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National Liberty Convention

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Sickness pVevenied ,us from present at tliis assemblage of noble f-pirits. We hnve'i been'unable to sec the VVesterii drlegates ón their return, and cannot give fiirther infoímat ion of tho procecedingt than mny be gleaned from Whig ond Democratie papers-. Tiie correspondent of tito Decruit. Advcrtiser writes from Búllalo, Aug. 50: The orent Libcvty, or rs lt is called Tliird party Convention,assemblel hore nccordinr to previous arrangement, tías day. Inn {fteviotis letter, by-tlie-by yon ne?.er gave, I fn&itióhed the fací iliat a hujro canvas tont, was to be prociired from the Oherline fhsíitute n Odio, under which l!ie convention was to !nld its sittins. The tanf, similar ñ capacity to tiiat in which the Millerites nssembled, lias been ërecled in tlie ci:y park, 'lie Conrt [Jouse. Amone the prominent rnernberí present, I observe Judge King, of Ohio, wiio is PresioVnt; Professor Evens. of Ohio: j Pierpoint, ol' Boston; Torrey, of New Yurk; Stfongf, of Maine: yóimg Rurleigd, of Connrcticat; Foster,of Massnchusetts; Miss Abby Kelly and a host of otlier prominent nbolitionists: forming on the vhole,rather m importu.nt assemblage. lo ut running the p:olim'n:irjoc tJiis oñcrn"on. Messrs. Erèns; Poster and TVr'ey áddressed the Convention, as did oïso Abby, wlín a!tho'jgh nut a constituent memberof iheCon-i vcn'n,vas liearcU'Touoh courtesv. Thcir retnnrks wcre purticul:i'ly .stroi! ar.d devoid of Irickery. E:tch avo'wiñg himself resolved lo (íisconnect him-e!:", for ever,from bolh tlic two le-tciinLT oriranizUions of the day. aml for the ! fu !ure to fight under no other leudcrs, but tliose cirVpos.ed to slavcry. Of confíe, tfiese [ rcmaiks were responded to, by the body j nerally. The assembingo is large. The Buflalo Courier soys: But liitle business was -transnefed on Thursday. Tlie Convention oro-anized by j poinlinsr Lkicestkr, of OJtio, President; Samuel Feísenden, ot Muine: Titus j pon, uf Vermont: Wm. Jackson, of Massa, rhusetl?: Thomas C. Jones, of Ne? V'Órk; Samuel McFarlana. of Pennsylvania; Snmuel lewi? of Ohio: Chas. V. Dyer, of E4J Wm, II. EnrJeigh, of Conneclicnt, Vico Prnpidents: and Lineus P. Noble, o!' New York; Elizur Wright. of Massarhusetts; Charles B. Ray, of New York: O. Lovejoy of Illinois; and Timotby H. Hudson, of Ohio, Secretane?. Ye?terday the credentiuls of the delerrates j having been presentid nnd exnmined, they sep;irated from he crowd nnd proceeded to j consider the business upon which they had j sembled. Letters were read from Mr. J. G. Öirnry and I ion. Wm. Jav, in which the formcr recommended the convpntion to reconsider !he nomination of himelf as Pre-ident, atíd the latter d'jclii;ed a candidato and uríred the continua uce ff Birney in that pesition. The convention una'iimonsly detennmed to make a noirinatinn for President and Vice President, nnd wiih great unnmmity renotninatpd Jami:s G. Birnkv, of Alichioran, for Prcs'.deut. juvl-C'" "' -"--oC - The re nominotion of Messrs. Birney and Morris meéis our cordial approval, and we doubt not wil! be well responded to throughout the country. But. few of tnc Liberty menof this State liave been. priviïeged with a j sonal aequuintance wilh Mr. Mo!iR!S,although bis character as a statesmnn and patriot has given liim a high place in iheir estimafion.- But Mr. BiRNKY.during the shorVtime lilnis been with us, has rrained largely npon the regard nnd esteem of the Liberty men of Mich., and we are confident we speak the voice cf all of lhém whén wo say, tJiat he id their unmimous choice. We dó not believe that beter ctndidalcs. onld have been se-rctoil, or hut nominntionsctnild have been made tliat voii] - Sincejlie ahove vis in type, we have Cdriversed with Dr. I?i-.mi:.nt, wjiq was adelogïte ! from Wnsleri) Mioliirran. lie infonns ns vjie [ isstmblage was large, there being some four j or.five thonsand pre?i-ntat the mee'ings. The utmost harmony and nnanimity prevailec1.- The States represented werê Maine, Vermont. .Massachiiselts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois nnd Indiana. W'e shall publisu the official proceedings as sooh as received. {L?= The Cheming Whig says thatthe N. Y. Courier and Iv.iquifcr is only YV.Ïig paper in the State that is for holding slill this faü, in order to secure the-grcnt victvv next yoar. Tlic Whig calis Mr. J. Wfcteo VVebb a p'jlüical blackleg, and recomniends to tlirow liim overboard. The Ouego Adveiliser thus {jdiscourees of this do noihing policy: 't is a mistaken notion, that it is iisele?s to bring np candicloies for office when the chance is Dgainst ds. Expëriencei the best of leachorp, shows enntrary. ÏJow long is it since onr nrijority in lhe sixth Senatoria] district .was Uvelvc hvndred and upwnds? Did the lncofoco parly tlien döcline nominatin? n candidato 'hiwigh fcar tiiey vvoyld be dcfeater]?- No', fhey-knew beiter- 'they knew thal their perseverance and our fiipineness, wotild n!uBinteiy give them lhe victory: nnd they judged riahtly. 'If we are ndt p and domg. onr political dc-ath drawei Ii nieh; and thnugh we rrray nbject to wear lhe collar we vill be compelled lo submit to the yoke.' --- - i (t? The Liberty nominations for tliis ' County are first rate. The candidutes are not inferior in capacity for legislators to nny that ean be presented by the other parties, while tlieir Democracy and regard for human rights is not limited by nntional descent, or the hue of the skin. Mr.GAY,of Livingsfon.has been for imny years a resident of this District; and is favorably known os a gentleman of soundjudgment and good business knowledge. Let all the nominéis receka a generous and liberal support.


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