 134J. ö2-tf.!P&"ÉIB"Q l?ï 1 1 SS 'Tis iun theysay to gct well with them, ALL mankind througbout thcir wide and immense circulation, that ever try them conmino to buy (hem. Peters' Pilis are purefy vcgatèbléj tliey work no mirnclee, nor do tliey profes8 to cure all diseases, hecause ihcy are the soienlifie c-ompound of i regular plíysician, who has made his profession the study of his lifc. Dr. Peters is a gradúale of Yale College, also o! the Miissüclnisetts Medical College, and has somewhtfulisiinguished liinipclf as 0 man of belenes tud genius ainong ihc family of the late G :v. Peters. Peters' Vegetable Pilis are simple iiiiheir preparation, mild in their petion, thprough i" iheiropcrntion. and unrivalled in their rcsulls.- The tosvn and country are nlikc (illed with their i pruise. The pnlace nul ilie poor house alike i echo wilh their virtues. In all climales ihey will retain their wonde-fiil powers and exert them unaitered by age or siluition. and this the voice of a grateliil communiiy proclaimed. - Peters' Pilis prevent - keep cff disensos if timely used, and have no rival in curing billious fever, iever and ague.dyspepsia. liver complnints,croup, sick hcadache. jiiundicc, asthma.dropsy. rheumnlism, cnlnrgement ot'the spleen, piles, eolio, female obstrueiion, heart bui n, furred tongue, nausea, distemion of the stomach andbowels, incipient diarrhosa. fiatulence, linbiiual costiveness. loss of appetitc, bloched. or snllovv complexion, nnd in all cases cf torpor of the bowuls, where a cathartic or npcrienf is indicated, producing i neither nausea, griping or debilily; and Jve repeat all who buy them continue to try them. Tho most triumphant succes? has ever attcnded their use and cnough is alrcady known of tl.em to imniortali.c and hand them down to pos terity with the improvemenis of the nge in medical sciencc. Dr. Peters was bied to the hcalLngnrt, and in order to supply dennnds, he hop orisinated and cnlled to his nid the only sieam (invei machinery in the world (or pill working. 'Tis perfect, and its process imparte to the pill esseniial vmuc. bccause by betng perfectly wrought, all the pills' hidden virtue ia revcaled. when calledinto action.and hcre also it is Peters excelsall the world and takesall the premiums, medals and diplomas. So clear the tract for the Engine - Peters' Pills are coming - a million of witnessescan now be heard for them- resistless do you hcar that! while a host can testify that thcy believe they owe their salvation froin disease and death to Peters' Pil!, and if calóme! andknivesare gelling partiully into disusc we are only mistaken. Certificatks. - This paper could be filled wiih them by residents of Michigan, by your frienda and neighbors - ask ouragents. It is now weil known that the pcople will hnve Peters' Pil!s, and to hinder would be tosiop tho rushing wind. Price 25 or 50 cents per box. The resistless force of these mtths - their universal reception, ndt'ed to the testimony of miliions. "keep it beiore the people'' must and will be heard througbout this vale of tcars. Their happy influencc on joung latJies while suflbring under tlie usual changes of life as directed by the lnws oí nature, tliey impart a biioyaiiey ol' heart, feeling and aetion, an elnsiic sto;, velvet cheek, lillyand carnation complexion by their aetion on the chyle, &c. and laidies in delicate situations nlways admit their power and innocence, and take them two or ffirea at a timo without in tho slightest degree inemring the )unzard of an abortion; whichfacts are of the utmost importancc. Pimples; a young lady sent her love to Dr. Peters, and says she feels more grateful to him for the restoration of her beauty than if he liad saved her life. 'Tis fun to get well with Peters Pills, for they cause the blood to course as limpid and gentle through the veins as a mountain rivulet; 3 or 4 is a cominon dose, hencc the patiënt is not compelled to mako a meal. TROüBLE ÍN PLUTO'S CAMP. Quite astonished Old Pluto cnmeto New Ycrk. (Hearing Peters had got his Pill Engine at work.) To resign his comniission, his hour glass and 8cytlie; I have come to dolivcr ihom all up to yon - Sir, my calling is over - my business is through; I have been for three years in a terrible stew, And I reaily don't know what on earth I'am to do: - Not of your mighty sire do I come to complnin, But a tamal New Yorker, one PETERS by name; The diseases my aids. in this war of mankind, Are subdued by this Peters, what help can we find? I would yield him N. York, 6r, if there he would stay; But, air. Peters will have the whole world for his sway. While mueing in council what course to pursue. That Engine of Petera broke forth into view. The Kingof terrors looked a while, As though his soul was turned to bile, At that un8paring scourge of i I Is, By all men known as Peters' Pilis. These Pills ol Peters' stop the elaughter. And leaves the blood as pure as water. Now Peters mak es, I've heard him say, Five hundred thousand pills a day; So that the chance is very small Of people dying there at all; For soon the cheeks, so marked for doom, Begin like any rose to bloom.Look hsrci all icho try tliem conlinncto huy (hem. Forsale as follows, ly Me;srs. Bcach & Abel, G. Grenville, F. J. B. Crane, Maynard. & Co.. G. Ward, S. P. & J. C. Jewett, J. II. Lund, H. Becker, Dickenaon & Cogswcl!, nnd S. K. Jones, Aun Arbor: Geo. Warner &. Co-, and J. Millerd & Son, Dexter, ïïm, A. L. Shaw, Lima; J. C. Winans, Sylvan, Hale, & Smith, Grase Lake; W. Jackson, Leoni: D. T. Merriman. Jackson; M. A. Shoemaher. Michigan Centre; Brotherson &. Co., L. B. Kief & Gilbert, Manchester; D. ÍS. Haywood, Saüne; Snow &. Keys. Clinton; J. Scattergood & Co., Plymouth; Stone. Babcock tfeCo., andJulins, Movius&-Co., Ypsilami; Tiorro Teller, Detroit; J. & J. Bidwell, and Dr. Underwood, Adrion; fiart & Mosher, Springville; Harmen & Cook. Brooklyn; Smith & Co., JoneBville; L. M. Boyec, Chicago - and almost every wherc else. Oct. 19, 1842 ly TARÏFF OR ÏO TARIFF. GOODS ARE CHE4P AT GARLANDO. JUST receivednt ilie Farmcis and Mechanics Store, direct frorn New York, a general as! aortment of choice and select GOODS, consistiiiiiof all most every article wanted, euch as Shcetings. Shirtingg, Broad Cloths, Cassimere, Calicóes. Drillings, Gambroons, Liincns, Urnbrellas, Ribbons, Cravats, Mous. de Lains. Silks, Shawls, Bonnets. lluts, Sugar, Tea and CofTee, Crockery. Boots nnd Shoes, Looking Classes, &C. &c. All of which will be sold chcap as the cheapest. Goods purchasers will keep in mind the Farmers and Mechanics StoreC. J. GARLAND. N. B. Any goodapurchaKcd of hiin not giving satt6faction in price and quality can be returned. Ann Arbor, (Upper Town) June 12, '43. 7tf For Sale. ONEyoke of VVORKING OXEN. Knquirc at the Hat Storo of II. BAGG, Lower Town. Ann Arbor, May 29, 1843. 5-tf 3000 FLOUR BARRELS for sale Cheop for Cash, by C J. GARLAND. 2 Ann Aibor. Upper Town, May 5, 184:t T LAJiKP EEIfcí, MQRTGAGES, EXEJj CUTIONS, SUMMONSES, fcc. just iii'iUcdaiifi for sale at the VTSIGNdL OFFICE. jr$ JE." EEitfS'S CELEBRATED CHEMICAL PLASTER, The most effcclnal rancdy yet discovered for Jihevinnlism, t'evcr Sores, Whiië Stcellings, lnjlummalion in the Eyes, weiled Throal in Scarlet Ferer, Quinscy, THE CHEMICAL VLASTER is nn important remedy for those who nre niHicted with -hronic and LnflammWory complaints, by is casmg pain, counteracting infhimnintion, and giving speedy relief by is active, strengthcning, anoJync. clinphoretic and countcrirritant properties- m effectual renicdy iorChronic and lnillummntorv Rhcumatisni, Aguo in the Bronst, Scalde, Burns, Bruises, Scrofulo, Ulccrs, Old Sores of nlniost every description. CnnUered and Swelh-d Tliroat nrising from Scarlet Fevor, Felons, White Swcllings, Chilblnins, &c. Persons suflenng IromLiver Complnintf, Pulmonary diseascs, Infiammation of the Langs, wilh pain in the sidc, lpck or limbs. wil) iind relief ly the nse of this Phsier. In all cases it may be used with perfect S"'eY'dEAN-S CHEMICAL PLASTER is put up in bo.xes at filty cents and one Hollar cach. with íull directions accompanyiiifí ench box. Mnnufactured and sold who!e.ale by H. IIARRIS it CO.. Ashtabula, Ohio, sole proprietors. to wliom all orders should be nddreesed. Sold also by thcir Agents ihroughout the country. O" A liberal discount made to dealers and physicians. For testimoniáis and certificntcs lrom persons of the hijrhcst reppectibility, who have used the ChemicafPlaster, see another column of this paper. For sale hy the iollovving Agents in Michigan: II. W. Rood, Mies, J. C. Larrimore. u C. Skanahan, Edsvnrdsburh. Wm. O. Auslin, White Pijjeon. laasc Bonhnm, Jr., Conatnniine. Danl. L. Kinibcrly, Schoolcraft. II. B. Iluston,4SsF. Mnrcli.jrPMKalamazoo. James W. Cothren. P. M. Gjilcsburgh. T. L. Bolkcom. P. M. Battle Creek. James M. Parso'ns, P. M. Marshall. Paul Raymond. Druggist, Jnckson. Wm. Jackson, P. M. Leoni. Ilnleand Sinith. Grasa Lakc. John C. Winans, Sylvan, J Millerd & Son, De:ter. Thomas P. Mav, Jr. Plymouth, Perin & Hall, Nonhville. Mead5 MoCarthy, Fannington, Peier Van Evcry. Franklin, Juli us Dean, Pontiac, Mack & Spragne, Rochester, James Stephcns, Utico, E. C. Gnllup. Mt. Clemcns, G. & J. G. Hill, } Detroit. John Owen & Co. Dr. Thos. M. Sweeny, Dearbornville, E. Samson. Ypsilanti, J. H. LUND, ) W. S. èi J. W. MAYNARD, Ann Arbor. CIIRISTIAN EBERBACH. ) 49-lyPlonghs! Plougïis! Oy CAJY'T BE BEAT! ,0 TH E subscribiré have constant!}' on hand a largc assortmcnt of of a superior quality, whicli ïhey oiler for snle as CHEAP os can bc purchnsed at nny otlier plactj ín tlii Coumy. Thosc wisliing to purcliase will please cal] and exnniino. for thcmselves. PAUTRIDGES, KENT &. CO. Anti Aibor, April 20, 1843. 52-tf. Cliancery Salq. Absolute, for Cash and io the highest Bidder ÍN tho cause pending in the Court of Chancery. for the Second Circuit of the State uf Michi gan. wherein James Abbott is coniplainant. and Abi'gail Wclch, Dnvid Eaton, Georgc Welch, Uenry We'ich, Harriet Welch. and Augusta Welch. are defendan's, the said Georgc, Ilenry, rlnirict, and Augusta being Minors, uuder the age of twenty-one ycars, - Whereas, by n decretal order in the above cause, made by his Honor Elon Fnrnsworih, then Chancellor of the State of Michigan, bearing date the fourteenthday of July, A. D. eightcen hundred and forty one. it W8B ordcred and decreed, tbat the above nanied defendants sliould redeeni ceruin mortgaged premises in the Complainnnt's bilí contained, by ihe payment of tlie sum oHour hundred and ninety-cight dollars and twcnly-four cents, and the interest to accrue thereon, from -the iburtecmh day of July. eightKcn hundred and forty or.e, the date of a certain report in said decree mentioned. and also the costs of complainaiu to be taxed. on or before the fourteenth day of November, in the year eighieen hundred and lorty-one, or tliat in default thereof, tiie said mertgaged premises with the appurtenances, or so niuïh thereof as would be sufficient to pay tho said debt and the interest which had accrued, or might thereafter accruo with said costs, and which might be sold separately without injury to the partiesor either of them, should be eold nt public auction, at the Court House, in tho village of Ann Arbor. in the County of Washtenaw, by and under the direclion of one of the Maaters of the said Court, the said Master first giving aix weeks previous notice of the time and place of sale in some newspaper publishcd in said CouKty, as by the said decree, refcrence being thereunto had, may more fully appcar. And whorens, the said premises are yet unredeemed, and the above stated sutn wilh interest, and cost6, is yet due and unpaid, JNow, therefore, notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of thedirections of the said decree, and by virtuc of its authority, 1 will, on the sixlecnth day of May next. at the hour of Twelve o'clock, at noon, ai the Couit House of the Coumy of Washtenaw, in the village of Ann Arbor. sell to the highest bidder, at public Auction, the lands and premises in said decree mentioned, or 80 rnuch thereof as may be sufficient to pny the afuresaid sum, interest and costs, and coube sold sepaiately without injury to any of the parties in this cause, which said lands and premises are known and described as follows, viz: ill that certain tmet or parcel of land sitúate in the County of Washtenaw. and State of Michigan, known as tho Easthalfof the South Enst quarter of Section number thirty-two, in Township number four, South of Range number ecven East, containing eighty acres. Tbc snle will be absolute- without redemption and for cash. G. T. GItTDLEY, Mnster in Chancery. C. II. Stewakt, Sol. forComplt. Datcd this 2nth day of Maren, '843. The above sule is adjourned to the 8th day of June next, at the time and place above mentioned. G. T. GR1DLEY, Master. Ann Arbor, May 16. 1843. The above sale isfurther postponed nntil the twcnty-Bccond day of June instant, at the same placo and time of day. G. T. GRIDLEY, Moster. C. II. Stkwart, Sol. or CompltJune8th, 1843. The above sale is further postponed till the eleventh of July next ut the saine place and time of day. Dated June 22, 1843. G. T. GRIDLEY, Master in Chauccry. i C. II. Stkvart, Sol, for CompltLANDS FOR SALE. THE underaigned is authoriacd to sell scvernl tracts of tnnd in the counties of St. Clair, saeinaw, Sanilac, Washtencw and Lenawee at heir cash value. and take n payment State Scrip ind Warrnnts at par, or their equivalent in cash; )j !ie will proportionatc terms on time. The ensh i-alue muy be ascertained. if desired, by appraisjrs chosen by the purchaser and subscriben Tlic Washtenaw lands consist of 118 aerea in thö (own of Webster, slightly improved, of early ind choice selection, and 214 acres 3 miles below Ypsilnnti, on the River Huron, having rich bottom and upper ltmds, good timber, running waler, corn and wheat boü, excellent sites for building, surrounded by settlements, good ïoads and milis. About 30 acres have been under cultivación. CHA'S H. STEWART, 47 if Jeflerson Avenue. Detroit. Rlifilincry & Drcss iTIakin, Mns. C. BUFFFINGTON, RESPECTFULLY announces to tho inIiabitnnts of Arm Arbor arjd vicinity, thot ehe hns opened a shop, midwoy, between the upper and lower villages,where the business of MILLIJYERY $ DRESS MAK1NQ will be corried on, in all its branclies, witlV punctuality, despatch, ond in ihe best and moat iashionable style. Aiin Arbor, April 8, 1843. 50 ly "FJ&EE LABOR." MARCUSTSTEFENS r SAMUEL ZUGi HAVE taken the rooms in the lower end ot the White Block, dircctly oppositc the Michigan Exchange, where thcy will keep an extensive assortmtnt of CJiBIJVET mLI2JE, of every Pind, quality, and description, of their own manufacturing, and warrantcd to beas fashionable, good, and chcap as can be had West of New York. Purchasersaie requested to cali and examine our cxtcr.sivc assortment bcfore buying. Any aniele of Furniture made to order, and IVfirranUd to pleasc. UPHÜLSTERING done in all iis various branches, nnd at the shortost notice. CHA1RS, LOOKING GLASSES. AND VVitLÖW WARE; also. Makogany Boards and Vetteers - as cheep ns the cheapest. WANTED, Tn xohanïf. CHEHRY, WALNUT, AND MAPLE LUMBER, #r. #c. S?c. STEVENS & ZUG. Detroit, April 17, 1843. 51-3mTO CliOTUlERS, MAJ"UFJiCTURERS AND MERCUJ1NTS. npiIE subscribers are now receiving, nt tlicir X. stores, 188 .kfforson Avenue, and corner of Randolph and Woodbridge streeis, Detroit, a lnrge and general stock of Dye Woods So Bye Stufis. 35 tons Logwood, Fustic, Limewood, Nicar ragua, Hypernic Wood, in the stick, 530 bbl. gfound Cnmwood, 150 do Fustic 1ÍÍÜ do Logwood, 100 do Redwoods, 20 do Alum, 6 lilids Copperfis, 4 do Blue Vitriol, 4 pipes Ombre and Crop Madders, prime, f00 lbo. Extract Logwood, 600 do Bengal, Madras and Caraccos Indigo, 300 do 13lue"Nutgol!s, (Allcppo,) 250 do Powdered Cúrcuma, 200 do Verdigris. 10 Carboys üil Vitriol, 6 do Aqun Fortis, 4 do Spirits Sea Saltp, 4 do Nitric Acid, 2 cases Lac Dye, 300 Ihs. Banquo Tin. 2f)0 do Crcain Tartnr. 500 do Quereciron Bark. Together with a complete nesortment of all tba minor anieles in the trade, to wit: Iess Papers, Teazlep, TJrusbts, Jaclts, Tent Ilooks. Dye Ketiles, Pickers, Burling Irons, Nippers, Prussiate of l'otash, Sal Ainoniac. Sal Soda, Sugnr of Lead, Steel Reeds, Card Cleaners, MACHINE CARDS, Satinett Warps, Shears, &c. Tbis entire stock bas been purcha9ed within tliff last two weeks, and selectcd per6onally by on of the concern, who bas been in the business for the last eleven years, and tbey have no hcMtatiorr in saying that the qnality of these goods is un- exceptionable. Tbey wiïl positivly be sold at thelowcst New York jobbing prices, with the additinn of transportaiion only. The subpcribers have the sole Agency in thi State for the sale of "i'ARSON'S SHEARING MACHINES," and the eelebnted "■LEICESTER MACHINE CARDS," di'cidedly the best in use. THEO. il. EATON, & CO. April 11, 1843. 5hf M O JTJE ï TO IS JE }fIW E. THE subscriber would hereby give notice tothe farmers of Washtenaw, ejid the neighboring counties. that he has an dn mm now in operation in Ann Arbor, Lower Town where he intends at all times to buy FLAX SEED, (and other Seeds used ir making OU.) and pay the highest price, and tho best al pay. - One Doi,r.Art per bushel will be paid for good clean seed, or, one gallon of Oiï givea for the same quantity. Farmers aio requested to try Flax on thcir Summer fallows, and thereby avail tbemselvesof two crops instcad of one. RIerchasts are requested to send! in their seed and e.xchange for Oiï in preference to sending to New York or Boston for it, and thu8 keep what money we have ia our own State. [45- tf.] JOEL R, IIIDDEN. Ann Arbor, Lower Town, March 1, 1843. To Fhysicians and Country Iföerchants. B-piERRE TELLER, Whole-. ÉJl sale and Retail Druggist (siga of tbc Golden Mortar, ) 130 Jofferson Avonuo, Detroit, bas ork hand and offers to purchasers, at very low ratcs: 4 CaskB Epsom Salts; 2 caek flour Sulphur; 2 Bbls. Powdcred Jalap; 1 Bbl. powdered Rlieuborn: 2 Bbls. Cream Tortor;, Castor Oil by the gallon or dozen (assorted sizes;) Camphor, Calomel, Quinine, CorrosiveSublímale; French andEnglish Chemicais; Por fumcry of all kinds; Linseod Oiï; White Lead dry and in Oil; Enelish Venitian Red; English Lampblack; Sp. Turpentine. Michigan Glass cf all sizes together with every other article connected with tho Drug, Paint. Oiï, and Dye Stuff Buainess. April 17, 1843. r,l-tf. OF all kinds neatly executed at :he Signa OíHce, at the shortest notice, and on tn nioat reasonable terms. Books Famphlots Circular; -Vc. will be pnnted to order, au unie, wuli the utmost accuracy. U" Orders by mail proniptly filled.


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Old News